/** Check if an URL is relative to another URL. */ public static boolean relativeURL(URL url1, URL url2) { return ((url1.getProtocol() == null && url2.getProtocol() == null) || url1.getProtocol().equals(url2.getProtocol())) && ((url1.getAuthority() == null && url2.getAuthority() == null) || url1.getAuthority().equals(url2.getAuthority())) && ((url1.getPath() == null && url2.getPath() == null) || url2.getPath().startsWith(url1.getPath())); }
private List<String> searchDependencyEngineConfigFiles( String prefixPackageName, Class<?> contentLoaderClass) { List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Enumeration<?> enumFiles = findConfigFileUrls(prefixPackageName, contentLoaderClass); while (enumFiles != null && enumFiles.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = (URL) enumFiles.nextElement(); if (url == null || url.getFile() == null || url.getFile().length() <= 1) continue; String fileName = getFileName(url.getPath()); if (url.getProtocol() != null && url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("jar")) { String elementInJar = getJarFileEntryName(url.getPath()); JarFile jarFile = openJar(url); List<JarEntry> entries = Collections.list(jarFile.entries()); for (JarEntry entry : entries) { String entryName = entry.getName(); if (entryName.startsWith(elementInJar)) { if (!entry.isDirectory() && entryName.matches(dependencyEngineConfigFileRegex)) { fileNames.add(fileName + "!" + "/" + entry.toString()); } } } } else { List<String> list = searchDependencyEngineConfigFiles(new File(fileName)); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { fileNames.addAll(list); } } } return fileNames; }
protected static String getPath(URL url) { if (url.getProtocol().equals("mvn")) { String[] parts = url.toExternalForm().substring(4).split("/"); String groupId; String artifactId; String version; String type; String qualifier; if (parts.length < 3 || parts.length > 5) { return url.getPath(); } groupId = parts[0]; artifactId = parts[1]; version = parts[2]; type = (parts.length >= 4) ? "." + parts[3] : ".jar"; qualifier = (parts.length >= 5) ? "-" + parts[4] : ""; return groupId.replace('.', '/') + "/" + artifactId + "/" + version + "/" + artifactId + "-" + version + qualifier + type; } return url.getPath(); }
static { try { logger = Logger.getLogger( "br.gov.se.seplag.anexoprocessosatendimento.AnexoProcessosAtendimento_Service"); URL baseUrl = AnexoProcessosAtendimento_Service.class.getResource("."); if (baseUrl == null) { wsdlLocationURL = AnexoProcessosAtendimento_Service.class.getResource( RequestFixo.WSDL_LOCATION + "V1/AnexoProcessosAtendimento?wsdl"); if (wsdlLocationURL == null) { baseUrl = new File(".").toURL(); wsdlLocationURL = new URL(baseUrl, RequestFixo.WSDL_LOCATION + "V1/AnexoProcessosAtendimento?wsdl"); } } else { if (!baseUrl.getPath().endsWith("/")) { baseUrl = new URL(baseUrl, baseUrl.getPath() + "/"); } wsdlLocationURL = new URL(baseUrl, RequestFixo.WSDL_LOCATION + "V1/AnexoProcessosAtendimento?wsdl"); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.log( Level.ALL, "Failed to create wsdlLocationURL using http://osb.itconsulting.com.br:8011/V1/AnexoProcessosAtendimento?wsdl", e); } }
private void addPluginArtifact(Set<URI> artifactsPath) { // for Maven 2.x, the actual artifact isn't in the list.... need to try and find it URL url = getClass().getResource(getClass().getSimpleName() + ".class"); try { if ("jar".equals(url.getProtocol())) { String s = url.getPath(); if (s.contains("!")) { s = s.substring(0, s.indexOf('!')); url = new URL(s); } } URI uri = new URI(url.getProtocol(), null, url.getPath(), null, null); if (uri.getSchemeSpecificPart().endsWith(".class")) { String s = uri.toString(); s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 6 - getClass().getName().length()); uri = new URI(s); } File file = new File(uri); if (file.exists()) { artifactsPath.add(file.toURI()); } } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); } }
