public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {
   this.arg = arg;
   this.imp = imp;
   if (imp == null) {
     return DONE;
   if (imp.getBitDepth() == 24 && !isThresholdedRGB(imp)) {
         "Particle Analyzer",
         "RGB images must be thresholded using\n" + "Image>Adjust>Color Threshold.");
     return DONE;
   if (!showDialog()) return DONE;
   int baseFlags = DOES_ALL + NO_CHANGES + NO_UNDO;
   int flags = IJ.setupDialog(imp, baseFlags);
   processStack = (flags & DOES_STACKS) != 0;
   slice = 0;
   saveRoi = imp.getRoi();
   if (saveRoi != null && saveRoi.getType() != Roi.RECTANGLE && saveRoi.isArea())
     polygon = saveRoi.getPolygon();
   nextFontSize = defaultFontSize;
   nextLineWidth = 1;
   return flags;
예제 #2
 public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {
   this.imp = imp;
   if (imp != null) {
     bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth();
     Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
     Rectangle r = roi != null ? roi.getBounds() : null;
     canEnlarge =
         r == null
             || (r.x == 0 && r.y == 0 && r.width == imp.getWidth() && r.height == imp.getHeight());
   return flags;
예제 #3
 public void doHyperStackProjection(boolean allTimeFrames) {
   int start = startSlice;
   int stop = stopSlice;
   int firstFrame = 1;
   int lastFrame = imp.getNFrames();
   if (!allTimeFrames) firstFrame = lastFrame = imp.getFrame();
   ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight());
   int channels = imp.getNChannels();
   int slices = imp.getNSlices();
   if (slices == 1) {
     slices = imp.getNFrames();
     firstFrame = lastFrame = 1;
   int frames = lastFrame - firstFrame + 1;
   increment = channels;
   boolean rgb = imp.getBitDepth() == 24;
   for (int frame = firstFrame; frame <= lastFrame; frame++) {
     for (int channel = 1; channel <= channels; channel++) {
       startSlice = (frame - 1) * channels * slices + (start - 1) * channels + channel;
       stopSlice = (frame - 1) * channels * slices + (stop - 1) * channels + channel;
       if (rgb) doHSRGBProjection(imp);
       else doProjection();
       stack.addSlice(null, projImage.getProcessor());
   projImage = new ImagePlus(makeTitle(), stack);
   projImage.setDimensions(channels, 1, frames);
   if (channels > 1) {
     projImage = new CompositeImage(projImage, 0);
     ((CompositeImage) projImage).copyLuts(imp);
     if (method == SUM_METHOD || method == SD_METHOD)
       ((CompositeImage) projImage).resetDisplayRanges();
   if (frames > 1) projImage.setOpenAsHyperStack(true);
   Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay();
   if (overlay != null) {
     startSlice = start;
     stopSlice = stop;
     if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB)
     else projImage.setOverlay(projectHyperStackRois(overlay));
   IJ.showProgress(1, 1);
 /** Splits the specified image into separate channels. */
 public static ImagePlus[] split(ImagePlus imp) {
   if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) {
     ImageStack[] stacks = splitRGB(imp.getStack(), true);
     ImagePlus[] images = new ImagePlus[3];
     images[0] = new ImagePlus("red", stacks[0]);
     images[1] = new ImagePlus("green", stacks[1]);
     images[2] = new ImagePlus("blue", stacks[2]);
     return images;
   int width = imp.getWidth();
   int height = imp.getHeight();
   int channels = imp.getNChannels();
   int slices = imp.getNSlices();
   int frames = imp.getNFrames();
   int bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth();
   int size = slices * frames;
   Vector images = new Vector();
   HyperStackReducer reducer = new HyperStackReducer(imp);
   for (int c = 1; c <= channels; c++) {
     ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(width, height, size); // create empty stack
         imp.getProcessor().getPixels(), 1); // can't create ImagePlus will null 1st image
     ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus("C" + c + "-" + imp.getTitle(), stack2);
     stack2.setPixels(null, 1);
     imp.setPosition(c, 1, 1);
     imp2.setDimensions(1, slices, frames);
     if (imp.isComposite() && ((CompositeImage) imp).getMode() == IJ.GRAYSCALE), "Grays", "");
     if (imp2.getNDimensions() > 3) imp2.setOpenAsHyperStack(true);
   ImagePlus[] array = new ImagePlus[images.size()];
   return (ImagePlus[]) images.toArray(array);
예제 #5
 ImagePlus doMedianProjection() {
   IJ.showStatus("Calculating median...");
   ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
   ImageProcessor[] slices = new ImageProcessor[sliceCount];
   int index = 0;
   for (int slice = startSlice; slice <= stopSlice; slice += increment)
     slices[index++] = stack.getProcessor(slice);
   ImageProcessor ip2 = slices[0].duplicate();
   ip2 = ip2.convertToFloat();
   float[] values = new float[sliceCount];
   int width = ip2.getWidth();
   int height = ip2.getHeight();
   int inc = Math.max(height / 30, 1);
   for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
     if (y % inc == 0) IJ.showProgress(y, height - 1);
     for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
       for (int i = 0; i < sliceCount; i++) values[i] = slices[i].getPixelValue(x, y);
       ip2.putPixelValue(x, y, median(values));
   if (imp.getBitDepth() == 8) ip2 = ip2.convertToByte(false);
   IJ.showProgress(1, 1);
   return new ImagePlus(makeTitle(), ip2);
예제 #6
파일: 프로젝트: boron1111/ij
  String getInfo(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) {
    String s = new String("\n");
    s += "Title: " + imp.getTitle() + "\n";
    Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
    int stackSize = imp.getStackSize();
    int channels = imp.getNChannels();
    int slices = imp.getNSlices();
    int frames = imp.getNFrames();
    int digits = imp.getBitDepth() == 32 ? 4 : 0;
    if (cal.scaled()) {
      String unit = cal.getUnit();
      String units = cal.getUnits();
      s +=
          "Width:  "
              + IJ.d2s(imp.getWidth() * cal.pixelWidth, 2)
              + " "
              + units
              + " ("
              + imp.getWidth()
              + ")\n";
      s +=
          "Height:  "
              + IJ.d2s(imp.getHeight() * cal.pixelHeight, 2)
              + " "
              + units
              + " ("
              + imp.getHeight()
              + ")\n";
      if (slices > 1)
        s += "Depth:  " + IJ.d2s(slices * cal.pixelDepth, 2) + " " + units + " (" + slices + ")\n";
      double xResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelWidth;
      double yResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelHeight;
      int places = Tools.getDecimalPlaces(xResolution, yResolution);
      if (xResolution == yResolution)
        s += "Resolution:  " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n";
      else {
        s += "X Resolution:  " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n";
        s += "Y Resolution:  " + IJ.d2s(yResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n";
    } else {
      s += "Width:  " + imp.getWidth() + " pixels\n";
      s += "Height:  " + imp.getHeight() + " pixels\n";
      if (stackSize > 1) s += "Depth:  " + slices + " pixels\n";
    if (stackSize > 1)
      s +=
          "Voxel size: "
              + d2s(cal.pixelWidth)
              + "x"
              + d2s(cal.pixelHeight)
              + "x"
              + d2s(cal.pixelDepth)
              + " "
              + cal.getUnit()
              + "\n";
      s +=
          "Pixel size: "
              + d2s(cal.pixelWidth)
              + "x"
              + d2s(cal.pixelHeight)
              + " "
              + cal.getUnit()
              + "\n";

