예제 #1
  DBPort(InetSocketAddress addr, DBPortPool pool, MongoOptions options) throws IOException {
    _options = options;
    _addr = addr;
    _pool = pool;

    _hashCode = _addr.hashCode();

    _logger = Logger.getLogger(_rootLogger.getName() + "." + addr.toString());
예제 #2
public class DBPort {

  public static final int PORT = 27017;
  static final boolean USE_NAGLE = false;

  static final long CONN_RETRY_TIME_MS = 15000;

  public DBPort(InetSocketAddress addr) throws IOException {
    this(addr, null, new MongoOptions());

  DBPort(InetSocketAddress addr, DBPortPool pool, MongoOptions options) throws IOException {
    _options = options;
    _addr = addr;
    _pool = pool;

    _hashCode = _addr.hashCode();

    _logger = Logger.getLogger(_rootLogger.getName() + "." + addr.toString());

  /** @param response will get wiped */
  DBMessage call(DBMessage msg, ByteDecoder decoder) throws IOException {
    return go(msg, decoder);

  void say(DBMessage msg) throws IOException {
    go(msg, null);

  private synchronized DBMessage go(DBMessage msg, ByteDecoder decoder) throws IOException {

    if (_sock == null) _open();

      ByteBuffer out = msg.prepare();
      while (out.remaining() > 0) _sock.write(out);

    if (_pool != null) _pool._everWorked = true;

    if (decoder == null) return null;

    ByteBuffer response = decoder._buf;

    if (response.position() != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    int read = 0;
    while (read < DBMessage.HEADER_LENGTH) read += _read(response);

    int len = response.getInt(0);
    if (len <= DBMessage.HEADER_LENGTH)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("db sent invalid length: " + len);

    if (len > response.capacity())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "db message size is too big (" + len + ") " + "max is (" + response.capacity() + ")");

    while (read < len) read += _read(response);

    if (read != len) throw new RuntimeException("something is wrong");

    return new DBMessage(response);

  public synchronized void ensureOpen() throws IOException {

    if (_sock != null) return;


  void _open() throws IOException {

    long sleepTime = 100;

    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while (true) {

      IOException lastError = null;

      try {
        _sock = SocketChannel.open();
        _socket = _sock.socket();
        _socket.connect(_addr, _options.connectTimeout);

        _in = _socket.getInputStream();
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        //  TODO  - erh to fix                lastError = new IOException( "couldn't connect to [" +
        // _addr + "] bc:" + lastError , lastError );
        lastError = new IOException("couldn't connect to [" + _addr + "] bc:" + ioe);
        _logger.log(Level.INFO, "connect fail to : " + _addr, ioe);

      if (!_options.autoConnectRetry || (_pool != null && !_pool._everWorked)) throw lastError;

      long sleptSoFar = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

      if (sleptSoFar >= CONN_RETRY_TIME_MS) throw lastError;

      if (sleepTime + sleptSoFar > CONN_RETRY_TIME_MS) sleepTime = CONN_RETRY_TIME_MS - sleptSoFar;

          "going to sleep and retry.  total sleep time after = "
              + (sleptSoFar + sleptSoFar)
              + "ms  this time:"
              + sleepTime
              + "ms");
      sleepTime *= 2;

  public int hashCode() {
    return _hashCode;

  public String host() {
    return _addr.toString();

  public String toString() {
    return "{DBPort  " + host() + "}";

  protected void finalize() {
    if (_sock != null) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // don't care

      _in = null;
      _socket = null;
      _sock = null;

  void checkAuth(DB db) {
    if (db._username == null) return;
    if (_authed.containsKey(db)) return;

    if (_inauth) return;

