예제 #1
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
   int m = scanner.nextInt();
   assert 1 <= m && m <= 100 : "out of range, m: " + m;
   int s = scanner.nextInt();
   assert 0 <= s && s <= 900 : "out of range, s: " + s;
   if (s > 9 * m || (s == 0 && m > 1)) {
     System.out.println("-1 -1");
   if (m == 1 && s == 0) {
     System.out.println("0 0");
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   int l = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
     int d = (s >= 9) ? 9 : s;
     s -= d;
     if (d != 0) {
       l = i;
   String large = sb.toString();
   if (sb.charAt(m - 1) == '0') {
     sb.setCharAt(l, (char) (sb.charAt(l) - 1));
     sb.setCharAt(m - 1, '1');
   String small = sb.reverse().toString();
   System.out.printf("%s %s", small, large);
 /** Return next string in the sequence "a", "b", ... "z", "aa", "ab", ... */
 static String getNextDirName(String old) {
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(old);
   // go through and increment the first non-'z' char
   // counts back from the last char, so 'aa'->'ab', not 'ba'
   for (int ii = sb.length() - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
     char curChar = sb.charAt(ii);
     if (curChar < 'z') {
       sb.setCharAt(ii, (char) (curChar + 1));
       return sb.toString();
     sb.setCharAt(ii, 'a');
   sb.insert(0, 'a');
   return sb.toString();
예제 #3
  * Replace given characters in a given string builder.
  * The number of characters to replace has to match to number of
  * characters serving as a replacement.
  * @param sb string builder containing a string to be modified
  * @param from characters to replaced
  * @param to replacement characters
  * @return original string builder with replaced characters.
 public static StringBuilder replace(StringBuilder sb, CharSequence from, CharSequence to) {
   assert from.length() == to.length();
   for (int i=0; i<sb.length(); i++)
     for (int j=0; j<from.length(); j++)
       if (sb.charAt(i)==from.charAt(j)) sb.setCharAt(i, to.charAt(j));
   return sb;
예제 #4
   * Maps blah file with a random offset and checks to see if read from the ByteBuffer gets the
   * right line number
  private static void testRead() throws Exception {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++) {
      try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(blah)) {
        FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel();

        long offset = generator.nextInt(10000);
        long expectedResult = offset / CHARS_PER_LINE;
        offset = expectedResult * CHARS_PER_LINE;

        MappedByteBuffer b = fc.map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, offset, 100);

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
          byte aByte = b.get(i);
          sb.setCharAt(i, (char) aByte);

        int result = Integer.parseInt(sb.toString());
        if (result != expectedResult) {
          err.println("I expected " + expectedResult);
          err.println("I got " + result);
          throw new Exception("Read test failed");
예제 #5
  // *******initialize******* domain with cells
  void resetCells() {
    // int radius=50; dont think this is used
    Cells = new int[size][size];
    carriedmutation = new int[size][size];

    // Fill the domain with healthy cells 0's first.
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
        Cells[i][j] = 0;
        carriedmutation[i][j] = 0;

    Cells[centre][centre] = 1; // initialize with a stem cell if you like
    carriedmutation[centre][centre] = 1; // the first cancer cell carries the tag '1' to start

    genomeToMod = new StringBuilder(carriedGenome[centre][centre]);
    genomeToMod.setCharAt(mutationNum - 1, '1'); //  daughter carries new carriedGenome
    carriedGenome[centre][centre] = genomeToMod;

    // genomeToMod = carriedGenome[centre][centre];
예제 #6
   * Maps blah file with a random offset and checks to see if data written out to the file can be
   * read back in
  private static void testWrite() throws Exception {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++) {
      try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(blah, "rw")) {
        FileChannel fc = raf.getChannel();

        long offset = generator.nextInt(1000);
        MappedByteBuffer b = fc.map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, offset, 100);

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
          b.put(i, (byte) ('0' + i));