    s += "ID: " + imp.getID() + "\n";
    String zOrigin = stackSize > 1 || cal.zOrigin != 0.0 ? "," + d2s(cal.zOrigin) : "";
    s += "Coordinate origin:  " + d2s(cal.xOrigin) + "," + d2s(cal.yOrigin) + zOrigin + "\n";
    int type = imp.getType();
    switch (type) {
      case ImagePlus.GRAY8:
        s += "Bits per pixel: 8 ";
        String lut = "LUT";
        if (imp.getProcessor().isColorLut()) lut = "color " + lut;
        else lut = "grayscale " + lut;
        if (imp.isInvertedLut()) lut = "inverting " + lut;
        s += "(" + lut + ")\n";
        if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp);
        else s += "Display range: " + (int) ip.getMin() + "-" + (int) ip.getMax() + "\n";
      case ImagePlus.GRAY16:
      case ImagePlus.GRAY32:
        if (type == ImagePlus.GRAY16) {
          String sign = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? "signed" : "unsigned";
          s += "Bits per pixel: 16 (" + sign + ")\n";
        } else s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (float)\n";
        if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp);
        else {
          s += "Display range: ";
          double min = ip.getMin();
          double max = ip.getMax();
          if (cal.calibrated()) {
            min = cal.getCValue((int) min);
            max = cal.getCValue((int) max);
          s += IJ.d2s(min, digits) + " - " + IJ.d2s(max, digits) + "\n";
      case ImagePlus.COLOR_256:
        s += "Bits per pixel: 8 (color LUT)\n";
      case ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB:
        s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (RGB)\n";
    double interval = cal.frameInterval;
    double fps = cal.fps;
    if (stackSize > 1) {
      ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
      int slice = imp.getCurrentSlice();
      String number = slice + "/" + stackSize;
      String label = stack.getShortSliceLabel(slice);
      if (label != null && label.length() > 0) label = " (" + label + ")";
      else label = "";
      if (interval > 0.0 || fps != 0.0) {
        s += "Frame: " + number + label + "\n";
        if (fps != 0.0) {
          String sRate =
              Math.abs(fps - Math.round(fps)) < 0.00001 ? IJ.d2s(fps, 0) : IJ.d2s(fps, 5);
          s += "Frame rate: " + sRate + " fps\n";
        if (interval != 0.0)
          s +=
              "Frame interval: "
                  + ((int) interval == interval ? IJ.d2s(interval, 0) : IJ.d2s(interval, 5))
                  + " "
                  + cal.getTimeUnit()
                  + "\n";
      } else s += "Image: " + number + label + "\n";
      if (imp.isHyperStack()) {
        if (channels > 1) s += "  Channel: " + imp.getChannel() + "/" + channels + "\n";
        if (slices > 1) s += "  Slice: " + imp.getSlice() + "/" + slices + "\n";
        if (frames > 1) s += "  Frame: " + imp.getFrame() + "/" + frames + "\n";
      if (imp.isComposite()) {
        if (!imp.isHyperStack() && channels > 1) s += "  Channels: " + channels + "\n";
        String mode = ((CompositeImage) imp).getModeAsString();
        s += "  Composite mode: \"" + mode + "\"\n";

    if (ip.getMinThreshold() == ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) s += "No Threshold\n";
    else {
      double lower = ip.getMinThreshold();
      double upper = ip.getMaxThreshold();
      int dp = digits;
      if (cal.calibrated()) {
        lower = cal.getCValue((int) lower);
        upper = cal.getCValue((int) upper);
        dp = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? 0 : 4;
      s += "Threshold: " + IJ.d2s(lower, dp) + "-" + IJ.d2s(upper, dp) + "\n";
    ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas();
    double mag = ic != null ? ic.getMagnification() : 1.0;
    if (mag != 1.0) s += "Magnification: " + IJ.d2s(mag, 2) + "\n";

