public BufferedImage getGridImage() { if (rendered) return gridImage; if (!loaded) throw new Loading(); gridImage = TexI.mkbuf(cmaps); BufferedImage[] texes = new BufferedImage[256]; Coord c = new Coord(); for (c.y = 0; c.y < cmaps.y; c.y++) { for (c.x = 0; c.x < cmaps.x; c.x++) { int t = gettile(c); BufferedImage tex = tileimg(t, texes); if (tex != null) gridImage.setRGB( c.x, c.y, tex.getRGB( Utils.floormod(c.x, tex.getWidth()), Utils.floormod(c.y, tex.getHeight()))); } } for (c.y = 1; c.y < cmaps.y - 1; c.y++) { for (c.x = 1; c.x < cmaps.x - 1; c.x++) { int t = gettile(c); if ((gettile(c.add(-1, 0)) > t) || (gettile(c.add(1, 0)) > t) || (gettile(c.add(0, -1)) > t) || (gettile(c.add(0, 1)) > t)) gridImage.setRGB(c.x, c.y, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); } } rendered = true; return gridImage; }
private void clearPlane() { int black = Color.BLACK.getRGB(); synchronized (LOCKER) { for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { pixels[i] = black; } } }
// Bildfarben invertieren public void invert() { for (int y = 0; y < this.h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < this.w; x++) { if (isActive(x, y)) this.setRGB(x, y, Color.WHITE.getRGB()); else this.setRGB(x, y, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); } } }
@Override public void setBackground(Color c) { if (txt_box == null) return; // WORKAROUND.OSX: OSX LookAndFeel calls setBackground during ctor of Mem_html; // DATE:2015-05-11 if (c.getRGB() == Color.BLACK.getRGB()) txt_box.setCaretColor(Color.WHITE); else if (c.getRGB() == Color.WHITE.getRGB()) txt_box.setCaretColor(Color.BLACK); super.setBackground(c); }
/* Color.toString() is not great so we need a way to convert a * Color to some easily readable format, since we only * support black, white, blue, green, red, & yellow we can * easily check these by looking at the RGB values of the * color found by calling Color.getRGB(). */ public String colorToString(Color color) { if (color.getRGB() == Color.BLACK.getRGB()) { return "Black"; } else if (color.getRGB() == Color.BLUE.getRGB()) { return "Blue"; } else if (color.getRGB() == Color.GREEN.getRGB()) { return "Green"; } else if (color.getRGB() == Color.RED.getRGB()) { return "Red"; } else if (color.getRGB() == Color.YELLOW.getRGB()) { return "Yellow"; } else { return "No Color Information"; } }
public BufferedImage drawmap(Coord ul, Coord sz) { BufferedImage[] texes = new BufferedImage[256]; MCache m =; BufferedImage buf = TexI.mkbuf(sz); Coord c = new Coord(); for (c.y = 0; c.y < sz.y; c.y++) { for (c.x = 0; c.x < sz.x; c.x++) { int t = m.gettile(ul.add(c)); BufferedImage tex = tileimg(t, texes); int rgb = 0; if (tex != null) rgb = tex.getRGB( Utils.floormod(c.x + ul.x, tex.getWidth()), Utils.floormod(c.y + ul.y, tex.getHeight())); buf.setRGB(c.x, c.y, rgb); } } for (c.y = 1; c.y < sz.y - 1; c.y++) { for (c.x = 1; c.x < sz.x - 1; c.x++) { int t = m.gettile(ul.add(c)); Tiler tl = m.tiler(t); if (tl instanceof Ridges.RidgeTile) { if (Ridges.brokenp(m, ul.add(c))) { for (int y = c.y - 1; y <= c.y + 1; y++) { for (int x = c.x - 1; x <= c.x + 1; x++) { Color cc = new Color(buf.getRGB(x, y)); buf.setRGB( x, y, Utils.blendcol(cc, Color.BLACK, ((x == c.x) && (y == c.y)) ? 1 : 0.1).getRGB()); } } } } } } for (c.y = 0; c.y < sz.y; c.y++) { for (c.x = 0; c.x < sz.x; c.x++) { int t = m.gettile(ul.add(c)); if ((m.gettile(ul.add(c).add(-1, 0)) > t) || (m.gettile(ul.add(c).add(1, 0)) > t) || (m.gettile(ul.add(c).add(0, -1)) > t) || (m.gettile(ul.add(c).add(0, 1)) > t)) buf.setRGB(c.x, c.y, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); } } return (buf); }
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { Component comp = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column); if (value != null && highlight(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column)) { if (isSelected) { comp.setBackground(new Color((HIGHLIGHT_COLOR.getRGB() ^ comp.getBackground().getRGB()))); comp.setForeground(new Color(Color.BLACK.getRGB() ^ comp.getForeground().getRGB())); } else { comp.setBackground(HIGHLIGHT_COLOR); comp.setForeground(Color.BLACK); } } else { if (!isSelected) { comp.setBackground(Color.WHITE); comp.setForeground(Color.BLACK); } } return comp; }
private int[][] seeBMPImage(File file) throws IOException { BufferedImage image =; int[][] array2D = new int[image.getHeight()][image.getWidth()]; for (int xPixel = 0; xPixel < image.getWidth(); xPixel++) { for (int yPixel = 0; yPixel < image.getHeight(); yPixel++) { int color = image.getRGB(xPixel, yPixel); if (color == Color.BLACK.getRGB()) { // array2D[xPixel][yPixel] = 1; array2D[yPixel][xPixel] = 1; } else { // array2D[xPixel][yPixel] = 0; // ? array2D[yPixel][xPixel] = 0; } } } return array2D; }
