/** * Connect to searchd server and update given attributes on given documents in given indexes. * Sample code that will set group_id=123 where id=1 and group_id=456 where id=3: * * <pre> * String[] attrs = new String[1]; * * attrs[0] = "group_id"; * long[][] values = new long[2][2]; * * values[0] = new long[2]; values[0][0] = 1; values[0][1] = 123; * values[1] = new long[2]; values[1][0] = 3; values[1][1] = 456; * * int res = cl.UpdateAttributes ( "test1", attrs, values ); * </pre> * * @param index index name(s) to update; might be distributed * @param attrs array with the names of the attributes to update * @param values array of updates; each long[] entry must contains document ID in the first * element, and all new attribute values in the following ones * @param ignorenonexistent the flag whether to silently ignore non existent columns up update * request * @return -1 on failure, amount of actually found and updated documents (might be 0) on success * @throws SphinxException on invalid parameters */ public int UpdateAttributes( String index, String[] attrs, long[][] values, boolean ignorenonexistent) throws SphinxException { /* check args */ myAssert(index != null && index.length() > 0, "no index name provided"); myAssert(attrs != null && attrs.length > 0, "no attribute names provided"); myAssert(values != null && values.length > 0, "no update entries provided"); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { myAssert(values[i] != null, "update entry #" + i + " is null"); myAssert(values[i].length == 1 + attrs.length, "update entry #" + i + " has wrong length"); } /* build and send request */ ByteArrayOutputStream reqBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream req = new DataOutputStream(reqBuf); try { writeNetUTF8(req, index); req.writeInt(attrs.length); req.writeInt(ignorenonexistent ? 1 : 0); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { writeNetUTF8(req, attrs[i]); req.writeInt(0); // not MVA attr } req.writeInt(values.length); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { req.writeLong(values[i][0]); /* send docid as 64bit value */ for (int j = 1; j < values[i].length; j++) req.writeInt( (int) values[i][ j]); /* send values as 32bit values; FIXME! what happens when they are over 2^31? */ } req.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { _error = "internal error: failed to build request: " + e; return -1; } /* get and parse response */ DataInputStream in = _DoRequest(SEARCHD_COMMAND_UPDATE, VER_COMMAND_UPDATE, reqBuf); if (in == null) return -1; try { return in.readInt(); } catch (Exception e) { _error = "incomplete reply"; return -1; } }
/** Run all previously added search queries. */ public SphinxResult[] RunQueries() throws SphinxException { if (_reqs == null || _reqs.size() < 1) { _error = "no queries defined, issue AddQuery() first"; return null; } /* build the mega-request */ int nreqs = _reqs.size(); ByteArrayOutputStream reqBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { DataOutputStream req = new DataOutputStream(reqBuf); /* its a client */ req.writeInt(0); req.writeInt(nreqs); for (int i = 0; i < nreqs; i++) req.write((byte[]) _reqs.get(i)); req.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { _error = "internal error: failed to build request: " + e; return null; } DataInputStream in = _DoRequest(SEARCHD_COMMAND_SEARCH, VER_COMMAND_SEARCH, reqBuf); if (in == null) return null; SphinxResult[] results = new SphinxResult[nreqs]; _reqs = new ArrayList(); try { for (int ires = 0; ires < nreqs; ires++) { SphinxResult res = new SphinxResult(); results[ires] = res; int status = in.readInt(); res.setStatus(status); if (status != SEARCHD_OK) { String message = readNetUTF8(in); if (status == SEARCHD_WARNING) { res.warning = message; } else { res.error = message; continue; } } /* read fields */ int nfields = in.readInt(); res.fields = new String[nfields]; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nfields; i++) res.fields[i] = readNetUTF8(in); /* read arrts */ int nattrs = in.readInt(); res.attrTypes = new int[nattrs]; res.attrNames = new String[nattrs]; for (int i = 0; i < nattrs; i++) { String AttrName = readNetUTF8(in); int AttrType = in.readInt(); res.attrNames[i] = AttrName; res.attrTypes[i] = AttrType; } /* read match count */ int count = in.readInt(); int id64 = in.readInt(); res.matches = new SphinxMatch[count]; for (int matchesNo = 0; matchesNo < count; matchesNo++) { SphinxMatch docInfo; docInfo = new SphinxMatch((id64 == 