    if (cal.calibrated()) {
      s += " \n";
      int curveFit = cal.getFunction();
      s += "Calibration Function: ";
      if (curveFit == Calibration.UNCALIBRATED_OD) s += "Uncalibrated OD\n";
      else if (curveFit == Calibration.CUSTOM) s += "Custom lookup table\n";
      else s += CurveFitter.fList[curveFit] + "\n";
      double[] c = cal.getCoefficients();
      if (c != null) {
        s += "  a: " + IJ.d2s(c[0], 6) + "\n";
        s += "  b: " + IJ.d2s(c[1], 6) + "\n";
        if (c.length >= 3) s += "  c: " + IJ.d2s(c[2], 6) + "\n";
        if (c.length >= 4) s += "  c: " + IJ.d2s(c[3], 6) + "\n";
        if (c.length >= 5) s += "  c: " + IJ.d2s(c[4], 6) + "\n";
      s += "  Unit: \"" + cal.getValueUnit() + "\"\n";
    } else s += "Uncalibrated\n";

    FileInfo fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo();
    if (fi != null) {
      if (fi.url != null && !fi.url.equals("")) s += "URL: " + fi.url + "\n";
      else if ( != null && fi.fileName != null)
        s += "Path: " + + fi.fileName + "\n";

    ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
    if (win != null) {
      Point loc = win.getLocation();
      Dimension screen = IJ.getScreenSize();
      s +=
          "Screen location: "
              + loc.x
              + ","
              + loc.y
              + " ("
              + screen.width
              + "x"
              + screen.height
              + ")\n";

    Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay();
    if (overlay != null) {
      String hidden = imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : " ";
      int n = overlay.size();
      String elements = n == 1 ? " element" : " elements";
      s += "Overlay: " + n + elements + (imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : "") + "\n";
    } else s += "No Overlay\n";

    Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
    if (roi == null) {
      if (cal.calibrated()) s += " \n";
      s += "No Selection\n";
    } else if (roi instanceof EllipseRoi) {
      s += "\nElliptical Selection\n";
      double[] p = ((EllipseRoi) roi).getParams();
      double dx = p[2] - p[0];
      double dy = p[3] - p[1];
      double major = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
      s += "  Major: " + IJ.d2s(major, 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Minor: " + IJ.d2s(major * p[4], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  X1: " + IJ.d2s(p[0], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Y1: " + IJ.d2s(p[1], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  X2: " + IJ.d2s(p[2], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Y2: " + IJ.d2s(p[3], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Aspect ratio: " + IJ.d2s(p[4], 2) + "\n";
    } else {
      s += " \n";
      s += roi.getTypeAsString() + " Selection";
      String points = null;
      if (roi instanceof PointRoi) {
        int npoints = ((PolygonRoi) roi).getNCoordinates();
        String suffix = npoints > 1 ? "s)" : ")";
        points = " (" + npoints + " point" + suffix;
      String name = roi.getName();
      if (name != null) {
        s += " (\"" + name + "\")";
        if (points != null) s += "\n " + points;
      } else if (points != null) s += points;
      s += "\n";
      Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
      if (roi instanceof Line) {
        Line line = (Line) roi;
        s += "  X1: " + IJ.d2s(line.x1d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n";
        s += "  Y1: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y1d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n";
        s += "  X2: " + IJ.d2s(line.x2d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n";
        s += "  Y2: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y2d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n";
      } else if (cal.scaled()) {
        s += "  X: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getX(r.x)) + " (" + r.x + ")\n";
        s += "  Y: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getY(r.y, imp.getHeight())) + " (" + r.y + ")\n";
        s += "  Width: " + IJ.d2s(r.width * cal.pixelWidth) + " (" + r.width + ")\n";
        s += "  Height: " + IJ.d2s(r.height * cal.pixelHeight) + " (" + r.height + ")\n";
      } else {
        s += "  X: " + r.x + "\n";
        s += "  Y: " + yy(r.y, imp) + "\n";
        s += "  Width: " + r.width + "\n";
        s += "  Height: " + r.height + "\n";

    return s;
예제 #7
  public void build_bricks() {

    ImagePlus imp;
    ImagePlus orgimp;
    ImageStack stack;
    FileInfo finfo;

    if (lvImgTitle.isEmpty()) return;
    orgimp = WindowManager.getImage(lvImgTitle.get(0));
    imp = orgimp;

    finfo = imp.getFileInfo();
    if (finfo == null) return;

    int[] dims = imp.getDimensions();
    int imageW = dims[0];
    int imageH = dims[1];
    int nCh = dims[2];
    int imageD = dims[3];
    int nFrame = dims[4];
    int bdepth = imp.getBitDepth();
    double xspc = finfo.pixelWidth;
    double yspc = finfo.pixelHeight;
    double zspc = finfo.pixelDepth;
    double z_aspect = Math.max(xspc, yspc) / zspc;

    int orgW = imageW;
    int orgH = imageH;
    int orgD = imageD;
    double orgxspc = xspc;
    double orgyspc = yspc;
    double orgzspc = zspc;

    lv = lvImgTitle.size();
    if (filetype == "JPEG") {
      for (int l = 0; l < lv; l++) {
        if (WindowManager.getImage(lvImgTitle.get(l)).getBitDepth() != 8) {

