private void play() { if (isReload) reloadGame(); if (isEnd || isPause) return; addFeed(); doesEatFeed(); addRegime(); doesEatRegime(); crossBorder(); head = blocks.peekFirst(); Block newHead = new Block(head.getX() + dx[inputDirection], head.getY() + dy[inputDirection]); Rectangle headRect = new Rectangle(head.getX(), head.getY(), 10, 10); if (isEnd(newHead)) { isEnd = true; // Image image = new Image(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/gameOver.png")); // ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image); // group.getChildren().add(imageView); // scene.setOnKeyPressed(null); saveRecord(); showRecord(); return; } else { blocks.push(newHead); rectangles.push(headRect); blocks.pollLast(); updateGui(); } }
@Test public void nemesisBlockIsVerifiable() { // Arrange: final Block block = this.loadNemesisBlock(); // Assert: Assert.assertThat(block.verify(), IsEqual.equalTo(true)); }
@Test public void generationHashConstantIsConsistentWithNemesisBlock() { // Arrange: final Block block = this.loadNemesisBlock(); // Assert: Assert.assertThat( block.getGenerationHash(), IsEqual.equalTo(NEMESIS_BLOCK_INFO.getGenerationHash())); }
@Test public void nemesisTransactionsAreVerifiable() { // Arrange: final Block block = this.loadNemesisBlock(); // Assert: for (final Transaction transaction : block.getTransactions()) { Assert.assertThat(transaction.verify(), IsEqual.equalTo(true)); } }
@Test public void addressConstantIsConsistentWithNemesisBlock() { // Arrange: final Block block = this.loadNemesisBlock(); final Address blockAddress = block.getSigner().getAddress(); // Assert: Assert.assertThat(blockAddress, IsEqual.equalTo(NEMESIS_BLOCK_INFO.getAddress())); Assert.assertThat( blockAddress.getPublicKey(), IsEqual.equalTo(NEMESIS_BLOCK_INFO.getAddress().getPublicKey())); Assert.assertThat(blockAddress.getPublicKey(), IsNull.notNullValue()); }
@Test public void nemesisTransactionsHaveCorrectFees() { // Arrange: final Block block = this.loadNemesisBlock(); // Assert: for (final Transaction transaction : block.getTransactions()) { final Amount expectedFee = TransactionTypes.TRANSFER == transaction.getType() ? Amount.ZERO : NemGlobals.getTransactionFeeCalculator().calculateMinimumFee(transaction); Assert.assertThat(transaction.getFee(), IsEqual.equalTo(expectedFee)); } }
@Test public void amountConstantIsConsistentWithNemesisBlock() { // Act: Amount totalAmount = Amount.ZERO; final Block block = this.loadNemesisBlock(); for (final Transaction transaction : block.getTransactions()) { if (transaction instanceof TransferTransaction) { totalAmount = totalAmount.add(((TransferTransaction) transaction).getAmount()); } } // Assert: Assert.assertThat(totalAmount, IsEqual.equalTo(NEMESIS_BLOCK_INFO.getAmount())); }
private void initNewStore(NetworkParameters params) throws Exception { byte[] header; header = HEADER_MAGIC.getBytes("US-ASCII"); buffer.put(header); // Insert the genesis block. lock.lock(); try { setRingCursor(buffer, FILE_PROLOGUE_BYTES); } finally { lock.unlock(); } Block genesis = params.getGenesisBlock().cloneAsHeader(); StoredBlock storedGenesis = new StoredBlock(genesis, genesis.getWork(), 0); put(storedGenesis); setChainHead(storedGenesis); }
/** * Creates a new StoredBlock, calculating the additional fields by adding to the values in this * block. */ public StoredBlock build(Block block) throws VerificationException { // Stored blocks track total work done in this chain, because the canonical chain is the one // that represents // the largest amount of work done not the tallest. BigInteger chainWork = this.chainWork.add(block.getWork()); int height = this.height + 1; return new StoredBlock(block, chainWork, height); }
@Test public void nemesisAddressesAreValid() { // Arrange: final Block block = this.loadNemesisBlock(); // Act: final Set<Address> allAddresses = block .getTransactions() .stream() .flatMap(t -> t.getAccounts().stream().map(Account::getAddress)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // Assert: for (final Address address : allAddresses) { Assert.assertThat(address.toString(), address.isValid(), IsEqual.equalTo(true)); } }
@Test public void nemesisTransactionSignersHavePublicKeys() { // Arrange: final Block block = this.loadNemesisBlock(); // Act: final Set<Address> signerAddresses = block .getTransactions() .stream() .map(t -> t.getSigner().getAddress()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // Assert: for (final Address address : signerAddresses) { Assert.assertThat(address.getPublicKey(), IsNull.notNullValue()); } }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; StoredBlock other = (StoredBlock) o; return header.equals(other.header) && chainWork.equals(other.chainWork) && height == other.height; }
