protected Color4f phongShade( Vector3f position, Vector3f viewpoint, Vector3f normal, Color4f diffuseColor, Color4f specularColor, Material material, Light[] lightsArray) { shadedColor.set(diffuseColor); shadedColor.scale(material.ambientIntensity); for (int i = 0; i < lightsArray.length; i++) { Light light = lightsArray[i]; n.set(normal); l.set(light.position); if (light.type != DISTANT) l.sub(position); l.normalize(); float nDotL =; if (nDotL >= 0.0) { float dDotL = 0; v.set(viewpoint); v.sub(position); v.normalize(); // Spotlight if (light.type == SPOT) { dDotL =; if (dDotL < light.cosConeAngle) continue; } n.scale(2.0f * nDotL); n.sub(l); float rDotV =; float rv; if (rDotV < 0.0) rv = 0.0f; else // rv = (float)Math.pow(rDotV, material.highlight); rv = rDotV / (material.highlight - material.highlight * rDotV + rDotV); // Fast approximation to pow // Spotlight if (light.type == SPOT) { dDotL = light.cosConeAngle / dDotL; float e = dDotL; e *= e; e *= e; e *= e; e = (float) Math.pow(dDotL, light.focus * 10) * (1 - e); rv *= e; nDotL *= e; } diffuse_color.set(diffuseColor); diffuse_color.scale(material.diffuseReflectivity); diffuse_color.x *= light.realColor.x * nDotL; diffuse_color.y *= light.realColor.y * nDotL; diffuse_color.z *= light.realColor.z * nDotL; specular_color.set(specularColor); specular_color.scale(material.specularReflectivity); specular_color.x *= light.realColor.x * rv; specular_color.y *= light.realColor.y * rv; specular_color.z *= light.realColor.z * rv; diffuse_color.add(specular_color); diffuse_color.clamp(0, 1); shadedColor.add(diffuse_color); } } shadedColor.clamp(0, 1); return shadedColor; }
protected int[] filterPixels(int width, int height, int[] inPixels, Rectangle transformedSpace) { int index = 0; int[] outPixels = new int[width * height]; float width45 = Math.abs(6.0f * bumpHeight); boolean invertBumps = bumpHeight < 0; Vector3f position = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Vector3f viewpoint = new Vector3f((float) width / 2.0f, (float) height / 2.0f, viewDistance); Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(); Color4f c = new Color4f(); Function2D bump = bumpFunction; if (bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE || bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA || bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_MAP || bump == null) { if (bumpSoftness != 0) { int bumpWidth = width; int bumpHeight = height; int[] bumpPixels = inPixels; if (bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_MAP && bumpFunction instanceof ImageFunction2D) { ImageFunction2D if2d = (ImageFunction2D) bumpFunction; bumpWidth = if2d.getWidth(); bumpHeight = if2d.getHeight(); bumpPixels = if2d.getPixels(); } Kernel kernel = GaussianFilter.makeKernel(bumpSoftness); int[] tmpPixels = new int[bumpWidth * bumpHeight]; int[] softPixels = new int[bumpWidth * bumpHeight]; GaussianFilter.convolveAndTranspose( kernel, bumpPixels, tmpPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, true, false, false, ConvolveFilter.CLAMP_EDGES); GaussianFilter.convolveAndTranspose( kernel, tmpPixels, softPixels, bumpHeight, bumpWidth, true, false, false, ConvolveFilter.CLAMP_EDGES); bump = new ImageFunction2D( softPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, ImageFunction2D.CLAMP, bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA); } else bump = new ImageFunction2D( inPixels, width, height, ImageFunction2D.CLAMP, bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA); } Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f n = new Vector3f(); // Loop through each source pixel for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { float ny = y; position.y = y; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { float nx = x; // Calculate the normal at this point if (bumpSource != BUMPS_FROM_BEVEL) { // Complicated and slower method // Calculate four normals using the gradients in +/- X/Y directions int count = 0; normal.x = normal.y = normal.z = 0; float m0 = width45 * bump.evaluate(nx, ny); float m1 = x > 0 ? width45 * bump.evaluate(nx - 1.0f, ny) - m0 : -2; float m2 = y > 0 ? width45 * bump.evaluate(nx, ny - 1.0f) - m0 : -2; float m3 = x < width - 1 ? width45 * bump.evaluate(nx + 1.0f, ny) - m0 : -2; float