public BPRadSprite(float rad) { super(null, null); int per = Math.max(24, (int) (2 * Math.PI * (double) rad / 11.0D)); FloatBuffer pa = Utils.mkfbuf(per * 3 * 2); FloatBuffer na = Utils.mkfbuf(per * 3 * 2); ShortBuffer sa = Utils.mksbuf(per * 6); for (int i = 0; i < per; ++i) { float s = (float) Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * (double) i / (double) per); float c = (float) Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * (double) i / (double) per); pa.put(i * 3 + 0, c * rad).put(i * 3 + 1, s * rad).put(i * 3 + 2, 10.0F); pa.put((per + i) * 3 + 0, c * rad) .put((per + i) * 3 + 1, s * rad) .put((per + i) * 3 + 2, -10.0F); na.put(i * 3 + 0, c).put(i * 3 + 1, s).put(i * 3 + 2, 0.0F); na.put((per + i) * 3 + 0, c).put((per + i) * 3 + 1, s).put((per + i) * 3 + 2, 0.0F); int v = i * 6; sa.put(v + 0, (short) i).put(v + 1, (short) (i + per)).put(v + 2, (short) ((i + 1) % per)); sa.put(v + 3, (short) (i + per)) .put(v + 4, (short) ((i + 1) % per + per)) .put(v + 5, (short) ((i + 1) % per)); } this.posa = new VertexArray(pa); this.nrma = new NormalArray(na); this.sidx = sa; }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public SimulationPanel(final MainFrame frame, final PartitionDataList dataList) { this.frame = frame; this.dataList = dataList; optionPanel = new OptionsPanel(12, 12, SwingConstants.CENTER); simulationsNumberField = new WholeNumberField(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); simulationsNumberField.setColumns(10); simulationsNumberField.setValue(dataList.simulationsCount); optionPanel.addComponentWithLabel("Number of simulations:", simulationsNumberField); setSeed = new JCheckBox(); setSeed.addItemListener(new SetSeedCheckBoxListener()); setSeed.setSelected(dataList.setSeed); optionPanel.addComponentWithLabel("Set seed:", setSeed); startingSeedNumberField = new WholeNumberField(1, Long.MAX_VALUE); startingSeedNumberField.setColumns(10); startingSeedNumberField.setValue(dataList.startingSeed); startingSeedNumberField.setEnabled(dataList.setSeed); optionPanel.addComponentWithLabel("Starting seed:", startingSeedNumberField); outputFormat = new JComboBox(); optionPanel.addComponentWithLabel("Output format:", outputFormat); outputFormatModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(SimpleAlignment.OutputType.values()); outputFormat.setModel(outputFormatModel); outputAncestralSequences = new JCheckBox(); outputAncestralSequences.addItemListener(new outputAncestralSequencesCheckBoxListener()); outputAncestralSequences.setSelected(dataList.useParallel); optionPanel.addComponentWithLabel("Output ancestral sequences:", outputAncestralSequences); useParallel = new JCheckBox(); useParallel.addItemListener(new UseParallelCheckBoxListener()); useParallel.setSelected(dataList.useParallel); optionPanel.addComponentWithLabel("Use parallel implementation:", useParallel); // Buttons holder JPanel buttonsHolder = new JPanel(); buttonsHolder.setOpaque(false); // simulate button simulate = new JButton("Simulate", Utils.createImageIcon(Utils.BIOHAZARD_ICON)); simulate.addActionListener(new ListenSimulate()); buttonsHolder.add(simulate); generateXML = new JButton("Generate XML", Utils.createImageIcon(Utils.HAMMER_ICON)); generateXML.addActionListener(new ListenGenerateXML()); buttonsHolder.add(generateXML); setOpaque(false); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(optionPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(buttonsHolder, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } // END: SimulationPanel
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent) { OResource selectedNode = ((OResourceNode) selectedNodes.get(0).getUserObject()).getResource(); String ns = selectedNode.getONodeID().getNameSpace(); if (gate.creole.ontology.Utils.hasSystemNameSpace(selectedNode.getONodeID().toString())) { ns = ontology.getDefaultNameSpace(); } nameSpace.setText(ns); nameSpace.setText( ontology.getDefaultNameSpace() == null ? "" : ontology.getDefaultNameSpace()); JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane( mainPanel, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, MainFrame.getIcon("ontology-instance")) { public void selectInitialValue() { instanceName.requestFocusInWindow(); instanceName.selectAll(); } }; pane.createDialog(MainFrame.getInstance(), "New Instance").setVisible(true); Object