private HttpClient getClient() { if (client == null) { HttpClientBuilder clientBuilder = HttpClients.custom(); RequestConfig.Builder configBuilder = RequestConfig.custom(); if (proxy != null && !Proxy.NO_PROXY.equals(proxy)) { isUsingProxy = true; InetSocketAddress adr = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); clientBuilder.setProxy(new HttpHost(adr.getHostName(), adr.getPort())); } if (timeout != null) { configBuilder.setConnectTimeout(timeout.intValue()); } if (readTimeout != null) { configBuilder.setSocketTimeout(readTimeout.intValue()); } if (followRedirects != null) { configBuilder.setRedirectsEnabled(followRedirects.booleanValue()); } if (hostnameverifier != null) { SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslConnectionFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(getSSLContext(), hostnameverifier); clientBuilder.setSSLSocketFactory(sslConnectionFactory); Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> registry = RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory>create() .register("https", sslConnectionFactory) .register("http", PlainConnectionSocketFactory.INSTANCE) .build(); clientBuilder.setConnectionManager(new BasicHttpClientConnectionManager(registry)); } clientBuilder.setDefaultRequestConfig(; client =; } return client; }
public static boolean lowLevelPingHost(Proxy proxy) { int exitValue; Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc; String cmdline = null; String proxyAddress = null; try { InetSocketAddress proxySocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); proxyAddress = proxySocketAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress(); } catch (Exception e) { APL.getEventReport() .send( new Exception( "ProxyUtils.lowLevelPingHost() Exception calling getAddress().getHostAddress() on proxySocketAddress : ", e)); } if (proxyAddress == null) { try { InetSocketAddress proxySocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); proxyAddress = proxySocketAddress.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { APL.getEventReport() .send( new Exception( "ProxyUtils.lowLevelPingHost() Exception calling toString() on proxySocketAddress", e)); } } if (proxyAddress != null) { cmdline = "ping -c 1 -w 1 " + proxyAddress; try { proc = runtime.exec(cmdline); proc.waitFor(); exitValue = proc.exitValue(); LogWrapper.d(TAG, "Ping exit value: " + exitValue); if (exitValue == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (IOException e) { APL.getEventReport().send(new Exception("ProxyUtils.lowLevelPingHost() IOException", e)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { APL.getEventReport() .send(new Exception("ProxyUtils.lowLevelPingHost() InterruptedException", e)); } } return false; }
public void setProxy(final Proxy proxy) { final String DELIM = "|"; if (proxy != Proxy.NO_PROXY && proxy.type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT) { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(proxy.type().toString()).append(DELIM); sb.append(Integer.toString(((InetSocketAddress) proxy.address()).getPort())).append(DELIM); sb.append(proxy.address().toString()); proxySettings = sb.toString(); } else { proxySettings = ""; } }
private void resetNextInetSocketAddress(Proxy paramProxy) throws IOException { this.inetSocketAddresses = new ArrayList(); if ((paramProxy.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT) || (paramProxy.type() == Proxy.Type.SOCKS)) { paramProxy = this.address.getUriHost(); } Object localObject; for (int i = this.address.getUriPort(); (i < 1) || (i > 65535); i = ((InetSocketAddress) localObject).getPort()) { throw new SocketException("No route to " + paramProxy + ":" + i + "; port is out of range"); paramProxy = paramProxy.address(); if (!(paramProxy instanceof InetSocketAddress)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Proxy.address() is not an InetSocketAddress: " + paramProxy.getClass()); } localObject = (InetSocketAddress) paramProxy; paramProxy = getHostString((InetSocketAddress) localObject); } paramProxy = this.address.getDns().lookup(paramProxy); int j = 0; int k = paramProxy.size(); while (j < k) { localObject = (InetAddress) paramProxy.get(j); this.inetSocketAddresses.add(new InetSocketAddress((InetAddress) localObject, i)); j += 1; } this.nextInetSocketAddressIndex = 0; }
