예제 #1
  * Re-scans the bus for devices. <i>ScanForDevices()</i> is called automatically by <i>{@link
  * #open() open()}</i>. <i>You must terminate use of all USB devices before calling
  * scanForDevices()!</i> After calling <i>scanForDevices()</i> you can reestablish connections to
  * USB devices.
  * @return This device manager, useful for chaining together multiple operations.
  * @throws OperationFailedException
 public USBDeviceManager scanForDevices() {
   if (isOpen()) {
     final int MAX_DEVICES = 100;
     int devices[] = new int[1 + MAX_DEVICES * 2]; // device index-product ID pairs
     final int result =
         getDeviceByProductID(MIN_PRODUCT_ID, MAX_PRODUCT_ID, devices); // get all devices
     if (result != SUCCESS) throw new OperationFailedException(result);
     final int numDevices = devices[0];
     for (int index = 0; index < numDevices; index++) {
       USBDevice device = null;
       final int deviceIndex = devices[1 + index * 2];
       final int productID = devices[1 + index * 2 + 1];
       if (USB_AI16_Family.isSupportedProductID(productID)) {
         device = new USB_AI16_Family(productID, deviceIndex);
       } else if (USB_AO16_Family.isSupportedProductID(productID)) {
         device = new USB_AO16_Family(productID, deviceIndex);
       } else if (USB_CTR_15_Family.isSupportedProductID(productID)) {
         device = new USB_CTR_15_Family(productID, deviceIndex);
       } else if (USB_DA12_8A_Family.isSupportedProductID(productID)) {
         device = new USB_DA12_8A_Family(productID, deviceIndex);
       } else if (USB_DA12_8E_Family.isSupportedProductID(productID)) {
         device = new USB_DA12_8E_Family(productID, deviceIndex);
       } else if (USB_DIO_16_Family.isSupportedProductID(productID)) {
         device = new USB_DIO_16_Family(productID, deviceIndex);
       } else if (USB_DIO_32_Family.isSupportedProductID(productID)) {
         device = new USB_DIO_32_Family(productID, deviceIndex);
       } else if (USB_DIO_Family.isSupportedProductID(productID)) {
         device = new USB_DIO_Family(productID, deviceIndex);
       } // else if( USB_DIO_Family.isSupportedProductID( ...
       if (device != null) deviceList.add(device);
     } // for( int index ...
   } else throw new OperationFailedException(MESSAGE_NOT_OPEN);
   return this;
 } // scanForDevices()
예제 #2
  * "Closes" the USB device manager for use. When finished using the USB device manager, and
  * assuming <i>{@link #open() open()}</i> was properly called, <i>close()</i> must be called.
  * <i>Close()</i> terminates use of the underlying AIOUSB module and discards the list of devices
  * found. <i>You must terminate use of all USB devices before calling close()!</i> You can call
  * <i>open()</i> again to reinitialize things and reestablish connections to USB devices.
  * @return This device manager, useful for chaining together multiple operations.
  * @throws OperationFailedException
 public USBDeviceManager close() {
   if (isOpen()) {
     openStatus = 0;
   } else throw new OperationFailedException(MESSAGE_NOT_OPEN);
   return this;
 } // close()