selectedValue = pane.getValue(); if (selectedValue != null && selectedValue instanceof Integer && (Integer) selectedValue == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { String s = nameSpace.getText(); if (!Utils.isValidNameSpace(s)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( MainFrame.getInstance(), "Invalid Name Space: " + s + "\nExample:"); return; } if (!Utils.isValidOntologyResourceName(instanceName.getText())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( MainFrame.getInstance(), "Invalid Instance: " + instanceName.getText()); return; } if (Utils.getOResourceFromMap(ontology, s + instanceName.getText()) != null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( MainFrame.getInstance(), "<html>" + "Resource <b>" + s + instanceName.getText() + "</b> already exists."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < selectedNodes.size(); i++) { Object obj = ((OResourceNode) selectedNodes.get(i).getUserObject()).getResource(); if (obj instanceof OClass) { ontology.addOInstance( ontology.createOURI(nameSpace.getText() + instanceName.getText()), (OClass) obj); } } } }
private void savewndstate() { if (prefs == null) { if (getExtendedState() == NORMAL) /* Apparent, getSize attempts to return the "outer * size" of the window, including WM decorations, even * though setSize sets the "inner size" of the * window. Therefore, use the Panel's size instead; it * ought to correspond to the inner size at all * times. */ { Dimension dim = p.getSize(); Utils.setprefc("wndsz", new Coord(dim.width, dim.height)); } Utils.setprefb("wndmax", (getExtendedState() & MAXIMIZED_BOTH) != 0); } }
private static void main2(String[] args) { Config.cmdline(args); try { javabughack(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } setupres(); MainFrame f = new MainFrame(null); if (Utils.getprefb("fullscreen", false)) f.setfs();; try {; } catch (InterruptedException e) { f.g.interrupt(); return; } dumplist(Resource.remote().loadwaited(), Config.loadwaited); dumplist(Resource.remote().cached(), Config.allused); if ( != null) { try { Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter("tmp/allused"), "UTF-8"); try { Resource.dumplist(Resource.remote().used(), w); } finally { w.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } System.exit(0); }
/** execute method之后,取返回的inputstream */ private static ByteArrayInputStream execute4InputStream(HttpClient client) throws Exception { int statusCode = client.getResponseCode(); if (statusCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { throw new EnvException("Method failed: " + statusCode); } InputStream in = client.getResponseStream(); if (in == null) { return null; } ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { Utils.copyBinaryTo(in, out); // 看一下传过来的byte[]是不是DesignProcessor.INVALID,如果是的话,就抛Exception byte[] bytes = out.toByteArray(); // carl:格式一致传中文 String message = new String(bytes, EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8); if (ComparatorUtils.equals(message, RemoteDeziConstants.NO_SUCH_RESOURCE)) { return null; } else if (ComparatorUtils.equals(message, RemoteDeziConstants.INVALID_USER)) { throw new EnvException(RemoteDeziConstants.INVALID_USER); } else if (ComparatorUtils.equals(message, RemoteDeziConstants.FILE_LOCKED)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Inter.getLocText("FR-Designer_file-is-locked")); return null; } else if (message.startsWith(RemoteDeziConstants.RUNTIME_ERROR_PREFIX)) { } return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } finally { in.close(); out.close(); client.release(); } }
/** * Retrieve the current busy cursor for a blocked modal component. * * <p>The following 3 steps are used to determine the current busy cursor: * * <ol> * <li>The busy cursor set with {@link #setBusyCursor(java.awt.Cursor) setBusyCursor} if it is * not null. * <li>The default busy icon filed under the key <b>"swingx.busy.cursor"</b> in the UIManager. * <li>The default one which is a STOP sign. * </ol> * * @return Current busy cursor. */ public static Cursor getBusyCursor() { if (getInstance().busyCursor == null) { return Utils.getBusyCursor(); } else { return getInstance().busyCursor; } }