public Request authenticateProxy(Proxy paramProxy, Response paramResponse) { List localList = paramResponse.challenges(); paramResponse = paramResponse.request(); URL localURL = paramResponse.url(); int i = 0; int j = localList.size(); while (i < j) { Object localObject = (Challenge) localList.get(i); if ("Basic".equalsIgnoreCase(((Challenge) localObject).getScheme())) { InetSocketAddress localInetSocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) paramProxy.address(); localObject = localInetSocketAddress.getHostName(), getConnectToInetAddress(paramProxy, localURL), localInetSocketAddress.getPort(), localURL.getProtocol(), ((Challenge) localObject).getRealm(), ((Challenge) localObject).getScheme(), localURL, Authenticator.RequestorType.PROXY); if (localObject != null) { paramProxy = Credentials.basic( ((PasswordAuthentication) localObject).getUserName(), new String(((PasswordAuthentication) localObject).getPassword())); return paramResponse.newBuilder().header("Proxy-Authorization", paramProxy).build(); } } i += 1; } return null; }
/** Gets the SOCKS proxy server port. */ private int socksGetServerPort() { // get socks server port from proxy. It is unnecessary to check // "socksProxyPort" property, since proxy setting should only be // determined by ProxySelector. InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); return addr.getPort(); }
/** Prepares the socket addresses to attempt for the current proxy or host. */ private void resetNextInetSocketAddress(Proxy proxy) throws UnknownHostException { // Clear the addresses. Necessary if getAllByName() below throws! inetSocketAddresses = new ArrayList<InetSocketAddress>(); String socketHost; int socketPort; if (proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT || proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.SOCKS) { socketHost = address.getUriHost(); socketPort = getEffectivePort(uri); } else { SocketAddress proxyAddress = proxy.address(); if (!(proxyAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Proxy.address() is not an " + "InetSocketAddress: " + proxyAddress.getClass()); } InetSocketAddress proxySocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) proxyAddress; socketHost = getHostString(proxySocketAddress); socketPort = proxySocketAddress.getPort(); } // Try each address for best behavior in mixed IPv4/IPv6 environments. for (InetAddress inetAddress : network.resolveInetAddresses(socketHost)) { inetSocketAddresses.add(new InetSocketAddress(inetAddress, socketPort)); } nextInetSocketAddressIndex = 0; }
/* * Enabled aggressive block sorting */ @Override public Request authenticateProxy(Proxy object, Response object2) throws IOException { List<Challenge> list = object2.challenges(); object2 = object2.request(); URL uRL = object2.url(); int n2 = 0; int n3 = list.size(); while (n2 < n3) { InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress; Object object3 = list.get(n2); if ("Basic".equalsIgnoreCase(object3.getScheme()) && (object3 = (inetSocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) object.address()).getHostName(), this.getConnectToInetAddress((Proxy) object, uRL), inetSocketAddress.getPort(), uRL.getProtocol(), object3.getRealm(), object3.getScheme(), uRL, Authenticator.RequestorType.PROXY)) != null) { object = Credentials.basic(object3.getUserName(), new String(object3.getPassword())); return object2.newBuilder().header("Proxy-Authorization", (String) object).build(); } ++n2; } return null; }
public static HttpURLConnection getConnection(String urlStr) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(urlStr); NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (null == activeNetworkInfo) { Log.w(TAG, "No active network available!"); return null; } Proxy p = getProxy(); String extra = activeNetworkInfo.getExtraInfo(); // chinese mobile network if (activeNetworkInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE && p != null) { // cmwap, uniwap, 3gwap if (extra != null && (extra.startsWith("cmwap") || extra.startsWith("uniwap") || extra.startsWith("3gwap"))) { HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("http://" + p.address().toString() + url.getPath()).openConnection(); conn.setRequestProperty( "X-Online-Host", url.getHost() + ":" + (url.getPort() == -1 ? "80" : url.getPort())); return conn; } } if (null != p) { // through proxy return (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(p); } else { return (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); } }