private void doesEatFeed() { if (isEnd) return; if (Math.abs(blocks.peekFirst().getX() - feedRectangle.getX()) < 10 && Math.abs(blocks.peekFirst().getY() - feedRectangle.getY()) < 10) { feedRectangle.setX(1200); isFeed = false; ++feedCounter2; ++score; scoreLabel.setText(String.valueOf(score)); head = blocks.peekFirst(); Block newHead = new Block(head.getX() + dx[inputDirection], head.getY() + dy[inputDirection]); Rectangle headRect = new Rectangle(head.getX(), head.getY(), 10, 10); blocks.push(newHead); rectangles.push(headRect); } }
private void reloadGame() { if (!isReload) return; score = 0; isReload = false; isEnd = false; feedCounter1 = 0; feedCounter2 = 0; List<Rectangle> rectangleList = new ArrayList<>(rectangles); for (Rectangle r : rectangleList) group.getChildren().remove(r); regimeRectangle.setX(-20); Deque<Block> blocksTemp = new ArrayDeque<>(); Deque<Rectangle> rectanglesTemp = new ArrayDeque<>(); head = new Block(100, 150); tale = new Block(90, 150); if (inputDirection != 3) { blocksTemp.push(tale); blocksTemp.push(head); rectanglesTemp.push(new Rectangle(tale.getX(), tale.getY(), 10, 10)); rectanglesTemp.push(new Rectangle(head.getX(), head.getY(), 10, 10)); } else { blocksTemp.push(head); blocksTemp.push(tale); rectanglesTemp.push(new Rectangle(head.getX(), head.getY(), 10, 10)); rectanglesTemp.push(new Rectangle(tale.getX(), tale.getY(), 10, 10)); } blocks = blocksTemp; rectangles = rectanglesTemp; group.getChildren().add(rectangles.getFirst()); group.getChildren().add(rectangles.getLast()); timer.cancel(); timer = null; timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule( new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { Platform.runLater(() -> play()); } }, 1, 100); }
// ******@Uses: This is a small visitor created to extract variable name and // count****************// // *********************** from a given try block ********************************************// // ***********************************************************************************************// public void VariableVisitor_try(String content) { ASTParser metparse = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3); metparse.setSource(content.toCharArray()); metparse.setKind(ASTParser.K_STATEMENTS); Block block = (Block) metparse.createAST(null); block.accept( new ASTVisitor() { public boolean visit(VariableDeclarationFragment var) { // debug("met.var", var.getName().getFullyQualifiedName()); variables_in_try = variables_in_try + " " + var.getName().getFullyQualifiedName(); variables_count_try = variables_count_try + 1; System.out.println("Vriables in try:" + variables_in_try); // interupt(); return true; } }); }
/////////////////////////////////////////// // Writable /////////////////////////////////////////// public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { blockToken.write(out); out.writeBoolean(corrupt); out.writeLong(offset); b.write(out); out.writeInt(locs.length); for (int i = 0; i < locs.length; i++) { locs[i].write(out); } }
private void renderMenuBlock(Block block, float f, RenderBlocks renderblocks) { int i = block.getRenderType(); renderblocks.setRenderBoundsFromBlock(block); Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance; if (i == 0) { block.setBlockBoundsForItemRender(); GL11.glTranslatef(-0.5F, -0.5F, -0.5F); float f1 = 0.5F; float f2 = 1.0F; float f3 = 0.8F; float f4 = 0.6F; tessellator.startDrawingQuads(); tessellator.setColorRGBA_F(f2, f2, f2, f); renderblocks.renderFaceYNeg(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(0)); tessellator.setColorRGBA_F(f1, f1, f1, f); renderblocks.renderFaceYPos(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(1)); tessellator.setColorRGBA_F(f3, f3, f3, f); renderblocks.renderFaceZNeg(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(2)); renderblocks.renderFaceZPos(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(3)); tessellator.setColorRGBA_F(f4, f4, f4, f); renderblocks.renderFaceXNeg(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(4)); renderblocks.renderFaceXPos(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getBlockTextureFromSide(5)); tessellator.draw(); GL11.glTranslatef(0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F); } }
public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { blockToken.readFields(in); this.corrupt = in.readBoolean(); offset = in.readLong(); this.b = new Block(); b.readFields(in); int count = in.readInt(); this.locs = new DatanodeInfo[count]; for (int i = 0; i < locs.length; i++) { locs[i] = new DatanodeInfo(); locs[i].readFields(in); } }
