/** * Sends a typing notification state. * * @param typingState the typing notification state to send * @return the result of this operation. One of the TYPING_NOTIFICATION_XXX constants defined in * this class */ public int sendTypingNotification(int typingState) { // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do // nothing here. if (!allowsTypingNotifications()) return -1; ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider = contact.getProtocolProvider(); OperationSetTypingNotifications tnOperationSet = protocolProvider.getOperationSet(OperationSetTypingNotifications.class); // if protocol is not registered or contact is offline don't // try to send typing notifications if (protocolProvider.isRegistered() && contact.getPresenceStatus().getStatus() >= PresenceStatus.ONLINE_THRESHOLD) { try { tnOperationSet.sendTypingNotification(contact, typingState); return ChatPanel.TYPING_NOTIFICATION_SUCCESSFULLY_SENT; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Failed to send typing notifications.", ex); return ChatPanel.TYPING_NOTIFICATION_SEND_FAILED; } } return ChatPanel.TYPING_NOTIFICATION_SEND_FAILED; }
/** * Sends the given file through this chat transport file transfer operation set. * * @param file the file to send * @return the <tt>FileTransfer</tt> object charged to transfer the file * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong */ public FileTransfer sendFile(File file) throws Exception { // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do // nothing here. if (!allowsFileTransfer()) return null; OperationSetFileTransfer ftOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetFileTransfer.class); if (FileUtils.isImage(file.getName())) { // Create a thumbnailed file if possible. OperationSetThumbnailedFileFactory tfOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetThumbnailedFileFactory.class); if (tfOpSet != null) { byte[] thumbnail = getFileThumbnail(file); if (thumbnail != null && thumbnail.length > 0) { file = tfOpSet.createFileWithThumbnail( file, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, "image/png", thumbnail); } } } return ftOpSet.sendFile(contact, file); }
/** * Permanently removes locally stored message history for the metacontact, remove any recent * contacts if any. */ public void eraseLocallyStoredHistory(MetaContact contact) throws IOException { List<ComparableEvtObj> toRemove = null; synchronized (recentMessages) { toRemove = new ArrayList<ComparableEvtObj>(); Iterator<Contact> iter = contact.getContacts(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Contact item = iter.next(); String id = item.getAddress(); ProtocolProviderService provider = item.getProtocolProvider(); for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) { if (msc.getProtocolProviderService().equals(provider) && msc.getContactAddress().equals(id)) { toRemove.add(msc); } } } recentMessages.removeAll(toRemove); } if (recentQuery != null) { for (ComparableEvtObj msc : toRemove) { recentQuery.fireContactRemoved(msc); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { FileHandler fh = new FileHandler(); Contact c = new Contact(); List<Contact> contactList = new ArrayList<Contact>(); String[] fields = fh.readFile(new File("/names.txt")); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (!(fields[i].equals("-----"))) { c.setFirstName(fields[i++]); c.setLastName(fields[i++]); c.setAddress(fields[i++]); c.setCity(fields[i++]); c.setState(fields[i++]); c.setZip(fields[i++]); c.setEmail(fields[i++]); c.setPhone(fields[i++]); } contactList.add(c); } for (int i = 0; i < contactList.size(); i++) { System.out.println( contactList.get(i).getFirstName() + " " + contactList.get(i).getLastName()); System.out.println(contactList.get(i).getAddress()); System.out.println( contactList.get(i).getCity() + ", " + contactList.get(i).getState() + " " + contactList.get(i).getZip()); System.out.println(contactList.get(i).getPhone()); System.out.println(contactList.get(i).getEmail()); System.out.println(); } }
@Override public void supportedOperationSetsChanged(ContactCapabilitiesEvent event) { Contact contact = event.getSourceContact(); if (contact == null) return; for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) { if (contact.equals(msc.getContact())) { if (recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateCapabilities(msc, contact); return; } } }
public void contactPolicyChanged(Contact contact) { // OtrMetaContactButton.this.contact can be null. if (OtrMetaContactButton.this.otrContact != null && contact.equals(OtrMetaContactButton.this.otrContact.contact)) { setPolicy(OtrActivator.scOtrEngine.getContactPolicy(contact)); } }
/** * Sends the given sms message trough this chat transport. * * @param phoneNumber phone number of the destination * @param messageText The message to send. * @throws Exception if the send operation is interrupted */ public void sendSmsMessage(String phoneNumber, String messageText) throws Exception { // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do // nothing here. if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return; SMSManager.sendSMS(contact.getProtocolProvider(), phoneNumber, messageText); }
