@Override public OperationResult invokeOperation(String name, Configuration parameters) throws Exception { if (name.equals(ENABLE_OPERATION)) { Operation operation = new Operation(ENABLE_OPERATION, getAddress()); Boolean persistent = Boolean.valueOf(parameters.getSimpleValue("persistent", TRUE.toString())); operation.addAdditionalProperty("persistent", persistent); Result res = getASConnection().execute(operation); if (res.isSuccess()) { return new OperationResult(); } else { OperationResult operationResult = new OperationResult(); operationResult.setErrorMessage(res.getFailureDescription()); return operationResult; } } if (name.equals(DISABLE_OPERATION)) { Operation operation = new Operation(DISABLE_OPERATION, getAddress()); boolean allowResourceServiceRestart = Boolean.parseBoolean( parameters.getSimpleValue("allow-resource-service-restart", FALSE.toString())); if (allowResourceServiceRestart) { operation.allowResourceServiceRestart(); } Result res = getASConnection().execute(operation); if (res.isSuccess()) { return new OperationResult(); } else { OperationResult operationResult = new OperationResult(); operationResult.setErrorMessage(res.getFailureDescription()); return operationResult; } } return super.invokeOperation(name, parameters); }
/** * Returns TRUE of FALSE if 'expr' is a boolean expression and its value is known statically. The * caller should be careful when replacing this expression as it may have side effects. */ private Boolean getKnownValue(Expression expr) { Object value = expr.getConstantValue(); if (value instanceof Boolean) { return (Boolean) value; } switch (expr.getKind()) { case BOOLEAN_LITERAL: return ((BooleanLiteral) expr).booleanValue(); case INFIX_EXPRESSION: { InfixExpression infixExpr = (InfixExpression) expr; InfixExpression.Operator op = infixExpr.getOperator(); if (op == CONDITIONAL_AND || op == CONDITIONAL_OR) { // We assume that this node has already been visited and pruned so // if it has a known value, it will be equal to the last operand. List<Expression> operands = infixExpr.getOperands(); Boolean lastOperand = getKnownValue(operands.get(operands.size() - 1)); if (lastOperand != null && lastOperand.booleanValue() == (op == CONDITIONAL_OR)) { return lastOperand; } } return null; } case PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION: return getKnownValue(((ParenthesizedExpression) expr).getExpression()); default: return null; } }
java.lang.Object interpret( COM.dragonflow.SiteView.SiteViewObject siteviewobject, COM.dragonflow.SiteView.Rule rule) throws COM.dragonflow.Utils.InterpreterException { java.lang.Boolean boolean1 = (java.lang.Boolean) left.interpret(siteviewobject, rule); java.lang.Boolean boolean2 = (java.lang.Boolean) right.interpret(siteviewobject, rule); if (!boolean1.booleanValue() && !boolean2.booleanValue()) { return new Boolean(false); } else { return new Boolean(true); } }
protected boolean queryBoolean(String query) throws IOException { if (USECACHE) { if (cache == null) cache = new Hashtable(); Object r = cache.get(query); if (r != null) return ((Boolean) r).booleanValue(); Boolean r1 = queryBoolean1(query); cache.put(query, r1); return r1.booleanValue(); } else { return queryBoolean1(query).booleanValue(); } }
@Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((value == null) ? 0 : value.hashCode()); return result; }
public void proccessConnection() { iptables = new AccesIptables(); // Thread thread = new Thread(iptables); // thread.start(); try { while (in.ready()) { String linie[] = in.readLine().split("\\¶{1}"); // System.out.println("Linie mesaj" +"- "+ linie[0] +" - "+ linie[1] +" - "+ // java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(linie[2])); iptables.accesIptables(linie[0], linie[1], java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(linie[2])); // if (sesUtilDeDezactivat!=null) if (sesUtilDeDezactivat.compareTo("")!=0) // {interziceListaCereri(sesUtilDeDezactivat); // String idutil=dbcon.getString("SELECT id from utilizatori where // utilizator='"+sesUtilDeDezactivat+"'", "id"); // String ip = dbcon.getString("SELECT ip from sesiuni where idutil='"+idutil+"' and // datapornire=dataoprire order by datapornire desc", "ip"); // dbcon.update("UPDATE sesiuni set dataoprire=NOW() where ip='"+ip+"' and // datapornire=dataoprire"); } out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // jurnal.println("Eroare la procesarea conexiunii: "+ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } iptables.run(); }
public CreateObjectMonitor(String n, ObjectURL wturl, WithHash w, Boolean r) { super(); name = n; with = w; this.wturl = wturl; replace = r.booleanValue(); }
@Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = extensionsHashCode(); result = result * 37 + (message_set_wire_format != null ? message_set_wire_format.hashCode() : 0); result = result * 37 + (no_standard_descriptor_accessor != null ? no_standard_descriptor_accessor.hashCode() : 0); result = result * 37 + (uninterpreted_option != null ? uninterpreted_option.hashCode() : 1); hashCode = result; } return result; }