public void encode(String str, String path, int width, int height) { try { Map hints = new HashMap(); hints.put(EncodeHintType.MARGIN, 0); // hints.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "UTF-8"); hints.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "utf-8"); hints.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.H); BitMatrix byteMatrix = new MultiFormatWriter().encode(str, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, width, height, hints); /** tianboalei 2015-1-22 去掉生成二维码时周围的白圈 */ // 1 int[] rec = byteMatrix.getEnclosingRectangle(); int resWidth = rec[2] + 1; int resHeight = rec[3] + 1; BitMatrix resMatrix = new BitMatrix(resWidth, resHeight); resMatrix.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < resWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < resHeight; j++) { if (byteMatrix.get(i + rec[0], j + rec[1])) { resMatrix.set(i, j); } } } // 2 int widthT = resMatrix.getWidth(); int heightT = resMatrix.getHeight(); BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(widthT, heightT, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); for (int x = 0; x < widthT; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < heightT; y++) { image.setRGB( x, y, resMatrix.get(x, y) == true ? Color.BLACK.getRGB() : Color.WHITE.getRGB()); } } /** 去掉二维码周围白圈结束 */ File file = new File(path); writeToFile(resMatrix, "png", file); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Returns a list of nine-patch data intervals from the specified image. * * @param image nin-patch image to process * @param intervalType intervals type * @return list of nine-patch data intervals from the specified image */ public static List<NinePatchInterval> parseIntervals( final BufferedImage image, final NinePatchIntervalType intervalType) { final boolean hv = intervalType.equals(NinePatchIntervalType.horizontalStretch) || intervalType.equals(NinePatchIntervalType.verticalStretch); final int l = (intervalType.equals(NinePatchIntervalType.horizontalStretch) || intervalType.equals(NinePatchIntervalType.horizontalContent) ? image.getWidth() : image.getHeight()) - 1; final List<NinePatchInterval> intervals = new ArrayList<NinePatchInterval>(); NinePatchInterval interval = null; boolean pixelPart; for (int i = 1; i < l; i++) { final int rgb; switch (intervalType) { case horizontalStretch: rgb = image.getRGB(i, 0); break; case verticalStretch: rgb = image.getRGB(0, i); break; case horizontalContent: rgb = image.getRGB(i, image.getHeight() - 1); break; case verticalContent: rgb = image.getRGB(image.getWidth() - 1, i); break; default: rgb = 0; break; } pixelPart = rgb != Color.BLACK.getRGB(); if (interval == null) { // Initial interval interval = new NinePatchInterval(i - 1, i - 1, pixelPart); } else if (pixelPart == interval.isPixel()) { // Enlarge interval interval.setEnd(i - 1); } else if (pixelPart != interval.isPixel()) { // Add pixel interval only for stretch types and nonpixel for // any type if (hv || !interval.isPixel()) { intervals.add(interval); } // New interval starts interval = new NinePatchInterval(i - 1, i - 1, pixelPart); } } if (interval != null) { // Add pixel interval only for stretch types and nonpixel for any // type if (hv || !interval.isPixel()) { intervals.add(interval); } } return intervals; }
/** Created by Xiaxing SHI on 21/11/15. */ public class BasicPainter implements Painter, DrawingSource { private String name = "My Painting"; private ColorRBG color = new ColorRBG(Color.BLACK.getRGB()); private Pencil pencil = new Pencil(1, color); private Canvas canvas = new Canvas(1024, 1024); private boolean isAWT = true, isSVG = true; private ArrayList<Shape> shapes = new ArrayList<Shape>(); @Override public void setName(String name) { if (name != null) = name; } @Override public void setCanvasSize(int width, int height) { this.canvas.setWidth(width); this.canvas.setHeight(height); } @Override public void setShowInWindow(boolean isWindow) { this.isAWT = isWindow; } @Override public void setSaveAsSVG(boolean isSvg) { this.isSVG = isSvg; } @Override public void stroke(int width, Color color) { this.pencil = new Pencil(width, new ColorRBG((color.getRGB()))); } @Override public void fill(Color color) { this.color = new ColorRBG(color.getRGB()); } @Override public void circle(int x, int y, int r) { Circle c = new Circle(x, y, r); addToShapes(c); } @Override public void ellipse(int x, int y, int rx, int ry) { Ellipse e = new Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry); addToShapes(e); } @Override public void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { Line l = new Line(x1, y1, x2, y2); addToShapes(l); } @Override public void path(LineType type, Point... points) { if (points.length == 0) { return; } Point start = points[0]; ArrayList<PathPart> parts = new ArrayList<PathPart>(); ArrayList<Point> pts = new ArrayList<Point>(Arrays.asList(points)); pts.remove(0); // Remove the start point parts.add(new PathPart(pts, type)); Path p = new Path(start, parts); addToShapes(p); } @Override public void path(Point start, LineType[] types, Point[][] points) { if (types.length != points.length) { return; } Path p = new Path(); p.setStart(start); ArrayList<PathPart> parts = new ArrayList<PathPart>(); for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { parts.add(new PathPart(types[i], points[i])); } p.setParts(parts); addToShapes(p); } @Override public void polygon(Point... points) { ArrayList<Point> pts = new ArrayList<Point>(Arrays.asList(points)); Polygon p = new Polygon(pts); addToShapes(p); } @Override public void polyline(Point... points) { ArrayList<Point> pts = new ArrayList<Point>(Arrays.asList(points)); Polyline p = new Polyline(pts); addToShapes(p); } @Override public void rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x, y, height, width); addToShapes(r); } @Override public void text(int x, int y, String text) { Text t = new Text(x, y, text); addToShapes(t); } @Override public String getName() { return; } @Override public Canvas getCanvas() { return this.canvas; } @Override public ArrayList<Shape> getShapes() { return this.shapes; } @Override public boolean isShowInWindow() { return this.isAWT; } @Override public boolean isSaveAsSVG() { return this.isSVG; } private void addToShapes(Shape shape) { shape.setColor(color); shape.setPencil(pencil); shapes.add(shape); } }