/** * Determines whether this chat transport supports the supplied content type * * @param contentType the type we want to check * @return <tt>true</tt> if the chat transport supports it and <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */ public boolean isContentTypeSupported(String contentType) { OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); if (imOpSet != null) return imOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(contentType); else return false; }
/** * Remove records telling what entity caps node a contact has. * * @param contact the contact */ public void removeContactCapsNode(Contact contact) { Caps caps = null; String lastRemovedJid = null; Iterator<String> iter = userCaps.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String jid = iter.next(); if (StringUtils.parseBareAddress(jid).equals(contact.getAddress())) { caps = userCaps.get(jid); lastRemovedJid = jid; iter.remove(); } } // fire only for the last one, at the end the event out // of the protocol will be one and for the contact if (caps != null) { UserCapsNodeListener[] listeners; synchronized (userCapsNodeListeners) { listeners = userCapsNodeListeners.toArray(NO_USER_CAPS_NODE_LISTENERS); } if (listeners.length != 0) { String nodeVer = caps.getNodeVer(); for (UserCapsNodeListener listener : listeners) listener.userCapsNodeRemoved(lastRemovedJid, nodeVer, false); } } }
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports typing notifications, otherwise * returns <code>false</code>. * * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports typing notifications, otherwise * returns <code>false</code>. */ public boolean allowsTypingNotifications() { Object tnOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetTypingNotifications.class); if (tnOpSet != null) return true; else return false; }
public void setCurrentContact(Contact contact, String resourceName) { if (contact == null) { this.otrContact = null; this.setPolicy(null); this.setStatus(ScSessionStatus.PLAINTEXT); return; } if (resourceName == null) { OtrContact otrContact = OtrContactManager.getOtrContact(contact, null); if (this.otrContact == otrContact) return; this.otrContact = otrContact; this.setStatus(OtrActivator.scOtrEngine.getSessionStatus(otrContact)); this.setPolicy(OtrActivator.scOtrEngine.getContactPolicy(contact)); return; } for (ContactResource resource : contact.getResources()) { if (resource.getResourceName().equals(resourceName)) { OtrContact otrContact = OtrContactManager.getOtrContact(contact, resource); if (this.otrContact == otrContact) return; this.otrContact = otrContact; this.setStatus(OtrActivator.scOtrEngine.getSessionStatus(otrContact)); this.setPolicy(OtrActivator.scOtrEngine.getContactPolicy(contact)); return; } } logger.debug("Could not find resource for contact " + contact); }
/** * If a contact is renamed update the locally stored message if any. * * @param evt the <tt>ContactPropertyChangeEvent</tt> containing the source */ @Override public void contactModified(ContactPropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (!evt.getPropertyName().equals(ContactPropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME)) return; Contact contact = evt.getSourceContact(); if (contact == null) return; for (ComparableEvtObj msc : recentMessages) { if (contact.equals(msc.getContact())) { if (recentQuery != null) recentQuery.updateContactDisplayName(msc, contact.getDisplayName()); return; } } }
/** * Whether a dialog need to be opened so the user can enter the destination number. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if dialog needs to be open. */ public boolean askForSMSNumber() { // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do // nothing here. if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return false; OperationSetSmsMessaging smsOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class); return smsOpSet.askForNumber(contact); }
/** * Removes the given sms message listener from this chat transport. * * @param l The message listener to remove. */ public void removeSmsMessageListener(MessageListener l) { // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do // nothing here. if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return; OperationSetSmsMessaging smsOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class); smsOpSet.removeMessageListener(l); }
/** * Removes the instant message listener from this chat transport. * * @param l The message listener to remove. */ public void removeInstantMessageListener(MessageListener l) { // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do // nothing here. if (!allowsInstantMessage()) return; OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); imOpSet.removeMessageListener(l); }
/** * If sending im is supported check it for supporting html messages if a font is set. As it can be * slow make sure its not on our way */ private void checkImCaps() { if (ConfigurationUtils.getChatDefaultFontFamily() != null && ConfigurationUtils.getChatDefaultFontSize() > 0) { OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); if (imOpSet != null) imOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE, contact); } }