private void crossBorder() { if (isEnd) return; List<Block> blockTemp = new ArrayList<>(blocks); switch (inputDirection) { case 0: for (int i = 0; i < blockTemp.size(); i++) if (blockTemp.get(i).getY() >= 460) { Block temp = blockTemp.get(i); temp.setY(0); blockTemp.set(i, temp); } break; case 1: for (int i = 0; i < blockTemp.size(); i++) if (blockTemp.get(i).getX() >= 490) { Block temp = blockTemp.get(i); temp.setX(0); blockTemp.set(i, temp); } break; case 2: for (int i = 0; i < blockTemp.size(); i++) if (blockTemp.get(i).getY() <= 0) { Block temp = blockTemp.get(i); temp.setY(450); blockTemp.set(i, temp); } break; case 3: for (int i = 0; i < blockTemp.size(); i++) if (blockTemp.get(i).getX() <= 0) { Block temp = blockTemp.get(i); temp.setX(480); blockTemp.set(i, temp); } break; } Deque<Block> blocksTemp = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = blockTemp.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) blocksTemp.push(blockTemp.get(i)); blocks = blocksTemp; }
private Block readCodeBlock(int numInputs) throws IOException { Block block = new Block(numInputs); int nCodes = input.read_uv(); HashMap<Integer, Code.Label> labels = new HashMap<Integer, Code.Label>(); for (int i = 0; i != nCodes; ++i) { Code code = readCode(i, labels); block.append(code); } // NOTE: we must go up to nCodes+1 because of the possibility of a label // occurring after the very last bytecode instruction. for (int i = 0, j = 0; i != nCodes + 1; ++i, ++j) { Code.Label label = labels.get(i); if (label != null) { block.insert(j++, label); } } input.pad_u8(); // necessary return block; }
private void createNewStore(NetworkParameters params, File file) throws BlockStoreException { // Create a new block store if the file wasn't found or anything went wrong whilst reading. blockMap.clear(); try { stream = new FileOutputStream(file, false); // Do not append, create fresh. stream.write(1); // Version. } catch (IOException e1) { // We could not load a block store nor could we create a new one! throw new BlockStoreException(e1); } try { // Set up the genesis block. When we start out fresh, it is by definition the top of the // chain. Block genesis = params.genesisBlock.cloneAsHeader(); StoredBlock storedGenesis = new StoredBlock(genesis, genesis.getWork(), 0); this.chainHead = storedGenesis.getHeader().getHash(); stream.write(this.chainHead.getBytes()); put(storedGenesis); } catch (VerificationException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); // Cannot happen. } catch (IOException e) { throw new BlockStoreException(e); } }
void place(int mx, int my) { if (drme) { drme = false; return; } int n = data.a.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (((mx - data.a[i][j].x) * (mx - data.a[i][j].x) + (my - data.a[i][j].y) * (my - data.a[i][j].y) < bst.scale * bst.scale * .75) && data.a[i][j].getState() == 0) { if (count == 1 && gst.swap) { int ch = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, "Swap moves?", "Swap", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (ch == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { lmv.setState(cst); switch (cst) { case 1: data.a[i][j].setState(2); break; case 2: data.a[i][j].setState(1); break; } repaint( (int) (lmv.x - 0.8 * bst.scale), (int) (lmv.y - 0.8 * bst.scale), (int) (1.6 * bst.scale), (int) (1.6 * bst.scale)); if (AIMethods.gameOver(this, lmv.i, lmv.j, count)) { newGame(); } if ( != null), lmv.j, lmv.getState(), count); } else data.a[i][j].setState(cst); } else data.a[i][j].setState(cst); lmv = data.a[i][j]; repaint( (int) (data.a[i][j].x - 0.8 * bst.scale), (int) (data.a[i][j].y - 0.8 * bst.scale), (int) (1.6 * bst.scale), (int) (1.6 * bst.scale)); switch (cst) { case 1: cst = 2; break; case 2: cst = 1; break; } if (AIMethods.gameOver(this, lmv.i, lmv.j, count)) { System.out.println("Game Over"); firstrun = true; String win = ""; if (lmv.getState() == Block.RED_BEAD) { switch (gst.theme) { case 0: win = "Red"; break; case 1: win = "Black"; break; case 2: win = "Gold"; break; } } else { switch (gst.theme) { case 0: win = "Blue"; break; case 1: win = "Green"; break; case 2: win = "Silver"; break; } } if (; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, win + " wins", "Game Over", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); newGame(); return; } if ( { if ( == null); else if (userMove); } count++; if ( != null && userMove) { userMove = false;, lmv.j, lmv.getState(), count); } else userMove = true; return; } } } if (; }
