/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Object doCommand(String commandName, String arguments, CommandChecker checker) { if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Sets the number of trees included in each tree block", "[number of trees]", commandName, "setNumberTrees")) { MesquiteInteger pos = new MesquiteInteger(0); int newNum = MesquiteInteger.fromFirstToken(arguments, pos); if (!MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(newNum)) newNum = MesquiteInteger.queryInteger( containerOfModule(), "Set Number of Trees", "Number of Trees:", numTrees, 0, MesquiteInteger.infinite); if (newNum > 0 && newNum != numTrees) { numTrees = newNum; parametersChanged(); } } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Returns the module supplying trees", "[name of module]", commandName, "getTreeFiller")) { return fillerTask; } else return super.doCommand(commandName, arguments, checker); return null; }
/** Called to alter data in all cells */ public boolean operateOnData(CharacterData data) { if (!(data instanceof ContinuousData)) return false; ContinuousData cData = (ContinuousData) data; int numItems = cData.getNumItems(); String[] items = new String[numItems]; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (StringUtil.blank(cData.getItemName(i))) items[i] = "(unnamed)"; else items[i] = cData.getItemName(i); } int d = ListDialog.queryList( containerOfModule(), "Rename item", "Rename item:", MesquiteString.helpString, items, 0); if (!MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(d) || d < 0 || d >= numItems) return false; else { String s = MesquiteString.queryString( containerOfModule(), "Rename Item", "New name for " + items[d], items[d]); if (StringUtil.blank(s)) return false; cData.setItemReference(d, NameReference.getNameReference(s)); return true; } }
/** * A request for the MesquiteModule to perform a command. It is passed two strings, the name of * the command and the arguments. This should be overridden by any module that wants to respond to * a command. */ public Object doCommand(String commandName, String arguments, CommandChecker checker) { if (checker.compare(MesquiteModule.class, null, null, commandName, "paint")) { MesquiteInteger io = new MesquiteInteger(0); int column = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); int row = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(row)) { if (!MesquiteLong.isCombinable(currentColor)) removeColor(row, true); else setColor(row, (int) currentColor); } } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Sets the color to be used to paint cells", "[name of color]", commandName, "setColor")) { int bc = ColorDistribution.standardColorNames.indexOf(parser.getFirstToken(arguments)); if (bc >= 0 && MesquiteLong.isCombinable(bc)) { removeColor.setValue(false); currentColor = bc; savedColor = bc; colorString = "Color " + ColorDistribution.standardColorNames.getValue(bc); } } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Sets the color of selected taxa", "[name of color]", commandName, "setColorSelected")) { int bc = ColorDistribution.standardColorNames.indexOf(parser.getFirstToken(arguments)); if (bc >= 0 && MesquiteLong.isCombinable(bc)) { for (int it = 0; it < taxa.getNumTaxa(); it++) if (taxa.getSelected(it)) setColor(it, bc); } } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Removes color from all the cells", null, commandName, "removeAllColor")) { removeAllColor(true); } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Sets the paint brush so that it removes colors from any cells touched", null, commandName, "removeColor")) { if (StringUtil.blank(arguments)) removeColor.setValue(!removeColor.getValue()); else removeColor.toggleValue(parser.getFirstToken(arguments)); if (removeColor.getValue()) { colorString = "Remove color"; currentColor = MesquiteLong.unassigned; } else { colorString = "Color " + ColorDistribution.standardColorNames.getValue((int) currentColor); currentColor = savedColor; } } else return super.doCommand(commandName, arguments, checker); return null; }
/** queryies the user to choose a tree and returns an integer of the tree chosen */ public int queryUserChoose(Taxa taxa, String forMessage) { int ic = MesquiteInteger.unassigned; int numBlocks = getNumberOfTreeBlocks(taxa); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(numBlocks)) { String[] s = new String[numBlocks]; for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { s[i] = getTreeBlockNameString(taxa, i); } if (forMessage == null) { forMessage = "Choose tree block"; } return ListDialog.queryList( containerOfModule(), "Choose tree block", forMessage, MesquiteString.helpString, s, 0); } else { if (forMessage == null) { forMessage = "Number of tree block to be used"; } int r = MesquiteInteger.queryInteger(containerOfModule(), "Choose tree block", forMessage, 1); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(r)) return MesquiteTree.toInternal(r); else return r; } }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Object doCommand(String commandName, String arguments, CommandChecker checker) { if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Sets the number of randomly chosen taxa to exclude", "[number]", commandName, "setNumberExcluded")) { int s = MesquiteInteger.fromString(parser.getFirstToken(arguments)); if (!MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(s)) { s = MesquiteInteger.queryInteger( containerOfModule(), "Number of taxa to exclude", "Enter the number of randomly chosen taxa to exclude", numExcluded); } if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(s)) { numExcluded = s; parametersChanged(); } } else return super.doCommand(commandName, arguments, checker); return null; }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public boolean startJob(String arguments, Object condition, boolean hiredByName) { if (!MesquiteThread.isScripting()) { int s = MesquiteInteger.queryInteger( containerOfModule(), "Number of taxa to exclude", "Enter the number of randomly chosen taxa to exclude", numExcluded); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(s)) numExcluded = s; else return false; } addMenuItem("Number of Taxa Excluded...", makeCommand("setNumberExcluded", this)); return true; }
/** * Called to provoke any necessary initialization. This helps prevent the module's intialization * queries to the user from happening at inopportune times (e.g., while a long chart calculation * is in mid-progress) */ public void initialize(Taxa taxa) { setPreferredTaxa(taxa); fillerTask.initialize(taxa); if (!fillerTask.hasLimitedTrees(taxa)) { if (!MesquiteThread.isScripting() && !nTreesSet) { int n = MesquiteInteger.queryInteger( containerOfModule(), "Trees per block?", "How many trees to include per tree block?", numTrees); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(n) && n > 0) numTrees = n; nTreesSet = true; } } ntreesItem.setEnabled(!fillerTask.hasLimitedTrees(taxa)); MesquiteTrunk.resetMenuItemEnabling(); }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Object doCommand(String commandName, String arguments, CommandChecker checker) { if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Sets the number of trees included in each tree block", "[number of trees]", commandName, "setNumberTrees")) { MesquiteInteger pos = new MesquiteInteger(0); int newNum = MesquiteInteger.fromFirstToken(arguments, pos); if (!MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(newNum)) newNum = MesquiteInteger.queryInteger( containerOfModule(), "Set Number of Trees", "Number of Trees:", numTrees, 0, MesquiteInteger.infinite); if (newNum > 0 && newNum != numTrees) { numTrees = newNum; parametersChanged(); } } else if (checker.compare( this.getClass(), "Sets the module supplying trees", "[name of module]", commandName, "setTreeFiller")) { TreeBlockFiller temp = (TreeBlockFiller) replaceEmployee( TreeBlockFiller.class, arguments, "Source of trees for tree blocks", fillerTask); if (temp != null) { fillerTask = temp; initialize(preferredTaxa); parametersChanged(); // ? } return temp; } else return super.doCommand(commandName, arguments, checker); return null; }
/** * Called to provoke any necessary initialization. This helps prevent the module's intialization * queries to the user from happening at inopportune times (e.g., while a long chart calculation * is in mid-progress) */ public void initialize(Taxa taxa) { setPreferredTaxa(taxa); fillerTask.initialize(taxa); if (!fillerTask.hasLimitedTrees(taxa)) { if (!MesquiteThread.isScripting() && !nTreesSet) { int n = MesquiteInteger.queryInteger( containerOfModule(), "Trees per block?", "How many trees to include per tree block?", numTrees); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(n) && n > 0) numTrees = n; nTreesSet = true; } } if (enableNumTreesChoice() && ntreesItem == null) ntreesItem = addMenuItem("Number of Trees...", makeCommand("setNumberTrees", this)); if (ntreesItem != null && fillerTask != null) ntreesItem.setEnabled(!fillerTask.hasLimitedTrees(taxa)); MesquiteTrunk.resetMenuItemEnabling(); }
public void runFilesAvailable(int fileNum) { String[] logFileNames = getLogFileNames(); if ((progIndicator != null && progIndicator.isAborted()) || logFileNames == null) return; String[] outputFilePaths = new String[logFileNames.length]; outputFilePaths[fileNum] = externalProcRunner.getOutputFilePath(logFileNames[fileNum]); String filePath = outputFilePaths[fileNum]; if (fileNum == 0 && outputFilePaths.length > 0 && !StringUtil.blank(outputFilePaths[0]) && !bootstrapOrJackknife()) { // tree file if (ownerModule instanceof NewTreeProcessor) { String treeFilePath = filePath; if (taxa != null) { TaxaSelectionSet outgroupSet = (TaxaSelectionSet) taxa.getSpecsSet(outgroupTaxSetString, TaxaSelectionSet.class); ((NewTreeProcessor) ownerModule).newTreeAvailable(treeFilePath, outgroupSet); } else ((NewTreeProcessor) ownerModule).newTreeAvailable(treeFilePath, null); } } else if (fileNum == 1 && outputFilePaths.length > 1 && !StringUtil.blank(outputFilePaths[1]) && !bootstrapOrJackknife()) { // log file if (MesquiteFile.fileExists(filePath)) { String s = MesquiteFile.getFileLastContents(filePath); if (!StringUtil.blank(s)) if (progIndicator != null) { parser.setString(s); String rep = parser.getFirstToken(); // generation number logln(""); if (MesquiteInteger.isNumber(rep)) { int numReps = MesquiteInteger.fromString(rep) + 1; progIndicator.setText( "Replicate: " + numReps); // + ", ln L = " + parser.getNextToken()); if (bootstrapOrJackknife()) { logln("Replicate " + numReps + " of " + bootstrapreps); } logln("Replicate " + numReps + " of " + totalNumHits); progIndicator.spin(); double timePerRep = 0; if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(numReps) && numReps > 0) { timePerRep = timer.timeSinceVeryStartInSeconds() / numReps; // this is time per rep } int timeLeft = 0; if (bootstrapOrJackknife()) { timeLeft = (int) ((bootstrapreps - numReps) * timePerRep); } else { String token = parser.getNextToken(); // algorithm token = parser.getNextToken(); // Tree token = parser.getNextToken(); // Score String best = parser.getNextToken(); // Best logln(" Score " + token + "; best found so far " + best); timeLeft = (int) ((totalNumHits - numReps) * timePerRep); } logln( " Running time so far " + StringUtil.secondsToHHMMSS((int) timer.timeSinceVeryStartInSeconds()) + ", approximate time remaining " + StringUtil.secondsToHHMMSS(timeLeft)); } } count++; } else if (MesquiteTrunk.debugMode) logln("*** File does not exist (" + filePath + ") ***"); } }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ void formCommandFile(String dataFileName, int firstOutgroup) { if (parallel) { commands = ""; } commands += getTNTCommand("mxram " + mxram); commands += getTNTCommand("report+0/1/0"); commands += getTNTCommand("log " + logFileName); commands += getTNTCommand("p " + dataFileName); commands += getTNTCommand("vversion"); if (MesquiteInteger.isCombinable(firstOutgroup) && firstOutgroup >= 0) commands += getTNTCommand("outgroup " + firstOutgroup); if (bootstrapOrJackknife()) { if (parallel) { commands += indentTNTCommand("ptnt begin parallelRun " + numSlaves + "/ram x 2 = "); } if (StringUtil.notEmpty(bootSearchScriptPath)) { String script = MesquiteFile.getFileContentsAsString(bootSearchScriptPath); if (StringUtil.notEmpty(script)) commands += script; } else commands += StringUtil.lineEnding() + bootstrapSearchArguments + StringUtil.lineEnding(); String saveTreesString = ""; if (resamplingAllConsensusTrees) saveTreesString = " savetrees "; String bootSearchString = " [xmult; bb]"; bootSearchString = ""; if (parallel) { int numRepsPerSlave = bootstrapreps / numSlaves; if (numRepsPerSlave * numSlaves < bootstrapreps) numRepsPerSlave++; if (searchStyle == BOOTSTRAPSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample boot cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + numRepsPerSlave + " [xmult; bb] savetrees"); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == JACKKNIFESEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample jak cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + numRepsPerSlave + " [xmult; bb] savetrees"); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == SYMSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample sym cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + numRepsPerSlave + " [xmult; bb] savetrees"); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == POISSONSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample poisson cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + numRepsPerSlave + " [xmult; bb] savetrees"); // + getComDelim(); commands += getTNTCommand("return"); commands += getTNTCommand("ptnt wait parallelRun"); commands += getTNTCommand("ptnt get parallelRun"); } else { if (!resamplingAllConsensusTrees) { commands += getTNTCommand("macro="); commands += getTNTCommand("ttags ="); } commands += getTNTCommand("tsave *" + treeFileName); if (bootstrapAllowed) { if (searchStyle == BOOTSTRAPSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample boot " + saveTreesString + " replications " + bootstrapreps + bootSearchString); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == JACKKNIFESEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample jak cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + bootstrapreps + bootSearchString); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == SYMSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample sym cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + bootstrapreps + bootSearchString); // + getComDelim(); else if (searchStyle == POISSONSEARCH) commands += getTNTCommand( "resample poisson cut 50 " + saveTreesString + " replications " + bootstrapreps + bootSearchString); // + getComDelim(); } if (!resamplingAllConsensusTrees) commands += getTNTCommand("save *"); else commands += getTNTCommand("save"); commands += getTNTCommand("tsave/"); if (!resamplingAllConsensusTrees) { commands += getTNTCommand("ttags -/"); commands += getTNTCommand("macro-"); } } // commands += getTNTCommand("proc/") ; commands += getTNTCommand("log/"); // if (!parallel) commands += getTNTCommand("quit"); } else { // commands += getTNTCommand("tsave !5 " + treeFileName) ; // if showing intermediate trees commands += getTNTCommand("tsave *" + treeFileName); if (StringUtil.notEmpty(searchScriptPath)) { String script = MesquiteFile.getFileContentsAsString(searchScriptPath); if (StringUtil.notEmpty(script)) commands += script; } else commands += searchArguments; commands += otherOptions; if (harvestOnlyStrictConsensus) commands += getTNTCommand("nelsen *"); commands += getTNTCommand("save"); commands += getTNTCommand("log/"); commands += getTNTCommand("tsave/"); commands += getTNTCommand("quit"); } }