    _inauth = true;
    try {
      if (db.reauth()) {
        _authed.put(db, true);
    } finally {
      _inauth = false;

    throw new MongoInternalException("can't reauth!");

  private int _read(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {
    int x = _in.read(buf.array(), buf.position(), buf.remaining());
    if (x < 0) throw new IOException("connection to server closed unexpectedly");
    buf.position(buf.position() + x);
    return x;

  final int _hashCode;
  final InetSocketAddress _addr;
  final DBPortPool _pool;
  final MongoOptions _options;
  final Logger _logger;

  private SocketChannel _sock;
  private Socket _socket;
  private InputStream _in;

  private boolean _inauth = false;
  private Map<DB, Boolean> _authed = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<DB, Boolean>());

  private static Logger _rootLogger = Logger.getLogger("com.mongodb.port");
예제 #3
파일: Overlord.java 프로젝트: rf/bitster
 * A reactor that selects on some stuff and then notifies some Communicators that things happened
public class Overlord {
  private Selector selector;
  private Pipe pipe;
  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Overlord");
  private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Communicator> queue;

  // This is just used to read the one byte off of pipes informing us that
  // there is data on some queue.
  ByteBuffer ignored = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);

  public Overlord() {
    try {
      selector = Selector.open();
      queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Communicator>();

      // open the pipe and register it with our selector
      pipe = Pipe.open();
      pipe.source().register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("select() failed");

  /** Selects on sockets and informs their Communicator when there is something to do. */
  public void communicate(int timeout) {

    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // Not really sure why/when this happens yet

    Iterator<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys().iterator();

    while (keys.hasNext()) {
      SelectionKey key = keys.next();
      if (!key.isValid()) continue; // WHY
      Communicator communicator = (Communicator) key.attachment();

      if (key.isReadable()) communicator.onReadable();
      if (key.isWritable()) communicator.onWritable();
      if (key.isAcceptable()) communicator.onAcceptable();

    // Go through the queue and handle each communicator
    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
      Communicator c = queue.poll();

  public void offer(Communicator c) {

  /** Registers a SelectableChannel */
  public boolean register(SelectableChannel sc, Communicator communicator) {
    try {
      sc.register(selector, sc.validOps(), communicator);

      return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return false;

  /** If the selector is waiting, wake it up */
  public void interrupt() {

  /** Registers a SelectableQueue */
  public boolean register(SelectableQueue sq, Communicator communicator) {
    try {
      // Register the new pipe with the queue. It will write a byte to this
      // pipe when the queue is hot, and it will offer its communicator to our
      // queue.
      sq.register(this, communicator);

      return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return false;
예제 #4
 * The Network Access Point is the most outward part of the stack. It is constructed around a
 * datagram socket and takes care of forwarding incoming messages to the MessageProcessor as well as
 * sending datagrams to the STUN server specified by the original NetAccessPointDescriptor.
 * @author Emil Ivov
class Connector implements Runnable {
  /** Our class logger. */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Connector.class.getName());

  /** The message queue is where incoming messages are added. */
  private final MessageQueue messageQueue;

  /** The socket object that used by this access point to access the network. */
  private IceSocketWrapper sock;

  /** The object that we use to lock socket operations (since the socket itself is often null) */
  private final Object sockLock = new Object();

  /** A flag that is set to false to exit the message processor. */
  private boolean running;

  /** The instance to be notified if errors occur in the network listening thread. */
  private final ErrorHandler errorHandler;

  /** The address that we are listening to. */
  private final TransportAddress listenAddress;

   * The remote address of the socket of this <tt>Connector</tt> if it is a TCP socket, or
   * <tt>null</tt> if it is UDP.
  private final TransportAddress remoteAddress;

   * Creates a network access point.
   * @param socket the socket that this access point is supposed to use for communication.
   * @param messageQueue the FIFO list where incoming messages should be queued
   * @param errorHandler the instance to notify when errors occur.
  protected Connector(
      IceSocketWrapper socket, MessageQueue messageQueue, ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
    this.sock = socket;
    this.messageQueue = messageQueue;
    this.errorHandler = errorHandler;

    Transport transport = socket.getUDPSocket() != null ? Transport.UDP : Transport.TCP;

    listenAddress =
        new TransportAddress(socket.getLocalAddress(), socket.getLocalPort(), transport);
    if (transport == Transport.UDP) {
      remoteAddress = null;
    } else {
      Socket tcpSocket = socket.getTCPSocket();

      remoteAddress =
          new TransportAddress(tcpSocket.getInetAddress(), tcpSocket.getPort(), transport);