    // calculate levels
    /*		int baseXY = 256;
    		int baseZ = 256;

    		if (z_aspect < 0.5) baseZ = 128;
    		if (z_aspect > 2.0) baseXY = 128;
    		if (z_aspect >= 0.5 && z_aspect < 1.0) baseZ = (int)(baseZ*z_aspect);
    		if (z_aspect > 1.0 && z_aspect <= 2.0) baseXY = (int)(baseXY/z_aspect);

    		IJ.log("Z_aspect: " + z_aspect);
    		IJ.log("BaseXY: " + baseXY);
    		IJ.log("BaseZ: " + baseZ);

    int baseXY = 256;
    int baseZ = 128;
    int dbXY = Math.max(orgW, orgH) / baseXY;
    if (Math.max(orgW, orgH) % baseXY > 0) dbXY *= 2;
    int dbZ = orgD / baseZ;
    if (orgD % baseZ > 0) dbZ *= 2;
    lv = Math.max(log2(dbXY), log2(dbZ)) + 1;

    int ww = orgW;
    int hh = orgH;
    int dd = orgD;
    for (int l = 0; l < lv; l++) {
      int bwnum = ww / baseXY;
      if (ww % baseXY > 0) bwnum++;
      int bhnum = hh / baseXY;
      if (hh % baseXY > 0) bhnum++;
      int bdnum = dd / baseZ;
      if (dd % baseZ > 0) bdnum++;

      if (bwnum % 2 == 0) bwnum++;
      if (bhnum % 2 == 0) bhnum++;
      if (bdnum % 2 == 0) bdnum++;

      int bw = (bwnum <= 1) ? ww : ww / bwnum + 1 + (ww % bwnum > 0 ? 1 : 0);
      int bh = (bhnum <= 1) ? hh : hh / bhnum + 1 + (hh % bhnum > 0 ? 1 : 0);
      int bd = (bdnum <= 1) ? dd : dd / bdnum + 1 + (dd % bdnum > 0 ? 1 : 0);


      IJ.log("LEVEL: " + l);
      IJ.log("  width: " + ww);
      IJ.log("  hight: " + hh);
      IJ.log("  depth: " + dd);
      IJ.log("  bw: " + bw);
      IJ.log("  bh: " + bh);
      IJ.log("  bd: " + bd);

      int xyl2 = Math.max(ww, hh) / baseXY;
      if (Math.max(ww, hh) % baseXY > 0) xyl2 *= 2;
      if (lv - 1 - log2(xyl2) <= l) {
        ww /= 2;
        hh /= 2;
      IJ.log("  xyl2: " + (lv - 1 - log2(xyl2)));

      int zl2 = dd / baseZ;
      if (dd % baseZ > 0) zl2 *= 2;
      if (lv - 1 - log2(zl2) <= l) dd /= 2;
      IJ.log("  zl2: " + (lv - 1 - log2(zl2)));

      if (l < lv - 1) {
        lvImgTitle.add(lvImgTitle.get(0) + "_level" + (l + 1));
            "x=- y=- z=- width="
                + ww
                + " height="
                + hh
                + " depth="
                + dd
                + " interpolation=Bicubic average process create title="
                + lvImgTitle.get(l + 1));

    for (int l = 0; l < lv; l++) {

    Document doc = newXMLDocument();
    Element root = doc.createElement("BRK");
    root.setAttribute("version", "1.0");
    root.setAttribute("nLevel", String.valueOf(lv));
    root.setAttribute("nChannel", String.valueOf(nCh));
    root.setAttribute("nFrame", String.valueOf(nFrame));

    for (int l = 0; l < lv; l++) {

      int[] dims2 = imp.getDimensions();
          "W: "
              + String.valueOf(dims2[0])
              + " H: "
              + String.valueOf(dims2[1])
              + " C: "
              + String.valueOf(dims2[2])
              + " D: "
              + String.valueOf(dims2[3])
              + " T: "
              + String.valueOf(dims2[4])
              + " b: "
              + String.valueOf(bdepth));

      bw = bwlist.get(l).intValue();
      bh = bhlist.get(l).intValue();
      bd = bdlist.get(l).intValue();

      boolean force_pow2 = false;
      /*			if(IsPowerOf2(bw) && IsPowerOf2(bh) && IsPowerOf2(bd)) force_pow2 = true;

      				//force pow2
      				if(Pow2(bw) > bw) bw = Pow2(bw)/2;
      				if(Pow2(bh) > bh) bh = Pow2(bh)/2;
      				if(Pow2(bd) > bd) bd = Pow2(bd)/2;

      			if(bw > imageW) bw = (Pow2(imageW) == imageW) ? imageW : Pow2(imageW)/2;
      			if(bh > imageH) bh = (Pow2(imageH) == imageH) ? imageH : Pow2(imageH)/2;
      			if(bd > imageD) bd = (Pow2(imageD) == imageD) ? imageD : Pow2(imageD)/2;

      if (bw > imageW) bw = imageW;
      if (bh > imageH) bh = imageH;
      if (bd > imageD) bd = imageD;

      if (bw <= 1 || bh <= 1 || bd <= 1) break;

      if (filetype == "JPEG" && (bw < 8 || bh < 8)) break;

      Element lvnode = doc.createElement("Level");
      lvnode.setAttribute("lv", String.valueOf(l));
      lvnode.setAttribute("imageW", String.valueOf(imageW));
      lvnode.setAttribute("imageH", String.valueOf(imageH));
      lvnode.setAttribute("imageD", String.valueOf(imageD));
      lvnode.setAttribute("xspc", String.valueOf(xspc));
      lvnode.setAttribute("yspc", String.valueOf(yspc));
      lvnode.setAttribute("zspc", String.valueOf(zspc));
      lvnode.setAttribute("bitDepth", String.valueOf(bdepth));