static { try { logger = Logger.getLogger( "au.com.leighton.portal.peoplefinder.model.peopledetail.Phogetpersondetail_client_ep"); URL baseUrl = Phogetpersondetail_client_ep.class.getResource("."); if (baseUrl == null) { wsdlLocationURL = Phogetpersondetail_client_ep.class.getResource( "http://lclxsoa11gdev.lc.local:7001/soa-infra/services/default/PhoGetPersonDetail/phogetpersondetail_client_ep?WSDL"); if (wsdlLocationURL == null) { baseUrl = new File(".").toURL(); wsdlLocationURL = new URL( baseUrl, "http://lclxsoa11gdev.lc.local:7001/soa-infra/services/default/PhoGetPersonDetail/phogetpersondetail_client_ep?WSDL"); } } else { if (!baseUrl.getPath().endsWith("/")) { baseUrl = new URL(baseUrl, baseUrl.getPath() + "/"); } wsdlLocationURL = new URL( baseUrl, "http://lclxsoa11gdev.lc.local:7001/soa-infra/services/default/PhoGetPersonDetail/phogetpersondetail_client_ep?WSDL"); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.log( Level.ALL, "Failed to create wsdlLocationURL using http://lclxsoa11gdev.lc.local:7001/soa-infra/services/default/PhoGetPersonDetail/phogetpersondetail_client_ep?WSDL", e); } }
/** * Checks if a domain should be filtered or not: returns true if the target domain ends with the * comparison domain and if supplied, target path begins with the comparison path * * @param target URL to check * @param strings The URLs to check against * @return If the target is covered by any strings * @throws MalformedURLException */ public static boolean isDomain(String target, String[] strings) throws MalformedURLException { URL domain = new URL(target); for (String s : strings) { if (!s.contains("/")) { if (ContentType.hostContains(domain.getHost(), s)) { return true; } else { continue; } } if (!s.contains("://")) { s = "http://" + s; } try { URL comparison = new URL(s.toLowerCase()); if (ContentType.hostContains(domain.getHost(), comparison.getHost()) && domain.getPath().startsWith(comparison.getPath())) { return true; } } catch (MalformedURLException ignored) { } } return false; }
/** * Find in the url the filename * * @param url * @return */ private String findFileName(URL url) { String name = FilenameUtils.getName(url.getPath()); if (isWellFormedFileName(name)) return name; name = FilenameUtils.getName(url.toString()); if (isWellFormedFileName(name)) return name; return FilenameUtils.getName(url.getPath()); }
static { try { logger = Logger.getLogger("com.oracle.pts.opp.wsclient.OpportunityService_Service"); URL baseUrl = OpportunityService_Service.class.getResource("."); if (baseUrl == null) { wsdlLocationURL = OpportunityService_Service.class.getResource( "https://fap0930-crm.oracleads.com/opptyMgmtOpportunities/OpportunityService?WSDL"); if (wsdlLocationURL == null) { baseUrl = new File(".").toURL(); wsdlLocationURL = new URL( baseUrl, "https://fap0930-crm.oracleads.com/opptyMgmtOpportunities/OpportunityService?WSDL"); } } else { if (!baseUrl.getPath().endsWith("/")) { baseUrl = new URL(baseUrl, baseUrl.getPath() + "/"); } wsdlLocationURL = new URL( baseUrl, "https://fap0930-crm.oracleads.com/opptyMgmtOpportunities/OpportunityService?WSDL"); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.log( Level.ALL, "Failed to create wsdlLocationURL using https://fap0930-crm.oracleads.com/opptyMgmtOpportunities/OpportunityService?WSDL", e); } }
/** Load the config parameters from fortress.properties file. */ private void loadLocalConfig() { try { // Load the system config file. URL fUrl = Config.class.getClassLoader().getResource(PROP_FILE); config.setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true); if (fUrl == null) { String error = "static init: Error, null cfg file: " + PROP_FILE; LOG.warn(error); } else { LOG.info("static init: found from: {} path: {}", PROP_FILE, fUrl.getPath()); config.load(fUrl); LOG.info("static init: loading from: {}", PROP_FILE); } URL fUserUrl = Config.class.getClassLoader().getResource(USER_PROP_FILE); if (fUserUrl != null) { LOG.info( "static init: found user properties from: {} path: {}", USER_PROP_FILE, fUserUrl.getPath()); config.load(fUserUrl); } } catch (org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException ex) { String error = "static init: Error loading from cfg file: [" + PROP_FILE + "] ConfigurationException=" + ex; LOG.error(error); throw new CfgRuntimeException(GlobalErrIds.FT_CONFIG_BOOTSTRAP_FAILED, error, ex); } }