public MainFrame(Coord isz) { super("Haven and Hearth"); version = "1.6 (12.22.2015)"; Coord sz; if (isz == null) { sz = Utils.getprefc("wndsz", new Coord(800, 600)); if (sz.x < 640) sz.x = 640; if (sz.y < 480) sz.y = 480; } else { sz = isz; } this.g = new ThreadGroup(, "Haven client"); = new HackThread(this.g, this, "Haven main thread"); p = new HavenPanel(sz.x, sz.y); if (fsmode == null) { Coord pfm = Utils.getprefc("fsmode", null); if (pfm != null) fsmode = findmode(pfm.x, pfm.y); } if (fsmode == null) { DisplayMode cm = getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice().getDisplayMode(); fsmode = findmode(cm.getWidth(), cm.getHeight()); } if (fsmode == null) fsmode = findmode(800, 600); add(p); pack(); setResizable(!Utils.getprefb("wndlock", false)); p.requestFocusInWindow(); seticon(); setVisible(true); p.init(); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { g.interrupt(); } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = false; } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = true; } }); if ((isz == null) && Utils.getprefb("wndmax", false)) setExtendedState(getExtendedState() | MAXIMIZED_BOTH); }
// -------------------------------- main ------------------------------- public static void main(String[] args) { String fileName; if (args.length > 0) fileName = args[0]; else fileName = Utils.getFileName("Choose a flow field metadata file"); Properties metaData = new Properties(); try { metaData.load(new FileInputStream(fileName)); } catch (IOException fnf) { System.err.println("Can't find file: " + fileName); System.exit(-1); } // ----- get all the properties from the prpoerty file and // VectorField.xData = new File(metaData.getProperty("xfile")); VectorField.yData = new File(metaData.getProperty("yfile")); VectorField.width = Utils.toInt(metaData.getProperty("xsize"), 128); VectorField.height = Utils.toInt(metaData.getProperty("ysize"), 128); VectorField.displayScale = Utils.toInt(metaData.getProperty("displayScale"), 6); VectorField.vectorScale = Utils.toDouble(metaData.getProperty("vectorScale"), 10.75); VectorField.numParticles = Utils.toInt(metaData.getProperty("numParticles"), 200); VectorField.timerDelay = Utils.toInt(metaData.getProperty("delay"), 30); FlowQuad vectorField = new FlowQuad("Static Vector Field"); }
/** * 访问服务器环境 * * @param names 参数名字 * @param values 参数值 */ public static void visitEnvServerByParameters(String[] names, String[] values) { int len = Math.min(ArrayUtils.getLength(names), ArrayUtils.getLength(values)); String[] segs = new String[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { try { // 设计器里面据说为了改什么界面统一, 把分隔符统一用File.separator, 意味着在windows里面报表路径变成了\ // 以前的超链, 以及预览url什么的都是/, 产品组的意思就是用到的地方替换下, 真恶心. String value = values[i].replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); segs[i] = URLEncoder.encode(CodeUtils.cjkEncode(names[i]), EncodeConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8) + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(CodeUtils.cjkEncode(value), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { FRContext.getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); } } String postfixOfUri = (segs.length > 0 ? "?" + StableUtils.join(segs, "&") : StringUtils.EMPTY); if (FRContext.getCurrentEnv() instanceof RemoteEnv) { try { if (Utils.isEmbeddedParameter(postfixOfUri)) { String time = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString().replaceAll(" ", ""); boolean isUserPrivilege = ((RemoteEnv) FRContext.getCurrentEnv()).writePrivilegeMap(time, postfixOfUri); postfixOfUri = isUserPrivilege ? postfixOfUri + "&fr_check_url=" + time + "&id=" + FRContext.getCurrentEnv().getUserID() : postfixOfUri; } String urlPath = getWebBrowserPath(); Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URI(urlPath + postfixOfUri)); } catch (Exception e) { FRContext.getLogger().error("cannot open the url Successful", e); } } else { try { String web = GeneralContext.getCurrentAppNameOfEnv(); String url = "http://localhost:" + DesignerEnvManager.getEnvManager().getJettyServerPort() + "/" + web + "/" + ConfigManager.getProviderInstance().getServletMapping() + postfixOfUri; StartServer.browerURLWithLocalEnv(url); } catch (Throwable e) { // } } }
