private void altCommitToOriginal(@NotNull DocumentEvent e) { final PsiFile origPsiFile = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).getPsiFile(myOrigDocument); String newText = myNewDocument.getText(); // prepare guarded blocks LinkedHashMap<String, String> replacementMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); int count = 0; for (RangeMarker o : ContainerUtil.reverse(((DocumentEx) myNewDocument).getGuardedBlocks())) { String replacement = o.getUserData(REPLACEMENT_KEY); String tempText = "REPLACE" + (count++) + Long.toHexString(StringHash.calc(replacement)); newText = newText.substring(0, o.getStartOffset()) + tempText + newText.substring(o.getEndOffset()); replacementMap.put(tempText, replacement); } // run preformat processors final int hostStartOffset = myAltFullRange.getStartOffset(); myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(hostStartOffset); for (CopyPastePreProcessor preProcessor : Extensions.getExtensions(CopyPastePreProcessor.EP_NAME)) { newText = preProcessor.preprocessOnPaste(myProject, origPsiFile, myEditor, newText, null); } myOrigDocument.replaceString(hostStartOffset, myAltFullRange.getEndOffset(), newText); // replace temp strings for guarded blocks for (String tempText : replacementMap.keySet()) { int idx = CharArrayUtil.indexOf( myOrigDocument.getCharsSequence(), tempText, hostStartOffset, myAltFullRange.getEndOffset()); myOrigDocument.replaceString(idx, idx + tempText.length(), replacementMap.get(tempText)); } // JAVA: fix occasional char literal concatenation fixDocumentQuotes(myOrigDocument, hostStartOffset - 1); fixDocumentQuotes(myOrigDocument, myAltFullRange.getEndOffset()); // reformat PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).commitDocument(myOrigDocument); Runnable task = () -> { try { CodeStyleManager.getInstance(myProject) .reformatRange(origPsiFile, hostStartOffset, myAltFullRange.getEndOffset(), true); } catch (IncorrectOperationException e1) { // LOG.error(e); } }; DocumentUtil.executeInBulk(myOrigDocument, true, task); PsiElement newInjected = InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(myProject) .findInjectedElementAt(origPsiFile, hostStartOffset); DocumentWindow documentWindow = newInjected == null ? null : InjectedLanguageUtil.getDocumentWindow(newInjected); if (documentWindow != null) { myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(documentWindow.injectedToHost(e.getOffset())); myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.MAKE_VISIBLE); } }
private void updateCursorHighlighting(boolean scroll) { hideBalloon(); if (myCursorHighlighter != null) { HighlightManager.getInstance(mySearchResults.getProject()) .removeSegmentHighlighter(mySearchResults.getEditor(), myCursorHighlighter); myCursorHighlighter = null; } final FindResult cursor = mySearchResults.getCursor(); Editor editor = mySearchResults.getEditor(); SelectionModel selection = editor.getSelectionModel(); if (cursor != null) { Set<RangeHighlighter> dummy = new HashSet<RangeHighlighter>(); highlightRange( cursor, new TextAttributes(null, null, Color.BLACK, EffectType.ROUNDED_BOX, 0), dummy); if (!dummy.isEmpty()) { myCursorHighlighter = dummy.iterator().next(); } if (scroll) { if (mySearchResults.getFindModel().isGlobal()) { FoldingModel foldingModel = editor.getFoldingModel(); final FoldRegion[] allRegions = editor.getFoldingModel().getAllFoldRegions(); foldingModel.runBatchFoldingOperation( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (FoldRegion region : allRegions) { if (!region.isValid()) continue; if (cursor.intersects(TextRange.create(region))) { region.setExpanded(true); } } } }); selection.setSelection(cursor.getStartOffset(), cursor.getEndOffset()); editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(cursor.getEndOffset()); editor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.CENTER); } else { if (!SearchResults.insideVisibleArea(editor, cursor)) { LogicalPosition pos = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(cursor.getStartOffset()); editor.getScrollingModel().scrollTo(pos, ScrollType.CENTER); } } } editor .getScrollingModel() .runActionOnScrollingFinished( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { showReplacementPreview(); } }); } }