  /** Start the network listening thread. */
  void start() {
    this.running = true;

    Thread thread = new Thread(this, "IceConnector@" + hashCode());


   * Returns the <tt>DatagramSocket</tt> that contains the port and address associated with this
   * access point.
   * @return the <tt>DatagramSocket</tt> associated with this AP.
  protected IceSocketWrapper getSocket() {
    return sock;

  /** The listening thread's run method. */
  public void run() {
    DatagramPacket packet = null;

    while (this.running) {
      try {
        IceSocketWrapper localSock;

        synchronized (sockLock) {
          if (!running) return;

          localSock = this.sock;

         * Make sure localSock's receiveBufferSize is taken into
         * account including after it gets changed.
        int receiveBufferSize = 1500;
        if(localSock.getTCPSocket() != null)
            receiveBufferSize = localSock.getTCPSocket().
        else if(localSock.getUDPSocket() != null)
            receiveBufferSize = localSock.getUDPSocket().

        if (packet == null) {
          packet = new DatagramPacket(new byte[receiveBufferSize], receiveBufferSize);
        } else {
          byte[] packetData = packet.getData();

          if ((packetData == null) || (packetData.length < receiveBufferSize)) {
            packet.setData(new byte[receiveBufferSize], 0, receiveBufferSize);
          } else {
             * XXX Tell the packet it is large enough because the
             * socket will not look at the length of the data array
             * property and will just respect the length property.


        // get lost if we are no longer running.
        if (!running) return;

        logger.finest("received datagram");

        RawMessage rawMessage =
            new RawMessage(
                new TransportAddress(
                    packet.getAddress(), packet.getPort(), listenAddress.getTransport()),

      } catch (SocketException ex) {
        if (running) {
              Level.WARNING, "Connector died: " + listenAddress + " -> " + remoteAddress, ex);

          // Something wrong has happened
              this, "A socket exception was thrown" + " while trying to receive a message.", ex);
        } else {
          // The exception was most probably caused by calling
          // this.stop().
      } catch (ClosedChannelException cce) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "A net access point has gone useless:", cce);

            this, "ClosedChannelException occurred while listening" + " for messages!", cce);
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "A net access point has gone useless:", ex);

        errorHandler.handleError(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        // do not stop the thread;
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "A net access point has gone useless:", ex);

            this, "Unknown error occurred while listening for messages!", ex);

  /** Makes the access point stop listening on its socket. */
  protected void stop() {
    synchronized (sockLock) {
      this.running = false;
      if (this.sock != null) {
        this.sock = null;

   * Sends message through this access point's socket.
   * @param message the bytes to send.
   * @param address message destination.
   * @throws IOException if an exception occurs while sending the message.
  void sendMessage(byte[] message, TransportAddress address) throws IOException {
    DatagramPacket datagramPacket = new DatagramPacket(message, 0, message.length, address);


   * Returns a String representation of the object.
   * @return a String representation of the object.
  public String toString() {
    return "ice4j.Connector@" + listenAddress + " status: " + (running ? "not" : "") + " running";

   * Returns the <tt>TransportAddress</tt> that this access point is bound on.
   * @return the <tt>TransportAddress</tt> associated with this AP.
  TransportAddress getListenAddress() {
    return listenAddress;

   * Returns the remote <tt>TransportAddress</tt> in case of TCP, or <tt>null</tt> in case of UDP.
   * @return the remote <tt>TransportAddress</tt> in case of TCP, or <tt>null</tt> in case of UDP.
  TransportAddress getRemoteAddress() {
    return remoteAddress;
예제 #5
파일: LibRt.java 프로젝트: yamila87/rt_src
public class LibRt {
  public static String CfgEncodingDflt =
      "ISO-8859-1"; // U: si no especificamos, un archivo a string se lee con este encoding

  public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("rt");
  public static final String EOL = "\n";
  public static final int BUFF_SZ = 8192;

  public static java.util.Hashtable state =
      new java.util
          .Hashtable(); // U: accesible desde javascript para mantener estado entre llamadas AUNQUE
                        // los scripts se ejecuten de cero en cada thread

  public static boolean IsLogInitialized = false;

  public static void logInit(boolean force) throws IOException {
    if (!IsLogInitialized || force) {
      String logFile = System.getProperty("CfgLog");
      if (logFile != null) {
        LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(new FileInputStream(logFile));
      try {
        LogLvlMax = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("LogLvlMax", LogLvlMax + ""));
      } catch (Exception ex) {
      ; // XXX: mostrar mensaje?