PerformResult perform() throws WorldEditorException { if (dontRollback.contains(replaced)) return PerformResult.BLACKLISTED; final Block block = loc.getBlock(); if (replaced == 0 && block.getTypeId() == 0) return PerformResult.NO_ACTION; final BlockState state = block.getState(); if (!world.isChunkLoaded(block.getChunk())) world.loadChunk(block.getChunk()); if (type == replaced) { if (type == 0) { if (!block.setTypeId(0)) throw new WorldEditorException(block.getTypeId(), 0, block.getLocation()); } else if (ca != null && (type == 23 || type == 54 || type == 61 || type == 62)) { int leftover = 0; try { leftover = modifyContainer( state, new ItemStack(ca.itemType, -ca.itemAmount, (short) 0, ca.itemData)); if (leftover > 0) for (final BlockFace face : new BlockFace[] { BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.WEST }) if (block.getRelative(face).getTypeId() == 54) leftover = modifyContainer( block.getRelative(face).getState(), new ItemStack( ca.itemType, ca.itemAmount < 0 ? leftover : -leftover, (short) 0, ca.itemData)); } catch (final Exception ex) { throw new WorldEditorException(ex.getMessage(), block.getLocation()); } if (!state.update()) throw new WorldEditorException( "Failed to update inventory of " + materialName(block.getTypeId()), block.getLocation()); if (leftover > 0 && ca.itemAmount < 0) throw new WorldEditorException( "Not enough space left in " + materialName(block.getTypeId()), block.getLocation()); } else return PerformResult.NO_ACTION; return PerformResult.SUCCESS; } if (!(equalTypes(block.getTypeId(), type) || replaceAnyway.contains(block.getTypeId()))) return PerformResult.NO_ACTION; if (state instanceof InventoryHolder) { ((InventoryHolder) state).getInventory().clear(); state.update(); } if (block.getTypeId() == replaced) { if (block.getData() != (type == 0 ? data : (byte) 0)) block.setData(type == 0 ? data : (byte) 0, true); else return PerformResult.NO_ACTION; } else if (!block.setTypeIdAndData(replaced, type == 0 ? data : (byte) 0, true)) throw new WorldEditorException(block.getTypeId(), replaced, block.getLocation()); final int curtype = block.getTypeId(); if (signtext != null && (curtype == 63 || curtype == 68)) { final Sign sign = (Sign) block.getState(); final String[] lines = signtext.split("\0", 4); if (lines.length < 4) return PerformResult.NO_ACTION; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) sign.setLine(i, lines[i]); if (!sign.update()) throw new WorldEditorException( "Failed to update signtext of " + materialName(block.getTypeId()), block.getLocation()); } else if (curtype == 26) { final Bed bed = (Bed) block.getState().getData(); final Block secBlock = bed.isHeadOfBed() ? block.getRelative(bed.getFacing().getOppositeFace()) : block.getRelative(bed.getFacing()); if (secBlock.getTypeId() == 0 && !secBlock.setTypeIdAndData(26, (byte) (bed.getData() | 8), true)) throw new WorldEditorException(secBlock.getTypeId(), 26, secBlock.getLocation()); } else if (curtype == 64 || curtype == 71) { final byte blockData = block.getData(); final Block secBlock = (blockData & 8) == 8 ? block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN) : block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP); if (secBlock.getTypeId() == 0 && !secBlock.setTypeIdAndData(curtype, (byte) (blockData | 8), true)) throw new WorldEditorException(secBlock.getTypeId(), curtype, secBlock.getLocation()); } else if ((curtype == 29 || curtype == 33) && (block.getData() & 8) > 0) { final PistonBaseMaterial piston = (PistonBaseMaterial) block.getState().getData(); final Block secBlock = block.getRelative(piston.getFacing()); if (secBlock.getTypeId() == 0 && !secBlock.setTypeIdAndData( 34, curtype == 29 ? (byte) (block.getData() | 8) : (byte) (block.getData() & ~8), true)) throw new WorldEditorException(secBlock.getTypeId(), 34, secBlock.getLocation()); } else if (curtype == 34) { final PistonExtensionMaterial piston = (PistonExtensionMaterial) block.getState().getData(); final Block secBlock = block.getRelative(piston.getFacing().getOppositeFace()); if (secBlock.getTypeId() == 0 && !secBlock.setTypeIdAndData( piston.isSticky() ? 29 : 33, (byte) (block.getData() | 8), true)) throw new WorldEditorException( secBlock.getTypeId(), piston.isSticky() ? 29 : 33, secBlock.getLocation()); } else if (curtype == 18 && (block.getData() & 8) > 0) block.setData((byte) (block.getData() & 0xF7)); return PerformResult.SUCCESS; }
private boolean isEnd(Block newHead) { List<Block> blockTemp = new ArrayList<>(blocks); for (int i = 0; i < blockTemp.size(); i++) if (blockTemp.get(i).getX() == newHead.getX() && blockTemp.get(i).getY() == newHead.getY()) return true; if (newHead.getX() >= obstacle1.getX() && newHead.getX() <= obstacle1.getX() + 150 && ((newHead.getY() >= obstacle1.getY() && newHead.getY() <= obstacle1.getY() + 5) || (newHead.getY() <= obstacle1.getY() && newHead.getY() >= obstacle1.getY() - 5))) return true; if (newHead.getY() >= obstacle2.getY() && newHead.getY() <= obstacle2.getY() + 150 && ((newHead.getX() >= obstacle2.getX() && newHead.getX() <= obstacle2.getX() + 5) || (newHead.getX() <= obstacle2.getX() && newHead.getX() >= obstacle2.getX() - 5))) return true; return false; }
