/** test methods that return Map of ids to Records and no sysout stuff */ @Test public void testGettingOutputAsMapOfRecords() throws IOException { String mhldRecFileName = testDataParentPath + File.separator + "summaryHld_1-1000.mrc"; String bibRecFileName = testDataParentPath + File.separator + "u335.mrc"; Map<String, Record> mergedRecs = MergeSummaryHoldings.mergeMhldsIntoBibRecordsAsMap(bibRecFileName, mhldRecFileName); junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals("results should have 1 record", 1, mergedRecs.size()); String expId = "u335"; assertTrue("Record with id " + expId + " should be in results", mergedRecs.containsKey(expId)); Record resultRec = mergedRecs.get(expId); RecordTestingUtils.assertEqualsIgnoreLeader(mergedSummaryHoldingsOutputNoUmlaut, resultRec); System.out.println("Test testGettingOutputAsMapOfRecords() successful"); }
@Test public void testDuplicates() throws Exception { // Check if we are running against motherlode or localhost, or what. String testserver = System.getProperty("testserver"); if (testserver == null) testserver = DFALTTESTSERVER; List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>(); if (true) { results.add( new Result( "Top and field vars have same names", "http://" + testserver + "/dts/structdupname", "netcdf dods://" + testserver + "/dts/structdupname {\n" + " variables:\n" + " int time;\n" + "Structure {\n" + " float time;\n" + "} record;\n" + "}")); } if (true) { results.add( new Result( "TestFailure", "http://" + testserver + "/dts/simplestruct", "netcdf dods://" + testserver + "/dts/simplestruct {\n" + " variables:\n" + "Structure {\n" + " int i32;\n" + "} types;\n" + "}")); } boolean pass = true; for (Result result : results) { System.out.println("TestDuplicates: " + result.url); boolean localpass = true; try { DODSNetcdfFile ncfile = new DODSNetcdfFile(result.url); if (ncfile == null) throw new Exception("Cannot read: " + result.url); StringWriter ow = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(ow); ncfile.writeCDL(pw, false); try { pw.close(); ow.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } ; StringReader baserdr = new StringReader(result.cdl); String captured = ow.toString(); StringReader resultrdr = new StringReader(captured); // Diff the two files Diff diff = new Diff("Testing " + result.title); localpass = !diff.doDiff(baserdr, resultrdr); baserdr.close(); resultrdr.close(); // Dump the output for visual comparison if (System.getProperty("visual") != null) { System.out.println("Testing " + result.title + " visual:"); System.out.println("---------------"); System.out.print(captured); System.out.println("---------------"); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { localpass = false; } if (!localpass) pass = false; } System.out.flush(); System.err.flush(); junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue("Testing " + getTitle(), pass); }