protected void updateByOpTree(javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb) { String oldStr = JMathTextField.this.getText(); String newStr = operatorTree.toString(); int commonStart = Utils.equalStartLen(oldStr, newStr); int commonEnd = Utils.equalEndLen(oldStr, newStr); if (commonEnd + commonStart >= Math.min(oldStr.length(), newStr.length())) commonEnd = Math.min(oldStr.length(), newStr.length()) - commonStart; try { fb.replace( commonStart, oldStr.length() - commonEnd - commonStart, newStr.substring(commonStart, newStr.length() - commonEnd), null); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // this should not happen. we should have checked this. this whole function should be safe throw new AssertionError(e); } }
private static void applyTiePointGeoCoding( TiffFileInfo info, double[] tiePoints, Product product) { final SortedSet<Double> xSet = new TreeSet<>(); final SortedSet<Double> ySet = new TreeSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < tiePoints.length; i += 6) { xSet.add(tiePoints[i]); ySet.add(tiePoints[i + 1]); } final double xMin = xSet.first(); final double xMax = xSet.last(); final double xDiff = (xMax - xMin) / (xSet.size() - 1); final double yMin = ySet.first(); final double yMax = ySet.last(); final double yDiff = (yMax - yMin) / (ySet.size() - 1); final int width = xSet.size(); final int height = ySet.size(); int idx = 0; final Map<Double, Integer> xIdx = new HashMap<>(); for (Double val : xSet) { xIdx.put(val, idx); idx++; } idx = 0; final Map<Double, Integer> yIdx = new HashMap<>(); for (Double val : ySet) { yIdx.put(val, idx); idx++; } final float[] lats = new float[width * height]; final float[] lons = new float[width * height]; for (int i = 0; i < tiePoints.length; i += 6) { final int idxX = xIdx.get(tiePoints[i + 0]); final int idxY = yIdx.get(tiePoints[i + 1]); final int arrayIdx = idxY * width + idxX; lons[arrayIdx] = (float) tiePoints[i + 3]; lats[arrayIdx] = (float) tiePoints[i + 4]; } String[] names = Utils.findSuitableLatLonNames(product); final TiePointGrid latGrid = new TiePointGrid(names[0], width, height, xMin, yMin, xDiff, yDiff, lats); final TiePointGrid lonGrid = new TiePointGrid(names[1], width, height, xMin, yMin, xDiff, yDiff, lons); product.addTiePointGrid(latGrid); product.addTiePointGrid(lonGrid); final SortedMap<Integer, GeoKeyEntry> geoKeyEntries = info.getGeoKeyEntries(); final Datum datum = getDatum(geoKeyEntries); product.setGeoCoding(new TiePointGeoCoding(latGrid, lonGrid, datum)); }
private void updateFontPreview() { SikuliIDE ide = SikuliIDE.getInstance(); Font font = new Font( (String) _cmbFontName.getSelectedItem(), Font.PLAIN, (Integer) _spnFontSize.getValue()); SikuliCodePane codePane = SikuliIDE.getInstance().getCurrentCodePane(); if (Utils.typeOfCodePane(codePane) == Utils.SikuliCodePaneType.SIKULI_PANE_TYPE_TEXT) { // preview only supported on text code panes SikuliTextPane textPane = (SikuliTextPane) (codePane.getComponent()); textPane.setFont(font); } }
public Line render(String text, Color c) { text = Translate.get(text); Coord sz = strsize(text); if (sz.x < 1) sz = sz.add(1, 0); BufferedImage img = TexI.mkbuf(sz); Graphics g = img.createGraphics(); if (aa) Utils.AA(g); g.setFont(font); g.setColor(c); FontMetrics m = g.getFontMetrics(); g.drawString(text, 0, m.getAscent()); g.dispose(); return (new Line(text, img, m)); }
/** * Centers the given component on the user's screen. * * @param component a component (usually a frame.) */ public static void centerOnScreen(Component component) { Toolkit toolkit = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize = toolkit.getScreenSize(); int screenWidth = (int) screenSize.getWidth(); int screenHeight = (int) screenSize.getHeight(); int componentWidth = component.getWidth(); int componentHeight = component.getHeight(); int top = (screenHeight - componentHeight) / 2; int left = (screenWidth - componentWidth) / 2; Utils.changeFrameLocation(component, left, top); }
/** * Utility method to put the given panel in a JDialog. You'll have to show it on your own. * * @param panel the panel to put in a dialog * @param owner the JFrame that owns the dialog. You can pass null. * @param dialogTitle the title for the dialog * @param iconPath the path to the dialog's icon, such as foo.png * @param width the dialog's width. Pass -1 to pack(). * @param height the dialog's height. Pass -1 to pack(). * @return the JDialog the panel is in */ public static JDialog putPanelInDialog( JPanel panel, JFrame owner, String dialogTitle, String iconPath, int width, int height) { JDialog dialog = new JDialog(owner, dialogTitle, true); // boolean means modality dialog.add(panel); dialog.setIconImage(ImageManager.createImageIcon(iconPath).getImage()); if (width < 0 && height < 0) dialog.pack(); else dialog.setSize(width, height); dialog.setResizable(false); if (owner != null) Utils.centerComponent(dialog, owner); else dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(null); return dialog; }
