/** * Combines two recalibration reports by adding all observations and errors * * <p>Note: This method DOES NOT recalculate the empirical qualities and quantized qualities. You * have to recalculate them after combining. The reason for not calculating it is because this * function is intended for combining a series of recalibration reports, and it only makes sense * to calculate the empirical qualities and quantized qualities after all the recalibration * reports have been combined. Having the user recalculate when appropriate, makes this method * faster * * <p>Note2: The empirical quality reported, however, is recalculated given its simplicity. * * @param other the recalibration report to combine with this one */ public void combine(final RecalibrationReport other) { for (int tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < recalibrationTables.numTables(); tableIndex++) { final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> myTable = recalibrationTables.getTable(tableIndex); final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> otherTable = other.recalibrationTables.getTable(tableIndex); RecalUtils.combineTables(myTable, otherTable); } }
public RecalibrationReport(final File recalFile, final SortedSet<String> allReadGroups) { final GATKReport report = new GATKReport(recalFile); argumentTable = report.getTable(RecalUtils.ARGUMENT_REPORT_TABLE_TITLE); RAC = initializeArgumentCollectionTable(argumentTable); GATKReportTable quantizedTable = report.getTable(RecalUtils.QUANTIZED_REPORT_TABLE_TITLE); quantizationInfo = initializeQuantizationTable(quantizedTable); Pair<ArrayList<Covariate>, ArrayList<Covariate>> covariates = RecalUtils.initializeCovariates(RAC); // initialize the required and optional covariates ArrayList<Covariate> requiredCovariates = covariates.getFirst(); ArrayList<Covariate> optionalCovariates = covariates.getSecond(); requestedCovariates = new Covariate[requiredCovariates.size() + optionalCovariates.size()]; optionalCovariateIndexes = new HashMap<String, Integer>(optionalCovariates.size()); int covariateIndex = 0; for (final Covariate covariate : requiredCovariates) requestedCovariates[covariateIndex++] = covariate; for (final Covariate covariate : optionalCovariates) { requestedCovariates[covariateIndex] = covariate; final String covariateName = covariate .getClass() .getSimpleName() .split("Covariate")[ 0]; // get the name of the covariate (without the "covariate" part of it) so we can // match with the GATKReport optionalCovariateIndexes.put(covariateName, covariateIndex - 2); covariateIndex++; } for (Covariate cov : requestedCovariates) cov.initialize( RAC); // initialize any covariate member variables using the shared argument collection recalibrationTables = new RecalibrationTables(requestedCovariates, allReadGroups.size()); initializeReadGroupCovariates(allReadGroups); parseReadGroupTable( report.getTable(RecalUtils.READGROUP_REPORT_TABLE_TITLE), recalibrationTables.getReadGroupTable()); parseQualityScoreTable( report.getTable(RecalUtils.QUALITY_SCORE_REPORT_TABLE_TITLE), recalibrationTables.getQualityScoreTable()); parseAllCovariatesTable( report.getTable(RecalUtils.ALL_COVARIATES_REPORT_TABLE_TITLE), recalibrationTables); }
/** * Compiles the list of keys for the Covariates table and uses the shared parsing utility to * produce the actual table * * @param reportTable the GATKReport table containing data for this table * @param recalibrationTables the recalibration tables \ */ private void parseAllCovariatesTable( final GATKReportTable reportTable, final RecalibrationTables recalibrationTables) { for (int i = 0; i < reportTable.getNumRows(); i++) { final Object rg = reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.READGROUP_COLUMN_NAME); tempCOVarray[0] = requestedCovariates[0].keyFromValue(rg); final Object qual = reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.QUALITY_SCORE_COLUMN_NAME); tempCOVarray[1] = requestedCovariates[1].keyFromValue(qual); final String covName = (String) reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.COVARIATE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME); final int covIndex = optionalCovariateIndexes.get(covName); final Object covValue = reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.COVARIATE_VALUE_COLUMN_NAME); tempCOVarray[2] = requestedCovariates[ RecalibrationTables.TableType.OPTIONAL_COVARIATE_TABLES_START.ordinal() + covIndex] .keyFromValue(covValue); final EventType event = EventType.eventFrom((String) reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME)); tempCOVarray[3] = event.ordinal(); recalibrationTables .getTable( RecalibrationTables.TableType.OPTIONAL_COVARIATE_TABLES_START.ordinal() + covIndex) .put(getRecalDatum(reportTable, i, false), tempCOVarray); } }
/** @return true if the report has no data */ public boolean isEmpty() { return recalibrationTables.isEmpty(); }