      Element brksnode = doc.createElement("Bricks");
      brksnode.setAttribute("brick_baseW", String.valueOf(bw));
      brksnode.setAttribute("brick_baseH", String.valueOf(bh));
      brksnode.setAttribute("brick_baseD", String.valueOf(bd));

      ArrayList<Brick> bricks = new ArrayList<Brick>();
      int mw, mh, md, mw2, mh2, md2;
      double tx0, ty0, tz0, tx1, ty1, tz1;
      double bx0, by0, bz0, bx1, by1, bz1;
      for (int k = 0; k < imageD; k += bd) {
        if (k > 0) k--;
        for (int j = 0; j < imageH; j += bh) {
          if (j > 0) j--;
          for (int i = 0; i < imageW; i += bw) {
            if (i > 0) i--;
            mw = Math.min(bw, imageW - i);
            mh = Math.min(bh, imageH - j);
            md = Math.min(bd, imageD - k);

            if (force_pow2) {
              mw2 = Pow2(mw);
              mh2 = Pow2(mh);
              md2 = Pow2(md);
            } else {
              mw2 = mw;
              mh2 = mh;
              md2 = md;

            if (filetype == "JPEG") {
              if (mw2 < 8) mw2 = 8;
              if (mh2 < 8) mh2 = 8;

            tx0 = i == 0 ? 0.0d : ((mw2 - mw + 0.5d) / mw2);
            ty0 = j == 0 ? 0.0d : ((mh2 - mh + 0.5d) / mh2);
            tz0 = k == 0 ? 0.0d : ((md2 - md + 0.5d) / md2);

            tx1 = 1.0d - 0.5d / mw2;
            if (mw < bw) tx1 = 1.0d;
            if (imageW - i == bw) tx1 = 1.0d;

            ty1 = 1.0d - 0.5d / mh2;
            if (mh < bh) ty1 = 1.0d;
            if (imageH - j == bh) ty1 = 1.0d;

            tz1 = 1.0d - 0.5d / md2;
            if (md < bd) tz1 = 1.0d;
            if (imageD - k == bd) tz1 = 1.0d;

            bx0 = i == 0 ? 0.0d : (i + 0.5d) / (double) imageW;
            by0 = j == 0 ? 0.0d : (j + 0.5d) / (double) imageH;
            bz0 = k == 0 ? 0.0d : (k + 0.5d) / (double) imageD;

            bx1 = Math.min((i + bw - 0.5d) / (double) imageW, 1.0d);
            if (imageW - i == bw) bx1 = 1.0d;

            by1 = Math.min((j + bh - 0.5d) / (double) imageH, 1.0d);
            if (imageH - j == bh) by1 = 1.0d;

            bz1 = Math.min((k + bd - 0.5d) / (double) imageD, 1.0d);
            if (imageD - k == bd) bz1 = 1.0d;

            int x, y, z;
            x = i - (mw2 - mw);
            y = j - (mh2 - mh);
            z = k - (md2 - md);
                new Brick(
                    x, y, z, mw2, mh2, md2, 0, 0, tx0, ty0, tz0, tx1, ty1, tz1, bx0, by0, bz0, bx1,
                    by1, bz1));

      Element fsnode = doc.createElement("Files");

      stack = imp.getStack();

      int totalbricknum = nFrame * nCh * bricks.size();
      int curbricknum = 0;
      for (int f = 0; f < nFrame; f++) {
        for (int ch = 0; ch < nCh; ch++) {
          int sizelimit = bdsizelimit * 1024 * 1024;
          int bytecount = 0;
          int filecount = 0;
          int pd_bufsize = Math.max(sizelimit, bw * bh * bd * bdepth / 8);
          byte[] packed_data = new byte[pd_bufsize];
          String base_dataname =
                  + "_Lv"
                  + String.valueOf(l)
                  + "_Ch"
                  + String.valueOf(ch)
                  + "_Fr"
                  + String.valueOf(f);
          String current_dataname = base_dataname + "_data" + filecount;

          Brick b_first = bricks.get(0);
          if (b_first.z_ != 0) IJ.log("warning");
          int st_z = b_first.z_;
          int ed_z = b_first.z_ + b_first.d_;
          LinkedList<ImageProcessor> iplist = new LinkedList<ImageProcessor>();
          for (int s = st_z; s < ed_z; s++)
            iplist.add(stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch + 1, s + 1, f + 1)));

          //					ImagePlus test;
          //					ImageStack tsst;
          //					test = NewImage.createByteImage("test", imageW, imageH, imageD,
          // NewImage.FILL_BLACK);
          //					tsst = test.getStack();
          for (int i = 0; i < bricks.size(); i++) {
            Brick b = bricks.get(i);

            if (ed_z > b.z_ || st_z < b.z_ + b.d_) {
              if (b.z_ > st_z) {
                for (int s = 0; s < b.z_ - st_z; s++) iplist.pollFirst();
                st_z = b.z_;
              } else if (b.z_ < st_z) {
                for (int s = st_z - 1; s > b.z_; s--)
                  iplist.addFirst(stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch + 1, s + 1, f + 1)));
                st_z = b.z_;

              if (b.z_ + b.d_ > ed_z) {
                for (int s = ed_z; s < b.z_ + b.d_; s++)
                  iplist.add(stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch + 1, s + 1, f + 1)));
                ed_z = b.z_ + b.d_;
              } else if (b.z_ + b.d_ < ed_z) {
                for (int s = 0; s < ed_z - (b.z_ + b.d_); s++) iplist.pollLast();
                ed_z = b.z_ + b.d_;
            } else {
              st_z = b.z_;
              ed_z = b.z_ + b.d_;
              for (int s = st_z; s < ed_z; s++)
                iplist.add(stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch + 1, s + 1, f + 1)));

            if (iplist.size() != b.d_) {
              IJ.log("Stack Error");