public Line render(String text, Color c) { Line t = new Line(text); Coord sz = strsize(text); if (sz.x < 1) sz = sz.add(1, 0); t.img = TexI.mkbuf(sz); Graphics g = t.img.createGraphics(); if (aa) Utils.AA(g); g.setFont(font); g.setColor(c); t.m = g.getFontMetrics(); g.drawString(text, 0, t.m.getAscent()); g.dispose(); return (t); }
/** * Retrieve the optional internal frame icon. * * <p>The following 2 steps are used to determine the optional internal frame icon: * * <ol> * <li>The internal frame icon set with {@link #setOptionalIFrameIcon(javax.swing.Icon) * setOptionalIFrameIcon} if it is not null. * <li>The optional internal frame icon filed under the key <b>"swingx.iframe.icon"</b> in the * UIManager. * </ol> * * @return Image An optional internal frame icon. */ public static Icon getOptionalIFrameIcon() { Icon optionalIFrameIcon = getInstance().optionalIFrameIcon; if (optionalIFrameIcon != null) { return optionalIFrameIcon; } String uiOptionalIFrameIcon = UIManager.getString("swingx.iframe.icon"); if (uiOptionalIFrameIcon != null) { return Utils.getIcon(uiOptionalIFrameIcon); } return null; }
/** * Centers the given component in relation to its owner. * * @param component the component to center * @param owner the parent frame */ public static void centerComponent(Component component, Component owner) { // find the difference in width to see the offsets int widthDifference = owner.getWidth() - component.getWidth(); int heightDifference = owner.getHeight() - component.getHeight(); // we can divide the differences by 2 and add that to the owner's top left // and then make that the top left of the component // to center the frame int leftOffset = widthDifference / 2; int topOffset = heightDifference / 2; // these are the new locations int left = owner.getX() + leftOffset; int top = owner.getY() + topOffset; Utils.changeFrameLocation(component, left, top); }
public void showHistory(final boolean byClickingToolbarButton, JTextComponent textField) { FeatureUsageTracker.getInstance().triggerFeatureUsed(""); FindSettings settings = FindSettings.getInstance(); String[] recent = textField == mySearchTextComponent ? settings.getRecentFindStrings() : settings.getRecentReplaceStrings(); final boolean toShowAd = textField == mySearchTextComponent && textField.getText().isEmpty() && FindManager.getInstance(myProject).getPreviousFindModel() != null; Utils.showCompletionPopup( byClickingToolbarButton ? mySearchActionsToolbar1 : null, new JBList((Object[]) ArrayUtil.reverseArray(recent)), "Recent " + (textField == mySearchTextComponent ? "Searches" : "Replaces"), textField, toShowAd ? RestorePreviousSettingsAction.getAd() : null); }
// =============================================================== // =============================================================== public TangoRenderer() { Utils utils = Utils.getInstance(); tango_icon = utils.getIcon("TangoClass.gif", 0.33); class_icon = utils.getIcon("class.gif"); cmd_icon = utils.getIcon("attleaf.gif"); dd_cursor = utils.getCursor("drg-drp.gif"); fonts = new Font[3]; fonts[TITLE] = new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18); // width fixed font fonts[THREAD] = new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 12); fonts[DEVICE] = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12); }
public static void main(final String[] args) { File logdir = new File(LOG_DIR); if (!logdir.exists()) logdir.mkdirs(); File log = new File(logdir, "client.log"); // redirect all console output to the file try { PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(log, true), true); out.format("[%s] ===== Client started =====%n", timestampf.format(new Date())); System.setOut(out); System.setErr(out); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /* Set up the error handler as early as humanly possible. */ ThreadGroup g = new ThreadGroup("Haven main group"); String ed; if (!(ed = Utils.getprop("haven.errorurl", "")).equals("")) { try { final haven.error.ErrorHandler hg = new haven.error.ErrorHandler(new; hg.sethandler( new haven.error.ErrorGui(null) { public void errorsent() { hg.interrupt(); } }); g = hg; } catch ( e) { } } Thread main = new HackThread( g, new Runnable() { public void run() { main2(args); } }, "Haven main thread"); main.start(); }