/** * Emulates pressing <code>Enter</code> at current caret position. * * @param editor target editor * @param project target project * @param shifts two-elements array which is expected to be filled with the following info: 1. The * first element holds added lines number; 2. The second element holds added symbols number; */ private static void emulateEnter( @NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull Project project, int[] shifts) { final DataContext dataContext = prepareContext(editor.getComponent(), project); int caretOffset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); Document document = editor.getDocument(); SelectionModel selectionModel = editor.getSelectionModel(); int startSelectionOffset = 0; int endSelectionOffset = 0; boolean restoreSelection = selectionModel.hasSelection(); if (restoreSelection) { startSelectionOffset = selectionModel.getSelectionStart(); endSelectionOffset = selectionModel.getSelectionEnd(); selectionModel.removeSelection(); } int textLengthBeforeWrap = document.getTextLength(); int lineCountBeforeWrap = document.getLineCount(); DataManager.getInstance() .saveInDataContext(dataContext, WRAP_LONG_LINE_DURING_FORMATTING_IN_PROGRESS_KEY, true); CommandProcessor commandProcessor = CommandProcessor.getInstance(); try { Runnable command = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { EditorActionManager.getInstance() .getActionHandler(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_ENTER) .execute(editor, dataContext); } }; if (commandProcessor.getCurrentCommand() == null) { commandProcessor.executeCommand(editor.getProject(), command, WRAP_LINE_COMMAND_NAME, null); } else {; } } finally { DataManager.getInstance() .saveInDataContext(dataContext, WRAP_LONG_LINE_DURING_FORMATTING_IN_PROGRESS_KEY, null); } int symbolsDiff = document.getTextLength() - textLengthBeforeWrap; if (restoreSelection) { int newSelectionStart = startSelectionOffset; int newSelectionEnd = endSelectionOffset; if (startSelectionOffset >= caretOffset) { newSelectionStart += symbolsDiff; } if (endSelectionOffset >= caretOffset) { newSelectionEnd += symbolsDiff; } selectionModel.setSelection(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd); } shifts[0] = document.getLineCount() - lineCountBeforeWrap; shifts[1] = symbolsDiff; }
private void setStructureViewSelectionFromPropertiesFile(@NotNull Editor propertiesFileEditor) { int line = propertiesFileEditor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition().line; Document document = propertiesFileEditor.getDocument(); if (line >= document.getLineCount()) { return; } final String propertyName = getPropertyName(document, line); if (propertyName == null) { return; } setStructureViewSelection(propertyName); }
private void setPropertiesFileSelectionFromStructureView(@NotNull Editor propertiesFileEditor) { String selectedPropertyName = getSelectedPropertyName(); if (selectedPropertyName == null) { return; } Document document = propertiesFileEditor.getDocument(); for (int i = 0; i < document.getLineCount(); i++) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(document, i); if (selectedPropertyName.equals(propertyName)) { propertiesFileEditor.getCaretModel().moveToLogicalPosition(new LogicalPosition(i, 0)); return; } } }
/** * Applies given caret/selection state to the editor. Editor text must have been set up * previously. */ public static void setCaretsAndSelection(Editor editor, CaretAndSelectionState caretsState) { CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); if (caretModel.supportsMultipleCarets()) { List<CaretState> states = new ArrayList<CaretState>(caretsState.carets.size()); for (CaretInfo caret : caretsState.carets) { states.add( new CaretState( caret.position == null ? null : editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(caret.getCaretOffset(editor.getDocument())), caret.selection == null ? null : editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(caret.selection.getStartOffset()), caret.selection == null ? null : editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(caret.selection.getEndOffset()))); } caretModel.setCaretsAndSelections(states); } else { assertEquals("Multiple carets are not supported by the model", 1, caretsState.carets.size()); CaretInfo caret = caretsState.carets.get(0); if (caret.position != null) { caretModel.moveToOffset(caret.getCaretOffset(editor.getDocument())); } if (caret.selection != null) { editor .getSelectionModel() .setSelection(caret.selection.getStartOffset(), caret.selection.getEndOffset()); } else { editor.getSelectionModel().removeSelection(); } } if (caretsState.blockSelection != null) { editor .getSelectionModel() .setBlockSelection( editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(caretsState.blockSelection.getStartOffset()), editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(caretsState.blockSelection.getEndOffset())); } }