  // Primitiva de log
  public static int LogLvlMax = 9; // DFLT

  public static void logm(String t, int lvl, String msg, Object o) {
    // System.out.println("LOG:" + t + ":" + lvl + ":" + msg + ":" + (o != null ? ser_json(o) :
    // ""));
    if (lvl <= LogLvlMax) {
      logger.info(t + ":" + lvl + ":" + msg + ":" + (o != null ? ser_json(o) : ""));

  public static void logmex(String t, int lvl, String msg, Object o, Exception ex) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    StackTraceElement se[] = ex.getStackTrace();
    for (int i = 0; i < se.length; i++) {
      sb.append(se[i].getMethodName() + "@" + se[i].getFileName() + "@" + se[i].getLineNumber());
      sb.append(" > ");
    logm(t, lvl, msg + " EXCEPTION " + ex + " " + sb.toString(), o);

  // ***************************************************************************
  // S: enc/base64

  public static String enc_base64(String data) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    return enc_base64(data.getBytes("UTF-8"));

  public static String enc_base64(byte[] data) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    return DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(data);

  public static String enc_base64_r_str(String encoded) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    return new String(enc_base64_r(encoded), "UTF-8");

  public static byte[] enc_base64_r(String encoded) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    return DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(encoded);

  // ***************************************************************************
  // S: ser/json
  static final Gson gson = new Gson(); // A: encapsulamos
  // XXX: mejor usar Jackson? cual usan otros proyectos de EM? Por que?

  public static String ser_json(Object o) {
    String s = "";
    try {
      s = gson.toJson(o);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      s = o + "";
    return s;

  // ***************************************************************************
  // S: ser/csv

  public static int serRsCsvToFile(
      ResultSet resultset, String[] columnNames, String path, int maxRows, String separator) {
    Writer writer;
    try {
      writer = fileWriter(path);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      logm("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT OPEN unsupported encondig", path);
      return -1;
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      logm("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT OPEN file not found", path);
      return -1;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logm("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT OPEN file not found", path);
      return -1;
    // A: writer escribe en el archivo especificado
    return serRsCsvToWriter(resultset, columnNames, writer, maxRows, separator);

  public static int serDiccCsvToWriter(String str, String path, int maxRows, String separator) {
    Writer writer;
    try {
      writer = fileWriterAppend(path, false, null);
      logm("DBG", 9, "ABRE WRITER", null);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      logm("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT OPEN unsupported encondig", path);
      return -1;
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      logm("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT OPEN file not found", path);
      return -1;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logm("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT OPEN file not found", path);
      return -1;
    // A: writer escribe en el archivo especificado
    return serDiccCsvToWriter(str, writer, maxRows, separator);

  public static String[] dbRsColumnNames(ResultSet resultset) throws SQLException {
    java.util.Vector<String> rv = new java.util.Vector<String>();
    if (resultset != null) {
      logm("DBG", 9, "ColumnCount=0 Calculando cantidad columnas desde metadata", null);
      ResultSetMetaData md = resultset.getMetaData();
      int columnCount = md.getColumnCount();
      logm("DBG", 9, "ColumnCount", columnCount);
      for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) {
    String[] r = rv.toArray(new String[0]);
    logm("DBG", 9, "DB dbRsColumnNames", r);
    return r;

  public static int serRsCsvToWriter(
      ResultSet resultset, String[] columnNames, Writer writer, int maxRows, String separator) {
    int counter = 0;
    if (resultset != null) {
      if (columnNames == null) {
        try {
          logm("NFO", 9, "CSV titulos, obteniendo desde metadata", null);
          columnNames = dbRsColumnNames(resultset);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
          logmex("ERR", 1, "CSV titulos, obteniendo desde metadata", null, e);
          return -1;
      logm("DBG", 7, "CSV titulos", columnNames);
      // A: columnCount tiene el valor especificado o el default

      int columnCount = columnNames.length;
      // Itero el resultset escribiendo el output
      try {
        // XXX:OPCION escape separator si aparece en un valor?