/** * Uses a JEditorPane to open the given URL in a dialog * * @param url the url to load * @param title the title of the dialog * @param frame the parent frame * @param visible true if you want the dialog to be visible, false if you want it to be invisible * to user * @param iconPath the path to the image icon for the dialog. */ public static void openURLinDialog( String url, String title, String iconPath, JFrame frame, boolean visible) { // create panel with page in it final int WIDTH = 400; final int HEIGHT = 300; JPanel webView = createEditorPane(url, WIDTH, HEIGHT); // put it in a dialog JDialog dialog = new JDialog(frame); dialog.setTitle(title); dialog.setIconImage(GUI.createImageIcon(iconPath).getImage()); dialog.setContentPane(webView); dialog.pack(); dialog.setResizable(false); dialog.setModal(true); Utils.centerComponent(dialog, frame); // open it dialog.setVisible(visible); }
public XTextField( Object value, Class<?> expectedClass, int colWidth, boolean isCallable, JButton button, XOperations operation) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.button = button; this.operation = operation; add(textField = new JTextField(value.toString(), colWidth), BorderLayout.CENTER); if (isCallable) textField.addActionListener(this); boolean fieldEditable = Utils.isEditableType(expectedClass.getName()); if (fieldEditable && isCallable) { textField.setEditable(true); } else { textField.setEditable(false); } }
protected void init(Object value, Class<?> expectedClass) { boolean fieldEditable = Utils.isEditableType(expectedClass.getName()); clearObject(); if (value != null) { textField.setText(value.toString()); } else { // null String value for the moment textField.setText(""); } textField.setToolTipText(null); if (fieldEditable) { if (!textField.isEditable()) { textField.setEditable(true); } } else { if (textField.isEditable()) { textField.setEditable(false); } } }
// =============================================================== // =============================================================== void removeThread() { DefaultMutableTreeNode node = getSelectedNode(); if (node != null) { Object obj = node.getUserObject(); if (obj instanceof PollThread) { // Check if device(s) associated. if (node.getChildCount() == 0) { // get future selected node DefaultMutableTreeNode next_node = getFutureSelectedNode(node); // Remove selected one treeModel.removeNodeFromParent(node); PollThread pt = (PollThread) obj; threadsInfo.remove(pt); // And select the found node TreeNode[] tree_node = next_node.getPath(); TreePath path = new TreePath(tree_node); setSelectionPath(path); scrollPathToVisible(path); } else Utils.popupError(parent, "Cannot remove a not empty thread !"); } } }
private void initReplaceToolBars() { DefaultActionGroup actionGroup1 = new DefaultActionGroup("replace bar 1", false); myReplaceActionsToolbar1 = (ActionToolbarImpl) ActionManager.getInstance() .createActionToolbar(ActionPlaces.EDITOR_TOOLBAR, actionGroup1, true); myReplaceActionsToolbar1.setForceMinimumSize(true); final JButton myReplaceButton = new JButton("Replace"); myReplaceButton.setFocusable(false); myReplaceButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { replaceCurrent(); } }); final JButton myReplaceAllButton = new JButton("Replace all"); myReplaceAllButton.setFocusable(false); myReplaceAllButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { myLivePreviewController.performReplaceAll(); } }); final JButton myExcludeButton = new JButton(""); myExcludeButton.setFocusable(false); myExcludeButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { myLivePreviewController.exclude(); moveCursor(SearchResults.Direction.DOWN); } }); if (!UISettings.getInstance().DISABLE_MNEMONICS_IN_CONTROLS) { myReplaceButton.setMnemonic('p'); myReplaceAllButton.setMnemonic('a'); myExcludeButton.setMnemonic('l'); } actionGroup1.addAction( new DefaultCustomComponentAction(myReplaceButton) { @Override public void update(AnActionEvent