private void insertLookupString(LookupElement item, final int prefix) { final String lookupString = getCaseCorrectedLookupString(item); final Editor hostEditor = InjectedLanguageUtil.getTopLevelEditor(myEditor); hostEditor .getCaretModel() .runForEachCaret( new CaretAction() { @Override public void perform(Caret caret) { EditorModificationUtil.deleteSelectedText(hostEditor); final int caretOffset = hostEditor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); int lookupStart = Math.max(caretOffset - prefix, 0); int len = hostEditor.getDocument().getTextLength(); LOG.assertTrue( lookupStart >= 0 && lookupStart <= len, "ls: " + lookupStart + " caret: " + caretOffset + " prefix:" + prefix + " doc: " + len); LOG.assertTrue( caretOffset >= 0 && caretOffset <= len, "co: " + caretOffset + " doc: " + len); hostEditor.getDocument().replaceString(lookupStart, caretOffset, lookupString); int offset = lookupStart + lookupString.length(); hostEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(offset); hostEditor.getSelectionModel().removeSelection(); } }); myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.RELATIVE); }
@Override @SuppressWarnings({"AssignmentToForLoopParameter"}) public void paint( @NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull RangeHighlighter highlighter, @NotNull Graphics g) { int startOffset = highlighter.getStartOffset(); final Document doc = highlighter.getDocument(); if (startOffset >= doc.getTextLength()) return; final int endOffset = highlighter.getEndOffset(); final int endLine = doc.getLineNumber(endOffset); int off; int startLine = doc.getLineNumber(startOffset); IndentGuideDescriptor descriptor = editor.getIndentsModel().getDescriptor(startLine, endLine); final CharSequence chars = doc.getCharsSequence(); do { int start = doc.getLineStartOffset(startLine); int end = doc.getLineEndOffset(startLine); off = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(chars, start, end, " \t"); startLine--; } while (startLine > 1 && off < doc.getTextLength() && chars.charAt(off) == '\n'); final VisualPosition startPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(off); int indentColumn = startPosition.column; // It's considered that indent guide can cross not only white space but comments, javadocs // etc. Hence, there is a possible // case that the first indent guide line is, say, single-line comment where comment // symbols ('//') are located at the first // visual column. We need to calculate correct indent guide column then. int lineShift = 1; if (indentColumn <= 0 && descriptor != null) { indentColumn = descriptor.indentLevel; lineShift = 0; } if (indentColumn <= 0) return; final FoldingModel foldingModel = editor.getFoldingModel(); if (foldingModel.isOffsetCollapsed(off)) return; final FoldRegion headerRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(doc.getLineEndOffset(doc.getLineNumber(off))); final FoldRegion tailRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset( doc.getLineStartOffset(doc.getLineNumber(endOffset))); if (tailRegion != null && tailRegion == headerRegion) return; final boolean selected; final IndentGuideDescriptor guide = editor.getIndentsModel().getCaretIndentGuide(); if (guide != null) { final CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); final int caretOffset = caretModel.getOffset(); selected = caretOffset >= off && caretOffset < endOffset && caretModel.getLogicalPosition().column == indentColumn; } else { selected = false; } Point start = editor.visualPositionToXY( new VisualPosition(startPosition.line + lineShift, indentColumn)); final VisualPosition endPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(endOffset); Point end = editor.visualPositionToXY(new