0) ? readDword(in) : in.readLong(), in.readInt()); /* read matches */ for (int attrNumber = 0; attrNumber < res.attrTypes.length; attrNumber++) { String attrName = res.attrNames[attrNumber]; int type = res.attrTypes[attrNumber]; /* handle bigints */ if (type == SPH_ATTR_BIGINT) { docInfo.attrValues.add(attrNumber, new Long(in.readLong())); continue; } /* handle floats */ if (type == SPH_ATTR_FLOAT) { docInfo.attrValues.add(attrNumber, new Float(in.readFloat())); continue; } /* handle strings */ if (type == SPH_ATTR_STRING) { String s = readNetUTF8(in); docInfo.attrValues.add(attrNumber, s); continue; } /* handle everything else as unsigned ints */ long val = readDword(in); if (type == SPH_ATTR_MULTI) { long[] vals = new long[(int) val]; for (int k = 0; k < val; k++) vals[k] = readDword(in); docInfo.attrValues.add(attrNumber, vals); } else if (type == SPH_ATTR_MULTI64) { val = val / 2; long[] vals = new long[(int) val]; for (int k = 0; k < val; k++) vals[k] = in.readLong(); docInfo.attrValues.add(attrNumber, vals); } else { docInfo.attrValues.add(attrNumber, new Long(val)); } } res.matches[matchesNo] = docInfo; } res.total = in.readInt(); res.totalFound = in.readInt(); res.time = in.readInt() / 1000.0f; res.words = new SphinxWordInfo[in.readInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < res.words.length; i++) res.words[i] = new SphinxWordInfo(readNetUTF8(in), readDword(in), readDword(in)); } return results; } catch (IOException e) { _error = "incomplete reply"; return null; } }
/** Add new query with current settings to current search request. */ public int AddQuery(String query, String index, String comment) throws SphinxException { ByteArrayOutputStream req = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); /* build request */ try { DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(req); out.writeInt(_offset); out.writeInt(_limit); out.writeInt(_mode); out.writeInt(_ranker); if (_ranker == SPH_RANK_EXPR) { writeNetUTF8(out, _rankexpr); } out.writeInt(_sort); writeNetUTF8(out, _sortby); writeNetUTF8(out, query); int weightLen = _weights != null ? _weights.length : 0; out.writeInt(weightLen); if (_weights != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _weights.length; i++) out.writeInt(_weights[i]); } writeNetUTF8(out, index); out.writeInt(0); out.writeInt(_minId); out.writeInt(_maxId); /* filters */ out.writeInt(_filterCount); out.write(_rawFilters.toByteArray()); /* group-by, max matches, sort-by-group flag */ out.writeInt(_groupFunc); writeNetUTF8(out, _groupBy); out.writeInt(_maxMatches); writeNetUTF8(out, _groupSort); out.writeInt(_cutoff); out.writeInt(_retrycount); out.writeInt(_retrydelay); writeNetUTF8(out, _groupDistinct); /* anchor point */ if (_latitudeAttr == null || _latitudeAttr.length() == 0 || _longitudeAttr == null || _longitudeAttr.length() == 0) { out.writeInt(0); } else { out.writeInt(1); writeNetUTF8(out, _latitudeAttr); writeNetUTF8(out, _longitudeAttr); out.writeFloat(_latitude); out.writeFloat(_longitude); } /* per-index weights */ out.writeInt(_indexWeights.size()); for (Iterator e = _indexWeights.keySet().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) { String indexName = (String) e.next(); Integer weight = (Integer) _indexWeights.get(indexName); writeNetUTF8(out, indexName); out.writeInt(weight.intValue()); } /* max query time */ out.writeInt(_maxQueryTime); /* per-field weights */ out.writeInt(_fieldWeights.size()); for (Iterator e = _fieldWeights.keySet().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) { String field = (String) e.next(); Integer weight = (Integer) _fieldWeights.get(field); writeNetUTF8(out, field); out.writeInt(weight.intValue()); } /* comment */ writeNetUTF8(out, comment); /* overrides */ out.writeInt(_overrideTypes.size()); for (Iterator e = _overrideTypes.keySet().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) { String attr = (String) e.next(); Integer type = (Integer) _overrideTypes.get(attr); Map values = (Map) _overrideValues.get(attr); writeNetUTF8(out, attr); out.writeInt(type.intValue()); out.writeInt(values.size()); for (Iterator e2 = values.keySet().iterator(); e2.hasNext(); ) { Long id = (Long) e2.next(); out.writeLong(id.longValue()); switch (type.intValue()) { case SPH_ATTR_FLOAT: out.writeFloat(((Float) values.get(id)).floatValue()); break; case SPH_ATTR_BIGINT: out.writeLong(((Long) values.get(id)).longValue()); break; default: out.writeInt(((Integer) values.get(id)).intValue()); break; } } } /* select-list */ writeNetUTF8(out, _select); /* done! */ out.flush(); int qIndex = _reqs.size(); _reqs.add(qIndex, req.toByteArray()); return qIndex; } catch (Exception e) { myAssert(false, "error in AddQuery(): " + e + ": " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { _filters.close(); _rawFilters.close(); } catch (IOException e) { myAssert(false, "error in AddQuery(): " + e + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } return -1; }