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports message corrections and false * otherwise. * * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports message corrections and false * otherwise. */ public boolean allowsMessageCorrections() { OperationSetContactCapabilities capOpSet = getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetContactCapabilities.class); if (capOpSet != null) { return capOpSet.getOperationSet(contact, OperationSetMessageCorrection.class) != null; } else { return contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetMessageCorrection.class) != null; } }
/** * Tries to match the event object to already existing ComparableEvtObj in the supplied list. * * @param obj the object that we will try to match. * @param list the list we will search in. * @return the found ComparableEvtObj */ private static ComparableEvtObj findRecentMessage(EventObject obj, List<ComparableEvtObj> list) { Contact contact = null; ChatRoom chatRoom = null; if (obj instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent) { contact = ((MessageDeliveredEvent) obj).getDestinationContact(); } else if (obj instanceof MessageReceivedEvent) { contact = ((MessageReceivedEvent) obj).getSourceContact(); } else if (obj instanceof ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) { chatRoom = ((ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) obj).getSourceChatRoom(); } else if (obj instanceof ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) { chatRoom = ((ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) obj).getSourceChatRoom(); } for (ComparableEvtObj evt : list) { if ((contact != null && contact.equals(evt.getContact())) || (chatRoom != null && chatRoom.equals(evt.getRoom()))) return evt; } return null; }
/** * Extract values from <tt>EventObject</tt>. * * @param source */ public void update(EventObject source) { this.eventObject = source; if (source instanceof MessageDeliveredEvent) { MessageDeliveredEvent e = (MessageDeliveredEvent) source; this.contact = e.getDestinationContact(); this.address = contact.getAddress(); this.ppService = contact.getProtocolProvider(); this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp(); } else if (source instanceof MessageReceivedEvent) { MessageReceivedEvent e = (MessageReceivedEvent) source; this.contact = e.getSourceContact(); this.address = contact.getAddress(); this.ppService = contact.getProtocolProvider(); this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp(); } else if (source instanceof ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) { ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent e = (ChatRoomMessageDeliveredEvent) source; this.room = e.getSourceChatRoom(); this.address = room.getIdentifier(); this.ppService = room.getParentProvider(); this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp(); } else if (source instanceof ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) { ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent e = (ChatRoomMessageReceivedEvent) source; this.room = e.getSourceChatRoom(); this.address = room.getIdentifier(); this.ppService = room.getParentProvider(); this.timestamp = e.getTimestamp(); } }
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports sms messaging, otherwise returns * <code>false</code>. * * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports sms messaging, otherwise returns * <code>false</code>. */ public boolean allowsSmsMessage() { // First try to ask the capabilities operation set if such is // available. OperationSetContactCapabilities capOpSet = getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetContactCapabilities.class); if (capOpSet != null) { if (capOpSet.getOperationSet(contact, OperationSetSmsMessaging.class) != null) { return true; } } else if (contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class) != null) return true; return false; }
/** * Sends a file transfer request to the given <tt>toContact</tt> by specifying the local and * remote file path and the <tt>fromContact</tt>, sending the file. * * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file * @param file the file to send * @return the transfer object * @throws IllegalStateException if the protocol provider is not registered or connected * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some of the arguments doesn't fit the protocol requirements */ public FileTransfer sendFile(Contact toContact, File file) throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { assertConnected(); if (file.length() > getMaximumFileLength()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("File length exceeds the allowed one for this protocol"); // Get the aim connection AimConnection aimConnection = icqProvider.getAimConnection(); // Create an outgoing file transfer instance OutgoingFileTransfer outgoingFileTransfer = aimConnection .getIcbmService() .getRvConnectionManager() .createOutgoingFileTransfer(new Screenname(toContact.getAddress())); String id = String.valueOf(outgoingFileTransfer.getRvSessionInfo().getRvSession().getRvSessionId()); FileTransferImpl outFileTransfer = new FileTransferImpl(outgoingFileTransfer, id, toContact, file, FileTransfer.OUT); // Adding the file to the outgoing file transfer try { outgoingFileTransfer.setSingleFile(new File(file.getPath())); } catch (IOException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Error sending file", e); return null; } // Notify all interested listeners that a file transfer has been // created. FileTransferCreatedEvent event = new FileTransferCreatedEvent(outFileTransfer, new Date()); fireFileTransferCreated(event); // Sending the file outgoingFileTransfer.sendRequest(new InvitationMessage("")); outFileTransfer.fireStatusChangeEvent(FileTransferStatusChangeEvent.PREPARING); return outFileTransfer; }