VisualPosition(endPosition.line, endPosition.column)); int maxY = end.y; if (endPosition.line == editor.offsetToVisualPosition(doc.getTextLength()).line) { maxY += editor.getLineHeight(); } Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(); if (clip != null) { if (clip.y >= maxY || clip.y + clip.height <= start.y) { return; } maxY = Math.min(maxY, clip.y + clip.height); } final EditorColorsScheme scheme = editor.getColorsScheme(); g.setColor( selected ? scheme.getColor(EditorColors.SELECTED_INDENT_GUIDE_COLOR) : scheme.getColor(EditorColors.INDENT_GUIDE_COLOR)); // There is a possible case that indent line intersects soft wrap-introduced text. // Example: // this is a long line <soft-wrap> // that| is soft-wrapped // | // | <- vertical indent // // Also it's possible that no additional intersections are added because of soft wrap: // this is a long line <soft-wrap> // | that is soft-wrapped // | // | <- vertical indent // We want to use the following approach then: // 1. Show only active indent if it crosses soft wrap-introduced text; // 2. Show indent as is if it doesn't intersect with soft wrap-introduced text; if (selected) { g.drawLine(start.x + 2, start.y, start.x + 2, maxY); } else { int y = start.y; int newY = start.y; SoftWrapModel softWrapModel = editor.getSoftWrapModel(); int lineHeight = editor.getLineHeight(); for (int i = Math.max(0, startLine + lineShift); i < endLine && newY < maxY; i++) { List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = softWrapModel.getSoftWrapsForLine(i); int logicalLineHeight = softWraps.size() * lineHeight; if (i > startLine + lineShift) { logicalLineHeight += lineHeight; // We assume that initial 'y' value points just below the target // line. } if (!softWraps.isEmpty() && softWraps.get(0).getIndentInColumns() < indentColumn) { if (y < newY || i > startLine + lineShift) { // There is a possible case that soft wrap is located on // indent start line. g.drawLine(start.x + 2, y, start.x + 2, newY + lineHeight); } newY += logicalLineHeight; y = newY; } else { newY += logicalLineHeight; } FoldRegion foldRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(doc.getLineEndOffset(i)); if (foldRegion != null && foldRegion.getEndOffset() < doc.getTextLength()) { i = doc.getLineNumber(foldRegion.getEndOffset()); } } if (y < maxY) { g.drawLine(start.x + 2, y, start.x + 2, maxY); } } }
public void doWrapLongLinesIfNecessary( @NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final Project project, @NotNull Document document, int startOffset, int endOffset) { // Normalization. int startOffsetToUse = Math.min(document.getTextLength(), Math.max(0, startOffset)); int endOffsetToUse = Math.min(document.getTextLength(), Math.max(0, endOffset)); LineWrapPositionStrategy strategy = LanguageLineWrapPositionStrategy.INSTANCE.forEditor(editor); CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence(); int startLine = document.getLineNumber(startOffsetToUse); int endLine = document.getLineNumber(Math.max(0, endOffsetToUse - 1)); int maxLine = Math.min(document.getLineCount(), endLine + 1); int tabSize = EditorUtil.getTabSize(editor); if (tabSize <= 0) { tabSize = 1; } int spaceSize = EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(Font.PLAIN, editor); int[] shifts = new int[2]; // shifts[0] - lines shift. // shift[1] - offset shift. for (int line = startLine; line < maxLine; line++) { int startLineOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(line); int endLineOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(line); final int preferredWrapPosition = calculatePreferredWrapPosition( editor, text, tabSize, spaceSize, startLineOffset, endLineOffset, endOffsetToUse); if (preferredWrapPosition < 0 || preferredWrapPosition >= endLineOffset) { continue; } if (preferredWrapPosition >= endOffsetToUse) { return; } // We know that current line exceeds right margin if control flow reaches this place, so, wrap // it. int wrapOffset = strategy.calculateWrapPosition( document, editor.getProject(), Math.max(startLineOffset, startOffsetToUse), Math.min(endLineOffset, endOffsetToUse), preferredWrapPosition, false, false); if (wrapOffset < 0 // No appropriate wrap position is found. // No point in splitting line when its left part contains only white spaces, example: // line start -> | | <- right margin // | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa() <- don't want to wrap this // line even if it exceeds right margin || CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(text, startLineOffset, wrapOffset - 1, " \t") < startLineOffset) { continue; } // Move caret to the target position and emulate pressing <enter>. editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(wrapOffset); emulateEnter(editor, project, shifts); // We know that number of lines is just increased, hence, update the data accordingly. maxLine += shifts[0]; endOffsetToUse += shifts[1]; } }