/** Get or create the http client to be used to fetch all the map data. */ public HttpClient getHttpClient(URI uri) { MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager connectionManager = getConnectionManager(); HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(connectionManager); // httpclient is a bit pesky about loading everything in memory... // disabling the warnings. Logger.getLogger(HttpMethodBase.class).setLevel(Level.ERROR); // configure proxies for URI ProxySelector selector = ProxySelector.getDefault(); List<Proxy> proxyList =; Proxy proxy = proxyList.get(0); if (!proxy.equals(Proxy.NO_PROXY)) { InetSocketAddress socketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); String hostName = socketAddress.getHostName(); int port = socketAddress.getPort(); httpClient.getHostConfiguration().setProxy(hostName, port); } for (SecurityStrategy sec : security) if (sec.matches(uri)) { sec.configure(uri, httpClient); break; } return httpClient; }
// Result host and port are returned in a string in the format host:port public static String[] getProxyForURL(String target) { String[] proxyInfo = new String[0]; List<String> proxies = new ArrayList<String>(); URI uri = null; try { ProxySelector defaultProxySelector = ProxySelector.getDefault(); uri = new URI(target); List<Proxy> proxyList =; Proxy proxy = proxyList.get(0); if (proxy.equals(Proxy.NO_PROXY)) { System.out.println("DalvikProxySelector.getProxyForURL(): No proxy found"); return null; } SocketAddress address = proxy.address(); InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) address; String host = inetSocketAddress.getHostName(); int port = inetSocketAddress.getPort(); if (host == null) { System.out.println("DalvikProxySelector.getProxyForURL(): No proxy found"); return null; } proxies.add(host); // even index, host proxies.add(Integer.toString(port)); // odd index, port System.out.println("DalvikProxySelector.getProxyForURL(): host=" + host + " port=" + port); return proxies.toArray(new String[0]); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "DalvikProxySelector.getProxyForURL(): exception(ignored): " + e.toString()); return null; } }
@Override public final Permission getPermission() throws IOException { String hostName = getURL().getHost(); int hostPort = Util.getEffectivePort(getURL()); if (usingProxy()) { InetSocketAddress proxyAddress = (InetSocketAddress) requestedProxy.address(); hostName = proxyAddress.getHostName(); hostPort = proxyAddress.getPort(); } return new SocketPermission(hostName + ":" + hostPort, "connect, resolve"); }
/** * Get the hostname of the connection machine. This is either the name given in the URL or the * name of the proxy server. */ private String getHostName() { if (hostName == null) { // the value was not set yet if (proxy != null) { hostName = ((InetSocketAddress) proxy.address()).getHostName(); } else { hostName = url.getHost(); } } return hostName; }
/** * Get the InetAddress of the connection machine. This is either the address given in the URL or * the address of the proxy server. */ private InetAddress getHostAddress() throws IOException { if (hostAddress == null) { // the value was not set yet if (proxy != null && proxy.type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT) { hostAddress = ((InetSocketAddress) proxy.address()).getAddress(); } else { hostAddress = InetAddress.getByName(url.getHost()); } } return hostAddress; }
public static boolean standardAPIPingHost(Proxy proxy) { try { InetSocketAddress proxySocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); return InetAddress.getByName(proxySocketAddress.toString().split(":")[0]).isReachable(100000); // return proxySocketAddress.getAddress().isReachable(100000); } catch (Exception e) { APL.getEventReport().send(new Exception("ProxyUtils.standardAPIPingHost() Exception", e)); } return false; }
@Override public Object getParameter(String name) { if (name.equals(ConnRouteParams.DEFAULT_PROXY)) { Proxy proxy = client.getProxy(); if (proxy == null) { return null; } InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); return new HttpHost(address.getHostName(), address.getPort()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(name); }