e) { myReplaceButton.setEnabled(canReplaceCurrent()); } }); actionGroup1.addAction( new DefaultCustomComponentAction(myReplaceAllButton) { @Override public void update(AnActionEvent e) { myReplaceAllButton.setEnabled(mySearchResults != null && mySearchResults.hasMatches()); } }); actionGroup1.addAction( new DefaultCustomComponentAction(myExcludeButton) { @Override public void update(AnActionEvent e) { FindResult cursor = mySearchResults != null ? mySearchResults.getCursor() : null; myExcludeButton.setEnabled(cursor != null); myExcludeButton.setText( cursor != null && mySearchResults.isExcluded(cursor) ? "Include" : "Exclude"); } }); myReplaceActionsToolbar1.setLayoutPolicy(ActionToolbar.AUTO_LAYOUT_POLICY); myReplaceActionsToolbar1.setBorder(null); myReplaceActionsToolbar1.setOpaque(false); DefaultActionGroup actionGroup2 = new DefaultActionGroup("replace bar 2", false); myReplaceActionsToolbar2 = (ActionToolbarImpl) ActionManager.getInstance() .createActionToolbar(ActionPlaces.EDITOR_TOOLBAR, actionGroup2, true); actionGroup2.addAction(new TogglePreserveCaseAction(this)); actionGroup2.addAction(new ToggleSelectionOnlyAction(this)); myReplaceActionsToolbar2.setLayoutPolicy(ActionToolbar.AUTO_LAYOUT_POLICY); myReplaceActionsToolbar2.setBorder(null); myReplaceActionsToolbar2.setOpaque(false); Utils.setSmallerFontForChildren(myReplaceActionsToolbar1); Utils.setSmallerFontForChildren(myReplaceActionsToolbar2); }
public Coord sz() { return (Utils.imgsz(img)); }
private boolean updateTextComponent(final boolean search) { JTextComponent oldComponent = search ? mySearchTextComponent : myReplaceTextComponent; Color oldBackground = oldComponent != null ? oldComponent.getBackground() : null; Wrapper wrapper = search ? mySearchFieldWrapper : myReplaceFieldWrapper; boolean multiline = myFindModel.isMultiline(); if (multiline && oldComponent instanceof JTextArea) return false; if (!multiline && oldComponent instanceof JTextField) return false; final JTextComponent textComponent; if (multiline) { textComponent = new JTextArea(); ((JTextArea) textComponent).setColumns(25); ((JTextArea) textComponent).setRows(2); wrapper.setContent( new SearchWrapper(textComponent, new ShowHistoryAction(textComponent, this))); } else { SearchTextField searchTextField = new SearchTextField(true); searchTextField.setOpaque(false); textComponent = searchTextField.getTextEditor(); searchTextField.getTextEditor().setColumns(25); if (UIUtil.isUnderGTKLookAndFeel()) { textComponent.setOpaque(false); } setupHistoryToSearchField( searchTextField, search ? FindSettings.getInstance().getRecentFindStrings() : FindSettings.getInstance().getRecentReplaceStrings()); textComponent.registerKeyboardAction( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final String text = textComponent.getText(); myFindModel.setMultiline(true); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (search) { mySearchTextComponent.setText(text + "\n"); } else { myReplaceTextComponent.setText(text + "\n"); } } }); } }, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK), JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED); wrapper.setContent(searchTextField); } if (search) { mySearchTextComponent = textComponent; } else { myReplaceTextComponent = textComponent; } UIUtil.addUndoRedoActions(textComponent); Utils.setSmallerFont(textComponent); textComponent.putClientProperty("AuxEditorComponent", Boolean.TRUE); if (oldBackground != null) { textComponent.setBackground(oldBackground); } textComponent.addFocusListener( new FocusListener() { @Override public void focusGained(final FocusEvent e) { textComponent.repaint(); } @Override public void focusLost(final FocusEvent e) { textComponent.repaint(); } }); new CloseOnESCAction(this, textComponent); return true; }