            //						int zz = st_z;

            int bsize = 0;
            byte[] bdata = new byte[b.w_ * b.h_ * b.d_ * bdepth / 8];
            Iterator<ImageProcessor> ipite = iplist.iterator();
            while (ipite.hasNext()) {

              //							ImageProcessor tsip = tsst.getProcessor(zz+1);

              ImageProcessor ip =;
              ip.setRoi(b.x_, b.y_, b.w_, b.h_);
              if (bdepth == 8) {
                byte[] data = (byte[]) ip.crop().getPixels();
                System.arraycopy(data, 0, bdata, bsize, data.length);
                bsize += data.length;
              } else if (bdepth == 16) {
                ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(b.w_ * b.h_ * bdepth / 8);
                short[] data = (short[]) ip.crop().getPixels();
                for (short e : data) buffer.putShort(e);
                System.arraycopy(buffer.array(), 0, bdata, bsize, buffer.array().length);
                bsize += buffer.array().length;
              } else if (bdepth == 32) {
                ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(b.w_ * b.h_ * bdepth / 8);
                float[] data = (float[]) ip.crop().getPixels();
                for (float e : data) buffer.putFloat(e);
                System.arraycopy(buffer.array(), 0, bdata, bsize, buffer.array().length);
                bsize += buffer.array().length;

            String filename =
                    + "_Lv"
                    + String.valueOf(l)
                    + "_Ch"
                    + String.valueOf(ch)
                    + "_Fr"
                    + String.valueOf(f)
                    + "_ID"
                    + String.valueOf(i);

            int offset = bytecount;
            int datasize = bdata.length;

            if (filetype == "RAW") {
              int dummy = -1;
              // do nothing
            if (filetype == "JPEG" && bdepth == 8) {
              try {
                DataBufferByte db = new DataBufferByte(bdata, datasize);
                Raster raster = Raster.createPackedRaster(db, b.w_, b.h_ * b.d_, 8, null);
                BufferedImage img =
                    new BufferedImage(b.w_, b.h_ * b.d_, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
                ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(baos);
                String format = "jpg";
                Iterator<javax.imageio.ImageWriter> iter =
                javax.imageio.ImageWriter writer =;
                ImageWriteParam iwp = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
                iwp.setCompressionQuality((float) jpeg_quality * 0.01f);
                writer.write(null, new IIOImage(img, null, null), iwp);
                // ImageIO.write(img, format, baos);
                bdata = baos.toByteArray();
                datasize = bdata.length;
              } catch (IOException e) {
            if (filetype == "ZLIB") {
              byte[] tmpdata = new byte[b.w_ * b.h_ * b.d_ * bdepth / 8];
              Deflater compresser = new Deflater();
              datasize = compresser.deflate(tmpdata);
              bdata = tmpdata;

            if (bytecount + datasize > sizelimit && bytecount > 0) {
              BufferedOutputStream fis = null;
              try {
                File file = new File(directory + current_dataname);
                fis = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
                fis.write(packed_data, 0, bytecount);
              } catch (IOException e) {
              } finally {
                try {
                  if (fis != null) fis.close();
                } catch (IOException e) {
              current_dataname = base_dataname + "_data" + filecount;
              bytecount = 0;
              offset = 0;
              System.arraycopy(bdata, 0, packed_data, bytecount, datasize);
              bytecount += datasize;
            } else {
              System.arraycopy(bdata, 0, packed_data, bytecount, datasize);
              bytecount += datasize;

            Element filenode = doc.createElement("File");
            filenode.setAttribute("filename", current_dataname);
            filenode.setAttribute("channel", String.valueOf(ch));
            filenode.setAttribute("frame", String.valueOf(f));
            filenode.setAttribute("brickID", String.valueOf(i));
            filenode.setAttribute("offset", String.valueOf(offset));
            filenode.setAttribute("datasize", String.valueOf(datasize));
            filenode.setAttribute("filetype", String.valueOf(filetype));


            IJ.showProgress((double) (curbricknum) / (double) (totalbricknum));
          if (bytecount > 0) {
            BufferedOutputStream fis = null;
            try {
              File file = new File(directory + current_dataname);
              fis = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
              fis.write(packed_data, 0, bytecount);
            } catch (IOException e) {
            } finally {
              try {
                if (fis != null) fis.close();
              } catch (IOException e) {

      for (int i = 0; i < bricks.size(); i++) {
        Brick b = bricks.get(i);
        Element bricknode = doc.createElement("Brick");
        bricknode.setAttribute("id", String.valueOf(i));
        bricknode.setAttribute("st_x", String.valueOf(b.x_));
        bricknode.setAttribute("st_y", String.valueOf(b.y_));
        bricknode.setAttribute("st_z", String.valueOf(b.z_));
        bricknode.setAttribute("width", String.valueOf(b.w_));
        bricknode.setAttribute("height", String.valueOf(b.h_));
        bricknode.setAttribute("depth", String.valueOf(b.d_));

        Element tboxnode = doc.createElement("tbox");
        tboxnode.setAttribute("x0", String.valueOf(b.tx0_));
        tboxnode.setAttribute("y0", String.valueOf(b.ty0_));
        tboxnode.setAttribute("z0", String.valueOf(b.tz0_));
        tboxnode.setAttribute("x1", String.valueOf(b.tx1_));
        tboxnode.setAttribute("y1", String.valueOf(b.ty1_));
        tboxnode.setAttribute("z1", String.valueOf(b.tz1_));