/** * Establishes the connection to the remote HTTP server * * <p>Any methods that requires a valid connection to the resource will call this method * implicitly. After the connection is established, <code>connected</code> is set to true. * * @see #connected * @see * @see URLStreamHandler */ @Override public void connect() throws IOException { if (connected) { return; } if (getFromCache()) { return; } try { uri = url.toURI(); } catch (URISyntaxException e1) { // ignore } // socket to be used for connection connection = null; // try to determine: to use the proxy or not if (proxy != null) { // try to make the connection to the proxy // specified in constructor. // IOException will be thrown in the case of failure connection = getHTTPConnection(proxy); } else { // Use system-wide ProxySelect to select proxy list, // then try to connect via elements in the proxy list. ProxySelector selector = ProxySelector.getDefault(); List<Proxy> proxyList =; if (proxyList != null) { for (Proxy selectedProxy : proxyList) { if (selectedProxy.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT) { // the same as NO_PROXY continue; } try { connection = getHTTPConnection(selectedProxy); proxy = selectedProxy; break; // connected } catch (IOException e) { // failed to connect, tell it to the selector selector.connectFailed(uri, selectedProxy.address(), e); } } } } if (connection == null) { // make direct connection connection = getHTTPConnection(null); } connection.setSoTimeout(getReadTimeout()); setUpTransportIO(connection); connected = true; }
/** Gets the InetAddress of the SOCKS proxy server. */ private InetAddress socksGetServerAddress() throws UnknownHostException { String proxyName; // get socks server address from proxy. It is unnecessary to check // "socksProxyHost" property, since all proxy setting should be // determined by ProxySelector. InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); proxyName = addr.getHostName(); if (null == proxyName) { proxyName = addr.getAddress().getHostAddress(); } InetAddress anAddr = netImpl.getHostByName(proxyName, NetUtil.preferIPv6Addresses()); return anAddr; }
/** * Get the connection port. This is either the URL's port or the proxy port if a proxy port has * been set. */ private int getHostPort() { if (hostPort < 0) { // the value was not set yet if (proxy != null) { hostPort = ((InetSocketAddress) proxy.address()).getPort(); } else { hostPort = url.getPort(); } if (hostPort < 0) { hostPort = defaultPort; } } return hostPort; }
/** * @param requiresTunnel true if the HTTP connection needs to tunnel one protocol over another, * such as when using HTTPS through an HTTP proxy. When doing so, we must avoid buffering * bytes intended for the higher-level protocol. */ public Address(URI uri, Proxy proxy, boolean requiresTunnel) { this.proxy = proxy; this.requiresTunnel = requiresTunnel; this.uriHost = uri.getHost(); this.uriPort = uri.getEffectivePort(); SocketAddress proxyAddress = proxy.address(); if (!(proxyAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Proxy.address() is not an InetSocketAddress: " + proxyAddress.getClass()); } InetSocketAddress proxySocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) proxyAddress; this.socketHost = proxySocketAddress.getHostName(); this.socketPort = proxySocketAddress.getPort(); }
/** * * Connect to an EC2 instance. * * @return {@link AmazonEC2} client */ public static synchronized AmazonEC2 connect( AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider, URL endpoint) { awsCredentialsProvider = credentialsProvider; ClientConfiguration config = new ClientConfiguration(); config.setMaxErrorRetry(16); // Default retry limit (3) is low and often // cause problems. Raise it a bit. // See: config.setSignerOverride("QueryStringSignerType"); ProxyConfiguration proxyConfig = Jenkins.getInstance().proxy; Proxy proxy = proxyConfig == null ? Proxy.NO_PROXY : proxyConfig.createProxy(endpoint.getHost()); if (!proxy.equals(Proxy.NO_PROXY) && proxy.address() instanceof InetSocketAddress) { InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); config.setProxyHost(address.getHostName()); config.setProxyPort(address.getPort()); if (null != proxyConfig.getUserName()) { config.setProxyUsername(proxyConfig.getUserName()); config.setProxyPassword(proxyConfig.getPassword()); } } AmazonEC2 client = new AmazonEC2Client(credentialsProvider, config); client.setEndpoint(endpoint.toString()); return client; }