@NotNull public static String convertFromUrl(@NotNull URL url) { String protocol = url.getProtocol(); String path = url.getPath(); if (protocol.equals(JAR)) { if (StringUtil.startsWithConcatenationOf(path, FILE, PROTOCOL_DELIMITER)) { try { URL subURL = new URL(path); path = subURL.getPath(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(VfsBundle.message("url.parse.unhandled.exception"), e); } } else { throw new RuntimeException( new IOException(VfsBundle.message("url.parse.error", url.toExternalForm()))); } } if (SystemInfo.isWindows || SystemInfo.isOS2) { while (path.length() > 0 && path.charAt(0) == '/') { path = path.substring(1, path.length()); } } path = URLUtil.unescapePercentSequences(path); return protocol + "://" + path; }
/** initialization. load all files. */ private void init() { URL home = getClass().getResource(".."); File local; if (home != null) { System.out.println("looks like you are not starting from a jar-package"); local = new File(home.getPath() + "/" + helproot + "/" + language + "/"); System.out.println("local: " + local.getAbsolutePath()); initFile(local); try { local = new File( new File(home.getPath()).getParentFile().getParentFile(), helproot + "/" + language); System.out.println("local: " + local.getAbsolutePath()); initFile(local); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("but not loading from the developer workbench?!"); } } else { System.out.println("looks like you are starting from a jar-package"); local = CommandLoader.getLocation(); initJar(local); } List<String> l = getLanguages(); for (String aL : l) { System.out.println("language found: " + aL); } }
@Test public void testGetURLPrincipal() throws KettleDatabaseException, MalformedURLException { String testHostname = "testHostname"; int port = 9429; String testDbName = "testDbName"; impalaDatabaseMeta.getAttributes().put("principal", "testP"); String urlString = impalaDatabaseMeta.getURL(testHostname, "" + port, testDbName); assertTrue(urlString.startsWith(ImpalaDatabaseMeta.URL_PREFIX)); // Use known prefix urlString = "http://" + urlString.substring(ImpalaDatabaseMeta.URL_PREFIX.length()); URL url = new URL(urlString); assertEquals(testHostname, url.getHost()); assertEquals(port, url.getPort()); assertEquals("/" + testDbName, url.getPath()); impalaDatabaseMeta.getAttributes().remove("principal"); impalaDatabaseMeta .getAttributes() .put( ImpalaDatabaseMeta.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX_EXTRA_OPTION + impalaDatabaseMeta.getPluginId() + ".principal", "testP"); urlString = impalaDatabaseMeta.getURL(testHostname, "" + port, testDbName); assertTrue(urlString.startsWith(ImpalaDatabaseMeta.URL_PREFIX)); // Use known prefix urlString = "http://" + urlString.substring(ImpalaDatabaseMeta.URL_PREFIX.length()); url = new URL(urlString); assertEquals(testHostname, url.getHost()); assertEquals(port, url.getPort()); assertEquals("/" + testDbName, url.getPath()); }