/** * Write an object to a stream. * * @param ostream The stream to write to. * @param obj The object to write. * @param indent The current indentation level. * @throws IOException on I/O error */ @Override public void write(final Appendable ostream, final HarvestableFixture obj, final int indent) throws IOException { if (obj instanceof CacheFixture) { writeTag(ostream, "cache", indent); final CacheFixture cache = (CacheFixture) obj; writeProperty(ostream, "kind", cache.getKind()); writeProperty(ostream, "contents", cache.getContents()); } else if (obj instanceof Meadow) { writeTag(ostream, getMeadowTag((Meadow) obj), indent); final Meadow meadow = (Meadow) obj; writeProperty(ostream, "kind", meadow.getKind()); writeProperty(ostream, "cultivated", Boolean.toString(meadow.isCultivated())); writeProperty(ostream, "status", meadow.getStatus().toString()); } else if (obj instanceof Grove) { writeTag(ostream, getGroveTag((Grove) obj), indent); final Grove grove = (Grove) obj; writeProperty(ostream, "cultivated", Boolean.toString(grove.isCultivated())); writeProperty(ostream, "kind", grove.getKind()); } else if (obj instanceof Mine) { writeTag(ostream, "mine", indent); final Mine mine = (Mine) obj; writeProperty(ostream, "kind", mine.getKind()); writeProperty(ostream, "status", mine.getStatus().toString()); } else if (obj instanceof MineralVein) { writeTag(ostream, "mineral", indent); final MineralVein mineral = (MineralVein) obj; writeProperty(ostream, "kind", mineral.getKind()); writeProperty(ostream, "exposed", Boolean.toString(mineral.isExposed())); writeProperty(ostream, "dc", Integer.toString(mineral.getDC())); } else if (obj instanceof Shrub) { writeTag(ostream, "shrub", indent); writeProperty(ostream, "kind", ((Shrub) obj).getKind()); } else if (obj instanceof StoneDeposit) { writeTag(ostream, "stone", indent); final StoneDeposit stone = (StoneDeposit) obj; writeProperty(ostream, "kind", stone.stone().toString()); writeProperty(ostream, "dc", Integer.toString(stone.getDC())); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled HarvestableFixture subtype"); } writeProperty(ostream, "id", Integer.toString(obj.getID())); writeImageXML(ostream, obj); closeLeafTag(ostream); }
/** * @param value * @param type * @return */ private Object createTypedObject(String value, Class type) { if (java.lang.String.class == type) return value; else if (java.lang.Integer.class == type) return java.lang.Integer.parseInt(value); else if (java.lang.Long.class == type) return java.lang.Long.parseLong(value); else if (java.lang.Boolean.class == type) return java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(value); else if (java.lang.Float.class == type) return java.lang.Float.parseFloat(value); else if (java.lang.Double.class == type) return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(value); return null; }
protected void setProperties(UIComponent component) { super.setProperties(component); javax.faces.component.UIOutput output = null; try { output = (javax.faces.component.UIOutput) component; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Component " + component.toString() + " not expected type. Expected: javax.faces.component.UIOutput. Perhaps you're missing a tag?"); } if (converter != null) { if (!converter.isLiteralText()) { output.setValueExpression("converter", converter); } else { Converter conv = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .getApplication() .createConverter(converter.getExpressionString()); output.setConverter(conv); } } if (value != null) { if (!value.isLiteralText()) { output.setValueExpression("value", value); } else { output.setValue(value.getExpressionString()); } } if (escape != null) { if (!escape.isLiteralText()) { output.setValueExpression("escape", escape); } else { output .getAttributes() .put("escape", java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(escape.getExpressionString())); } } if (style != null) { if (!style.isLiteralText()) { output.setValueExpression("style", style); } else { output.getAttributes().put("style", style.getExpressionString()); } } if (styleClass != null) { if (!styleClass.isLiteralText()) { output.setValueExpression("styleClass", styleClass); } else { output.getAttributes().put("styleClass", styleClass.getExpressionString()); } } }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; IsAliveFromWaterMeter other = (IsAliveFromWaterMeter) obj; if (value == null) { if (other.value != null) return false; } else if (!value.equals(other.value)) return false; return true; }
private boolean getBoolean( final Map<String, String> options, final String key, final boolean defaultValue) { final String option = options.get(key); if (StringUtils.hasText(option)) { return java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(option); } return defaultValue; }
@Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = unknownFields().hashCode(); result = result * 37 + (deprecated != null ? deprecated.hashCode() : 0); result = result * 37 + (uninterpreted_option != null ? uninterpreted_option.hashCode() : 1); super.hashCode = result; } return result; }
private abstract static class Cache { static final boolean enabled = java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("x10.lang.UByte.Cache.enabled", "false")); static final int low = -128; static final int high = enabled ? 127 : (low - 1); // disable caching static final UByte cache[] = new UByte[high - low + 1]; static { for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; ++i) { cache[i] = new UByte((byte) (low + i)); } } }