private static void setToUseSystemProxies() { final String JAVA_NET_USESYSTEMPROXIES = ""; System.setProperty(JAVA_NET_USESYSTEMPROXIES, "true"); List<Proxy> proxyList = null; try { final ProxySelector def = ProxySelector.getDefault(); if (def != null) { proxyList = URI("")); ProxySelector.setDefault(null); if (proxyList != null && !proxyList.isEmpty()) { final Proxy proxy = proxyList.get(0); final InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); if (address != null) { final String host = address.getHostName(); final int port = address.getPort(); System.setProperty(HTTP_PROXYHOST, host); System.setProperty(HTTP_PROXYPORT, Integer.toString(port)); System.setProperty(PROXY_HOST, host); System.setProperty(PROXY_PORT, Integer.toString(port)); } else { System.clearProperty(HTTP_PROXYHOST); System.clearProperty(HTTP_PROXYPORT); System.clearProperty(PROXY_HOST); System.clearProperty(PROXY_PORT); } } } else { final String host = System.getProperty(PROXY_HOST); final String port = System.getProperty(PROXY_PORT); if (host == null) System.clearProperty(HTTP_PROXYHOST); else System.setProperty(HTTP_PROXYHOST, host); if (port == null) System.clearProperty(HTTP_PROXYPORT); else { try { Integer.parseInt(port); System.setProperty(HTTP_PROXYPORT, port); } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) { // nothing } } } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { System.setProperty(JAVA_NET_USESYSTEMPROXIES, "false"); } }
/** * Returns the authorization credentials that may satisfy the challenge. Returns null if a * challenge header was not provided or if credentials were not available. */ private static String getCredentials( RawHeaders responseHeaders, String challengeHeader, Proxy proxy, URL url) throws IOException { List<Challenge> challenges = parseChallenges(responseHeaders, challengeHeader); if (challenges.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (Challenge challenge : challenges) { // Use the global authenticator to get the password. PasswordAuthentication auth; if (responseHeaders.getResponseCode() == HTTP_PROXY_AUTH) { InetSocketAddress proxyAddress = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); auth = Authenticator.requestPasswordAuthentication( proxyAddress.getHostName(), getConnectToInetAddress(proxy, url), proxyAddress.getPort(), url.getProtocol(), challenge.realm, challenge.scheme, url, Authenticator.RequestorType.PROXY); } else { auth = Authenticator.requestPasswordAuthentication( url.getHost(), getConnectToInetAddress(proxy, url), url.getPort(), url.getProtocol(), challenge.realm, challenge.scheme, url, Authenticator.RequestorType.SERVER); } if (auth == null) { continue; } // Use base64 to encode the username and password. String usernameAndPassword = auth.getUserName() + ":" + new String(auth.getPassword()); byte[] bytes = usernameAndPassword.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); String encoded = Base64.encode(bytes); return challenge.scheme + " " + encoded; } return null; }
@Test public void parseTest() { System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "myproxy"); System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "80"); System.setProperty("http.nonProxyHosts", "|localhost|*"); { final List<Proxy> proxyList = ProxySelector.getDefault().select(URI.create("http://localhost:8080/confluence/xmlrpc")); Assert.assertThat(proxyList.isEmpty(),; Assert.assertThat(proxyList.size(),; final Proxy p = proxyList.get(0); System.out.printf("type=[%s] address=[%s]\n", p.type(), p.address()); Assert.assertThat(p.type(),; Assert.assertThat(p.address(), IsNull.nullValue()); } { final List<Proxy> proxyList = ProxySelector.getDefault() .select(URI.create("")); Assert.assertThat(proxyList.isEmpty(),; Assert.assertThat(proxyList.size(),; final Proxy p = proxyList.get(0); System.out.printf("type=[%s] address=[%s]\n", p.type(), p.address()); Assert.assertThat(p.type(),; Assert.assertThat(p.address(), IsNull.nullValue()); } { final List<Proxy> proxyList = ProxySelector.getDefault().select(URI.create("")); Assert.assertThat(proxyList.isEmpty(),; Assert.assertThat(proxyList.size(),; final Proxy p = proxyList.get(0); System.out.printf("type=[%s] address=[%s]\n", p.type(), p.address()); Assert.assertThat(p.type(),; Assert.assertThat(p.address(), IsNull.notNullValue()); } }
private ConnectivitySettings proxyToCs(Proxy proxy, URI uri) { ConnectivitySettings cs = new ConnectivitySettings(); InetSocketAddress isa = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); switch (proxy.type()) { case HTTP: setupProxy(cs, ConnectivitySettings.CONNECTION_VIA_HTTPS, isa); break; case SOCKS: setupProxy(cs, ConnectivitySettings.CONNECTION_VIA_SOCKS, isa); break; default: } String prosyUser = NetworkSettings.getAuthenticationUsername(uri); if (prosyUser != null && !prosyUser.isEmpty()) { cs.setProxyUsername(prosyUser); cs.setProxyPassword(; } return cs; }