static { try { logger = Logger.getLogger("co.com.losalpes.marketplace.ws.avisoDespacho.Dispatchadvice_client_ep"); URL baseUrl = Dispatchadvice_client_ep.class.getResource("."); if (baseUrl == null) { wsdlLocationURL = Dispatchadvice_client_ep.class.getResource( "http://portal.marketplace.losalpes.com.co:7001/soa-infra/services/default/ProcesoAvisoDespacho/dispatchadvice_client_ep?WSDL"); if (wsdlLocationURL == null) { baseUrl = new File(".").toURL(); wsdlLocationURL = new URL( baseUrl, "http://portal.marketplace.losalpes.com.co:7001/soa-infra/services/default/ProcesoAvisoDespacho/dispatchadvice_client_ep?WSDL"); } } else { if (!baseUrl.getPath().endsWith("/")) { baseUrl = new URL(baseUrl, baseUrl.getPath() + "/"); } wsdlLocationURL = new URL( baseUrl, "http://portal.marketplace.losalpes.com.co:7001/soa-infra/services/default/ProcesoAvisoDespacho/dispatchadvice_client_ep?WSDL"); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.log( Level.ALL, "Failed to create wsdlLocationURL using http://portal.marketplace.losalpes.com.co:7001/soa-infra/services/default/ProcesoAvisoDespacho/dispatchadvice_client_ep?WSDL", e); } }
public String getBamIndexPath() { if (indexPath != null) return indexPath; if (path.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://") || path.toLowerCase().startsWith("https://")) { // See if bam file is specified by parameter try { URL url = new URL(path); String queryString = url.getQuery(); if (queryString != null) { Map<String, String> parameters = HttpUtils.parseQueryString(queryString); if (parameters.containsKey("index")) { return parameters.get("index"); } else if (parameters.containsKey("file")) { String bamFile = parameters.get("file"); String bamIndexFile = bamFile + ".bai"; String newQueryString = queryString.replace(bamFile, bamIndexFile); return path.replace(queryString, newQueryString); } else { String ip = path.replace(url.getPath(), url.getPath() + ".bai"); return ip; } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } return path + ".bai"; }
static { try { logger = Logger.getLogger( "oracle.cloud.sampleapps.salesmerchtracker.model.proxy.SalesPartyService_Service"); URL baseUrl = SalesPartyService_Service.class.getResource("."); if (baseUrl == null) { wsdlLocationURL = SalesPartyService_Service.class.getResource( "https://your_sales_cloud_URL/crmCommonSalesParties/SalesPartyService?WSDL"); if (wsdlLocationURL == null) { baseUrl = new File(".").toURL(); wsdlLocationURL = new URL( baseUrl, "https://your_sales_cloud_URL/crmCommonSalesParties/SalesPartyService?WSDL"); } } else { if (!baseUrl.getPath().endsWith("/")) { baseUrl = new URL(baseUrl, baseUrl.getPath() + "/"); } wsdlLocationURL = new URL( baseUrl, "https://your_sales_cloud_URL/crmCommonSalesParties/SalesPartyService?WSDL"); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.log( Level.ALL, "Failed to create wsdlLocationURL using https://your_sales_cloud_URL/crmCommonSalesParties/SalesPartyService?WSDL", e); } }
/** Creates a new instance of SysConfig */ public SysConfig() { try { File dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); URL url = dir.toURI().toURL(); // file:/c:/almanac1.4/examples/ System.out.println("Direktory :" + url.getPath()); // BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new // FileReader(url.getPath()+File.separator+"dist"+File.separator+"sn.ini")); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(url.getPath() + File.separator + "sn.ini")); String str; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(str); if (str.toUpperCase().indexOf("SERVER") >= 0) { ServerLoc = str.substring(7, str.length()); System.out.println("Server = " + ServerLoc); } if (str.toUpperCase().indexOf("DB") >= 0) { DBName = str.substring(3, str.length()); System.out.println("DB = " + DBName); } if (str.toUpperCase().indexOf("PRINT_LABEL") >= 0) { PrintTextName = str.substring(12, str.length()); System.out.println("print_label = " + PrintTextName); } if (str.toUpperCase().indexOf("PRINT_KWITANSI") >= 0) { PrintKwtName = str.substring(15, str.length()).trim(); System.out.println("print_kwitansi = " + PrintKwtName); } if (str.toUpperCase().indexOf("PRINT_REPORT") >= 0) { PrintGraphName = str.substring(13, str.length()); System.out.println("print_report = " + PrintGraphName); } if (str.toUpperCase().indexOf("SITE_ID") >= 0) { Site_Id = str.substring(8, str.length()); System.out.println("Site_Id = " + Site_Id); } if (str.toUpperCase().indexOf("USR") >= 0) { sUser = str.substring(4, str.length()); // System.out.println("Usr = "******"PAS") >= 0) { sPass = str.substring(4, str.length()); // System.out.println("Pas = "******"SHS Go Open Source Err", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
