public static void getHP() { listaColoresHP = new ArrayList<Color>(); Color colorHP1 = robot.getPixelColor(318, 760); Color colorHP2 = robot.getPixelColor(405, 760); Color colorHP3 = robot.getPixelColor(500, 760); Color colorHP4 = robot.getPixelColor(605, 760); listaColoresHP.add(colorHP1); listaColoresHP.add(colorHP2); listaColoresHP.add(colorHP3); listaColoresHP.add(colorHP4); }
public static boolean estaMuerto() { // Return true si está muerto Color color = robot.getPixelColor(318, 760); System.out.println(color); if (color.getGreen() < 50) // Estás muerto return true; else return false; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Robot bot = new Robot(); while (true) { int xc = (int) MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().getX(); int yc = (int) MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().getY(); Color pixelColor = bot.getPixelColor(xc, yc); System.out.print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); System.out.flush(); System.out.println("MouseX: " + xc); System.out.println("MouseY: " + yc); System.out.println( "R: " + pixelColor.getRed() + " G: " + pixelColor.getGreen() + " B: " + pixelColor.getBlue()); } }
/** * Run through our command list and invoke each command. * * @see papertoolkit.actions.Action#invoke() */ public void invoke() { // need to get a local Robot every time, because we may have sent this across the wire... final Robot rob = getRobot(); // for each method in our list, invoke it with the correct arguments for (RobotCommand command : commandsToRun) { Object[] arguments = command.arguments; RobotMethod method = command.method; // System.out.println("RobotAction: Invoking " + method + " [" + // ArrayUtils.toString(arguments)); switch (method) { case CREATE_SCREEN_CAPTURE: // args: rectangle, file BufferedImage image = rob.createScreenCapture((Rectangle) arguments[0]); // save the file locally ImageUtils.writeImageToJPEG(image, 100, (File) arguments[1]); // System.out.println("RobotAction :: Screen Cap Saved"); break; case DELAY: // args: int milliseconds rob.delay((Integer) arguments[0]); break; case GET_PIXEL_COLOR: // args: int x, int y final Color pixelColor = rob.getPixelColor((Integer) arguments[0], (Integer) arguments[1]); System.out.println( "RobotAction :: Pixel Color at " + arguments[0] + "," + arguments[1] + " is " + pixelColor); // TODO: Do something more interesting with this data break; case KEY_PRESS: // arg: int keycode to press rob.keyPress((Integer) arguments[0]); break; case KEY_RELEASE: // arg: int keycode to release rob.keyRelease((Integer) arguments[0]); break; case MOUSE_MOVE: // args: int x, int y // System.out.println("RobotAction :: Moving Mouse... to " + arguments[0] + "," + // arguments[1] + "!"); rob.mouseMove((Integer) arguments[0], (Integer) arguments[1]); break; case MOUSE_PRESS: // int mouse button rob.mousePress((Integer) arguments[0]); break; case MOUSE_RELEASE: // int mouse button rob.mouseRelease((Integer) arguments[0]); break; case MOUSE_WHEEL: // int wheel roll amount rob.mouseWheel((Integer) arguments[0]); break; case SET_AUTO_DELAY: // int delay millis rob.setAutoDelay((Integer) arguments[0]); break; case SET_AUTO_WAIT_FOR_IDLE: // boolean wait? rob.setAutoWaitForIdle((Boolean) arguments[0]); break; case WAIT_FOR_IDLE: rob.waitForIdle(); break; } } }