protected void setProperties(UIComponent component) { super.setProperties(component); javax.faces.component.UICommand command = null; try { command = (javax.faces.component.UICommand) component; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Component " + component.toString() + " not expected type. Expected: javax.faces.component.UICommand. Perhaps you're missing a tag?"); } if (action != null) { command.setActionExpression(action); } if (actionListener != null) { command.addActionListener(new MethodExpressionActionListener(actionListener)); } if (immediate != null) { if (!immediate.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("immediate", immediate); } else { command.setImmediate( java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(immediate.getExpressionString()).booleanValue()); } } if (label != null) { if (!label.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("label", label); } else { command.getAttributes().put("label", label.getExpressionString()); } } if (oncommand != null) { if (!oncommand.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("oncommand", oncommand); } else { command.getAttributes().put("oncommand", oncommand.getExpressionString()); } } if (onclick != null) { if (!onclick.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("onclick", onclick); } else { command.getAttributes().put("onclick", onclick.getExpressionString()); } } if (onfocusin != null) { if (!onfocusin.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("onfocusin", onfocusin); } else { command.getAttributes().put("onfocusin", onfocusin.getExpressionString()); } } if (onfocusout != null) { if (!onfocusout.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("onfocusout", onfocusout); } else { command.getAttributes().put("onfocusout", onfocusout.getExpressionString()); } } if (onmousedown != null) { if (!onmousedown.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("onmousedown", onmousedown); } else { command.getAttributes().put("onmousedown", onmousedown.getExpressionString()); } } if (onmousemove != null) { if (!onmousemove.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("onmousemove", onmousemove); } else { command.getAttributes().put("onmousemove", onmousemove.getExpressionString()); } } if (onmouseout != null) { if (!onmouseout.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("onmouseout", onmouseout); } else { command.getAttributes().put("onmouseout", onmouseout.getExpressionString()); } } if (onmouseover != null) { if (!onmouseover.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("onmouseover", onmouseover); } else { command.getAttributes().put("onmouseover", onmouseover.getExpressionString()); } } if (onmouseup != null) { if (!onmouseup.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("onmouseup", onmouseup); } else { command.getAttributes().put("onmouseup", onmouseup.getExpressionString()); } } if (style != null) { if (!style.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("style", style); } else { command.getAttributes().put("style", style.getExpressionString()); } } if (styleClass != null) { if (!styleClass.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("styleClass", styleClass); } else { command.getAttributes().put("styleClass", styleClass.getExpressionString()); } } if (type != null) { if (!type.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("type", type); } else { command.getAttributes().put("type", type.getExpressionString()); } } if (value != null) { if (!value.isLiteralText()) { command.setValueExpression("value", value); } else { command.setValue(value.getExpressionString()); } } }
@Ignore public static Boolean valueOf(java.lang.String string) { return instance(java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(string)); }
/** * Convenience method for parsing and setting whether conversion sounds should be enabled by the * SDK. * * @param enabled String representation of boolean enabled */ private void setConversationSoundsEnabled(String enabled) { if (enabled != null && enabled.length() > 0) { builder.setShouldPlayConversationSounds(Boolean.parseBoolean(enabled)); } }
/** * Convenience method for parsing and setting whether the intro dialog should be shown the first * time the app is opened. * * @param enabled String representation of boolean enabled */ private void setIntroDialogEnabled(String enabled) { if (enabled != null && enabled.length() > 0) { builder.setShouldShowIntroDialog(Boolean.parseBoolean(enabled)); } }
/** * Returns the String representation of the current value. * * @return the String representation of the current value. */ public java.lang.String toString() { return java.lang.Boolean.toString(get()); }
/** * Convenience method for parsing and setting whether the debug logs from the Instabug SDK are * should be printed to LogCat. * * @param enabled String representation of boolean enabled */ private void setDebugEnabled(String enabled) { if (enabled != null && enabled.length() > 0) { builder.setDebugEnabled(Boolean.parseBoolean(enabled)); } }
public static String readBooleanExtension(Element c, String uri) { Extension ex = c.getExtension(uri); if (ex == null) return null; if (!(ex.getValue() instanceof Boolean)) return null; return java.lang.Boolean.toString(((Boolean) ex.getValue()).getValue()); }
/** * Convenience method for parsing and setting whether the comment field is required. * * @param required String representation of boolean required */ private void setCommentFieldRequired(String required) { if (enabled != null && enabled.length() > 0) { builder.setCommentFieldRequired(Boolean.parseBoolean(enabled)); } }
protected Boolean parseBooleanPrimitive(Boolean value) { return java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(value); }
/** * Returns a hash code for this {@code Boolean} object. * * @return the integer {@code 1231} if this object represents {@code true}; returns the integer * {@code 1237} if this object represents {@code false}. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return Boolean.hashCode(value); }
public java.lang.String toString(byte[] bytes) { return java.lang.Boolean.toString(Bytes.toBoolean(bytes)); }
public byte[] toBytes(java.lang.String value) { return Bytes.toBytes(java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); }
@Override public String write(Boolean value) throws Exception { return value != null ? value.toString() : EMPTY; }