public static String getFileName(URL url) { int indexes = url.getPath().lastIndexOf(File.separator); if (indexes == -1) { indexes = url.getPath().lastIndexOf("/"); } String fileName = url.getPath().substring(indexes + 1); return fileName; }
public void testSimpleFileObject() throws IOException { FileSystemManager fs = new FileSystemManager(); // String pathFile = "com/sinosoft/one/mvc/scanning/vfs/SimpleFileObject.class"; URL urlFile = loader.getResource(pathFile); assertNotNull(urlFile); FileObject fileObjectFile = fs.resolveFile(urlFile); assertEquals(SimpleFileObject.class, fileObjectFile.getClass()); // String pathDir = new File(urlFile.getPath()).getParent().replace('\\', '/'); pathDir = StringUtils.removeEnd(pathDir, "/"); URL urlDir = ResourceUtils.getURL(pathDir); assertNotNull(urlDir); File fileDir = new File(urlDir.getFile()); assertTrue(fileDir.exists()); FileObject fileObjectDir = fs.resolveFile(urlDir); assertEquals(SimpleFileObject.class, fileObjectDir.getClass()); File dirFile = ResourceUtils.getFile(urlDir); assertTrue(urlDir.toString().endsWith("/")); assertTrue(urlDir.getPath().endsWith("/")); assertFalse(dirFile.getPath().endsWith("/")); assertTrue(fileObjectDir.toString().endsWith("/")); // exists assertTrue(fileObjectFile.exists()); assertTrue(fileObjectDir.exists()); assertFalse(fileObjectDir.getChild("a_not_exists_file.txt").exists()); // getName assertEquals("vfs", fileObjectDir.getName().getBaseName()); assertEquals("SimpleFileObject.class", fileObjectFile.getName().getBaseName()); // getRelativeName assertEquals( "SimpleFileObject.class", fileObjectDir.getName().getRelativeName(fileObjectFile.getName())); assertEquals("", fileObjectDir.getName().getRelativeName(fileObjectDir.getName())); assertEquals("", fileObjectFile.getName().getRelativeName(fileObjectFile.getName())); // getType assertSame(FileType.FOLDER, fileObjectDir.getType()); assertSame(FileType.FILE, fileObjectFile.getType()); // getChild, getParent, and equals, getChildren assertEquals(fileObjectFile, fileObjectDir.getChild("SimpleFileObject.class")); assertEquals(fileObjectDir, fileObjectFile.getParent()); assertSame(fileObjectFile, fileObjectDir.getChild("SimpleFileObject.class")); assertSame(fileObjectDir, fileObjectFile.getParent()); assertTrue(ArrayUtils.contains(fileObjectDir.getChildren(), fileObjectFile)); // getURL assertEquals(urlDir, fileObjectDir.getURL()); assertEquals(urlFile, fileObjectFile.getURL()); }
/** * Open the connection for the given URL. * * @param url the url from which to open a connection. * @return a connection on the specified URL. * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs or if the URL is malformed. */ @Override public URLConnection openConnection(URL url) throws IOException { if (url.getPath() == null || url.getPath().trim().length() == 0) { throw new MalformedURLException("Path can not be null or empty. Syntax: " + SYNTAX); } featureXmlURL = new URL(url.getPath()); logger.debug("Blueprint xml URL is: [" + featureXmlURL + "]"); return new Connection(url); }
/* * Creates a HttpContext at the given address. If there is already a server * it uses that server to create a context. Otherwise, it creates a new * HTTP server. This sever is added to servers Map. */ /*package*/ HttpContext createContext(String address) { try { HttpServer server; ServerState state; URL url = new URL(address); int port = url.getPort(); if (port == -1) { port = url.getDefaultPort(); } InetSocketAddress inetAddress = new InetSocketAddress(url.getHost(), port); synchronized (servers) { state = servers.get(inetAddress); if (state == null) { logger.fine("Creating new HTTP Server at " + inetAddress); // Creates server with default socket backlog server = HttpServer.create(inetAddress, 