// [JACKSON-484]
  public void testInetAddress() throws IOException {
    InetAddress address = MAPPER.readValue(quote(""), InetAddress.class);
    assertEquals("", address.getHostAddress());

    // should we try resolving host names? That requires connectivity...
    final String HOST = "google.com";
    address = MAPPER.readValue(quote(HOST), InetAddress.class);
    assertEquals(HOST, address.getHostName());
  // for [JACKSON-652]
  // @since 1.9
  public void testUntypedWithJsonArrays() throws Exception {
    // by default we get:
    Object ob = MAPPER.readValue("[1]", Object.class);
    assertTrue(ob instanceof List<?>);

    // but can change to produce Object[]:
    MAPPER.configure(DeserializationFeature.USE_JAVA_ARRAY_FOR_JSON_ARRAY, true);
    ob = MAPPER.readValue("[1]", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Object[].class, ob.getClass());
  // [JACKSON-597]
  public void testClass() throws IOException {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    assertSame(String.class, mapper.readValue(quote("java.lang.String"), Class.class));

    // then primitive types
    assertSame(Boolean.TYPE, mapper.readValue(quote("boolean"), Class.class));
    assertSame(Byte.TYPE, mapper.readValue(quote("byte"), Class.class));
    assertSame(Short.TYPE, mapper.readValue(quote("short"), Class.class));
    assertSame(Character.TYPE, mapper.readValue(quote("char"), Class.class));
    assertSame(Integer.TYPE, mapper.readValue(quote("int"), Class.class));
    assertSame(Long.TYPE, mapper.readValue(quote("long"), Class.class));
    assertSame(Float.TYPE, mapper.readValue(quote("float"), Class.class));
    assertSame(Double.TYPE, mapper.readValue(quote("double"), Class.class));
    assertSame(Void.TYPE, mapper.readValue(quote("void"), Class.class));
  // [JACKSON-605]
  public void testClassWithParams() throws IOException {
    String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new ParamClassBean("Foobar"));

    ParamClassBean result = MAPPER.readValue(json, ParamClassBean.class);
    assertEquals("Foobar", result.name);
    assertSame(String.class, result.clazz);
  /** Related to issues [JACKSON-155], [#170]. */
  public void testFile() throws Exception {
    // Not portable etc... has to do:
    File src = new File("/test").getAbsoluteFile();
    String abs = src.getAbsolutePath();

    // escape backslashes (for portability with windows)
    String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(abs);
    File result = MAPPER.readValue(json, File.class);
    assertEquals(abs, result.getAbsolutePath());

    // Then #170
    final ObjectMapper mapper2 = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper2.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.CREATOR, Visibility.NONE);

    result = mapper2.readValue(json, File.class);
    assertEquals(abs, result.getAbsolutePath());
  public void testInetSocketAddress() throws IOException {
    InetSocketAddress address = MAPPER.readValue(quote(""), InetSocketAddress.class);
    assertEquals("", address.getAddress().getHostAddress());

    InetSocketAddress ip6 =
        MAPPER.readValue(quote("2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348"), InetSocketAddress.class);
    assertEquals("2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348", ip6.getAddress().getHostAddress());

    InetSocketAddress ip6port =
            quote("[2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348]:443"), InetSocketAddress.class);
    assertEquals("2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348", ip6port.getAddress().getHostAddress());
    assertEquals(443, ip6port.getPort());

    // should we try resolving host names? That requires connectivity...
    final String HOST = "www.ning.com";
    address = MAPPER.readValue(quote(HOST), InetSocketAddress.class);
    assertEquals(HOST, address.getHostName());
 public void testRegexps() throws IOException {
   final String PATTERN_STR = "abc:\\s?(\\d+)";
   Pattern exp = Pattern.compile(PATTERN_STR);
   /* Ok: easiest way is to just serialize first; problem
    * is the backslash
   String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(exp);
   Pattern result = MAPPER.readValue(json, Pattern.class);
   assertEquals(exp.pattern(), result.pattern());
 // Test for verifying that Long values are coerced to boolean correctly as well
 public void testLongToBoolean() throws Exception {
   long value = 1L + Integer.MAX_VALUE;
   BooleanBean b =
           "{\"primitive\" : " + value + ", \"wrapper\":" + value + ", \"ctor\":" + value + "}",
   assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, b.wrapper);
   assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, b.ctor);
 // [Issue#239]
 public void testByteBuffer() throws Exception {
   byte[] INPUT = new byte[] {1, 3, 9, -1, 6};
   String exp = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(INPUT);
   ByteBuffer result = MAPPER.readValue(exp, ByteBuffer.class);
   assertEquals(INPUT.length, result.remaining());
   for (int i = 0; i < INPUT.length; ++i) {
     assertEquals(INPUT[i], result.get());
   assertEquals(0, result.remaining());
  // [JACKSON-888]
  public void testStackTraceElement() throws Exception {
    StackTraceElement elem = null;
    try {
      throw new IllegalStateException();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      elem = e.getStackTrace()[0];
    String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(elem);
    StackTraceElement back = MAPPER.readValue(json, StackTraceElement.class);