/** * Sends the <tt>message</tt> to the destination indicated by the <tt>to</tt> contact. * * @param to the <tt>Contact</tt> to send <tt>message</tt> to * @param message the <tt>Message</tt> to send. * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the underlying stack is not registered and * initialized. * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if <tt>to</tt> is not an instance of ContactImpl. */ public void sendInstantMessage(Contact to, Message message) throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { if (!(to instanceof ContactSipImpl)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified contact is not a Sip contact." + to); assertConnected(); // offline message if (to.getPresenceStatus().equals(sipStatusEnum.getStatus(SipStatusEnum.OFFLINE)) && !offlineMessageSupported) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("trying to send a message to an offline contact"); fireMessageDeliveryFailed( message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.OFFLINE_MESSAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } // create the message Request mes; try { mes = createMessageRequest(to, message); } catch (OperationFailedException ex) { logger.error("Failed to create the message.", ex); fireMessageDeliveryFailed(message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } try { sendMessageRequest(mes, to, message); } catch (TransactionUnavailableException ex) { logger.error( "Failed to create messageTransaction.\n" + "This is most probably a network connection error.", ex); fireMessageDeliveryFailed(message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.NETWORK_FAILURE); return; } catch (SipException ex) { logger.error("Failed to send the message.", ex); fireMessageDeliveryFailed(message, to, MessageDeliveryFailedEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } }
/** * Sends <tt>message</tt> as a message correction through this transport, specifying the mime type * (html or plain text) and the id of the message to replace. * * @param message The message to send. * @param mimeType The mime type of the message to send: text/html or text/plain. * @param correctedMessageUID The ID of the message being corrected by this message. */ public void correctInstantMessage(String message, String mimeType, String correctedMessageUID) { if (!allowsMessageCorrections()) { return; } OperationSetMessageCorrection mcOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetMessageCorrection.class); Message msg; if (mimeType.equals(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE) && mcOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)) { msg = mcOpSet.createMessage( message, OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE, "utf-8", ""); } else { msg = mcOpSet.createMessage(message); } mcOpSet.correctMessage(contact, contactResource, msg, correctedMessageUID); }
/** * Sends the given instant message through this chat transport, by specifying the mime type (html * or plain text). * * @param message The message to send. * @param mimeType The mime type of the message to send: text/html or text/plain. * @throws Exception if the send operation is interrupted */ public void sendInstantMessage(String message, String mimeType) throws Exception { // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do // nothing here. if (!allowsInstantMessage()) return; OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class); Message msg; if (mimeType.equals(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE) && imOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)) { msg = imOpSet.createMessage( message, OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE, "utf-8", ""); } else { msg = imOpSet.createMessage(message); } if (contactResource != null) imOpSet.sendInstantMessage(contact, contactResource, msg); else imOpSet.sendInstantMessage(contact, ContactResource.BASE_RESOURCE, msg); }
/** * Creates an instance of <tt>MetaContactChatTransport</tt> by specifying the parent * <tt>chatSession</tt> and the <tt>contact</tt> associated with the transport. * * @param chatSession the parent <tt>ChatSession</tt> * @param contact the <tt>Contact</tt> associated with this transport * @param contactResource the <tt>ContactResource</tt> associated with the contact * @param isDisplayResourceOnly indicates if only the resource name should be displayed */ public MetaContactChatTransport( MetaContactChatSession chatSession, Contact contact, ContactResource contactResource, boolean isDisplayResourceOnly) { this.parentChatSession = chatSession; this.contact = contact; this.contactResource = contactResource; this.isDisplayResourceOnly = isDisplayResourceOnly; presenceOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetPresence.class); if (presenceOpSet != null) presenceOpSet.addContactPresenceStatusListener(this); // checking this can be slow so make // sure its out of our way new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { checkImCaps(); } }) .start(); }