/** * Connect to searchd server and generate excerpts (snippets) from given documents. * * @param opts maps String keys to String or Integer values (see the documentation for complete * keys list). * @return null on failure, array of snippets on success. */ public String[] BuildExcerpts(String[] docs, String index, String words, Map opts) throws SphinxException { myAssert(docs != null && docs.length > 0, "BuildExcerpts: Have no documents to process"); myAssert( index != null && index.length() > 0, "BuildExcerpts: Have no index to process documents"); myAssert(words != null && words.length() > 0, "BuildExcerpts: Have no words to highlight"); if (opts == null) opts = new LinkedHashMap(); /* fixup options */ if (!opts.containsKey("before_match")) opts.put("before_match", "<b>"); if (!opts.containsKey("after_match")) opts.put("after_match", "</b>"); if (!opts.containsKey("chunk_separator")) opts.put("chunk_separator", "..."); if (!opts.containsKey("html_strip_mode")) opts.put("html_strip_mode", "index"); if (!opts.containsKey("limit")) opts.put("limit", new Integer(256)); if (!opts.containsKey("limit_passages")) opts.put("limit_passages", new Integer(0)); if (!opts.containsKey("limit_words")) opts.put("limit_words", new Integer(0)); if (!opts.containsKey("around")) opts.put("around", new Integer(5)); if (!opts.containsKey("start_passage_id")) opts.put("start_passage_id", new Integer(1)); if (!opts.containsKey("exact_phrase")) opts.put("exact_phrase", new Integer(0)); if (!opts.containsKey("single_passage")) opts.put("single_passage", new Integer(0)); if (!opts.containsKey("use_boundaries")) opts.put("use_boundaries", new Integer(0)); if (!opts.containsKey("weight_order")) opts.put("weight_order", new Integer(0)); if (!opts.containsKey("load_files")) opts.put("load_files", new Integer(0)); if (!opts.containsKey("allow_empty")) opts.put("allow_empty", new Integer(0)); if (!opts.containsKey("query_mode")) opts.put("query_mode", new Integer(0)); if (!opts.containsKey("force_all_words")) opts.put("force_all_words", new Integer(0)); /* build request */ ByteArrayOutputStream reqBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream req = new DataOutputStream(reqBuf); try { req.writeInt(0); int iFlags = 1; /* remove_spaces */ if (((Integer) opts.get("exact_phrase")).intValue() != 0) iFlags |= 2; if (((Integer) opts.get("single_passage")).intValue() != 0) iFlags |= 4; if (((Integer) opts.get("use_boundaries")).intValue() != 0) iFlags |= 8; if (((Integer) opts.get("weight_order")).intValue() != 0) iFlags |= 16; if (((Integer) opts.get("query_mode")).intValue() != 0) iFlags |= 32; if (((Integer) opts.get("force_all_words")).intValue() != 0) iFlags |= 64; if (((Integer) opts.get("load_files")).intValue() != 0) iFlags |= 128; if (((Integer) opts.get("allow_empty")).intValue() != 0) iFlags |= 256; req.writeInt(iFlags); writeNetUTF8(req, index); writeNetUTF8(req, words); /* send options */ writeNetUTF8(req, (String) opts.get("before_match")); writeNetUTF8(req, (String) opts.get("after_match")); writeNetUTF8(req, (String) opts.get("chunk_separator")); req.writeInt(((Integer) opts.get("limit")).intValue()); req.writeInt(((Integer) opts.get("around")).intValue()); req.writeInt(((Integer) opts.get("limit_passages")).intValue()); req.writeInt(((Integer) opts.get("limit_words")).intValue()); req.writeInt(((Integer) opts.get("start_passage_id")).intValue()); writeNetUTF8(req, (String) opts.get("html_strip_mode")); /* send documents */ req.writeInt(docs.length); for (int i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) writeNetUTF8(req, docs[i]); req.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { _error = "internal error: failed to build request: " + e; return null; } DataInputStream in = _DoRequest(SEARCHD_COMMAND_EXCERPT, VER_COMMAND_EXCERPT, reqBuf); if (in == null) return null; try { String[] res = new String[docs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) res[i] = readNetUTF8(in); return res; } catch (Exception e) { _error = "incomplete reply"; return null; } }