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
          byte aByte = b.get(i);
          sb.setCharAt(i, (char) aByte);
        if (!sb.toString().equals("0123")) throw new Exception("Write test failed");
예제 #7
  // main CELL CA loop************
  public boolean iterateCells() {
    	// modify consumption matrix
    	    	for (int i=0;i<size;i++)
    	        for (int j=0;j<size;j++) consumption[i][j] = consumptionBasal[Cells[i][j]];
    if (cellList == null) cellList = new Bag(size * size);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
        if (Cells[i][j]
            < 4) { // All tumour cell types have Cell > 0, now 0 corresponds to 'healthy cells' that
          // consume at basal rate only
          int[] p = new int[2];
          p[0] = i;
          p[1] = j;
          if (Cells[i][j] == 1) {
          } else if (Cells[i][j] == 2 || Cells[i][j] == 3) {

    while (cellList.size() != 0) {
      // Select the next lattice element at random
      int randomElemIndex = 0;
      if (cellList.size() > 1) randomElemIndex = random.nextInt(cellList.size() - 1);
      int[] point = (int[]) cellList.get(randomElemIndex);
      int rI = point[0];
      int rJ = point[1];

      cellList.remove(randomElemIndex); // Remove it from the cell list
      int cell = Cells[rI][rJ];

      // Cell death
      // if ((Oxygen[rI][rJ]<hypoxia)) {
      if ((random.nextFloat() < deathprob) && Cells[rI][rJ] > 0) { // x% chances of dying
        Age[rI][rJ] = 0;
        if (Cells[rI][rJ] == 1) stemDeathCounter[rI][rJ]++;
        if (Cells[rI][rJ] < 4) {
          // TACDeathCounter[rI][rJ]++;
          Cells[rI][rJ] = 4; // was 0, now making necrotic area (truly empty)
          stemBirthCounter[rI][rJ] = 0;
          carriedmutation[rI][rJ] = 0; // empty space now has no mutations
          carriedGenome[rI][rJ] = initGenome; // empty space now has no mutations
      } else if ((cell == 3)
          && (Age[rI][rJ]
              > 100 * maxMatureCellAge)) { // added * to allow for an update each celltimestep/x
        // **************************
        Age[rI][rJ] = 0;
        Cells[rI][rJ] = 4; // was 0, now making necrotic area (truly empty)
        // TACDeathCounter[rI][rJ]++;
      } else if ((radiotherapy) && (cell == 2) && (random.nextFloat() > Oxygen[rI][rJ])) {
        // Radiotherapy
        Age[rI][rJ] = 0;
        if (Cells[rI][rJ] == 1) stemDeathCounter[rI][rJ]++;
        if ((Cells[rI][rJ] == 2) || (Cells[rI][rJ] == 3))
          // TACDeathCounter[rI][rJ]++;
          Cells[rI][rJ] = 4; // make necrotic
        stemBirthCounter[rI][rJ] = 0;

      // healthy division
      else if ((cell == 0) && (vacantSites(rI, rJ) > 0)) {
        if (proliferation[cell]
            >= random.nextFloat()) { // If tossing the coin we are to proliferate...
          // if (Oxygen[rI][rJ]>prolifThreshold) { // AND the oxygen concentration is enough for
          // division..
          // consumption[rI][rJ]=consumptionDivision[Cells[rI][rJ]];
          int[] daughter = findEmptySite(rI, rJ);
          Cells[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = 0;
          carriedmutation[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = 0;
          carriedGenome[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] =
              initGenome; // resetting space to healthy cell with no mutations
      // }