m4 = y < height - 1 ? width45 * bump.evaluate(nx, ny + 1.0f) - m0 : -2; if (m1 != -2 && m4 != -2) { v1.x = -1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m1; v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = 1.0f; v2.z = m4; n.cross(v1, v2); n.normalize(); if (n.z < 0.0) n.z = -n.z; normal.add(n); count++; } if (m1 != -2 && m2 != -2) { v1.x = -1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m1; v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = -1.0f; v2.z = m2; n.cross(v1, v2); n.normalize(); if (n.z < 0.0) n.z = -n.z; normal.add(n); count++; } if (m2 != -2 && m3 != -2) { v1.x = 0.0f; v1.y = -1.0f; v1.z = m2; v2.x = 1.0f; v2.y = 0.0f; v2.z = m3; n.cross(v1, v2); n.normalize(); if (n.z < 0.0) n.z = -n.z; normal.add(n); count++; } if (m3 != -2 && m4 != -2) { v1.x = 1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m3; v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = 1.0f; v2.z = m4; n.cross(v1, v2); n.normalize(); if (n.z < 0.0) n.z = -n.z; normal.add(n); count++; } // Average the four normals normal.x /= count; normal.y /= count; normal.z /= count; } /* For testing - generate a sphere bump map double dx = x-120; double dy = y-80; double r2 = dx*dx+dy*dy; // double r = Math.sqrt( r2 ); // double t = Math.atan2( dy, dx ); if ( r2 < 80*80 ) { double z = Math.sqrt( 80*80 - r2 ); normal.x = (float)dx; normal.y = (float)dy; normal.z = (float)z; normal.normalize(); } else { normal.x = 0; normal.y = 0; normal.z = 1; } */ if (invertBumps) { normal.x = -normal.x; normal.y = -normal.y; } position.x = x; if (normal.z >= 0) { // Get the material colour at this point if (environmentMap != null) { // FIXME-too much normalizing going on here tmpv2.set(viewpoint); tmpv2.sub(position); tmpv2.normalize(); tmpv.set(normal); tmpv.normalize(); // Reflect tmpv.scale(2.0f *; tmpv.sub(v); tmpv.normalize(); setFromRGB( c, getEnvironmentMapP(normal, inPixels, width, height)); // FIXME-interpolate() int alpha = inPixels[index] & 0xff000000; int rgb = ((int) (c.x * 255) << 16) | ((int) (c.y * 255) << 8) | (int) (c.z * 255); outPixels[index++] = alpha | rgb; } else outPixels[index++] = 0; } else outPixels[index++] = 0; } } return outPixels; }
protected int[] filterPixels(int width, int height, int[] inPixels, Rectangle transformedSpace) { int index = 0; int[] outPixels = new int[width * height]; float width45 = Math.abs(6.0f * bumpHeight); boolean invertBumps = bumpHeight < 0; Vector3f position = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Vector3f viewpoint = new Vector3f((float) width / 2.0f, (float) height / 2.0f, viewDistance); Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(); Color4f envColor = new Color4f(); Color4f diffuseColor = new Color4f(new Color(material.diffuseColor)); Color4f specularColor = new Color4f(new Color(material.specularColor)); Function2D bump = bumpFunction; // Apply the bump softness if (bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE || bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA || bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_MAP || bump == null) { if (bumpSoftness != 0) { int bumpWidth = width; int bumpHeight = height; int[] bumpPixels = inPixels; if (bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_MAP && bumpFunction instanceof ImageFunction2D) { ImageFunction2D if2d = (ImageFunction2D) bumpFunction; bumpWidth = if2d.getWidth(); bumpHeight = if2d.getHeight(); bumpPixels = if2d.getPixels(); } int[] tmpPixels = new int[bumpWidth * bumpHeight]; int[] softPixels = new int[bumpWidth * bumpHeight]; /* for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { BoxBlurFilter.blur( bumpPixels, tmpPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, (int)bumpSoftness ); BoxBlurFilter.blur( tmpPixels, softPixels, bumpHeight, bumpWidth, (int)bumpSoftness ); } */ Kernel kernel = GaussianFilter.makeKernel(bumpSoftness); GaussianFilter.convolveAndTranspose( kernel, bumpPixels, tmpPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, true, false, false, GaussianFilter.WRAP_EDGES); GaussianFilter.convolveAndTranspose( kernel, tmpPixels, softPixels, bumpHeight, bumpWidth, true, false, false, GaussianFilter.WRAP_EDGES); bump = new ImageFunction2D( softPixels, bumpWidth, bumpHeight, ImageFunction2D.CLAMP, bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA); final Function2D bbump = bump; if (bumpShape != 0) { bump = new Function2D() { private Function2D original = bbump; public float evaluate(float x, float y) { float v = original.evaluate(x, y); switch (bumpShape) { case 1: // v = v > 0.5f ? 