public void methodVisitor(String content) { ASTParser metparse = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3); metparse.setSource(content.toCharArray()); metparse.setKind(ASTParser.K_STATEMENTS); Block block = (Block) metparse.createAST(null); block.accept( new ASTVisitor() { public boolean visit(VariableDeclarationFragment var) { // debug("met.var", var.getName().getFullyQualifiedName()); // System.out.println("dec"); return true; } public boolean visit(SimpleName node) { // System.out.println(" Simple Node="+node.toString()); // System.out.println("Node"); return true; } public boolean visit(ForStatement myfor) { // System.out.println("myfor="+myfor.toString()); // System.out.println("for"); return true; } public boolean visit(SwitchStatement myswitch) { // System.out.println("myswitch="+myswitch.toString()); return true; } public boolean visit(DoStatement mydo) { // System.out.println("mydo="+mydo.toString()); return true; } public boolean visit(WhileStatement mywhile) { // System.out.println("mywhile="+mywhile.toString()); return true; } public boolean visit(IfStatement myif) { return true; } public boolean visit(TryStatement mytry) { reset_try_flags(); util3_met utm = new util3_met(); log_level_interface tli = new log_level_interface(); method_name_and_count mnc_try = new method_name_and_count(); operator_and_operator_count oaoc_try = new operator_and_operator_count(); // object for method method_name_and_count mnc_till_try = new method_name_and_count(); operator_and_operator_count oaoc_till_try = new operator_and_operator_count(); log_level_interface tli_till_try = new log_level_interface(); try_id++; catch_id = 0; // Contextualfeaturess is_method_have_param = utm.check_method_parameter(method_parameter); method_param_as_string_original = method_parameter.toString(); method_param_as_string_original = utm.replace_quotes_string(method_param_as_string_original); method_param_as_string = method_param_as_string_original; method_param_as_string = utm.clean_method_params(method_param_as_string); method_param_count = utm.get_param_count(method_parameter); method_param_type = utm.get_method_param_type(method_parameter); method_param_type = utm.clean_method_params(method_param_type); method_param_name = utm.get_method_param_name(method_parameter); method_param_name = utm.clean_method_params(method_param_name); String try_con = mytry.getBody().toString(); /*try_con = try_con.replace("\"", "\\\""); try_con= try_con.replace("\'", " "); try_con = try_con.replace("\\\\", " ");*/ /*try_con = try_con.replace("\"", " "); try_con= try_con.replace("\'", " "); try_con = try_con.replace("\\", " "); */ System.out.println("Content of Try Block=" + try_con.toString()); // try_loc = utm.get_try_loc_count(try_con);// old method @not comment try_loc = utm.get_new_try_sloc(try_con); tli = utm.find_and_set_logging_level(try_con, tli); is_try_logged = tli.logged; try_log_count = tli.log_count; try_log_levels = tli.log_levels_combined; is_return_in_try = utm.check_return(try_con); is_thread_sleep_try = utm.check_thread_sleep(try_con); throw_throws_try = utm.check_thorw_throws(try_con); if_in_try = utm.check_if(try_con); if_count_in_try = utm.get_if_count(try_con); is_assert_try = utm.check_assert(try_con); mnc_try = utm.get_method_call_name(try_con, mnc_try); method_call_names_try = mnc_try.method_names; method_call_count_try = mnc_try.method_count; oaoc_try = utm.get_operators_and_count(try_con, oaoc_try); operators_in_try = oaoc_try.operator; operators_count_try = oaoc_try.operator_count; // @Uses: This function will use to count the variable names in the try block // *** This will set following varibels in the block // // *** Variables_in_try = // ** variables_count_try = // VariableVisitor_try(try_con); // @******Features between method and try************@// // interupt(); int try_pos = mytry.getStartPosition(); String method_try_between_con = method_content.substring(0, try_pos); method_try_between_con = method_try_between_con.trim(); method_try_between_con = utm.balance_closing_braces(method_try_between_con); // System.out.println("method con:"+ method_content); // System.out.println("method between try con:"+ method_try_between_con); String modified_con_for_method_call_ext = utm.get_modified_con_for_method_cal_extraction(method_content, try_pos); mnc_till_try = utm.get_method_call_name(modified_con_for_method_call_ext, mnc_till_try); method_call_names_till_try = mnc_till_try.method_names; method_call_count_till_try = mnc_till_try.method_count; oaoc_till_try = utm.get_operators_and_count(method_try_between_con, oaoc_till_try); operators_till_try = oaoc_till_try.operator; operators_count_till_try = oaoc_till_try.operator_count; // @Uses: This function will use to count the variable names in the given block between // method and try // *** This will set following varibels in the block // // *** Variables_till_try = // ** variables_count_till_try = // VariableVisitor_method_try_between_con(method_try_between_con); loc_till_try = utm.get_loc(method_try_between_con); tli_till_try = utm.find_and_set_logging_level(method_try_between_con, tli_till_try); is_till_try_logged = tli_till_try.logged; till_try_log_count = tli_till_try.log_count; till_try_log_levels = tli_till_try.log_levels_combined; is_return_till_try = utm.check_return(method_try_between_con); throw_throws_till_try = utm.check_thorw_throws(method_try_between_con); if_in_till_try = utm.check_if(method_try_between_con); if_count_in_till_try = utm.get_if_count(method_try_between_con); is_assert_till_try = utm.check_assert(method_try_between_con); String previous_catch_as_string = ""; List all_catches = mytry.catchClauses(); Iterator itr = all_catches.iterator(); int count = 0; while (itr.hasNext()) { log_level_interface catch_li = new log_level_interface(); catch_id++; reset_catch_flags(); CatchClause mycatch = (CatchClause) all_catches.get(count); String catch_exp = mycatch.getException().getType().toString(); catch_exp = catch_exp.replace("\"", "\\\""); catch_exp = catch_exp.replace("\'", " "); catch_exp = catch_exp.replace("\\\\", " "); catch_exp = utm.find_final_catch_exp(catch_exp); String catch_exp_with_obj = mycatch.getException().toString(); String catch_con = mycatch.getBody().toString(); // catch_con = catch_con.replace("\"", "\\\""); // catch_con = catch_con.replace("\'", "\\\'"); // catch_con = catch_con.replace("\\\\", " "); System.out.println("---------Set Flags----------------------"); catch_li = utm.find_and_set_logging_level(catch_con, catch_li); is_catch_logged = catch_li.logged; catch_log_count = catch_li.log_count; catch_log_levels = catch_li.log_levels_combined; have_previous_catches = utm.contains_previous_catches(count); previous_catches_logged = utm.are_previous_catches_logged(previous_catch_as_string, count); previous_catches_log_count = utm.get_log_count(previous_catch_as_string); is_return_in_catch = utm.check_return(catch_con); catch_depth = utm.get_catch_depth(count); is_catch_object_ignore = utm.check_ignore(catch_exp_with_obj); is_interrupted_exception = utm.check_interrupted_exception(catch_exp); is_throwable_exception = utm.check_throwable_exception(catch_exp); throw_throws_catch = utm.check_thorw_throws(catch_con); is_assert_catch = utm.check_assert(catch_con); System.out.println("Method Name=" + method_name); System.out.println("Package Name=" + package_name); System.out.println("File Path=" + temp_file_path); System.out.println("Catch Exception=" + catch_exp); write_in_db( try_id, catch_id, try_con, catch_con, method_try_between_con, catch_exp.toString(), previous_catch_as_string, temp_file_path, package_name, class_name, method_name, try_loc, is_try_logged, try_log_count, try_log_levels, is_catch_logged, catch_log_count, catch_log_levels, have_previous_catches, previous_catches_logged, is_return_in_try, is_return_in_catch, is_catch_object_ignore, is_interrupted_exception, is_thread_sleep_try, throw_throws_try, throw_throws_catch, if_in_try, if_count_in_try, is_assert_try, is_assert_catch, previous_catches_log_count, catch_depth, is_method_have_param, method_param_as_string_original, method_param_as_string, method_param_type, method_param_name, method_param_count, method_call_names_try, method_call_count_try, operators_in_try, operators_count_try, variables_in_try, variables_count_try, method_call_names_till_try, method_call_count_till_try, operators_till_try, operators_count_till_try, variables_till_try, variables_count_till_try, loc_till_try, is_till_try_logged, till_try_log_count, till_try_log_levels, is_return_till_try, throw_throws_till_try, if_in_till_try, if_count_in_till_try, is_assert_till_try); write_in_file( catch_con, catch_exp.toLowerCase(), try_con, previous_catch_as_string, method_content, catch_log_count, method_param_as_string); // not perfect String catch_con_with_exp = mycatch.toString(); catch_con_with_exp = catch_con_with_exp.replace("\"", "\\\\"); catch_con_with_exp = catch_con_with_exp.replace("\'", " "); catch_con_with_exp = catch_con_with_exp.replace("\\\\", " "); previous_catch_as_string = previous_catch_as_string + "\n" + catch_con_with_exp; System.out.println( "========================================================================================================================="); count++;; } return true; } public boolean visit(CatchClause mycatch) { String catch_train_con = ""; return true; } }); }