public SQLiteDataBrowser() { SQLiteDbManager dbManager = new SQLiteDbManager(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); showTablesList = new JList(); showTablesList.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL_WRAP); showTablesList.setSelectedIndex(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); showTablesList.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); showTablesList.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN, 13)); showTablesList.setDragEnabled(false); showTablesList.setFixedCellWidth(150); showTablesList.setVisibleRowCount(-1); showTablesList.setEnabled(false); showTablesListScroller = new JScrollPane(showTablesList); showTablesListScroller.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(new LineBorder(Color.BLACK), "List of Tables")); showTablesListScroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(160, this.getHeight())); add(showTablesListScroller, BorderLayout.EAST); loadDbPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); loadDbPanel.setBackground(new Color(0xe8e8e8)); loadDbPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), 40)); loadDbLabel = new JLabel("Load SQLite Database: "); loadDbLabel.setToolTipText("Possible extensions being .sqlite|.sqlite3|.db|.db3"); loadedDbPath = new JTextField("Click browse to choose the database file.", 60); loadedDbPath.setForeground(Color.GRAY); loadedDbPath.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.ITALIC, 13)); loadedDbPath.setEditable(false); lastFolderLocation = new File(Utils.getUserHome()); fc = new JFileChooser(lastFolderLocation); browseDb = new JButton("Browse"); browseDb.addActionListener( actionEvent -> { int retVal = fc.showOpenDialog(SQLiteDataBrowser.this); if (retVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File dbPath = fc.getSelectedFile(); if (Utils.checkIfSQLiteDb(dbPath)) { loadedDbPath.setText(dbPath.toString()); lastFolderLocation = fc.getCurrentDirectory(); new SwingWorker<Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { try { dbManager.setDbPath(dbPath.toString()); dbManager.initialize(); showTablesList.setListData(dbManager.getTables().toArray()); showTablesList.setEnabled(true); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }.execute(); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( SQLiteDataBrowser.this, "The Selected file is not in SQLite Format", "File Format Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); loadedDbPath.setText("Click browse to choose the database file."); } } }); loadDbPanel.add(loadDbLabel); loadDbPanel.add(loadedDbPath); loadDbPanel.add(browseDb); loadDbRecords = new JLabel("Records Fetched (Rows x Cols): "); loadDbRecords.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.ITALIC, 12)); loadDbPanel.add(loadDbRecords); loadDbRecordsCount = new JLabel(); loadDbRecordsCount.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.ITALIC, 12)); loadDbPanel.add(loadDbRecordsCount); final class DataBrowserTableModal extends DefaultTableModel { public DataBrowserTableModal() {} public DataBrowserTableModal(Object[][] tableData, Object[] colNames) { super(tableData, colNames); } @Override public void setDataVector(Object[][] tableData, Object[] colNames) { super.setDataVector(tableData, colNames); } @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { return false; } } DataBrowserTableModal tableModal = new DataBrowserTableModal(); defaultTableModel = tableModal; table = new JTable(); table.setModel(defaultTableModel); showTablesList.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { JList list = (JList) evt.getSource(); if (evt.getClickCount() == 2) { String tableName = list.getSelectedValue().toString(); new SwingWorker<Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { try { ResultSet rs = dbManager.executeQuery("SELECT * from " + tableName); Vector<String> columnNames = dbManager.getColumnNames(rs); Vector<Vector<Object>> tableData = new Vector<>(); while ( { Vector<Object> vector = new Vector<>(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnNames.size(); i++) { vector.add(rs.getObject(i)); } tableData.add(vector); } defaultTableModel.setDataVector(tableData, columnNames); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } loadDbRecordsCount.setText( defaultTableModel.getRowCount() + " x " + defaultTableModel.getColumnCount()); if (defaultTableModel.getColumnCount() < 5) { table.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); } else { table.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); } return null; } }.execute(); } } }); tableScrollPane = new JScrollPane(table); tableScrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); tableScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); tableScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(getWidth(), getHeight())); add(tableScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(loadDbPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); }