    assertEquals("testStackTraceElement", back.getMethodName());
    assertEquals(elem.getLineNumber(), back.getLineNumber());
    assertEquals(elem.getClassName(), back.getClassName());
    assertEquals(elem.isNativeMethod(), back.isNativeMethod());
 // for [JACKSON-616]
 // @since 1.9
 public void testEmptyStringForPrimitives() throws IOException {
   PrimitivesBean bean;
   bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"booleanValue\":\"\"}", PrimitivesBean.class);
   bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"byteValue\":\"\"}", PrimitivesBean.class);
   assertEquals((byte) 0, bean.byteValue);
   bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"charValue\":\"\"}", PrimitivesBean.class);
   assertEquals((char) 0, bean.charValue);
   bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"shortValue\":\"\"}", PrimitivesBean.class);
   assertEquals((short) 0, bean.shortValue);
   bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"intValue\":\"\"}", PrimitivesBean.class);
   assertEquals(0, bean.intValue);
   bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"longValue\":\"\"}", PrimitivesBean.class);
   assertEquals(0L, bean.longValue);
   bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"floatValue\":\"\"}", PrimitivesBean.class);
   assertEquals(0.0f, bean.floatValue);
   bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"doubleValue\":\"\"}", PrimitivesBean.class);
   assertEquals(0.0, bean.doubleValue);
  // by default, should return nulls, n'est pas?
  public void testEmptyStringForWrappers() throws IOException {
    WrappersBean bean;

    // by default, ok to rely on defaults
    bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"booleanValue\":\"\"}", WrappersBean.class);
    bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"byteValue\":\"\"}", WrappersBean.class);

    // char/Character is different... not sure if this should work or not:
    bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"charValue\":\"\"}", WrappersBean.class);

    bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"shortValue\":\"\"}", WrappersBean.class);
    bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"intValue\":\"\"}", WrappersBean.class);
    bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"longValue\":\"\"}", WrappersBean.class);
    bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"floatValue\":\"\"}", WrappersBean.class);
    bean = MAPPER.readValue("{\"doubleValue\":\"\"}", WrappersBean.class);
 /** Test for [JACKSON-419] */
 public void testLocale() throws IOException {
   assertEquals(new Locale("en"), MAPPER.readValue(quote("en"), Locale.class));
   assertEquals(new Locale("es", "ES"), MAPPER.readValue(quote("es_ES"), Locale.class));
       new Locale("FI", "fi", "savo"), MAPPER.readValue(quote("fi_FI_savo"), Locale.class));
 /** Test for [JACKSON-483], allow handling of CharSequence */
 public void testCharSequence() throws IOException {
   CharSequence cs = MAPPER.readValue("\"abc\"", CharSequence.class);
   assertEquals(String.class, cs.getClass());
   assertEquals("abc", cs.toString());
  public void testMultiValueArrayException() throws IOException {
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42,42]", Integer.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42,42]", Integer.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42.273,42.273]", Double.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42.2723,42.273]", Double.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42342342342342,42342342342342]", Long.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42342342342342342,42342342342342]", Long.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42,42]", Short.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42,42]", Short.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[327.2323,327.2323]", Float.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[82.81902,327.2323]", Float.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[22,23]", Byte.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[22,23]", Byte.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue(asArray(quote("c") + "," + quote("d")), Character.class);

          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue(asArray(quote("c") + "," + quote("d")), Character.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[true,false]", Boolean.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[true,false]", Boolean.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
  public void testSingleElementArrayException() throws Exception {
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42]", Integer.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42]", Integer.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42.273]", Double.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42.2723]", Double.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42342342342342]", Long.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42342342342342342]", Long.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42]", Short.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[42]", Short.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[327.2323]", Float.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[82.81902]", Float.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[22]", Byte.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[22]", Byte.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("['d']", Character.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("['d']", Character.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly

    try {
      mapper.readValue("[true]", Boolean.class);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
    try {
      mapper.readValue("[true]", Boolean.TYPE);
          "Single value array didn't throw an exception when DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS is disabled");
    } catch (JsonMappingException exp) {
      // Exception was thrown correctly
  // [Issue#381]
  public void testSingleElementArray() throws Exception {
    final int intTest = 932832;
    final double doubleTest = 32.3234;
    final long longTest = 2374237428374293423L;
    final short shortTest = (short) intTest;
    final float floatTest = 84.3743f;
    final byte byteTest = (byte) 43;
    final char charTest = 'c';