/** * A font in an Image Markup document that originates from a born-digital source, e.g. a * born-digital PDF document. * * @author sautter */ public class ImFont implements ImObject { /** the name of the attribute holding the font name */ public static final String NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "name"; /** the name of the attribute holding the font style */ public static final String STYLE_ATTRIBUTE = "style"; /** the name of the attribute holding character IDs */ public static final String CHARACTER_ID_ATTRIBUTE = "charId"; /** the name of the attribute holding character strings */ public static final String CHARACTER_STRING_ATTRIBUTE = "charString"; /** the name of the attribute holding character images */ public static final String CHARACTER_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE = "charImage"; /** the name of the attribute indicating if the font is serif or sans-serif */ public static final String SERIF_ATTRIBUTE = "serif"; /** * the name of the attribute to a word storing the font specific char codes the word was composed * from */ public static final String CHARACTER_CODE_STRING_ATTRIBUTE = "fontCharCodes"; private ImDocument doc; /** the name of the font */ public final String name; private boolean bold; private boolean italics; private boolean serif; private TreeMap characters = new TreeMap(); /** * Constructor * * @param doc the Image Markup document the font belongs to * @param name the font name */ public ImFont(ImDocument doc, String name) { this(doc, name, false, false, true); } /** * Constructor * * @param doc the Image Markup document the font belongs to * @param name the font name * @param bold is the font bold? * @param italics is the font in italics? * @param serif is the font serif or sans-serif? */ public ImFont(ImDocument doc, String name, boolean bold, boolean italics, boolean serif) { this.doc = doc; = name; this.bold = bold; this.italics = italics; this.serif = serif; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed#setAttribute(java.lang.String) */ public void setAttribute(String name) { if (BOLD_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) this.setBold(true); else if (ITALICS_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) this.setItalics(true); else if (SERIF_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) this.setSerif(true); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed#setAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */ public Object setAttribute(String name, Object value) { if (BOLD_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) { boolean wasBold = this.isBold(); this.setBold(value != null); return new Boolean(wasBold); } else if (ITALICS_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) { boolean wasItalics = this.isItalics(); this.setItalics(value != null); return new Boolean(wasItalics); } else if (SERIF_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) { boolean wasSerif = this.isSerif(); this.setSerif(value != null); return new Boolean(wasSerif); } else if (name.startsWith(CHARACTER_STRING_ATTRIBUTE + "-") && (value instanceof String)) { int charId = Integer.parseInt(name.substring((CHARACTER_STRING_ATTRIBUTE + "-").length())); String oCharStr = this.getString(charId); this.addCharacter(charId, ((String) value), ((BufferedImage) null)); return oCharStr; } else if (name.startsWith(CHARACTER_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE + "-") && (value instanceof BufferedImage)) { int charId = Integer.parseInt(name.substring((CHARACTER_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE + "-").length())); BufferedImage oCharImage = this.getImage(charId); this.addCharacter(charId, null, ((BufferedImage) value)); return oCharImage; } else return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed#copyAttributes(de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed) */ public void copyAttributes(Attributed source) { /* we're not doing this here, as attributes are only to allow for generic undo management */ } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed#getAttribute(java.lang.String) */ public Object getAttribute(String name) { return this.getAttribute(name, null); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed#getAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */ public Object getAttribute(String name, Object def) { if (BOLD_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) return new Boolean(this.isBold()); else if (ITALICS_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) return new Boolean(this.isItalics()); else if (SERIF_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) return new Boolean(this.isSerif()); else if (name.startsWith(CHARACTER_STRING_ATTRIBUTE + "-")) { int charId = Integer.parseInt(name.substring((CHARACTER_STRING_ATTRIBUTE + "-").length())); return this.getString(charId); } else if (name.startsWith(CHARACTER_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE + "-")) { int charId = Integer.parseInt(name.substring((CHARACTER_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE + "-").length())); return this.getImage(charId); } else return def; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed#hasAttribute(java.lang.String) */ public boolean hasAttribute(String name) { return (BOLD_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name) || ITALICS_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name) || SERIF_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed#getAttributeNames() */ public String[] getAttributeNames() { String[] ans = {BOLD_ATTRIBUTE, ITALICS_ATTRIBUTE, SERIF_ATTRIBUTE}; return ans; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed#removeAttribute(java.lang.String) */ public Object removeAttribute(String name) { if (BOLD_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) { boolean wasBold = this.isBold(); this.setBold(false); return new Boolean(wasBold); } else if (ITALICS_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) { boolean wasItalics = this.isItalics(); this.setItalics(false); return new Boolean(wasItalics); } else if (SERIF_ATTRIBUTE.equals(name)) { boolean wasSerif = this.isSerif(); this.setSerif(false); return new Boolean(wasSerif); } else return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.uka.ipd.idaho.gamta.Attributed#clearAttributes() */ public void clearAttributes() { /* we're not doing this here, as attributes are only to allow for generic undo management */ } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public String getType() { return "font"; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setType(String type) {} /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public ImDocument getDocument() { return this.doc; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public String getDocumentProperty(String propertyName) { return this.doc.getDocumentProperty(propertyName); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, java.lang.String) */ public String getDocumentProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue) { return this.doc.getDocumentProperty(propertyName, defaultValue); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public String[] getDocumentPropertyNames() { return this.doc.getDocumentPropertyNames(); } /** * Test whether or not the font is bold. * * @return true if the font is bold, false otherwise */ public boolean isBold() { return this.bold; } /** * Mark the font as bold or non-bold. * * @param bold is the font bold? */ public void setBold(boolean bold) { if (this.bold == bold) return; this.bold = bold; this.doc.notifyAttributeChanged(this, BOLD_ATTRIBUTE, (this.bold ? null : "true")); } /** * Test whether or not the font is in italics. * * @return true if the font is in italics, false otherwise */ public boolean isItalics() { return this.italics; } /** * Mark the font as italics or non-italics. * * @param italics is the font in italics? */ public void setItalics(boolean italics) { if (this.italics == italics) return; this.italics = italics; this.doc.notifyAttributeChanged(this, ITALICS_ATTRIBUTE, (this.italics ? null : "true")); } /** * Test whether the font is serif or sans-serif. * * @return true if the font is serif, false otherwise */ public boolean isSerif() { return this.serif; } /** * Mark the font as serif or sans-serif. * * @param serif is the font serif? */ public void setSerif(boolean serif) { if (this.serif == serif) return; this.serif = serif; this.doc.notifyAttributeChanged(this, SERIF_ATTRIBUTE, (this.serif ? null : "true")); } /** * Retrieve the number of characters in the font. * * @return the number of characters */ public int getCharacterCount() { return this.characters.size(); } /** * Add a character to the font. The character string is supposed to hold a Unicode representation * of the character, preferably one consisting of individual letters, digits, symbols, or * punctuation marks, rather than ligature characters or the like. The returned boolean indicates * if the font was modified, i.e., if a character was added or modified as a result of the call to * this method. * * @param charId the font-local ID of the character * @param charStr the Unicode representation of the character * @return true if the font was modified, false otherwise */ public boolean addCharacter(int charId, String charStr) { return this.addCharacter(charId, charStr, ((BufferedImage) null)); } /** * Add a character to the font. The character string is supposed to hold a Unicode representation * of the character, preferably one consisting of individual letters, digits, symbols, or * punctuation marks, rather than ligature characters or the like. The argument character image is * the glyph corresponding to the character in the source document, if any is explicitly given * there; it allows for users to double-check and modify the transcription of glyphs to Unicode * characters. The character image string is parsed as a hex encoding of a 32 pixel high * black-and-white bitmap. The returned boolean indicates if the font was modified, i.e., if a * character was added or modified as a result of the call to this method. * * @param charId the font-local ID of the character * @param charStr the Unicode representation of the character * @param charImageHex the character image as extracted from the source * @return true if the font was modified, false otherwise */ public boolean addCharacter(int charId, String charStr, String