protected void createAndShowGUI() { GamePanel gamePanel = new GamePanel(); gamePanel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); gamePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(320, 240)); getContentPane().add(gamePanel); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setTitle("Hello World!"); pack(); frameRate.initialize(); setVisible(true); }
public GameFrame(int height, int width) { super("--- Tempo Game ---"); this.height = height; this.width = width; card = new CardLayout(); mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setLayout(card); memory[0] = new Memory(); menuPanel = new MenuPanel(memory[count]); secondPanel = new SecondPanel(memory[count]); gamePanel = new GamePanel(memory[count]); rankPanel = new RankPanel(memory, count); mainPanel.add(menuPanel, "one"); mainPanel.add(secondPanel, "two"); mainPanel.add(gamePanel, "three"); mainPanel.add(rankPanel, "four"); buttonPanel = new JPanel(); ctl = new JButton("- Play -"); ctl.addActionListener(this); exit = new JButton("- Exit -"); exit.addActionListener(this); rank = new JButton("- Rank -"); rank.addActionListener(this); back = new JButton("- Back -"); back.addActionListener(this); buttonPanel.add(ctl); buttonPanel.add(rank); buttonPanel.add(exit); buttonPanel.setOpaque(false); buttonPanel.setBounds(width / 2 - 50, height / 2 - 50, 80, 100); gamePanel.setFocusable(true); gamePanel.addKeyListener(this); add(buttonPanel); add(mainPanel); System.out.println(count); }
private void gotoStoppedPanel() { if (GamePanel.isMoving) { GamePanel.isMoving = false; GamePanel.totalmiles += GamePanel.miles; GamePanel.overWorldVisible = false; GamePanel.stoppedVisible = true; Stopped st = new Stopped(gp); gp.add(st); } gp.revalidate(); gp.repaint(); }
public void changePanel() {; buttonPanel.removeAll(); ctl.setText("- Play -"); buttonPanel.add(ctl); buttonPanel.add(rank); buttonPanel.add(exit); buttonPanel.setOpaque(false); buttonPanel.setBounds(width / 2 - 50, height / 2 - 50, 80, 100); count++; memory[count] = new Memory(); menuPanel.setMemory(memory[count]); secondPanel.setMemory(memory[count]); gamePanel.setMemory(memory[count]); rankPanel.setMemory(memory, count); check = 0; System.out.println( count + " " + memory[count - 1].name + " " + memory[count - 1].song + " " + memory[count - 1].score); }
public void paint(Graphics g) { // set the background color to white. this.setBackground(new Color(0xFFFFFF)); // clear the panel with the background color. super.paint(g); // cast our Graphics as a Graphics2D, since it has more features and g is actually a Graphics2D // anyways. Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g; // render the blittered Strings. monoSprite.render(g2D); fittedSprite.render(g2D); dimsSprite.render(g2D); // Draw borders around the text sprites to demonstrate that they // are obeying their line-wrapping. Dimension monoDim = monoSprite.getDimensions(); Dimension fittedDim = fittedSprite.getDimensions(); g2D.drawRect((int) monoSprite.x, (int) monoSprite.y, monoSprite.maxWidth, monoDim.height); g2D.drawRect( (int) fittedSprite.x, (int) fittedSprite.y, fittedSprite.maxWidth, fittedDim.height); // Set our drawing color to black g2D.setColor(new Color(0x000000)); // display the current frame rate. g2D.drawString("" + timer.fpsCounter, 400, 32); }
public void menu() { if (check == 0) { buttonPanel.removeAll(); buttonPanel.setBounds(width - 200, height - 80, 200, 50);; ctl.setText("- Play -"); buttonPanel.add(back); buttonPanel.add(ctl); menuPanel.savename(); check = 1; secondPanel.musiclist.clearSelection(); gamePanel.setSecond(0); } else if (check == 1) { if (memory[count].getSong() == null) { Container con = getContentPane(); String title = "--Warning--"; String message = "Please Choice a Music Before Playing!"; int type = JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(con, message, title, type); } else {; secondPanel.clip.stop(); buttonPanel.removeAll(); buttonPanel.setBounds(width - 200, height - 80, 190, 50); ctl.setText("- Stop -"); buttonPanel.add(ctl); buttonPanel.add(exit); check = 2; gamePanel.playmusic(); gamePanel.setRun(true); } } else if (check == 2) { ctl.setText("- Resume -"); gamePanel.clip.stop(); gamePanel.setRun(false); check = 3; } else if (check == 3) { ctl.setText("- Stop -"); gamePanel.clip.start(); gamePanel.setRun(true); check = 2; } }
public Player(Registerable parent, GamePanel panel) { super(parent); Body body = new RectangularBody( this, new Vector(0f, 0f), new Vector(0f, 0f), new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 30, 30)); body.setColor(Color.BLUE); addComponent(body); Controller controller = new Controller(this, panel); addComponent(controller); panel.addMouseListener(controller); }
public void exitPerform() { if (check == 4) { this.changePanel(); } else if (check == 0) { this.dispose(); } else {; rankPanel.updateUI(); buttonPanel.removeAll(); buttonPanel.add(exit); gamePanel.clip.stop(); gamePanel.setRun(false); check = 4; } }
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: System.out.println("left"); gamePanel.keyctl(5); break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: System.out.println("down"); gamePanel.keyctl(6); break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: System.out.println("UP"); gamePanel.keyctl(7); break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: System.out.println("right"); gamePanel.keyctl(8); break; case KeyEvent.VK_A: System.out.println("left"); gamePanel.keyctl(5); break; case KeyEvent.VK_S: System.out.println("down"); gamePanel.keyctl(6); break; case KeyEvent.VK_W: System.out.println("UP"); gamePanel.keyctl(7); break; case KeyEvent.VK_D: System.out.println("right"); gamePanel.keyctl(8); break; } }