0.5f : v; v *= ImageMath.smoothStep(0.45f, 0.55f, v); break; case 2: v = v < 0.5f ? 0.5f : v; break; case 3: v = ImageMath.triangle(v); break; case 4: v = ImageMath.circleDown(v); break; case 5: v = ImageMath.gain(v, 0.75f); break; } return v; } }; } } else if (bumpSource != BUMPS_FROM_MAP) bump = new ImageFunction2D( inPixels, width, height, ImageFunction2D.CLAMP, bumpSource == BUMPS_FROM_IMAGE_ALPHA); } float reflectivity = material.reflectivity; float areflectivity = (1 - reflectivity); Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f(); Vector3f n = new Vector3f(); Light[] lightsArray = new Light[lights.size()]; lights.copyInto(lightsArray); for (int i = 0; i < lightsArray.length; i++) lightsArray[i].prepare(width, height); float[][] heightWindow = new float[3][width]; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) heightWindow[1][x] = width45 * bump.evaluate(x, 0); // Loop through each source pixel for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { boolean y0 = y > 0; boolean y1 = y < height - 1; position.y = y; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) heightWindow[2][x] = width45 * bump.evaluate(x, y + 1); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { boolean x0 = x > 0; boolean x1 = x < width - 1; // Calculate the normal at this point if (bumpSource != BUMPS_FROM_BEVEL) { // Complicated and slower method // Calculate four normals using the gradients in +/- X/Y directions int count = 0; normal.x = normal.y = normal.z = 0; float m0 = heightWindow[1][x]; float m1 = x0 ? heightWindow[1][x - 1] - m0 : 0; float m2 = y0 ? heightWindow[0][x] - m0 : 0; float m3 = x1 ? heightWindow[1][x + 1] - m0 : 0; float m4 = y1 ? heightWindow[2][x] - m0 : 0; if (x0 && y1) { v1.x = -1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m1; v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = 1.0f; v2.z = m4; n.cross(v1, v2); n.normalize(); if (n.z < 0.0) n.z = -n.z; normal.add(n); count++; } if (x0 && y0) { v1.x = -1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m1; v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = -1.0f; v2.z = m2; n.cross(v1, v2); n.normalize(); if (n.z < 0.0) n.z = -n.z; normal.add(n); count++; } if (y0 && x1) { v1.x = 0.0f; v1.y = -1.0f; v1.z = m2; v2.x = 1.0f; v2.y = 0.0f; v2.z = m3; n.cross(v1, v2); n.normalize(); if (n.z < 0.0) n.z = -n.z; normal.add(n); count++; } if (x1 && y1) { v1.x = 1.0f; v1.y = 0.0f; v1.z = m3; v2.x = 0.0f; v2.y = 1.0f; v2.z = m4; n.cross(v1, v2); n.normalize(); if (n.z < 0.0) n.z = -n.z; normal.add(n); count++; } // Average the four normals normal.x /= count; normal.y /= count; normal.z /= count; } if (invertBumps) { normal.x = -normal.x; normal.y = -normal.y; } position.x = x; if (normal.z >= 0) { // Get the material colour at this point if (colorSource == COLORS_FROM_IMAGE) setFromRGB(diffuseColor, inPixels[index]); else setFromRGB(diffuseColor, material.diffuseColor); if (reflectivity != 0 && environmentMap != null) { // FIXME-too much normalizing going on here tmpv2.set(viewpoint); tmpv2.sub(position); tmpv2.normalize(); tmpv.set(normal); tmpv.normalize(); // Reflect tmpv.scale(2.0f *; tmpv.sub(v); tmpv.normalize(); setFromRGB( envColor, getEnvironmentMap(tmpv, inPixels, width, height)); // FIXME-interpolate() diffuseColor.x = reflectivity * envColor.x + areflectivity * diffuseColor.x; diffuseColor.y = reflectivity * envColor.y + areflectivity * diffuseColor.y; diffuseColor.z = reflectivity * envColor.z + areflectivity * diffuseColor.z; } // Shade the pixel Color4f c = phongShade( position, viewpoint, normal, diffuseColor, specularColor, material, lightsArray); int alpha = inPixels[index] & 0xff000000; int rgb = ((int) (c.x * 255) << 16) | ((int) (c.y * 255) << 8) | (int) (c.z * 255); outPixels[index++] = alpha | rgb; } else outPixels[index++] = 0; } float[] t = heightWindow[0]; heightWindow[0] = heightWindow[1]; heightWindow[1] = heightWindow[2]; heightWindow[2] = t; } return outPixels; }