charImageHex) { return this.addCharacter(charId, charStr, decodeCharacterImage(charImageHex)); } /** * Add a character to the font. The character string is supposed to hold a Unicode representation * of the character, preferably one consisting of individual letters, digits, symbols, or * punctuation marks, rather than ligature characters or the like. The argument character image is * the glyph corresponding to the character in the source document, if any is explicitly given * there; it allows for users to double-check and modify the transcription of glyphs to Unicode * characters. The character image should be a black-and-white bitmap, 32 pixels high, with width * allowed to adjust proportionally in accordance to the glyph dimensions. The returned boolean * indicates if the font was modified, i.e., if a character was added or modified as a result of * the call to this method. * * @param charId the font-local ID of the character * @param charStr the Unicode representation of the character * @param charImage the character image as extracted from the source * @return true if the font was modified, false otherwise */ public boolean addCharacter(int charId, String charStr, BufferedImage charImage) { ImCharacter chr = ((ImCharacter) this.characters.get(new Integer(charId))); if (chr == null) { chr = new ImCharacter(charId, charStr, charImage); this.characters.put(new Integer(, chr); return true; } boolean modified = false; if ((charStr != null) && !charStr.equals(chr.str)) { modified = true; String oCharStr = chr.str; chr.str = charStr; this.doc.notifyAttributeChanged(this, (CHARACTER_STRING_ATTRIBUTE + "-" + charId), oCharStr); } if ((charImage != null) && !characterImagesEqual(charImage, chr.image)) { modified = true; BufferedImage oCharImage = chr.image; chr.image = charImage; this.doc.notifyAttributeChanged(this, (CHARACTER_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE + "-" + charId), oCharImage); } return modified; } /** * Retrieve the Unicode string representing a character. * * @param charId the font-local ID of the character * @return the Unicode string of the character with the argument ID */ public String getString(int charId) { ImCharacter chr = ((ImCharacter) this.characters.get(new Integer(charId))); return ((chr == null) ? null : chr.str); } /** * Retrieve the glyph image for a character. * * @param charId the font-local ID of the character * @return the glyph image of the character with the argument ID */ public BufferedImage getImage(int charId) { ImCharacter chr = ((ImCharacter) this.characters.get(new Integer(charId))); return ((chr == null) ? null : chr.image); } /** * Retrieve the hex representation of the glyph image for a character. * * @param charId the font-local ID of the character * @return the hex representation glyph image of the character with the argument ID */ public String getImageHex(int charId) { ImCharacter chr = ((ImCharacter) this.characters.get(new Integer(charId))); return ((chr == null) ? null : encodeCharacterImage(chr.image)); } /** * Retrieve the IDs of all characters belonging to the font. * * @return an array holding the character IDs */ public int[] getCharacterIDs() { int[] charIDs = new int[this.characters.size()]; int charIdIndex = 0; for (Iterator cidit = this.characters.keySet().iterator(); cidit.hasNext(); ) charIDs[charIdIndex++] = ((Integer); return charIDs; } private static class ImCharacter { int id; String str; BufferedImage image; ImCharacter(int id, String str, BufferedImage image) { = id; this.str = str; this.image = image; } } private static final int whiteRgb = Color.WHITE.getRGB(); private static final int blackRgb = Color.BLACK.getRGB(); private static BufferedImage decodeCharacterImage(String charImageHex) { if (charImageHex == null) return null; int charImageWidth = (charImageHex.length() / 8); if (charImageWidth == 0) return null; BufferedImage charImage = new BufferedImage(charImageWidth, 32, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY); int x = 0; int y = 0; int hex; int hexMask; for (int h = 0; h < charImageHex.length(); h++) { hex = Integer.parseInt(charImageHex.substring(h, (h + 1)), 16); hexMask = 8; while (hexMask != 0) { charImage.setRGB(x++, y, (((hex & hexMask) == 0) ? whiteRgb : blackRgb)); hexMask >>= 1; if (x == charImageWidth) { x = 0; y++; } } } return charImage; } private static String encodeCharacterImage(BufferedImage charImage) { if (charImage == null) return null; int hex = 0; int hexBits = 0; StringBuffer charImageHex = new StringBuffer(); for (int y = 0; y < charImage.getHeight(); y++) for (int x = 0; x < charImage.getWidth(); x++) { if (charImage.getRGB(x, y) != whiteRgb) hex += 1; if (hexBits == 3) { charImageHex.append(Integer.toString(hex, 16).toUpperCase()); hex = 0; hexBits = 0; } else { hex <<= 1; hexBits++; } } return charImageHex.toString(); } private static boolean characterImagesEqual(BufferedImage ci1, BufferedImage ci2) { if (ci1 == ci2) return true; if ((ci1 == null) || (ci2 == null)) return false; if ((ci1.getWidth() != ci2.getWidth()) || (ci1.getHeight() != ci2.getHeight())) return false; for (int x = 0; x < ci1.getWidth(); x++) for (int y = 0; y < ci1.getHeight(); y++) { if (ci1.getRGB(x, y) != ci2.getRGB(x, y)) return false; } return true; } /** * Scale a character image to 32 pixels high and proportional width. If the argument image already * is 32 pixels