        logm("DBG", 4, "ESCRIBIENDO ARCHIVO", resultset);

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount - 1; i++) {
          logm("DBG", 9, "ESCRIBE COL: ", columnNames[i]);

        writer.write(columnNames[columnCount - 1]);

        logm("DBG", 4, "SE ESCRIBIO LINEA DE COLUMNAS", null);
        logm("DBG", 4, "COUNTER", counter);
        logm("DBG", 4, "MAXROWS", maxRows);
        // A: escribi los nombres de las columnas

        boolean hasNext = resultset.next();

        logm("DBG", 4, "NEXT", hasNext);

        while ((counter < maxRows || maxRows < 0) && hasNext) {

          logm("DBG", 4, "Escribiendo fila :", counter);

          String buf;
          for (int i = 1; i < columnCount; i++) {

            if ((buf = resultset.getString(i)) != null) {

            logm("DBG", 9, "STR", buf);

          if ((buf = resultset.getString(columnCount)) != null) {

          logm("DBG", 9, "STR", buf);

          // XXX:loguear un cartelito ej. cada 1000
          hasNext = resultset.next();

        logm("DBG", 2, "termino de escribir lineas", null);

      } catch (SQLException s) {
        logmex("ERR", 0, "DB leyendo resultset para CSV", null, s);
        return -1;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logmex("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT writing", null, e);
        return -1;
    } else {
      logm("NFO", 3, "DB FILE CSV RESULTSET IS NULL, was expected?", null);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logmex("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT closing", null, e);
      return -1;
    return counter;

  public static int serDiccCsvToWriter(String csv, Writer writer, int maxRows, String separator) {
    int counter = 0;

    if (csv != null) {
      try {

      } catch (IOException e) {
        logmex("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT writing", null, e);
        return -1;
    } else {
      logm("NFO", 3, "DB FILE CSV RESULTSET IS NULL, was expected?", null);

    return counter;

  public static int serDiccGroupByToWriter(
      ResultSet rs,
      Writer writer,
      int maxRows,
      String idPor,
      String[] idAcumulados,
      String campoAcumuladoNombre) {
    int rowsCount = 0;

    try {

      ArrayList<String> acumulado = null;
      String idActual = null;
      StringBuilder reg = null;
      reg = new StringBuilder();
      String value = "";

      if (rs != null) {
        ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
        int countCol = rsm.getColumnCount();
        String name = "";
        for (int i = 1; i <= countCol; i++) {
          name = rsm.getColumnName(i);

        writer.write(reg.toString() + EOL);

        while (rs.next()) {
          if (idActual == null) {
            reg = new StringBuilder();
            acumulado = new ArrayList<String>();
            idActual = rs.getString(idPor);

            for (int i = 1; i <= countCol; i++) {

            for (String id : idAcumulados) {
              value = rs.getString(id);
              if (!rs.wasNull()) {

          } else {

            if (idActual.equals(rs.getString(idPor))) {
              for (String id : idAcumulados) {
                value = rs.getString(id);
                if (!rs.wasNull()) {
            } else {
              if (acumulado.size() > 0) {
                for (String str : acumulado) {
                reg.deleteCharAt(reg.length() - 1);

              if (maxRows == rowsCount) {

              idActual = rs.getString(idPor);
              reg = new StringBuilder();
              acumulado = new ArrayList<String>();

              for (int i = 1; i <= countCol; i++) {

              for (String id : idAcumulados) {
                value = rs.getString(id);
                if (!rs.wasNull()) {

        if (acumulado.size() > 0) {
          for (String str : acumulado) {
          reg.deleteCharAt(reg.length() - 1);

    } catch (SQLException e) {
      logm("ERR", 1, "Error al escribir registros", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logm("ERR", 1, "Error al escribir registros", e);
    return rowsCount;

  public static void closeWriterAppend(Writer writer) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logmex("ERR", 0, "FILE WRITER CSV OUTPUT closing", null, e);