    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    final int intValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(intTest), Integer.TYPE);
    assertEquals(intTest, intValue);
    final Integer integerWrapperValue =
        mapper.readValue(asArray(Integer.valueOf(intTest)), Integer.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(intTest), integerWrapperValue);

    final double doubleValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(doubleTest), Double.class);
    assertEquals(doubleTest, doubleValue);
    final Double doubleWrapperValue =
        mapper.readValue(asArray(Double.valueOf(doubleTest)), Double.class);
    assertEquals(Double.valueOf(doubleTest), doubleWrapperValue);

    final long longValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(longTest), Long.TYPE);
    assertEquals(longTest, longValue);
    final Long longWrapperValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(Long.valueOf(longTest)), Long.class);
    assertEquals(Long.valueOf(longTest), longWrapperValue);

    final short shortValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(shortTest), Short.TYPE);
    assertEquals(shortTest, shortValue);
    final Short shortWrapperValue =
        mapper.readValue(asArray(Short.valueOf(shortTest)), Short.class);
    assertEquals(Short.valueOf(shortTest), shortWrapperValue);

    final float floatValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(floatTest), Float.TYPE);
    assertEquals(floatTest, floatValue);
    final Float floatWrapperValue =
        mapper.readValue(asArray(Float.valueOf(floatTest)), Float.class);
    assertEquals(Float.valueOf(floatTest), floatWrapperValue);

    final byte byteValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(byteTest), Byte.TYPE);
    assertEquals(byteTest, byteValue);
    final Byte byteWrapperValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(Byte.valueOf(byteTest)), Byte.class);
    assertEquals(Byte.valueOf(byteTest), byteWrapperValue);

    final char charValue =
        mapper.readValue(asArray(quote(String.valueOf(charTest))), Character.TYPE);
    assertEquals(charTest, charValue);
    final Character charWrapperValue =
        mapper.readValue(asArray(quote(String.valueOf(charTest))), Character.class);
    assertEquals(Character.valueOf(charTest), charWrapperValue);

    final boolean booleanTrueValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(true), Boolean.TYPE);

    final boolean booleanFalseValue = mapper.readValue(asArray(false), Boolean.TYPE);

    final Boolean booleanWrapperTrueValue =
        mapper.readValue(asArray(Boolean.valueOf(true)), Boolean.class);
    assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, booleanWrapperTrueValue);
 // [JACKSON-789]
 public void testCharset() throws Exception {
   Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
   assertSame(UTF8, MAPPER.readValue(quote("UTF-8"), Charset.class));
  /** Test for [JACKSON-420] (add DeserializationConfig.FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES) */
  public void testNullForPrimitives() throws IOException {
    // by default, ok to rely on defaults
    PrimitivesBean bean =
            "{\"intValue\":null, \"booleanValue\":null, \"doubleValue\":null}",
    assertEquals(0, bean.intValue);
    assertEquals(false, bean.booleanValue);
    assertEquals(0.0, bean.doubleValue);

    bean =
            "{\"byteValue\":null, \"longValue\":null, \"floatValue\":null}", PrimitivesBean.class);
    assertEquals((byte) 0, bean.byteValue);
    assertEquals(0L, bean.longValue);
    assertEquals(0.0f, bean.floatValue);

    // but not when enabled
    final ObjectMapper mapper2 = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper2.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES, true);

    // boolean
    try {
      mapper2.readValue("{\"booleanValue\":null}", PrimitivesBean.class);
      fail("Expected failure for boolean + null");
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
      verifyException(e, "Can not map JSON null into type boolean");
    // byte/char/short/int/long
    try {
      mapper2.readValue("{\"byteValue\":null}", PrimitivesBean.class);
      fail("Expected failure for byte + null");
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
      verifyException(e, "Can not map JSON null into type byte");
    try {
      mapper2.readValue("{\"charValue\":null}", PrimitivesBean.class);
      fail("Expected failure for char + null");
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
      verifyException(e, "Can not map JSON null into type char");
    try {
      mapper2.readValue("{\"shortValue\":null}", PrimitivesBean.class);
      fail("Expected failure for short + null");
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
      verifyException(e, "Can not map JSON null into type short");
    try {
      mapper2.readValue("{\"intValue\":null}", PrimitivesBean.class);
      fail("Expected failure for int + null");
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
      verifyException(e, "Can not map JSON null into type int");
    try {
      mapper2.readValue("{\"longValue\":null}", PrimitivesBean.class);
      fail("Expected failure for long + null");
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
      verifyException(e, "Can not map JSON null into type long");

    // float/double
    try {
      mapper2.readValue("{\"floatValue\":null}", PrimitivesBean.class);
      fail("Expected failure for float + null");
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
      verifyException(e, "Can not map JSON null into type float");
    try {
      mapper2.readValue("{\"doubleValue\":null}", PrimitivesBean.class);
      fail("Expected failure for double + null");
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
      verifyException(e, "Can not map JSON null into type double");