// get signs using an additional arg for a target rel private Collection<Sign> getSignsFromPredAndTargetRel(String pred, String targetRel) { Collection<Word> words = (Collection<Word>) _predToWords.get(pred); String specialTokenConst = null; // for robustness, when using supertagger, add words for pred sans sense index int dotIndex = -1; if (_supertagger != null && !Character.isDigit(pred.charAt(0)) && // skip numbers (dotIndex = pred.lastIndexOf('.')) > 0 && pred.length() > dotIndex + 1 && pred.charAt(dotIndex + 1) != '_') // skip titles, eg Mr._Smith { String barePred = pred.substring(0, dotIndex); Collection<Word> barePredWords = (Collection<Word>) _predToWords.get(barePred); if (words == null) words = barePredWords; else if (barePredWords != null) { Set<Word> unionWords = new HashSet<Word>(words); unionWords.addAll(barePredWords); words = unionWords; } } if (words == null) { specialTokenConst = tokenizer.getSpecialTokenConstant(tokenizer.isSpecialToken(pred)); if (specialTokenConst == null) return null; // lookup words with pred = special token const Collection<Word> specialTokenWords = (Collection<Word>) _predToWords.get(specialTokenConst); // replace special token const with pred if (specialTokenWords == null) return null; words = new ArrayList<Word>(specialTokenWords.size()); for (Iterator<Word> it = specialTokenWords.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Word stw = it.next(); Word w = Word.createSurfaceWord(stw, pred); words.add(w); } } List<Sign> retval = new ArrayList<Sign>(); for (Iterator<Word> it = words.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Word w = it.next(); try { SignHash signs = getSignsFromWord(w, specialTokenConst, pred, targetRel); retval.addAll(signs.asSignSet()); } // shouldn't happen catch (LexException exc) { System.err.println("Unexpected lex exception for word " + w + ": " + exc); } } return retval; }
static Set<RDPConnection> getAllConnections() { lock.lock(); try { Set<RDPConnection> allCon = new HashSet<RDPConnection>(); Iterator<Map<ConnectionInfo, RDPConnection>> iter = allConMap.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map<ConnectionInfo, RDPConnection> dcMap = iter.next(); allCon.addAll(dcMap.values()); } return allCon; } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
@RequestMapping(value = VIDEO_SEARCH_PATH, method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody String[] searchVideo( @RequestParam(value = "username") String uName, @RequestParam(value = "video") String videoHash, HttpServletResponse response) { System.out.println("Search from:" + uName); if (!user_vidNameMap.containsKey(uName)) { response.setStatus(402); // client not connected return null; } Set<String> users = vidName_UserMap.get(videoHash); if (users == null) { System.out.println("Srearching main server\n"); try { users = masterService.psSearch(hostAdder, videoHash); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); return null; } if (users == null) return null; if (vidName_UserMap.containsKey(videoHash)) { vidName_UserMap.get(videoHash).addAll(users); } else { Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(); s.addAll(users); vidName_UserMap.put(videoHash, s); } } else { Iterator<String> it = users.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String temp = it.next(); if (!activeUsers.contains(temp)) { it.remove(); } } } System.out.println("Search result : " + Arrays.asList(users.toArray(new String[0]))); // String [] a = new String[] return users.toArray(new String[0]); }
public static void loadPermissions(URL url) throws IOException, PermissionParseException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); String line; Pattern ignore = Pattern.compile("^\\s*(//.*)?$"); Pattern valid = Pattern.compile("^\\s*permission\\s+(\\S+)" + "(\\s+\"([^\"]*)\"(,\\s+\"([^\"]*)\")?)?;$"); Set<Permission> perms = new HashSet<Permission>(); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (ignore.matcher(line).matches()) { continue; } Matcher matcher = valid.matcher(line); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new PermissionParseException("invalid syntax: " + line); } int nGroups = matcher.groupCount(); String type = matcher.group(1); String name = expand(nGroups >= 3 ? matcher.group(3) : null); String actions = expand(nGroups >= 5 ? matcher.group(5) : null); try { Permission perm = getPermission(type, name, actions); perms.add(perm); } catch (Throwable e) { String message = String.format( "could not instantiate permission: " + "type=%s name=%s actions=", type, name, actions); throw new PermissionParseException(message, e); } } in.close(); permSet.addAll(perms); }