private static void writeFile( ByteCodeClass cls, File outputDir, ConcatenatingFileOutputStream writeBufferInstead) throws Exception { OutputStream outMain = writeBufferInstead != null && ByteCodeTranslator.output == ByteCodeTranslator.OutputType.OUTPUT_TYPE_IOS ? writeBufferInstead : new FileOutputStream( new File( outputDir, cls.getClsName() + "." + ByteCodeTranslator.output.extension())); if (outMain instanceof ConcatenatingFileOutputStream) { ((ConcatenatingFileOutputStream) outMain).beginNextFile(cls.getClsName()); } if (ByteCodeTranslator.output == ByteCodeTranslator.OutputType.OUTPUT_TYPE_IOS) { outMain.write(cls.generateCCode(classes).getBytes()); outMain.close(); // we also need to write the header file for iOS String headerName = cls.getClsName() + ".h"; FileOutputStream outHeader = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputDir, headerName)); outHeader.write(cls.generateCHeader().getBytes()); outHeader.close(); } else { outMain.write(cls.generateCSharpCode().getBytes()); outMain.close(); } }
public static void writeOutput(File outputDirectory) throws Exception { System.out.println("outputDirectory is: " + outputDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); if (ByteCodeClass.getMainClass() == null) { System.out.println( "Error main class is not defined. The main class name is expected to have a public static void main(String[]) method and it is assumed to reside in the directory"); System.exit(1); } String file = "Unknown File"; try { for (ByteCodeClass bc : classes) { // special case for object if (bc.getClsName().equals("java_lang_Object")) { continue; } file = bc.getClsName(); bc.setBaseClassObject(getClassByName(bc.getBaseClass())); List<ByteCodeClass> lst = new ArrayList<ByteCodeClass>(); for (String s : bc.getBaseInterfaces()) { ByteCodeClass bcode = getClassByName(s); if (bcode == null) { System.out.println( "Error while working with the class: " + s + " file:" + file + " no class definition"); } else { lst.add(getClassByName(s)); } } bc.setBaseInterfacesObject(lst); } for (ByteCodeClass bc : classes) { file = bc.getClsName(); bc.updateAllDependencies(); } ByteCodeClass.markDependencies(classes); classes = ByteCodeClass.clearUnmarked(classes); // load the native sources (including user native code) readNativeFiles(outputDirectory); // loop over methods and start eliminating the body of unused methods eliminateUnusedMethods(); generateClassAndMethodIndexHeader(outputDirectory); boolean concatenate = "true".equals(System.getProperty("concatenateFiles", "false")); ConcatenatingFileOutputStream cos = concatenate ? new ConcatenatingFileOutputStream(outputDirectory) : null; for (ByteCodeClass bc : classes) { file = bc.getClsName(); writeFile(bc, outputDirectory, cos); } if (cos != null) cos.realClose(); } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println("Error while working with the class: " + file); t.printStackTrace(); if (t instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) t; } if (t instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) t; } } }