public static void verifyCaretAndSelectionState( Editor editor, CaretAndSelectionState caretState, String message) { boolean hasChecks = false; for (int i = 0; i < caretState.carets.size(); i++) { EditorTestUtil.CaretInfo expected = caretState.carets.get(i); if (expected.position != null || expected.selection != null) { hasChecks = true; break; } } if (!hasChecks) { return; // nothing to check, so we skip caret/selection assertions } String messageSuffix = message == null ? "" : (message + ": "); CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); List<Caret> allCarets = new ArrayList<Caret>(caretModel.getAllCarets()); assertEquals( messageSuffix + " Unexpected number of carets", caretState.carets.size(), allCarets.size()); for (int i = 0; i < caretState.carets.size(); i++) { String caretDescription = caretState.carets.size() == 1 ? "" : "caret " + (i + 1) + "/" + caretState.carets.size() + " "; Caret currentCaret = allCarets.get(i); int actualCaretLine = editor.getDocument().getLineNumber(currentCaret.getOffset()); int actualCaretColumn = currentCaret.getOffset() - editor.getDocument().getLineStartOffset(actualCaretLine); LogicalPosition actualCaretPosition = new LogicalPosition(actualCaretLine, actualCaretColumn); int selectionStart = currentCaret.getSelectionStart(); int selectionEnd = currentCaret.getSelectionEnd(); LogicalPosition actualSelectionStart = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(selectionStart); LogicalPosition actualSelectionEnd = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(selectionEnd); CaretInfo expected = caretState.carets.get(i); if (expected.position != null) { assertEquals( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "unexpected caret position", expected.position, actualCaretPosition); } if (expected.selection != null) { LogicalPosition expectedSelectionStart = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(expected.selection.getStartOffset()); LogicalPosition expectedSelectionEnd = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(expected.selection.getEndOffset()); assertEquals( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "unexpected selection start", expectedSelectionStart, actualSelectionStart); assertEquals( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "unexpected selection end", expectedSelectionEnd, actualSelectionEnd); } else { assertFalse( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "should has no selection, but was: (" + actualSelectionStart + ", " + actualSelectionEnd + ")", currentCaret.hasSelection()); } } }
private void addListeners() { myEditor .getDocument() .addDocumentListener( new DocumentAdapter() { @Override public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent e) { if (!myChangeGuard && !myFinishing) { hide(); } } }, this); final CaretListener caretListener = new CaretAdapter() { @Override public void caretPositionChanged(CaretEvent e) { if (!myChangeGuard && !myFinishing) { hide(); } } }; final SelectionListener selectionListener = new SelectionListener() { @Override public void selectionChanged(final SelectionEvent e) { if (!myChangeGuard && !myFinishing) { hide(); } } }; final EditorMouseListener mouseListener = new EditorMouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(EditorMouseEvent e) { e.consume(); hide(); } }; myEditor.getCaretModel().addCaretListener(caretListener); myEditor.getSelectionModel().addSelectionListener(selectionListener); myEditor.addEditorMouseListener(mouseListener); Disposer.register( this, new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { myEditor.getCaretModel().removeCaretListener(caretListener); myEditor.getSelectionModel().removeSelectionListener(selectionListener); myEditor.removeEditorMouseListener(mouseListener); } }); JComponent editorComponent = myEditor.getContentComponent(); if (editorComponent.isShowing()) { Disposer.register( this, new UiNotifyConnector( editorComponent, new Activatable() { @Override public void showNotify() {} @Override public void hideNotify() { hideLookup(false); } })); } myList.