// Creates "destIP,sourceIP" strings to tell calling function // which springs to make public HashSet<String> getSpringsToMake() { HashSet<String> toReturn = new HashSet<String>(); for (Datum d : getData()) { toReturn.add(d.destIP + "," + d.sourceIP); } return toReturn; }
// HashSet filters out duplicates private HashSet<String> getNodesToMake() { HashSet<String> toReturn = new HashSet<String>(); for (Datum d : getData()) { toReturn.add(d.destIP); toReturn.add(d.sourceIP); } return toReturn; }
public void initializePQ(MyGraph graph) { for (String vertex : graph.getVertices()) { pq.add(vertex, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); toVisit.add(vertex); distance.put(vertex, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); parent.put(vertex, null); } }
public void executeDijkstra(MyGraph graph, String start) { initializePQ(graph); source = start; pq.changePriority("a", 0.0); distance.put(source, 0.0); parent.put(source, source); visited.add(source); toVisit.remove(source); String last_added = pq.removeMin(); HashMap<String, Double> neighbouring_edges = graph.getEdgesFrom(last_added); while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) { /*for(String vertex : visited){ System.out.print(vertex + " "); } System.out.println();*/ // First change the priorities considering the new crossing edges from last_added. // last_added is u and vertex is v in the edge (u,v). weight(u,v) is graph.getEdge(u,v) for (String vertex : neighbouring_edges.keySet()) { if (toVisit.contains(vertex)) { if (parent.get(vertex) == null) { parent.put(vertex, last_added); distance.put(vertex, distance.get(last_added) + graph.getEdge(last_added, vertex)); pq.changePriority(vertex, distance.get(vertex)); } else { // if the new crossing edges allow for a shorter path to vertex if (distance.get(last_added) + graph.getEdge(last_added, vertex) < distance.get(vertex)) { parent.put(vertex, last_added); distance.put(vertex, distance.get(last_added) + graph.getEdge(last_added, vertex)); pq.changePriority(vertex, distance.get(vertex)); } } } } // Once the pq has been updated, remove the min vertex last_added = pq.removeMin(); neighbouring_edges = graph.getEdgesFrom(last_added); toVisit.remove(last_added); visited.add(last_added); } }