in height, it is simply returned. In any case, the type of the returned image is * the same as that of the argument image. * * @param charImage the character image to scale * @return the scaled character image */ public static BufferedImage scaleCharImage(BufferedImage charImage) { if ((charImage == null) || (charImage.getHeight() == 32)) return charImage; BufferedImage sCharImage = new BufferedImage( Math.max(1, ((charImage.getWidth() * 32) / charImage.getHeight())), 32, charImage.getType()); Graphics2D sCiGr = sCharImage.createGraphics(); sCiGr.setColor(Color.WHITE); sCiGr.fillRect(0, 0, sCharImage.getWidth(), sCharImage.getHeight()); sCiGr.scale((32.0 / charImage.getHeight()), (32.0 / charImage.getHeight())); sCiGr.drawImage(charImage, 0, 0, null); sCiGr.dispose(); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, new JLabel(new ImageIcon(charImage)), ("Scaled " + // charImage.getWidth() + "x" + charImage.getHeight() + " to " + sCharImage.getWidth() + "x" + // sCharImage.getHeight()), JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, new ImageIcon(sCharImage)); return sCharImage; } }
/** * Overrides the Runnable run method. Checks an image to see if it contains a Sign Language letter * and identifies the letter if true. */ @Override public void run() { Random r = new Random(); int currentResult = this.result; while (true) { /* * This is the normal sleep that relaxes the CPU a bit and * lets other threads run fluently. */ try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } while (this.algorithmRunning) { if (this.capturedImageChanged) { synchronized (this.lockObject) { this.capturedImageChanged = false; } /* * This is where the Algorithm method will be called (possibly other classes involded). * For now, instead a simple sleep will be called as simulation. * * try { * Thread.sleep(5000); * } catch (InterruptedException ex) { * ex.printStackTrace(); * } */ /* * Let's see. * Processing and information aquiring part. */ if (this.siblingEye == null) { continue; } BufferedImage capturedIm = this.siblingEye.getImage(); // System.out.format("Brain: capIm's with is %d and height is %d\n", // capturedIm.getWidth(), capturedIm.getHeight()); if (capturedIm == null) { continue; } double ar = (double) (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X2 - EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X1) / (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y2 - EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y1); // System.out.format("Brain: aspect ratio = %.2f\n", ar); int camImWidth, camImHeight; int cutX1 = EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X1; int cutX2 = EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X2; int cutY1 = EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y1; int cutY2 = EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y2; if (ar < DBImage.DB_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO) { camImWidth = (int) Math.round(DBImage.DB_IMAGE_HEIGHT * ar); camImHeight = DBImage.DB_IMAGE_HEIGHT; double cutHeight = (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y2 - EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y1 - (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X2 - EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X1) / DBImage.DB_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO) / 2; cutY1 = (int) (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y1 + cutHeight); cutY2 = (int) (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y2 - cutHeight); } else { camImWidth = DBImage.DB_IMAGE_WIDTH; camImHeight = (int) Math.round(DBImage.DB_IMAGE_WIDTH / ar); double cutWidth = (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X2 - EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X1 - (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y2 - EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_Y1) * DBImage.DB_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO) / 2; cutX1 = (int) (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X1 + cutWidth); cutX2 = (int) (EyeWebcam.HAND_CUT_X2 - cutWidth); } // System.out.format("Brain: camImWidth = %d, camImHeight = %d\n", camImWidth, // camImHeight); // System.out.format("Brain: cutX2 = %d, cutX1 = %d, cutY2 = %d, cutY1 = %d\n", cutX2, // cutX1, cutY2, cutY1); // System.out.format("Brain: cutX2 - cutX1 / cutY2 - cutY1 = %.3f\n", (double) (cutX2 - // cutX1) / (cutY2 - cutY1)); int[][] cutResizedGrayIntIm = ImageAlgorithms.buffIm2CutGrayResizedIntIm( capturedIm, cutX1, cutY1, cutX2, cutY2, DBImage.DB_IMAGE_WIDTH, DBImage.DB_IMAGE_HEIGHT); if (cutResizedGrayIntIm == null) { continue; } GrayImageAndHistogram contourIntImAndHistogram = ImageAlgorithms.grayIntIm2ContourImAndHistogram( cutResizedGrayIntIm, DBImage.CONTOUR_POWER); int[][] contourIntIm = contourIntImAndHistogram.getGrayImage(); int[] histogram = contourIntImAndHistogram.getHistogram(); int threshold = ImageAlgorithms.computeNecessaryThreshold( DBImage.WHITE_PROPORTION, histogram, camImWidth * camImHeight); // System.out.format("Brain: threshold = %d\n", threshold); boolean[][] camBoolIm = ImageAlgorithms.grayIntIm2BoolIm(contourIntIm, threshold); this.processedImage = ImageAlgorithms.boolIm2BuffIm(camBoolIm, Color.BLACK.getRGB(), Color.WHITE.getRGB()); Shape greatestShape = ImageAlgorithms.findGreatestShape(camBoolIm); // System.out.format("Brain: greatestShape's