  // ***************************************************************************
  // S: db
  public static int dbRsColumnCount(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
    return rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();

  // ***************************************************************************
  // S: digest
  public static MessageDigest digestCalc(String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    return MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);

  public static String digestHexStr(MessageDigest digestCalc) {
    return (new HexBinaryAdapter()).marshal(digestCalc.digest());

  public static String digest(String data, String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    MessageDigest calc = digestCalc(algorithm);
    return digestHexStr(calc);

  // ***************************************************************************
  // S: file
  public static Writer fileWriter(String path)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    return fileWriter(path, false, null);

  public static Writer fileWriter(String path, boolean zip, MessageDigest digestCalc)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    return streamWriter(new FileOutputStream(path), zip, digestCalc);

  public static Writer fileWriterAppend(String path, boolean zip, MessageDigest digestCalc)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    return streamWriter(new FileOutputStream(path, true), zip, digestCalc);

  public static OutputStream streamForOutput_file(
      String path, boolean zip, MessageDigest digestCalc)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    return streamForOutput(new FileOutputStream(path), zip, digestCalc);

  public static OutputStream streamForOutput(OutputStream os, boolean zip, MessageDigest digestCalc)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    OutputStream dos = digestCalc != null ? new DigestOutputStream(os, digestCalc) : os;
    OutputStream zos = zip ? new GZIPOutputStream(dos) : dos;
    return zos;

  public static Writer streamWriter(OutputStream os, boolean zip, MessageDigest digestCalc)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    return new BufferedWriter(
        new OutputStreamWriter(streamForOutput(os, zip, digestCalc), "utf-8"));

  public static InputStream streamForInput_file(String path, boolean zip, MessageDigest digestCalc)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    return streamForInput(new FileInputStream(path), zip, digestCalc);

  public static Reader fileReader(String path, boolean zip, MessageDigest digestCalc)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    return streamReader(new FileInputStream(path), zip, digestCalc);

  public static InputStream streamForInput(InputStream fis, boolean zip, MessageDigest digestCalc)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    InputStream dis = digestCalc != null ? new DigestInputStream(fis, digestCalc) : fis;
    InputStream zis = zip ? new GZIPInputStream(dis) : dis;
    return zis;

  public static Reader streamReader(InputStream fis, boolean zip, MessageDigest digestCalc)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    return new BufferedReader(
        new InputStreamReader(streamForInput(fis, zip, digestCalc))); // , "utf-8"));

  public static int pipe_stream(InputStream is, OutputStream os, boolean wantsKeepOpen)
      throws IOException { // U: copia de un stream al otro
    int cnt = 0;
    int n;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFF_SZ];
    while ((n = is.read(buffer)) > -1) {
      cnt += n;
      os.write(buffer, 0, n);
    if (!wantsKeepOpen) {
    return cnt;

  public static String get_stream(Reader isr) throws IOException {
    char[] buffer = new char[BUFF_SZ];
    StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
    logm("DBG", 9, "STREAM GET", isr + "");
    for (; ; ) {
      int rsz = isr.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
      logm("DBG", 9, "STREAM GET READ", rsz);
      if (rsz < 0) break;
      out.append(buffer, 0, rsz);
    String s = out.toString();
    logm("DBG", 9, "STREAM GET RESULT", s);
    return s;

  public static String get_stream(InputStream is) throws IOException {
    return get_stream(is, CfgEncodingDflt);

  public static String get_stream(InputStream is, String encoding) throws IOException {
    if (encoding == null) {
      encoding = CfgEncodingDflt;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFF_SZ];
    StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
    logm("DBG", 9, "STREAM GET", is + "");
    for (; ; ) {
      int rsz = is.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
      logm("DBG", 9, "STREAM GET READ", rsz);
      if (rsz < 0) break;
      out.append(new String(buffer, 0, rsz, encoding));
    String s = out.toString();
    logm("DBG", 9, "STREAM GET RESULT", s);
    return s;