      // cancer division
      else if ((vacantSitesCancer(rI, rJ) > 0) && (cell > 0))
        if (proliferation[cell]
            >= random.nextFloat()) { // If tossing the coin we are to proliferate...
          if ((cell == 1)
              || ((cell == 2)
                  && (Age[rI][rJ] < maxProDivisions))) { // AND the cell is stem or TAC ...
            // if (Oxygen[rI][rJ]>prolifThreshold) { // AND the oxygen concentration is enough for
            // division..
            // consumption[rI][rJ]=consumptionDivision[Cells[rI][rJ]];
            int[] daughter = findEmptySiteCancer(rI, rJ); // and there is space (for cancer)
            //    if ((daughter[0]==0) || (daughter[0]==size) ||
            // (daughter[1]==0)||(daughter[1]==size)) {simulationFinished=true;} // stop sim if a
            // cell hits the edge
            if (cell == 1) { // stem cell
              if (asymmetricRatio > random.nextFloat()) {
                Cells[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = 1; // placing the stem daughter
                stemBirthCounter[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] =
                    stemBirthCounter[rI][rJ]; // update stem birth counter
                carriedmutation[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] =
                    carriedmutation[rI][rJ]; // inherit mutational status of parent
                carriedGenome[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] =
                    carriedGenome[rI][rJ]; // inherit mutational status of parent
                if (mutfreq > random.nextFloat()) { // small chance of mutation
                  mutationNum++; // advance mutation number
                          + ", "
                          + mutationNum
                          + ", "
                          + stem_cells_this_TS
                          + ", "
                          + non_stem_cells_this_TS
                          + ", "
                          + timestep); // print (parent,child) pair
                  // tree.put(carriedmutation[rI][rJ], mutationNum);
                  // timeTree.put(mutationNum, timestep); // hash table stuff
                  if (0.5 > random.nextFloat()) {
                    carriedmutation[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = mutationNum;
                    genomeToMod = new StringBuilder(carriedGenome[daughter[0]][daughter[1]]);
                        mutationNum - 1, '1'); //  daughter carries new carriedGenome
                    carriedGenome[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = genomeToMod;
                    // System.out.println (carriedGenome[rI][rJ]);
                    // System.out.println (carriedGenome[daughter[0]][daughter[1]]);
                  } // 50:50 mutate new position daughter
                  else {
                    carriedmutation[rI][rJ] = mutationNum; // else mutate original position daughter
                    genomeToMod = new StringBuilder(carriedGenome[rI][rJ]);
                    // genomeToMod = carriedGenome[rI][rJ];
                    carriedGenome[rI][rJ] = genomeToMod;
                        mutationNum - 1, '1'); //  original carries new carriedGenome
                    // System.out.println (carriedGenome[rI][rJ]);
                    // System.out.println (carriedGenome[daughter[0]][daughter[1]]);
              } else {
                Cells[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = 2; // asymmetric division, daughter is TAC
                stemBirthCounter[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = 0; // reset stem counter
                carriedmutation[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] =
                    carriedmutation[rI][rJ]; // TAC carries parental mutation flag
                carriedGenome[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = carriedGenome[rI][rJ];
              } // TAC carries parental genome
              // } // redundant from above

              // else { // Only if there's hypoxia induced change of symmetric division ratio
              //    float newASR=asymmetricRatio+0*(hypoxia-Oxygen[rI][rJ]);
              // currently OFF by way of 0 the ^^ multiplier.
              //    if (newASR>random.nextFloat())
              // {Cells[daughter[0]][daughter[1]]=1;stemBirthCounter[daughter[0]][daughter[1]]=stemBirthCounter[rI][rJ];}
              //    else
              // {Cells[daughter[0]][daughter[1]]=2;stemBirthCounter[daughter[0]][daughter[1]]=0;}
              // // Otherwise differentiate
              // }
            } else if (cell == 2) { // non-stem division
              // TACBirthCounter[rI][rJ]++;
              if (Age[rI][rJ] < maxProDivisions - 1) {
                Cells[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = 2;
                Age[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = Age[rI][rJ];
                carriedmutation[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] =
                    carriedmutation[rI][rJ]; // TAC carries parental mutation flag
                carriedGenome[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] =
                    carriedGenome[rI][rJ]; // TAC carries parental genome
              } else {
                Cells[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = 3;
                Cells[rI][rJ] = 3;
                Age[rI][rJ] = 0;
                Age[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = Age[rI][rJ];
                carriedmutation[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] =
                    carriedmutation[rI][rJ]; // TAC carries parental mutation flag
                carriedGenome[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] =
                    carriedGenome[rI][rJ]; // TAC carries parental genome
        } else if (pMotility > random.nextFloat()) { // Migration = not in use
          int[] daughter = findEmptySite(rI, rJ);
          Cells[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = cell;
          Cells[rI][rJ] = 0;
          Age[daughter[0]][daughter[1]] = Age[rI][rJ];
          Age[rI][rJ] = 0;
          System.err.println("moving " + rI + ", " + rJ);
      // Aging for mature cells
      if (cell == 3) Age[rI][rJ]++;
    return true;