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener() { private LookupElement oldItem = null; @Override public void valueChanged(@NotNull ListSelectionEvent e) { if (!myUpdating) { final LookupElement item = getCurrentItem(); fireCurrentItemChanged(oldItem, item); oldItem = item; } } }); new ClickListener() { @Override public boolean onClick(@NotNull MouseEvent e, int clickCount) { setFocusDegree(FocusDegree.FOCUSED); markSelectionTouched(); if (clickCount == 2) { CommandProcessor.getInstance() .executeCommand( myProject, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { finishLookup(NORMAL_SELECT_CHAR); } }, "", null); } return true; } }.installOn(myList); }
@Nullable @Override public TextBlockTransferableData collectTransferableData( PsiFile file, Editor editor, int[] startOffsets, int[] endOffsets) { if (!"editor.richcopy.enable")) { return null; } try { for (TextWithMarkupBuilder builder : myBuilders) { builder.reset(); } SelectionModel selectionModel = editor.getSelectionModel(); if (selectionModel.hasBlockSelection()) { return null; // unsupported legacy mode } RichCopySettings settings = RichCopySettings.getInstance(); List<Caret> carets = editor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets(); Caret firstCaret = carets.get(0); final int indentSymbolsToStrip; final int firstLineStartOffset; if (settings.isStripIndents() && carets.size() == 1) { Pair<Integer, Integer> p = calcIndentSymbolsToStrip( editor.getDocument(), firstCaret.getSelectionStart(), firstCaret.getSelectionEnd()); firstLineStartOffset = p.first; indentSymbolsToStrip = p.second; } else { firstLineStartOffset = firstCaret.getSelectionStart(); indentSymbolsToStrip = 0; } logInitial(editor, startOffsets, endOffsets, indentSymbolsToStrip, firstLineStartOffset); CharSequence text = editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(); EditorColorsScheme schemeToUse = settings.getColorsScheme(editor.getColorsScheme()); EditorHighlighter highlighter = HighlighterFactory.createHighlighter( file.getVirtualFile(), schemeToUse, file.getProject()); highlighter.setText(text); MarkupModel markupModel = DocumentMarkupModel.forDocument(editor.getDocument(), file.getProject(), false); Context context = new Context(text, schemeToUse, indentSymbolsToStrip); int shift = 0; int endOffset = 0; Caret prevCaret = null; for (Caret caret : carets) { int caretSelectionStart = caret.getSelectionStart(); int caretSelectionEnd = caret.getSelectionEnd(); int startOffsetToUse; if (caret == firstCaret) { startOffsetToUse = firstLineStartOffset; } else { startOffsetToUse = caretSelectionStart; assert prevCaret != null; String prevCaretSelectedText = prevCaret.getSelectedText(); // Block selection fills short lines by white spaces. int fillStringLength = prevCaretSelectedText == null ? 0 : prevCaretSelectedText.length() - (prevCaret.getSelectionEnd() - prevCaret.getSelectionStart()); int endLineOffset = endOffset + shift + fillStringLength; context.builder.addText(endLineOffset, endLineOffset + 1); shift++; // Block selection ends '\n' at line end shift += fillStringLength; } shift += endOffset - caretSelectionStart; endOffset = caretSelectionEnd; context.reset(shift); prevCaret = caret; if (endOffset <= startOffsetToUse) { continue; } MarkupIterator markupIterator = new MarkupIterator( text, new CompositeRangeIterator( schemeToUse, new HighlighterRangeIterator(highlighter, startOffsetToUse, endOffset), new MarkupModelRangeIterator( markupModel, schemeToUse, startOffsetToUse, endOffset)), schemeToUse); try { context.iterate(markupIterator, endOffset); } finally { markupIterator.dispose(); } } SyntaxInfo syntaxInfo = context.finish(); logSyntaxInfo(syntaxInfo); for (TextWithMarkupBuilder builder : myBuilders) {; } } catch (Exception e) { // catching the exception so that the rest of copy/paste functionality can still work fine LOG.error(e); } return null; }