0); server.setExecutor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); String path = url.toURI().getPath(); logger.fine("Creating HTTP Context at = " + path); HttpContext context = server.createContext(path); server.start(); // we have to get actual inetAddress from server, which can differ from the original in // some cases. // e.g. A port number of zero will let the system pick up an ephemeral port in a bind // operation, // or IP: - which is used to monitor network traffic from any valid IP address inetAddress = server.getAddress(); logger.fine("HTTP server started = " + inetAddress); state = new ServerState(server, path); servers.put(inetAddress, state); return context; } } server = state.getServer(); if (state.getPaths().contains(url.getPath())) { String err = "Context with URL path " + url.getPath() + " already exists on the server " + server.getAddress(); logger.fine(err); throw new IllegalArgumentException(err); } logger.fine("Creating HTTP Context at = " + url.getPath()); HttpContext context = server.createContext(url.getPath()); state.oneMoreContext(url.getPath()); return context; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServerRtException("server.rt.err", e); } }
/** * Converts a URL to file. * * @param url a URL * @return the file */ public static File toFile(URL url) { File file = null; try { /* TODO: this used to be new File(url.toURI()), but that didn't work?!?! Needs testing. */ file = new File(url.getPath().replace("%20", " ")); if (file.isDirectory()) { return file; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw iae; } return new File(url.getPath().replace("%20", " ")); }
private static String getTestResDir() { String resourceDir = System.getProperty(RESOURCE_DIR_PROPERTY); if (resourceDir != null && !resourceDir.isEmpty() && new File(resourceDir).isDirectory()) { return resourceDir; } // TEST_RES_DIR not explicitly set. Fallback to the class's source location. try { URL location = Main.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); return new File(location.getPath()).exists() ? location.getPath() : null; } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Prevent a lot of null checks by just catching the exception. return null; } }
protected void updateURLComponents(String urlStr) { try { URL url = new URL(urlStr); String port = url.getPort() == -1 ? "" : ":" + url.getPort(); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ fURLHost.setText( url.getProtocol() + "://" + url.getHost() + port + "/"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if (url.getQuery() != null) { fURLPath.setText(url.getPath() + "?" + url.getQuery()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { fURLPath.setText(url.getPath()); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Logger.logException(e); } }
/** * this method uses the appropriate lookup strategy to find a file. It is used by Kernel#require. * * @mri rb_find_file * @param name the file to find, this is a path name * @return the correct file */ protected LoadServiceResource findFileInClasspath(String name) { // Look in classpath next (we do not use File as a test since UNC names will match) // Note: Jar resources must NEVER begin with an '/'. (previous code said "always begin with a // /") ClassLoader classLoader = runtime.getJRubyClassLoader(); // handle security-sensitive case if (Ruby.isSecurityRestricted() && classLoader == null) { classLoader = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getLoader(); } for (Iterator pathIter = loadPath.getList().iterator(); pathIter.hasNext(); ) { String entry = pathIter.next().toString(); // if entry is an empty string, skip it if (entry.length() == 0) continue; // if entry starts with a slash, skip it since classloader resources never start with a / if (entry.charAt(0) == '/' || (entry.length() > 1 && entry.charAt(1) == ':')) continue; // otherwise, try to load from classpath (Note: Jar resources