// This method is called when a request has been made to close a client connection
  public synchronized void disconnectClient(ClientConnection clientConnection) {

    // Ensures this connection exists (a necessary check when this is being called from outside of a
    // clientConnection)
    if (clientConnection != null
        && clientConnection.isConnected()
        && clientSocketList.get(clientSocketList.indexOf(clientConnection)) != null) {

      // Send the client a message telling it to close its socket

      // Then close that socket...the user really doesn't have a choice.  We're just asking to be
      // nice.
              + " "
              + "Forcing disconnection of client "
              + clientConnection.id
              + " on port "
              + port
              + "...");
    } else {

      // If this thread is NOT connected, it may be stuck, so let's send an interrupt to wake it up
      parent.updateStatusBox("Closing listen socket on port " + port + "...");