/** * Sends a file transfer request to the given <tt>toContact</tt>. * * @return the transfer object * @param toContact the contact that should receive the file * @param file file to send * @param gw special gateway to be used for receiver if its jid misses the domain part */ FileTransfer sendFile(Contact toContact, File file, String gw) throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, OperationNotSupportedException { OutgoingFileTransferJabberImpl outgoingTransfer = null; try { assertConnected(); if (file.length() > getMaximumFileLength()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("File length exceeds the allowed one for this protocol"); String fullJid = null; // Find the jid of the contact which support file transfer // and is with highest priority if more than one found // if we have equals priorities // choose the one that is more available OperationSetMultiUserChat mucOpSet = jabberProvider.getOperationSet(OperationSetMultiUserChat.class); if (mucOpSet != null && mucOpSet.isPrivateMessagingContact(toContact.getAddress())) { fullJid = toContact.getAddress(); } else { Iterator<Presence> iter = jabberProvider.getConnection().getRoster().getPresences(toContact.getAddress()); int bestPriority = -1; PresenceStatus jabberStatus = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { Presence presence = iter.next(); if (jabberProvider.isFeatureListSupported( presence.getFrom(), new String[] { "http://jabber.org/protocol/si", "http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer" })) { int priority = (presence.getPriority() == Integer.MIN_VALUE) ? 0 : presence.getPriority(); if (priority > bestPriority) { bestPriority = priority; fullJid = presence.getFrom(); jabberStatus = OperationSetPersistentPresenceJabberImpl.jabberStatusToPresenceStatus( presence, jabberProvider); } else if (priority == bestPriority && jabberStatus != null) { PresenceStatus tempStatus = OperationSetPersistentPresenceJabberImpl.jabberStatusToPresenceStatus( presence, jabberProvider); if (tempStatus.compareTo(jabberStatus) > 0) { fullJid = presence.getFrom(); jabberStatus = tempStatus; } } } } } // First we check if file transfer is at all supported for this // contact. if (fullJid == null) { throw new OperationNotSupportedException( "Contact client or server does not support file transfers."); } if (gw != null && !fullJid.contains("@") && !fullJid.endsWith(gw)) { fullJid = fullJid + "@" + gw; } OutgoingFileTransfer transfer = manager.createOutgoingFileTransfer(fullJid); outgoingTransfer = new OutgoingFileTransferJabberImpl(toContact, file, transfer, jabberProvider); // Notify all interested listeners that a file transfer has been // created. FileTransferCreatedEvent event = new FileTransferCreatedEvent(outgoingTransfer, new Date()); fireFileTransferCreated(event); // Send the file through the Jabber file transfer. transfer.sendFile(file, "Sending file"); // Start the status and progress thread. new FileTransferProgressThread(transfer, outgoingTransfer).start(); } catch (XMPPException e) { logger.error("Failed to send file.", e); } return outgoingTransfer; }
/** * Construct a <tt>Request</tt> represent a new message. * * @param to the <tt>Contact</tt> to send <tt>message</tt> to * @param message the <tt>Message</tt> to send. * @return a Message Request destined to the contact * @throws OperationFailedException if an error occurred during the creation of the request */ Request createMessageRequest(Contact to, Message message) throws OperationFailedException { Address toAddress = null; try { toAddress = sipProvider.parseAddressString(to.getAddress()); } catch (ParseException exc) { // Shouldn't happen logger.error("An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the address", exc); throw new OperationFailedException( "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the address", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, exc); } // Call ID CallIdHeader callIdHeader = this.sipProvider.getDefaultJainSipProvider().getNewCallId(); // CSeq CSeqHeader cSeqHeader = null; try { // protect seqN synchronized (this) { cSeqHeader = this.sipProvider.getHeaderFactory().createCSeqHeader(seqN++, Request.MESSAGE); } } catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) { // Shouldn't happen logger.error("An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the CSeqHeadder", ex); throw new OperationFailedException( "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the CSeqHeadder", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex); } catch (ParseException exc) { // shouldn't happen logger.error("An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the CSeqHeadder", exc); throw new OperationFailedException( "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the CSeqHeadder", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, exc); } // FromHeader and ToHeader String localTag = SipMessageFactory.generateLocalTag(); FromHeader fromHeader = null; ToHeader toHeader = null; try { // FromHeader fromHeader = this.sipProvider .getHeaderFactory() .createFromHeader(sipProvider.getOurSipAddress(toAddress), localTag); // ToHeader toHeader = this.sipProvider.getHeaderFactory().createToHeader(toAddress, null); } catch (ParseException ex) { // these two should never happen. logger.error( "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the FromHeader or ToHeader", ex); throw new OperationFailedException( "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the