area is %d\n", greatestShape.getArea()); Point2D leftMostPoint = greatestShape.getLeftMostPoint(); Point2D rightMostPoint = greatestShape.getRightMostPoint(); Point2D bottomMostPoint = greatestShape.getBottomMostPoint(); Point2D topMostPoint = greatestShape.getTopMostPoint(); Shape leftShape = ImageAlgorithms.reduceShapeHVAreaLimit( greatestShape, leftMostPoint, DBImage.HV_THINNESS, true, DBImage.HV_AREA_LIMIT); Shape rightShape = ImageAlgorithms.reduceShapeHVAreaLimit( greatestShape, rightMostPoint, DBImage.HV_THINNESS, true, DBImage.HV_AREA_LIMIT); Shape topShape = ImageAlgorithms.reduceShapeHVAreaLimit( greatestShape, topMostPoint, DBImage.HV_THINNESS, false, DBImage.HV_AREA_LIMIT); Shape bottomShape = ImageAlgorithms.reduceShapeHVAreaLimit( greatestShape, bottomMostPoint, DBImage.HV_THINNESS, false, DBImage.HV_AREA_LIMIT); int camLeftShapeCenter = leftShape.getCenter().getX(); int camTopShapeCenter = topShape.getCenter().getY(); int camShapeWidth = rightShape.getCenter().getX() - camLeftShapeCenter; int camShapeHeight = bottomShape.getCenter().getY() - camTopShapeCenter; // System.out.format("Brain: camLeftShapeCenter = %d, camTopShapeCenter = %d, // camShapeWidth = %d, camShapeHeight = %d\n", camLeftShapeCenter, camTopShapeCenter, // camShapeWidth, camShapeHeight); /* Comparison part. * Similar to that sucky algorithm Iulia showed me. * (The algorithm is sucky not Iulia) * BTW talkin'bout Iulia M., not Iulia P. cause Iulia P. _is_ forsure. */ Vector<Letter> letters = this.parentModel.getLetters(); if (letters == null) { continue; } // System.out.format("Brain: got %d letters.\n", letters.size()); Iterator<Letter> itlt = letters.iterator(); int letterIndex = 0; double maxMatchedDouble = 0.0; int maxMatchedIndex = 0; while (itlt.hasNext()) { Letter letter =; Vector<DBImage> dbIms = letter.getDBImages(); // System.out.format("Brain: got %d images for letter %d.\n", dbIms.size(), // letterIndex); if (dbIms == null) { continue; } Iterator<DBImage> itim = dbIms.iterator(); int imIndex = 0; int nMatched = 0; while (itim.hasNext()) { DBImage dbIm =; boolean[][] dbBoolIm = dbIm.getRaster(); // System.out.format("dbBoolIm's width and heigth is %d and %d\n", dbBoolIm[0].length, // dbBoolIm.length); int dbLeftShapeCenter = dbIm.getLeftShapeCenter(); int dbTopShapeCenter = dbIm.getTopShapeCenter(); int dbShapeWidth = dbIm.getShapeWidth(); int dbShapeHeight = dbIm.getShapeHeight(); // System.out.format("Brain: dbLeftShapeCenter = %d, dbTopShapeCenter = %d, // dbShapeWidth = %d, dbShapeHeight = %d\n", dbLeftShapeCenter, dbTopShapeCenter, // dbShapeWidth, dbShapeHeight); boolean[][] transZoomedBoolIm = ImageAlgorithms.transZoomBoolIm( camBoolIm, dbLeftShapeCenter - camLeftShapeCenter, dbTopShapeCenter - camTopShapeCenter, (double) dbShapeWidth / camShapeWidth, (double) dbShapeHeight / camShapeHeight, camLeftShapeCenter, camTopShapeCenter); // this.processedImage = ImageAlgorithms.boolIm2BuffIm(transZoomedBoolIm, // Color.BLACK.getRGB(), Color.BLUE.brighter().getRGB()); // System.out.format("transZoomedBoolIm's width and heigth is %d and %d\n", // transZoomedBoolIm[0].length, transZoomedBoolIm.length); double match = ImageAlgorithms.compareTwoBoolIms(camBoolIm, dbBoolIm); // double match = ImageAlgorithms.compareTwoBoolIms(transZoomedBoolIm, dbBoolIm); // System.out.format("matching with letter %d, %d. image gives %.3f\n", letterIndex, // imIndex, match); if (match >= Brain.MINIMUM_RATE_NEEDED_TO_MATCH) { nMatched++; } imIndex++; } double nMatchedDouble = (double) nMatched / dbIms.size(); if (nMatchedDouble > maxMatchedDouble) { maxMatchedDouble = nMatchedDouble; maxMatchedIndex = letterIndex + 1; } letterIndex++; } System.out.format( "Brain: compared with %d letters, maxMatchedDouble = %.3f, maxMatchedIndex = %d.\n", letterIndex, maxMatchedDouble, maxMatchedIndex); /* Evaluating the comparison. */ if (maxMatchedDouble > Brain.MINIMUM_PROPORTION_OF_IMAGES_NEEDED_TO_MATCH) { currentResult = maxMatchedIndex; } else { currentResult = -1; } /* For testing: */ // currentResult = 1 + r.nextInt(4); } if (currentResult != this.result) { this.result = currentResult; System.out.format("Brain: new result = %d\n", result); this.parentModel.setBrainResultChanged(); } } } }
// Zeichent ein Schwarzes Punkt public void activate(int x, int y) { this.setRGB(x, y, Color.BLACK.getRGB()); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.renderer2d.Renderer2DPainter#paint(java.awt.Graphics2D, * pt.up.fe.dceg.neptus.renderer2d.StateRenderer2D) */ @Override public void paint(Graphics2D g2, StateRenderer2D renderer) { // if (!showInRender) // return; double alfaPercentage = 1; int dt = 3; long deltaTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCalcPosTimeMillis; if (deltaTimeMillis > secondsToDisplayRanges * 1000.0) { // alfaPercentage = 0.5; dt = 0; } else if (deltaTimeMillis > secondsToDisplayRanges * 1000.0 / 2.0) { // alfaPercentage = 0.5; dt = 1; } else if (deltaTimeMillis > secondsToDisplayRanges * 1000.0 / 4.0) { // alfaPercentage = 0.7; dt = 2; } double rotationAngle = renderer.getRotation(); Point2D centerPos = renderer.getScreenPosition(new LocationType(location)); Color color = orangeNINFO; // Paint system loc Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g2.create(); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); { double diameter = Math.max(length, width); if (diameter > 