        Element bboxnode = doc.createElement("bbox");
        bboxnode.setAttribute("x0", String.valueOf(b.bx0_));
        bboxnode.setAttribute("y0", String.valueOf(b.by0_));
        bboxnode.setAttribute("z0", String.valueOf(b.bz0_));
        bboxnode.setAttribute("x1", String.valueOf(b.bx1_));
        bboxnode.setAttribute("y1", String.valueOf(b.by1_));
        bboxnode.setAttribute("z1", String.valueOf(b.bz1_));

      if (l < lv - 1) {
        imp = WindowManager.getImage(lvImgTitle.get(l + 1));
        int[] newdims = imp.getDimensions();
        imageW = newdims[0];
        imageH = newdims[1];
        imageD = newdims[3];
        xspc = orgxspc * ((double) orgW / (double) imageW);
        yspc = orgyspc * ((double) orgH / (double) imageH);
        zspc = orgzspc * ((double) orgD / (double) imageD);
        bdepth = imp.getBitDepth();

    File newXMLfile = new File(directory + basename + ".vvd");
    writeXML(newXMLfile, doc);

    for (int l = 1; l < lv; l++) {
      imp = WindowManager.getImage(lvImgTitle.get(l));
      imp.changes = false;
예제 #8
  boolean showDialog(ImageProcessor ip) {
    int bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth();
    boolean isStack = imp.getStackSize() > 1;
    r = ip.getRoi();
    int width = newWidth;
    if (width == 0) width = r.width;
    int height = (int) ((double) width * r.height / r.width);
    xscale = Tools.parseDouble(xstr, 0.0);
    yscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0);
    if (xscale != 0.0 && yscale != 0.0) {
      width = (int) (r.width * xscale);
      height = (int) (r.height * yscale);
    } else {
      xstr = "-";
      ystr = "-";
    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Scale");
    gd.addStringField("X Scale (0.05-25):", xstr);
    gd.addStringField("Y Scale (0.05-25):", ystr);
    gd.setInsets(5, 0, 5);
    gd.addStringField("Width (pixels):", "" + width);
    gd.addStringField("Height (pixels):", "" + height);
    fields = gd.getStringFields();
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      ((TextField) fields.elementAt(i)).addTextListener(this);
      ((TextField) fields.elementAt(i)).addFocusListener(this);
    xField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(0);
    yField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(1);
    widthField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(2);
    heightField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(3);
    fieldWithFocus = xField;
    gd.addCheckbox("Interpolate", interpolate);
    if (bitDepth == 8 || bitDepth == 24)
      gd.addCheckbox("Fill with Background Color", fillWithBackground);
    if (isStack) gd.addCheckbox("Process Entire Stack", processStack);
    gd.addCheckbox("Create New Window", newWindow);
    title = WindowManager.getUniqueName(imp.getTitle());
    gd.setInsets(10, 0, 0);
    gd.addStringField("Title:", title, 12);
    if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false;
    xstr = gd.getNextString();
    ystr = gd.getNextString();
    xscale = Tools.parseDouble(xstr, 0.0);
    yscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0);
    String wstr = gd.getNextString();
    newWidth = (int) Tools.parseDouble(wstr, 0);
    newHeight = (int) Tools.parseDouble(gd.getNextString(), 0);
    if (newHeight != 0 && (wstr.equals("-") || wstr.equals("0")))
      newWidth = (int) (newHeight * (double) r.width / r.height);
    if (newWidth == 0 || newHeight == 0) {
      IJ.error("Invalid width or height entered");
      return false;
    if (xscale > 25.0) xscale = 25.0;
    if (yscale > 25.0) yscale = 25.0;
    if (xscale > 0.0 && yscale > 0.0) {
      newWidth = (int) (r.width * xscale);
      newHeight = (int) (r.height * yscale);
    interpolate = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (bitDepth == 8 || bitDepth == 24) fillWithBackground = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (isStack) processStack = gd.getNextBoolean();
    newWindow = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (!newWindow && xscale == 0.0) {
      xscale = (double) newWidth / r.width;
      yscale = (double) newHeight / r.height;
    title = gd.getNextString();

