/** Let capture menu events (and all others...) */ public boolean action(Event evt, Object what) { if (evt.target instanceof MenuItem) { // Since we didn't save references to each of the menu objects, // we check which one was pressed by comparing labels. if (((String) evt.arg).equals("Animate")) { for (float i = 10; i < 1000; i += 200) { System.out.println("Contour value: " + i); cFilt.SetValue(0, i); vPanel.GetRenderWindow().Render(); if (savetofile) { vPanel.GetRenderWindow().SetFileName("image." + (int) i + ".ppm"); vPanel.GetRenderWindow().SaveImageAsPPM(); } } } if (((String) evt.arg).equals("Exit")) { System.exit(1); } } System.out.println("Event: " + evt + " Object: " + what); return super.action(evt, what); }
public static void main(String astring[]) { float f1 = 0.4F; float f2 = 0.4F; Ex63a ex63a = new Ex63a(); vtkPanel VtkPanel = new vtkPanel(); VtkPanel.setSize(400, 400); System.out.println("Here we go"); vtkQuadric VtkQuadric = new vtkQuadric(); VtkQuadric.SetCoefficients(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); vtkSampleFunction VtkSampleFunction = new vtkSampleFunction(); VtkSampleFunction.SetSampleDimensions(25, 25, 25); VtkSampleFunction.SetImplicitFunction(VtkQuadric); VtkSampleFunction.DebugOn(); vtkContourFilter VtkContourFilter = new vtkContourFilter(); VtkContourFilter.SetInput(VtkSampleFunction.GetOutput()); VtkContourFilter.UseScalarTreeOn(); VtkContourFilter.DebugOn(); vtkPolyDataMapper VtkPolyDataMapper1 = new vtkPolyDataMapper(); VtkPolyDataMapper1.SetInput(VtkContourFilter.GetOutput()); VtkPolyDataMapper1.SetScalarRange(0.0, 7.0); vtkActor VtkActor1 = new vtkActor(); VtkActor1.SetMapper(VtkPolyDataMapper1); VtkPanel.getRenderer().AddActor(VtkActor1); vtkOutlineFilter VtkOutlineFilter = new vtkOutlineFilter(); VtkOutlineFilter.SetInput(VtkSampleFunction.GetOutput()); vtkPolyDataMapper VtkPolyDataMapper2 = new vtkPolyDataMapper(); VtkPolyDataMapper2.SetInput(VtkOutlineFilter.GetOutput()); vtkActor VtkActor2 = new vtkActor(); VtkActor2.SetMapper(VtkPolyDataMapper2); VtkActor2.GetProperty().SetColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); VtkPanel.getRenderer().AddActor(VtkActor2); ex63a.add("Center", VtkPanel); ex63a.pack(); MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); Menu menu = new Menu("File"); menu.add(new MenuItem("Exit")); menuBar.add(menu); ex63a.setMenuBar(menuBar); ex63a.show(); for (float f3 = 0.0F; f3 < 12.0; f3++) { VtkContourFilter.SetValue(1, (double) (f1 + f3 * f2)); VtkPanel.Render(); } }