FromHeader or ToHeader", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex); } // ViaHeaders ArrayList<ViaHeader> viaHeaders = this.sipProvider.getLocalViaHeaders(toAddress); // MaxForwards MaxForwardsHeader maxForwards = this.sipProvider.getMaxForwardsHeader(); // Content params ContentTypeHeader contTypeHeader; ContentLengthHeader contLengthHeader; try { contTypeHeader = this.sipProvider .getHeaderFactory() .createContentTypeHeader(getType(message), getSubType(message)); if (!DEFAULT_MIME_ENCODING.equalsIgnoreCase(message.getEncoding())) contTypeHeader.setParameter("charset", message.getEncoding()); contLengthHeader = this.sipProvider.getHeaderFactory().createContentLengthHeader(message.getSize()); } catch (ParseException ex) { // these two should never happen. logger.error("An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the content headers", ex); throw new OperationFailedException( "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the content headers", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex); } catch (InvalidArgumentException exc) { // these two should never happen. logger.error( "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the content length header", exc); throw new OperationFailedException( "An unexpected error occurred while" + "constructing the content length header", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, exc); } Request req; try { req = this.sipProvider .getMessageFactory() .createRequest( toHeader.getAddress().getURI(), Request.MESSAGE, callIdHeader, cSeqHeader, fromHeader, toHeader, viaHeaders, maxForwards, contTypeHeader, message.getRawData()); } catch (ParseException ex) { // shouldn't happen logger.error("Failed to create message Request!", ex); throw new OperationFailedException( "Failed to create message Request!", OperationFailedException.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex); } req.addHeader(contLengthHeader); return req; }
@Override public List<File> generate() { Boolean generateApis = null; Boolean generateModels = null; Boolean generateSupportingFiles = null; Set<String> modelsToGenerate = null; Set<String> apisToGenerate = null; Set<String> supportingFilesToGenerate = null; // allows generating only models by specifying a CSV of models to generate, or empty for all if (System.getProperty("models") != null) { String modelNames = System.getProperty("models"); generateModels = true; if (!modelNames.isEmpty()) { modelsToGenerate = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(modelNames.split(","))); } } if (System.getProperty("apis") != null) { String apiNames = System.getProperty("apis"); generateApis = true; if (!apiNames.isEmpty()) { apisToGenerate = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(apiNames.split(","))); } } if (System.getProperty("supportingFiles") != null) { String supportingFiles = System.getProperty("supportingFiles"); generateSupportingFiles = true; if (!supportingFiles.isEmpty()) { supportingFilesToGenerate = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(supportingFiles.split(","))); } } if (generateApis == null && generateModels == null && generateSupportingFiles == null) { // no specifics are set, generate everything generateApis = true; generateModels = true; generateSupportingFiles = true; } else { if (generateApis == null) { generateApis = false; } if (generateModels == null) { generateModels = false; } if (generateSupportingFiles == null) { generateSupportingFiles = false; } } if (swagger == null || config == null) { throw new RuntimeException("missing swagger input or config!"); } if (System.getProperty("debugSwagger") != null) { Json.prettyPrint(swagger); } List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(); config.processOpts(); config.preprocessSwagger(swagger); config.additionalProperties().put("generatedDate", DateTime.now().toString()); config.additionalProperties().put("generatorClass", config.getClass().toString()); if (swagger.getInfo() != null) { Info info = swagger.getInfo(); if (info.getTitle() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("appName", info.getTitle()); } if (info.getVersion() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("appVersion", info.getVersion()); } if (info.getDescription() != null) { config .additionalProperties() .put("appDescription", config.escapeText(info.getDescription())); } if (info.getContact() != null) { Contact contact = info.getContact(); config.additionalProperties().put("infoUrl", contact.getUrl()); if (contact.getEmail() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("infoEmail", contact.getEmail()); } } if (info.getLicense() != null) { License license = info.getLicense(); if (license.getName() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("licenseInfo", license.getName()); } if (license.getUrl() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("licenseUrl", license.getUrl()); } } if (info.getVersion() != null) { config.additionalProperties().put("version", info.getVersion()); } } StringBuilder hostBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String scheme; if (swagger.getSchemes() != null && swagger.getSchemes().size() > 0) { scheme = swagger.getSchemes().get(0).toValue(); } else { scheme = "https"; } hostBuilder.append(scheme); hostBuilder.append("://"); if (swagger.getHost() != null) { hostBuilder.append(swagger.getHost()); } else { hostBuilder.append("localhost"); } if (swagger.getBasePath() != null) { hostBuilder.append(swagger.getBasePath()); } String contextPath = swagger.getBasePath() == null ? "" : swagger.getBasePath(); String basePath = hostBuilder.toString(); String basePathWithoutHost = swagger.getBasePath(); // resolve inline models InlineModelResolver inlineModelResolver = new InlineModelResolver(); inlineModelResolver.flatten(swagger); List<Object> allOperations = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<Object> allModels = new ArrayList<Object>(); // models Map<String, Model> definitions = swagger.getDefinitions(); if (definitions != null) { List<String> sortedModelKeys = sortModelsByInheritance(definitions); if (generateModels) { if (modelsToGenerate != null && modelsToGenerate.size() > 0) { List<String> updatedKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String m : sortedModelKeys) { if (modelsToGenerate.contains(m)) { updatedKeys.add(m); } } sortedModelKeys = updatedKeys; } for (String name : sortedModelKeys) { try { // don't generate models that have an import mapping if (config.importMapping().containsKey(name)) { continue; } Model model = definitions.get(name); Map<String, Model> modelMap = new HashMap<String, Model>(); modelMap.put(name, model); Map<String, Object> models = processModels(config, modelMap, definitions); models.putAll(config.additionalProperties()); allModels.add(((List<Object>) models.get("models")).get(0)); for (String templateName : config.modelTemplateFiles().keySet()) { String suffix = config.modelTemplateFiles().get(templateName); String filename = config.modelFileFolder() + File.separator + config.toModelFilename(name) + suffix; if (!config.shouldOverwrite(filename)) { continue; } String templateFile = getFullTemplateFile(config, templateName); String template = readTemplate(templateFile); Template tmpl = Mustache.compiler() .withLoader( new Mustache.TemplateLoader() { @Override public Reader getTemplate(String name) { return getTemplateReader( getFullTemplateFile(config, name + ".mustache")); } }) .defaultValue("") .compile(template); writeToFile(filename, tmpl.execute(models)); files.add(new File(filename)); } // to generate model test files for (String templateName : config.modelTestTemplateFiles().keySet()) { String suffix = config.modelTestTemplateFiles().get(templateName); String filename = config.modelTestFileFolder() + File.separator + config.toModelTestFilename(name) + suffix; if (!config.shouldOverwrite(filename)) { continue; } String templateFile = getFullTemplateFile(config, templateName); String template = readTemplate(templateFile); Template tmpl = Mustache.compiler() .withLoader( new Mustache.TemplateLoader() { @Override public Reader getTemplate(String name) { return getTemplateReader( getFullTemplateFile(config, name + ".mustache")); } }) .defaultValue("") .compile(template); writeToFile(filename, tmpl.execute(models)); files.add(new File(filename)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not generate model '" + name + "'", e); } } } } if (System.getProperty("debugModels") != null) { LOGGER.info("############ Model info ############"); Json.prettyPrint(allModels); } // apis Map<String, List<CodegenOperation>> paths = processPaths(swagger.getPaths()); if (generateApis) { if (apisToGenerate != null && apisToGenerate.size() > 0) { Map<String, List<CodegenOperation>> updatedPaths = new TreeMap<String, List<CodegenOperation>>(); for (String m : paths.keySet()) { if (apisToGenerate.contains(m)) { updatedPaths.put(m, paths.get(m)); } } paths = updatedPaths; } for (String tag : paths.keySet()) { try { List<CodegenOperation> ops = paths.get(tag); Map<String, Object> operation = processOperations(config, tag, ops); operation.put("basePath", basePath); operation.put("basePathWithoutHost", basePathWithoutHost); operation.put("contextPath", contextPath); operation.put("baseName", tag); operation.put("modelPackage", config.modelPackage()); operation.putAll(config.additionalProperties()); operation.put("classname", config.toApiName(tag)); operation.put("classVarName", config.toApiVarName(tag)); operation.put("importPath", config.toApiImport(tag)); // Pass sortParamsByRequiredFlag through to the Mustache template... boolean sortParamsByRequiredFlag = true; if (this.config .additionalProperties() .containsKey(CodegenConstants.SORT_PARAMS_BY_REQUIRED_FLAG)) { sortParamsByRequiredFlag = Boolean.valueOf( (String) this.config .additionalProperties() .get(CodegenConstants.SORT_PARAMS_BY_REQUIRED_FLAG) .toString()); } operation.put("sortParamsByRequiredFlag", sortParamsByRequiredFlag); processMimeTypes(swagger.getConsumes(), operation, "consumes"); processMimeTypes(swagger.getProduces(), operation, "produces"); allOperations.add(new HashMap<String, Object>(operation)); for (int i = 0; i < allOperations.size(); i++) { Map<String, Object> oo = (Map<String, Object>) allOperations.get(i); if (i < (allOperations.size() - 1)) { oo.put("hasMore", "true"); } } for (String templateName : config.apiTemplateFiles().keySet()) { String filename = config.apiFilename(templateName, tag); if (!config.shouldOverwrite(filename) && new File(filename).exists()) { continue; } String templateFile = getFullTemplateFile(config, templateName); String