    if (fillWithBackground) {
      Color bgc = Toolbar.getBackgroundColor();
      if (bitDepth == 8) bgValue = ip.getBestIndex(bgc);
      else if (bitDepth == 24) bgValue = bgc.getRGB();
    } else {
      if (bitDepth == 8) bgValue = ip.isInvertedLut() ? 0.0 : 255.0; // white
      else if (bitDepth == 24) bgValue = 0xffffffff; // white
    return true;
예제 #9
  boolean showDialog(ImageProcessor ip) {
    String macroOptions = Macro.getOptions();
    if (macroOptions != null) {
      if (macroOptions.indexOf(" interpolate") != -1)
        macroOptions.replaceAll(" interpolate", " interpolation=Bilinear");
      else if (macroOptions.indexOf(" interpolation=") == -1)
        macroOptions = macroOptions + " interpolation=None";
    int bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth();
    int stackSize = imp.getStackSize();
    boolean isStack = stackSize > 1;
    oldDepth = stackSize;
    if (isStack) {
      xstr = "1.0";
      ystr = "1.0";
      zstr = "1.0";
    r = ip.getRoi();
    int width = newWidth;
    if (width == 0) width = r.width;
    int height = (int) ((double) width * r.height / r.width);
    xscale = Tools.parseDouble(xstr, 0.0);
    yscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0);
    zscale = 1.0;
    if (xscale != 0.0 && yscale != 0.0) {
      width = (int) (r.width * xscale);
      height = (int) (r.height * yscale);
    } else {
      xstr = "-";
      ystr = "-";
    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Scale");
    gd.addStringField("X Scale:", xstr);
    gd.addStringField("Y Scale:", ystr);
    if (isStack) gd.addStringField("Z Scale:", zstr);
    gd.setInsets(5, 0, 5);
    gd.addStringField("Width (pixels):", "" + width);
    gd.addStringField("Height (pixels):", "" + height);
    if (isStack) {
      String label = "Depth (images):";
      if (imp.isHyperStack()) {
        int slices = imp.getNSlices();
        int frames = imp.getNFrames();
        if (slices == 1 && frames > 1) {
          label = "Depth (frames):";
          oldDepth = frames;
        } else {
          label = "Depth (slices):";
          oldDepth = slices;
      gd.addStringField(label, "" + oldDepth);
    fields = gd.getStringFields();
    for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
      ((TextField) fields.elementAt(i)).addTextListener(this);
      ((TextField) fields.elementAt(i)).addFocusListener(this);
    xField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(0);
    yField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(1);
    if (isStack) {
      zField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(2);
      widthField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(3);
      heightField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(4);
      depthField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(5);
    } else {
      widthField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(2);
      heightField = (TextField) fields.elementAt(3);
    fieldWithFocus = xField;
    gd.addChoice("Interpolation:", methods, methods[interpolationMethod]);
    if (bitDepth == 8 || bitDepth == 24)
      gd.addCheckbox("Fill with background color", fillWithBackground);
    gd.addCheckbox("Average when downsizing", averageWhenDownsizing);
    boolean hyperstack = imp.isHyperStack() || imp.isComposite();
    if (isStack && !hyperstack) gd.addCheckbox("Process entire stack", processStack);
    gd.addCheckbox("Create new window", newWindow);
    title = WindowManager.getUniqueName(imp.getTitle());
    gd.setInsets(10, 0, 0);
    gd.addStringField("Title:", title, 12);
    if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false;
    xstr = gd.getNextString();
    ystr = gd.getNextString();
    xscale = Tools.parseDouble(xstr, 0.0);
    yscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0);
    if (isStack) {
      zstr = gd.getNextString();
      zscale = Tools.parseDouble(ystr, 0.0);
    String wstr = gd.getNextString();
    newWidth = (int) Tools.parseDouble(wstr, 0);
    newHeight = (int) Tools.parseDouble(gd.getNextString(), 0);
    if (newHeight != 0 && (wstr.equals("-") || wstr.equals("0")))
      newWidth = (int) (newHeight * (double) r.width / r.height);
    if (newWidth == 0 || newHeight == 0) {
      IJ.error("Scaler", "Width or height is 0");
      return false;
    if (xscale > 0.0 && yscale > 0.0) {
      newWidth = (int) (r.width * xscale);
      newHeight = (int) (r.height * yscale);
    if (isStack) newDepth = (int) Tools.parseDouble(gd.getNextString(), 0);
    interpolationMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
    if (bitDepth == 8 || bitDepth == 24) fillWithBackground = gd.getNextBoolean();
    averageWhenDownsizing = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (isStack && !hyperstack) processStack = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (hyperstack) processStack = true;
    newWindow = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (xscale == 0.0) {
      xscale = (double) newWidth / r.width;
      yscale = (double) newHeight / r.height;
    title = gd.getNextString();

    if (fillWithBackground) {
      Color bgc = Toolbar.getBackgroundColor();
      if (bitDepth == 8) bgValue = ip.getBestIndex(bgc);
      else if (bitDepth == 24) bgValue = bgc.getRGB();
    } else bgValue = 0.0;
    return true;
예제 #10
 public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
   ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
   if (imp == null) return;
   if (!imp.isComposite()) {
     int channels = imp.getNChannels();
     if (channels == 1 && imp.getStackSize() <= 4) channels = imp.getStackSize();
     if (imp.getBitDepth() == 24 || (channels > 1 && channels < CompositeImage.MAX_CHANNELS)) {
       GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(imp.getTitle());
       gd.addMessage("Convert to multi-channel composite image?");
       if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;
       else IJ.doCommand("Make Composite");
     } else {
           "A composite image is required (e.g., "
               + moreLabel
               + " Open HeLa Cells),\nor create one using "
               + moreLabel
               + " Make Composite.");
   if (!imp.isComposite()) return;
   CompositeImage ci = (CompositeImage) imp;
   Object source = e.getSource();
   if (source == choice) {
     int index = ((Choice) source).getSelectedIndex();
     switch (index) {
       case 0:
       case 1:
       case 2:
     if (Recorder.record) {
       String mode = null;
       switch (index) {
         case 0:
           mode = "composite";
         case 1:
           mode = "color";
         case 2:
           mode = "grayscale";
       Recorder.record("Stack.setDisplayMode", mode);
   } else if (source instanceof Checkbox) {
     for (int i = 0; i < checkbox.length; i++) {
       Checkbox cb = (Checkbox) source;
       if (cb == checkbox[i]) {
         if (ci.getMode() == IJ.COMPOSITE) {
           boolean[] active = ci.getActiveChannels();
           active[i] = cb.getState();
           if (Recorder.record) {
             String str = "";
             for (int c = 0; c < ci.getNChannels(); c++) str += active[c] ? "1" : "0";
             Recorder.record("Stack.setActiveChannels", str);
             Recorder.record("//Stack.toggleChannel", imp.getChannel());
         } else {
           imp.setPosition(i + 1, imp.getSlice(), imp.getFrame());
           if (Recorder.record) Recorder.record("Stack.setChannel", i + 1);