always uses '/') debugLogTry("fileInClasspath", entry + "/" + name); URL loc = classLoader.getResource(entry + "/" + name); // Make sure this is not a directory or unavailable in some way if (isRequireable(loc)) { LoadServiceResource foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(loc, loc.getPath()); debugLogFound(foundResource); return foundResource; } } // if name starts with a / we're done (classloader resources won't load with an initial /) if (name.charAt(0) == '/' || (name.length() > 1 && name.charAt(1) == ':')) return null; // Try to load from classpath without prefix. "A/b.rb" will not load as // "./A/b.rb" in a jar file. debugLogTry("fileInClasspath", name); URL loc = classLoader.getResource(name); if (isRequireable(loc)) { LoadServiceResource foundResource = new LoadServiceResource(loc, loc.getPath()); debugLogFound(foundResource); return foundResource; } return null; }
public String evaluate(String urlStr, String partToExtract) { if (urlStr == null || partToExtract == null) { return null; } if (lastUrlStr == null || !urlStr.equals(lastUrlStr)) { try { url = new URL(urlStr); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } lastUrlStr = urlStr; if (partToExtract.equals("HOST")) return url.getHost(); if (partToExtract.equals("PATH")) return url.getPath(); if (partToExtract.equals("QUERY")) return url.getQuery(); if (partToExtract.equals("REF")) return url.getRef(); if (partToExtract.equals("PROTOCOL")) return url.getProtocol(); if (partToExtract.equals("FILE")) return url.getFile(); if (partToExtract.equals("AUTHORITY")) return url.getAuthority(); if (partToExtract.equals("USERINFO")) return url.getUserInfo(); return null; }
@Override public String getConfirmationMessage(URL url) { if (url != null) { String urlString = url.toExternalForm(); if (urlString.matches(PATTERN_OSM_API_URL)) { // TODO: proper i18n after stabilization String message = "<ul><li>" + tr("OSM Server URL:") + " " + url.getHost() + "</li><li>" + tr("Command") + ": " + url.getPath() + "</li>"; if (url.getQuery() != null) { message += "<li>" + tr("Request details: {0}", url.getQuery().replaceAll(",\\s*", ", ")) + "</li>"; } message += "</ul>"; return message; } // TODO: other APIs } return null; }
private File stubTestConfigOutputPropsFile() throws Exception { URL turl = getClass().getResource("/"); File f = new File(turl.getPath() + TEST_PROPS_FILE); f.createNewFile(); f.deleteOnExit(); return f; }
public static void switch_chan(String httpurl, String hotlink, String userid, Handler handler) { try { String param = ""; URL url = new URL(httpurl.replace("p2p", "http")); String server = url.getAuthority(); String videoId = url.getPath(); videoId = videoId.subSequence(1, videoId.length() - 3).toString(); param += "id=" + videoId; param += "&server=" + server; param += "&link=" + hotlink; param += "&userid=" + userid; String playurl = "" + videoId + ".ts"; // String playurl=""; if (tvthread != null) { tvthread.stopreq(); } LogUtils.write(TAG, param); LogUtils.write(TAG, playurl); tvthread = new ForceTvThread(param, playurl, handler); tvthread.start(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void checkJParse(String filename) throws Exception { URL testFolderURL = TestParser.class.getClassLoader().getResource(SAMPLES_DIR); String testFolder = testFolderURL.getPath(); String J_pathToFile = testFolder + "/" + filename; ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRFileStream(J_pathToFile); JLexer l = new JLexer(input); TokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(l); JParser parser = new JParser(tokens); parser.removeErrorListeners(); int[] errors = {0}; parser.addErrorListener( new BaseErrorListener() { @Override public void syntaxError( Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) { errors[0]++; } }); ParserRuleContext tree = parser.file(); assertTrue(tree != null); assertEquals(Token.EOF, tree.getStop().getType()); assertEquals(0, errors[0]); }