// Decide what proxy, if any, to use for a request. Manual settings take precedence, // then we fall back to using system settings (e.g., Internet Explorer settings on Windows) // as handled by the ProxySelector class introduced in Java 1.5. // // Public so that it can be called from Mathematica. // public synchronized String[] getProxyHostAndPort(String url) { int port = 0; String host = null; if (useProxy == PROXY_AUTOMATIC) { ProxySelector ps = ProxySelector.getDefault(); // Will get MyProxySelector. try { URI uri = new URI(url); List<Proxy> proxyList =; int len = proxyList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Proxy p = (Proxy) proxyList.get(i); InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress) p.address(); if (addr != null) { host = addr.getHostName(); port = addr.getPort(); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Handle? } } else if (useProxy == PROXY_MANUAL) { String protocol; int colonPos = url.indexOf(':'); if (colonPos != -1) { protocol = url.substring(0, colonPos).toLowerCase(); } else { // Shouldn't happen, but might as well do something and let it fail later. protocol = "http"; } if (protocol.equals("http")) { host = httpProxyHost; port = httpProxyPort; } // Don't handle directly Socks calls. } return new String[] {host, String.valueOf(port)}; }
/** * Establishes the connection to the resource specified by this <code>URL</code> * * @see #connected * @see * @see URLStreamHandler */ @Override public void connect() throws IOException { // Use system-wide ProxySelect to select proxy list, // then try to connect via elements in the proxy list. List<Proxy> proxyList = null; if (null != proxy) { proxyList = new ArrayList<Proxy>(1); proxyList.add(proxy); } else { proxyList = NetUtil.getProxyList(uri); } if (null == proxyList) { currentProxy = null; connectInternal(); } else { ProxySelector selector = ProxySelector.getDefault(); Iterator<Proxy> iter = proxyList.iterator(); boolean connectOK = false; String failureReason = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ while (iter.hasNext() && !connectOK) { currentProxy =; try { connectInternal(); connectOK = true; } catch (IOException ioe) { failureReason = ioe.getLocalizedMessage(); // If connect failed, callback "connectFailed" // should be invoked. if (null != selector && Proxy.NO_PROXY != currentProxy) { selector.connectFailed(uri, currentProxy.address(), ioe); } } } if (!connectOK) { // K0097=Unable to connect to server\: {0} throw new IOException(Msg.getString("K0097", failureReason)); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } }
/** Resets {@link #nextInetSocketAddress} to the first option. */ private void resetNextInetSocketAddress(Proxy proxy) throws UnknownHostException { socketAddresses = null; // Clear the addresses. Necessary if getAllByName() below throws! String socketHost; if (proxy.type() == Proxy.Type.DIRECT) { socketHost = uri.getHost(); socketPort = getEffectivePort(uri); } else { SocketAddress proxyAddress = proxy.address(); if (!(proxyAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Proxy.address() is not an " + "InetSocketAddress: " + proxyAddress.getClass()); } InetSocketAddress proxySocketAddress = (InetSocketAddress) proxyAddress; socketHost = proxySocketAddress.getHostName(); socketPort = proxySocketAddress.getPort(); } // Try each address for best behavior in mixed IPv4/IPv6 environments. socketAddresses = dns.getAllByName(socketHost); nextSocketAddressIndex = 0; }
public static void putProxyIntoServersFile( final File configDir, final String host, final Proxy proxyInfo) { final IdeaSVNConfigFile configFile = new IdeaSVNConfigFile(new File(configDir, SERVERS_FILE_NAME)); configFile.updateGroups(); String groupName = SvnAuthenticationManager.getGroupForHost(host, configFile); if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(groupName)) { groupName = host; final Map<String, ProxyGroup> groups = configFile.getAllGroups(); while (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(groupName) || groups.containsKey(groupName)) { groupName += "1"; } } final HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); final InetSocketAddress address = ((InetSocketAddress) proxyInfo.address()); map.put(SvnAuthenticationManager.HTTP_PROXY_HOST, address.getHostName()); map.put(SvnAuthenticationManager.HTTP_PROXY_PORT, String.valueOf(address.getPort())); configFile.addGroup(groupName, host + "*", map);; }
private InetAddress getConnectToInetAddress(Proxy paramProxy, URL paramURL) { if ((paramProxy != null) && (paramProxy.type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT)) { return ((InetSocketAddress) paramProxy.address()).getAddress(); } return InetAddress.getByName(paramURL.getHost()); }