0) { Graphics2D gt = (Graphics2D) g.create(); double scaleX = (renderer.getZoom() / 10) * width; double scaleY = (renderer.getZoom() / 10) * length; diameter = diameter * renderer.getZoom(); Color colorCircle = new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (150 * alfaPercentage)); gt.setColor(colorCircle); gt.draw( new Ellipse2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - diameter / 2, centerPos.getY() - diameter / 2, diameter, diameter)); gt.translate(centerPos.getX(), centerPos.getY()); gt.rotate(Math.PI + Math.toRadians(headingDegrees) - renderer.getRotation()); if (useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf != null && useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() != 0) { gt.rotate( Math.toRadians( -(-useHeadingAngleToDerivedHeading * 0 + useHeadingOffsetFromDerivedHeading))); } gt.scale(scaleX, scaleY); gt.fill(myShape); gt.dispose(); } } if (dt > 0) { g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); // g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(centerPos.getX()-10,centerPos.getY()-10,20,20)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 12, centerPos.getY() - 12, 24, 24, -30, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 12, centerPos.getY() - 12, 24, 24, -30 + 180, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); // g.setColor(new Color(255, 200, 0, (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); color = orangeNINFO; // new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); g.setColor( new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); // g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(centerPos.getX()-12,centerPos.getY()-12,24,24)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 14, centerPos.getY() - 14, 28, 28, -30, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 14, centerPos.getY() - 14, 28, 28, -30 + 180, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); } if (dt > 1) { g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); // g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(centerPos.getX()-14,centerPos.getY()-14,28,28)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 16, centerPos.getY() - 16, 32, 32, -30, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 16, centerPos.getY() - 16, 32, 32, -30 + 180, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); color = orangeNINFO; // new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); g.setColor( new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (255 * alfaPercentage))); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 18, centerPos.getY() - 18, 36, 36, -30, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); g.draw( new Arc2D.Double( centerPos.getX() - 18, centerPos.getY() - 18, 36, 36, -30 + 180, 60, Arc2D.OPEN)); } g.translate(centerPos.getX(), centerPos.getY()); color = orangeNINFO; // new Color(255, 255, 0).darker(); color = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (255 * alfaPercentage)); g.setColor(color); g.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(-9, -9, 18, 18)); // g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 0, (int) (150 * alfaPercentage)).brighter()); color = orangeNINFO.brighter(); // new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); color = new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (255 * alfaPercentage)); g.setColor(color); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(-9, -9, 18, 18)); g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, (int) (140 * alfaPercentage))); g.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(-2, -2, 4, 4)); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); if (true) { double newYaw = Math.toRadians(headingDegrees); Shape shape = getArrow(); g.rotate(-rotationAngle); g.rotate(newYaw + Math.PI); color = Color.BLACK; // orangeNINFO.brighter();//new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); g.setColor( new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (150 * alfaPercentage))); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); g.fill(shape); color = Color.BLACK.darker(); // orangeNINFO.brighter();//new Color(255, 255, 0).brighter(); g.setColor( new Color( color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), (int) (150 * alfaPercentage))); g.draw(shape); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.rotate(-(newYaw + Math.PI)); g.rotate(rotationAngle); } // g.drawString("Me" // + (followingPositionOf != null && followingPositionOf.length() != 0 ? " [using " + // followingPositionOf + "]" // : "") // + (useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf != null && useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() != 0 ? " // [heading from " // + useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf + " (@" + // + useHeadingAngleToDerivedHeading + CoordinateUtil.CHAR_DEGREE + "#" // + useHeadingOffsetFromDerivedHeading + CoordinateUtil.CHAR_DEGREE // + ")]" : ""), 18, 14); g.drawString( I18n.text("Me") + (followingPositionOf != null && followingPositionOf.length() != 0 ? " " + I18n.text("Pos. external") : "") + (useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf != null && useSystemToDeriveHeadingOf.length() != 0 ? " " + I18n.textc( "Heading external", "indication that the heading comes from external source") : ""), 18, 14); g.translate(-centerPos.getX(), -centerPos.getY()); g.dispose(); }