@Override public int hashCode() { // A better hashCode is possible, but this works for now. return header.hashCode() ^ chainWork.hashCode() ^ height; }
private void load(File file) throws IOException, BlockStoreException {"Reading block store from {}", file); InputStream input = null; try { input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); // Read a version byte. int version =; if (version == -1) { // No such file or the file was empty. throw new FileNotFoundException(file.getName() + " does not exist or is empty"); } if (version != 1) { throw new BlockStoreException("Bad version number: " + version); } // Chain head pointer is the first thing in the file. byte[] chainHeadHash = new byte[32]; if ( < chainHeadHash.length) throw new BlockStoreException("Truncated block store: cannot read chain head hash"); this.chainHead = new Sha256Hash(chainHeadHash);"Read chain head from disk: {}", this.chainHead); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Rest of file is raw block headers. byte[] headerBytes = new byte[Block.HEADER_SIZE]; try { while (true) { // Read a block from disk. if ( < 80) { // End of file. break; } // Parse it. Block b = new Block(params, headerBytes); // Look up the previous block it connects to. StoredBlock prev = get(b.getPrevBlockHash()); StoredBlock s; if (prev == null) { // First block in the stored chain has to be treated specially. if (b.equals(params.genesisBlock)) { s = new StoredBlock( params.genesisBlock.cloneAsHeader(), params.genesisBlock.getWork(), 0); } else { throw new BlockStoreException( "Could not connect " + b.getHash().toString() + " to " + b.getPrevBlockHash().toString()); } } else { // Don't try to verify the genesis block to avoid upsetting the unit tests. b.verifyHeader(); // Calculate its height and total chain work. s =; } // Save in memory. blockMap.put(b.getHash(), s); } } catch (ProtocolException e) { // Corrupted file. throw new BlockStoreException(e); } catch (VerificationException e) { // Should not be able to happen unless the file contains bad blocks. throw new BlockStoreException(e); } long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;"Block chain read complete in {}ms", elapsed); } finally { if (input != null) input.close(); } }
public long getBlockSize() { return b.getNumBytes(); }
public Snake(String playerName, String inputDirection, Scene scene, Group group) { this.playerName = playerName; this.scene = scene; = group; switch (inputDirection) { case "s": this.inputDirection = 0; break; case "d": this.inputDirection = 1; break; case "w": this.inputDirection = 2; break; case "a": this.inputDirection = 3; break; } directionsMapping = new HashMap<>(); directionsMapping.put("S", 0); directionsMapping.put("D", 1); directionsMapping.put("W", 2); directionsMapping.put("A", 3); blocks = new ArrayDeque<>(); rectangles = new ArrayDeque<>(); head = new Block(100, 150); tale = new Block(90, 150); if (this.inputDirection != 3) { blocks.push(tale); blocks.push(head); rectangles.push(new Rectangle(tale.getX(), tale.getY(), 10, 10)); rectangles.push(new Rectangle(head.getX(), head.getY(), 10, 10)); } else { blocks.push(head); blocks.push(tale); rectangles.push(new Rectangle(head.getX(), head.getY(), 10, 10)); rectangles.push(new Rectangle(tale.getX(), tale.getY(), 10, 10)); } random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); isFeed = false; isRegime = false; scoreLabel = new Label(String.valueOf(score)); scoreLabel.setLayoutX(240); scoreLabel.setLayoutY(0); group.getChildren().add(scoreLabel); feedRectangle = new Rectangle(10, 10); feedRectangle.setFill(Color.RED); feedRectangle.setX(-20); group.getChildren().add(feedRectangle); regimeRectangle = new Rectangle(10, 10); regimeRectangle.setFill(Color.GREEN); regimeRectangle.setX(-20); group.getChildren().add(regimeRectangle); obstacle1 = new Rectangle(150, 10); obstacle1.setFill(Color.BLUE); obstacle1.setY(-20); group.getChildren().add(obstacle1); obstacle2 = new Rectangle(10, 150); obstacle2.setFill(Color.BLUE); obstacle2.setX(-20); group.getChildren().add(obstacle2); setBestPlayer(); setBoardListener(); addFeed(); timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule( new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { Platform.runLater(() -> play()); } }, 1, 100); }