  public static void set_stream(OutputStream os, String data, String encoding) throws IOException {

  public static void set_stream(Writer os, String data) throws IOException {

  public static String get_file(
      String path, boolean gzip, MessageDigest digestCalc, String encoding)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
    try {
      return get_stream(streamForInput_file(path, gzip, digestCalc));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
      return "";

  public static String get_resource(String path) throws IOException {
    java.io.InputStream srcs = null;
    try {
      srcs = LibRt.class.getResourceAsStream(path);
      return get_stream(srcs);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      LibRt.logmex("DBG", 9, "RT GET_RESOURCE", path, ex);
      throw (ex);

  public static String get_resourceOrFile(
      String path, boolean gzip, MessageDigest digestCalc, String encoding)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
    try {
      return get_resource(path);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      return get_file(path, gzip, digestCalc, encoding);

  public static void set_file(
      String path, String data, boolean gzip, MessageDigest digestCalc, String encoding)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
    set_stream(streamForOutput_file(path, gzip, digestCalc), data, CfgEncodingDflt);

  public static String[] get_filelist(String path, boolean nodirs, boolean nofiles) {
    File folder = new File(path);
    if (folder.isDirectory()) {
      File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
      java.util.Vector<String> r = new java.util.Vector<String>();
      for (int i = 0; listOfFiles != null && i < listOfFiles.length; i++) {
        if ((listOfFiles[i].isFile() && !nofiles) || (listOfFiles[i].isDirectory() && !nodirs)) {
      return r.toArray(new String[0]);
    } else {
      return null; // A: no existe o no es directorio

  public static FileLock lock_file(String path) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {
    RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(path, "rw");
    FileChannel fileChannel = file.getChannel();
    return fileChannel.tryLock();

  public static boolean unlock_file(FileLock fileLock) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {
    if (fileLock != null) {
      return true;
    return false;

  public static String temp_filePath(String namePattern, String ext)
      throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {
    File temp = File.createTempFile("temp-file-name", ".tmp");
    return temp.getAbsolutePath();

  // ***************************************************************************
  // S File: scp = copiar sobre ssh
  public static void set_file_scp(
      String srcFilePath,
      String dstUrl,
      String dstFilePath,
      String dstUser,
      String dstPass,
      String keyFilePath)
      throws SshException {
    // SEE:
    // http://code.google.com/p/securechannelfacade/source/browse/trunk/src/main/java/org/rev6/scf/SshConnection.java?r=12
    SshConnection sshCx = null;
    String[] nameAndPort = dstUrl.split(":");
    int dstPort = nameAndPort.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(nameAndPort[1]) : 22;
    try {
      if (keyFilePath == null) {
        sshCx = new SshConnection(nameAndPort[0], dstUser, dstPass);
            "NET SSH CONNECT TO {HOST: '"
                + nameAndPort[0]
                + "', PORT:"
                + dstPort
                + ", USER:'******', auth: '"
                + "pass"
                + "'}",
      } else {
        sshCx = new SshConnection(nameAndPort[0], dstUser, new File(keyFilePath));
            "NET SSH CONNECT TO {HOST: '"
                + nameAndPort[0]
                + "', PORT:"
                + dstPort
                + ", USER:'******', auth: 'key', keyfile: '"
                + keyFilePath
                + "'}",

      ScpFile scpFile = new ScpFile(new File(srcFilePath), dstFilePath);
      sshCx.executeTask(new ScpUpload(scpFile));
    } finally {
      if (sshCx != null) {

  public static void set_file_scp_pass(
      String srcFilePath, String dstUrl, String dstFilePath, String dstUser, String dstPass)
      throws SshException {
    set_file_scp(srcFilePath, dstUrl, dstFilePath, dstUser, dstPass, null);

  public static void set_file_scp_key(
      String srcFilePath, String dstUrl, String dstFilePath, String dstUser, String keyFilePath)
      throws SshException {
    set_file_scp(srcFilePath, dstUrl, dstFilePath, dstUser, null, keyFilePath);

  // ***************************************************************************
  // S: net/http
  public static HttpURLConnection httpCx(String url, String method, String usr, String pass)
      throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ProtocolException {
    // NB:https requiere HAVA_HOME para encontrar los certificados!
    URL obj = new URL(url);
    HttpURLConnection cx = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
    if (usr != "") {
      String basicAuth = "Basic " + new String(enc_base64(usr + ":" + pass));
      cx.setRequestProperty("Authorization", basicAuth);
    // A: parameters set

    return cx;

  public static void httpWrite(HttpURLConnection cx, String data)
      throws IOException, ProtocolException {
    DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(cx.getOutputStream());

  public static String httpRead(HttpURLConnection cx)
      throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
    // int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
    return get_stream(cx.getInputStream());

  public static String get_http(String url, String method, String data, String usr, String pass)
      throws IOException, ProtocolException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    HttpURLConnection cx = httpCx(url, method, usr, pass);
    if (data != null) {
      httpWrite(cx, data);
    return httpRead(cx);

  // ****************************************************************************
  // S: Javascript
  public static LibRtJs JsImpl =
      System.getProperty("jsImpl", "RHINO").equals("JDK") ? new LibRtJsJdk() : new LibRtJsRhino();

  public static LibRtJs jsEval(String js, String srcDesc, LibRtJs jsEnv, String[] args)
      throws Exception {
    logm("DBG", 9, "RT JS EVAL START PATH=" + srcDesc + " SRC", js);
    return JsImpl.jsEval(js, srcDesc, jsEnv, args);

  public static Object jsCall(String funName, LibRtJs jsEnv, Object[] args)
      throws IOException, Exception {
    logm("DBG", 5, "RT JS CALL TRY", funName);
    return JsImpl.jsCall(funName, jsEnv, args);

  public static LibRtJs jsLoad(String path, LibRtJs jsEnv, String[] args)
      throws IOException, Exception {
    logm("DBG", 5, "RT JS LOAD TRY", path);
    return JsImpl.jsLoad(path, jsEnv, args);

  public static LibRtJs jsLoadAlone(
      String path,
      Hashtable<String, Object>
          env) { // U: ejecutar un script en un contexto separado (no comparte variables salvo las
                 // que le pasemos en el hashtable)
    return JsImpl.jsLoadAlone(path, env);

  // ****************************************************************************
  // S: paths

  public static String runtimePath()
      throws java.net.URISyntaxException,
          java.net.MalformedURLException { // U: para cargar librerias y assets, etc.
    // SEE: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/320542/how-to-get-the-path-of-a-running-jar-file
    URL url = LibRt.class.getResource(LibRt.class.getSimpleName() + ".class");
    logm("DBG", 1, "RT runtimePath URL", url);
    URL urlOk = (url.getProtocol() == "jar" ? new URL(url.getPath()) : url);
    logm("DBG", 1, "RT runtimePath URL OK", urlOk);
    return new File(urlOk.toURI()).getParentFile().getPath();

  // ****************************************************************************
  // S: main
  public static void init() throws Exception {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String mainPath = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "0inicio.js";
    try {
      jsLoad("librt.js", null, args);
      jsLoad(mainPath, null, args);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      logmex("ERR", 1, "RT RUNNING SCRIPTS", null, ex);

  private static Class<?> getClassFromJar(String pathToJar, String pkg, String classToGet)
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SecurityException, InstantiationException,
          IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException,
          InvocationTargetException {

    JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(pathToJar);
    Enumeration e = jarFile.entries();

    URL[] urls = {new URL("jar:file:" + pathToJar + "!/")};
    ClassLoader cl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls);

    Class<?> c = Class.forName(pkg + "." + classToGet, true, cl);

    return c;

  public static void executeMethodClass(
      String pathToJar,
      String pkg,
      String classToGet,
      String methodName,
      String pathToFile,
      long logIdSyncMin,
      long logIdSyncMax)
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SecurityException, InstantiationException,
          IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException,
          InvocationTargetException {
    Class<?> c = getClassFromJar(pathToJar, pkg, classToGet);
    Method method = c.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, String.class, long.class, long.class);
    method.invoke(null, pathToFile, logIdSyncMin, logIdSyncMax);