template = readTemplate(templateFile); Template tmpl = Mustache.compiler() .withLoader( new Mustache.TemplateLoader() { @Override public Reader getTemplate(String name) { return getTemplateReader( getFullTemplateFile(config, name + ".mustache")); } }) .defaultValue("") .compile(template); writeToFile(filename, tmpl.execute(operation)); files.add(new File(filename)); } // to generate api test files for (String templateName : config.apiTestTemplateFiles().keySet()) { String filename = config.apiTestFilename(templateName, tag); if (!config.shouldOverwrite(filename) && new File(filename).exists()) { continue; } String templateFile = getFullTemplateFile(config, templateName); String template = readTemplate(templateFile); Template tmpl = Mustache.compiler() .withLoader( new Mustache.TemplateLoader() { @Override public Reader getTemplate(String name) { return getTemplateReader( getFullTemplateFile(config, name + ".mustache")); } }) .defaultValue("") .compile(template); writeToFile(filename, tmpl.execute(operation)); files.add(new File(filename)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not generate api file for '" + tag + "'", e); } } } if (System.getProperty("debugOperations") != null) { LOGGER.info("############ Operation info ############"); Json.prettyPrint(allOperations); } // supporting files Map<String, Object> bundle = new HashMap<String, Object>(); bundle.putAll(config.additionalProperties()); bundle.put("apiPackage", config.apiPackage()); Map<String, Object> apis = new HashMap<String, Object>(); apis.put("apis", allOperations); if (swagger.getHost() != null) { bundle.put("host", swagger.getHost()); } bundle.put("swagger", this.swagger); bundle.put("basePath", basePath); bundle.put("scheme", scheme); bundle.put("contextPath", contextPath); bundle.put("apiInfo", apis); bundle.put("models", allModels); bundle.put("apiFolder", config.apiPackage().replace('.', File.separatorChar)); bundle.put("modelPackage", config.modelPackage()); List<CodegenSecurity> authMethods = config.fromSecurity(swagger.getSecurityDefinitions()); if (authMethods != null && !authMethods.isEmpty()) { bundle.put("authMethods", authMethods); bundle.put("hasAuthMethods", true); } if (swagger.getExternalDocs() != null) { bundle.put("externalDocs", swagger.getExternalDocs()); } for (int i = 0; i < allModels.size() - 1; i++) { HashMap<String, CodegenModel> cm = (HashMap<String, CodegenModel>) allModels.get(i); CodegenModel m = cm.get("model"); m.hasMoreModels = true; } config.postProcessSupportingFileData(bundle); if (System.getProperty("debugSupportingFiles") != null) { LOGGER.info("############ Supporting file info ############"); Json.prettyPrint(bundle); } if (generateSupportingFiles) { for (SupportingFile support : config.supportingFiles()) { try { String outputFolder = config.outputFolder(); if (isNotEmpty(support.folder)) { outputFolder += File.separator + support.folder; } File of = new File(outputFolder); if (!of.isDirectory()) { of.mkdirs(); } String outputFilename = outputFolder + File.separator + support.destinationFilename; if (!config.shouldOverwrite(outputFilename)) { continue; } String templateFile = getFullTemplateFile(config, support.templateFile); boolean shouldGenerate = true; if (supportingFilesToGenerate != null && supportingFilesToGenerate.size() > 0) { if (supportingFilesToGenerate.contains(support.destinationFilename)) { shouldGenerate = true; } else { shouldGenerate = false; } } if (shouldGenerate) { if (templateFile.endsWith("mustache")) { String template = readTemplate(templateFile); Template tmpl = Mustache.compiler() .withLoader( new Mustache.TemplateLoader() { @Override public Reader getTemplate(String name) { return getTemplateReader( getFullTemplateFile(config, name + ".mustache")); } }) .defaultValue("") .compile(template); writeToFile(outputFilename, tmpl.execute(bundle)); files.add(new File(outputFilename)); } else { InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(templateFile); } catch (Exception e) { // continue } if (in == null) { in = this.getClass() .getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(getCPResourcePath(templateFile)); } File outputFile = new File(outputFilename); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile, false); if (in != null) { LOGGER.info("writing file " + outputFile); IOUtils.copy(in, out); } else { if (in == null) { LOGGER.error("can't open " + templateFile + " for input"); } } files.add(outputFile); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not generate supporting file '" + support + "'", e); } } } config.processSwagger(swagger); return files; }
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports file transfer, otherwise returns * <code>false</code>. * * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports file transfer, otherwise returns * <code>false</code>. */ public boolean allowsFileTransfer() { Object ftOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetFileTransfer.class); if (ftOpSet != null) return true; else return false; }
/** * Returns the maximum file length supported by the protocol in bytes. * * @return the file length that is supported. */ public long getMaximumFileLength() { OperationSetFileTransfer ftOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetFileTransfer.class); return ftOpSet.getMaximumFileLength(); }