/** Called when run from the command line. The train module will run (mostly) individually. */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { isSolo = true; // Get the number of trains. if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println("Invalid number of arguments."); System.exit(1); } soloNumTrains = Integer.parseInt(args[0], 10); if ((soloNumTrains < 1) || (soloNumTrains > 9)) { System.out.println( "Invalid argument. The number of trains must be greater than 0 and less than 10."); System.exit(1); } // Create the test block loop. Block bYard = new Block( 0, "A", "I", 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, true, false, true, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b01 = new Block( 1, "B", "II", 500.0, 0.0, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b02 = new Block( 2, "C", "II", 500.0, -22.2, 1.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b03 = new Block( 3, "D", "II", 50.0, 0.0, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b04 = new Block( 4, "E", "II", 500.0, 11.1, 30.0, true, true, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b05 = new Block( 5, "F", "III", 50.0, 0.0, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b06 = new Block( 6, "G", "III", 100.0, 0.0, 5.0, true, false, false, true, false, "Alpha", false, false, false); Block b07 = new Block( 7, "H", "III", 500.0, -11.1, 30.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b08 = new Block( 8, "I", "III", 50.0, 0.0, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b09 = new Block( 9, "J", "IV", 500.0, 22.2, 1.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b10 = new Block( 10, "K", "IV", 50.0, 0.0, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b11 = new Block( 11, "L", "IV", 100.0, 0.0, 5.0, true, false, false, true, false, "Beta", false, false, false); Block b12 = new Block( 12, "M", "IV", 50.0, 11.1, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b13 = new Block( 13, "N", "V", 50.0, 0.0, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b14 = new Block( 14, "O", "V", 50.0, -11.1, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b15 = new Block( 15, "P", "V", 50.0, 0.0, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); Block b16 = new Block( 16, "Q", "V", 100.0, 0.0, 5.0, true, false, false, true, false, "Gamma", false, false, false); Block b17 = new Block( 17, "R", "V", 50.0, 0.0, 15.0, true, false, false, false, false, "", false, false, false); bYard.connect(b17, b01); b01.connect(bYard, b02); b02.connect(b01, b03); b03.connect(b02, b04); b04.connect(b03, b05); b05.connect(b04, b06); b06.connect(b05, b07); b07.connect(b08, b06); b08.connect(b09, b07); b09.connect(b10, b08); b10.connect(b11, b09); b11.connect(b12, b10); b12.connect(b11, b13); b13.connect(b14, b12); b14.connect(b13, b15); b15.connect(b16, b14); b16.connect(b15, b17); b17.connect(bYard, b16); ArrayList<Block> route = new ArrayList<Block>(); route.add(bYard); route.add(b01); route.add(b02); route.add(b03); route.add(b04); route.add(b05); route.add(b06); route.add(b07); route.add(b08); route.add(b09); route.add(b10); route.add(b11); route.add(b12); route.add(b13); route.add(b14); route.add(b15); route.add(b16); route.add(b17); route.add(bYard); route.add(b01); route.add(b02); route.add(b03); route.add(b04); route.add(b05); route.add(b06); route.add(b07); route.add(b08); route.add(b09); route.add(b10); route.add(b11); route.add(b12); route.add(b13); route.add(b14); route.add(b15); route.add(b16); route.add(b17); route.add(bYard); /* * Create the trains. * The first will depart at 8:00 AM, the second at 8:30 AM, the third at 9:00 AM, etc. * The first will depart at 8:00 AM, the second at 8:15 AM, the third at 8:30 AM, etc. * All will have break time set to 4 hours after their departure times. */ trainList = new ArrayList<Train>(); idArray = new String[soloNumTrains]; for (int i = 0; i < soloNumTrains; i++) { trainList.add( new Train( i + 1, "T" + (i + 1), "Test", (8 * 60 * 60 + i * 15 * 60) % (24 * 60 * 60), route, new Engineer( true, false, 0.0, (8 * 60 * 60 + i * 15 * 60 + 5 * 60) % (24 * 60 * 60)), bYard)); idArray[i] = new String("T" + (i + 1)); } // Create the UI. TrainModelUI tnmUI = new TrainModelUI(); tnmUI.setTrainList(trainList); // Setup the timer. soloTime = 7 * 60 * 60 + 59 * 60 + 55; soloDate = new Date(93, 2, 2, 7, 59, 55); ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { timeTick(soloDate, soloDelta); } }; new javax.swing.Timer(20, taskPerformer).start(); // Disable all "Toggle" buttons that are associated with a manual entry. btnToggleManRecPower.setEnabled(false); btnToggleManDesSpdLmt.setEnabled(false); btnToggleManLights.setEnabled(false); btnToggleManDoors.setEnabled(false); btnToggleManTarTemperature.setEnabled(false); // Make it so only manual values are used. for (int i = 0; i < soloNumTrains; i++) { Train t = trainList.get(i); t.issetManualPower = true; t.issetManualSpeedLimit = true; t.issetLightsOnUseManual = true; t.issetDoorsOpenUseManual = true; t.issetTargetTemperatureManual = true; } btnPauseResume.setEnabled(true); tnmUI.setSelectedId(trainList.get(0).id); tnmUI.setIsPaused(tnmUI.getIsPaused()); tnmUI.setIsVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }