/** * Moves the paddle left by the movement offset field within the picture window's bounds avoiding * the given ball * * @param pict is the Picture object with the boundary to keep the paddle within * @param ball is a ball that causes the paddle to move back if it's in the way */ public void moveLeft(JFrame pict, Ball ball) { this.x -= this.offset; // Move x left by the offset // Test to see if the paddle moved into the ball if (ball.distance(this.x, this.y) < ball.getRadius() || ball.distance(this.x, this.y + this.height / 2) < ball.getRadius() || ball.distance(this.x, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius()) this.x += this.offset; // If so, move it out of the ball // Test to see if the boundary was in the way to the left if (this.x < 0) this.x = 0; // If so, set left of paddle to zero }
/** * Moves the paddle up by the movement offset field within the picture window's bounds avoiding * the given ball * * @param pict is the Picture object with the boundary to keep the paddle within * @param ball is a ball that causes the paddle to move back if it's in the way */ public void moveUp(JFrame pict, Ball ball) { this.y -= this.offset; // Move y up by the offset // Test to see if the paddle moved into the ball if (ball.distance(this.x, this.y) < ball.getRadius() || ball.distance(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y) < ball.getRadius() || ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y) < ball.getRadius()) this.y += this.offset; // If so, move it out of the ball // Test to see if the boundary was in the way above if (this.y < 0) this.y = 0; // If so, set top of paddle to zero }
/** * Moves the paddle right by the movement offset field within the picture window's bounds avoiding * the given ball * * @param pict is the Picture object with the boundary to keep the paddle within * @param ball is a ball that causes the paddle to move back if it's in the way */ public void moveRight(JFrame pict, Ball ball) { this.x += this.offset; // Move x right by the offset // Test to see if the paddle moved into the ball if (ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y) < ball.getRadius() || ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height / 2) < ball.getRadius() || ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius()) this.x -= this.offset; // If so, move it out of the ball // Test to see if the boundary was in the way on the right if (this.x + this.width > pict.getWidth()) this.x = pict.getWidth() - this.width; // If so, set right to right edge }
/** * Moves the paddle down by the movement offset field within the picture window's bounds avoiding * the given ball * * @param pict is the Picture object with the boundary to keep the paddle within * @param ball is a ball that causes the paddle to move back if it's in the way */ public void moveDown(JFrame pict, Ball ball) { this.y += this.offset; // Move y down by the offset // Test to see if the paddle moved into the ball if (ball.distance(this.x, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius() || ball.distance(this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius() || ball.distance(this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height) < ball.getRadius()) this.y -= this.offset; // If so, move it out of the ball // Test to see if the boundary was in the way below if (this.y + this.height > pict.getHeight()) this.y = pict.getHeight() - this.height; // If so, set bottom to picture bottom }
/** * Determines if the given ball has collided with the paddle and returns true if it has and false * if it has not. If the ball has collided with the paddle the balls movement vectors are modified * so the ball will bounce back at the proper angle. * * @param ball is the ball to examine to see if it has collided with the paddle * @return Returns true if ball collides with paddle and if so updates vectors */ public boolean collision(Ball ball) { // Temp variables for paddle corner coordinates; int pX1 = this.x; int pX2 = pX1 + this.width - 1; int pY1 = this.y; int pY2 = pY1 + this.height - 1; // Temp variables for ball coordinates, movement vectors, and radius int bX = ball.getX(); int bY = ball.getY(); int vX = ball.getXVector(); int vY = ball.getYVector(); int bRad = ball.getRadius(); // Testing for collisions with the paddle edges and the Ball if (bX < pX1 && bY >= pY1 && bY <= pY2 && vX > 0) // left edge { if (bX + bRad > pX1) // will collide with edge { ball.setX(pX1 - bRad); ball.setXVector(-Math.abs(vX)); // Change x direction return true; } } else if (bX > pX2 && bY >= pY1 && bY <= pY2 && vX < 0) // right edge { if (bX - bRad < pX2) // will collide with edge { ball.setX(pX2 + bRad); ball.setXVector(Math.abs(vX)); // Change x direction return true; } } else if (bY < pY1 && bX >= pX1 && bX <= pX2 && vY > 0) // top edge { if (bY + bRad > pY1) // will collide with edge { ball.setY(pY1 - bRad); ball.setYVector(-Math.abs(vY)); // Change y direction return true; } } else if (bY > pY2 && bX >= pX1 && bX <= pX2 && vY < 0) // bottom edge { if (bY - bRad < pY2) // will collide with edge { ball.setY(pY2 + bRad); ball.setYVector(Math.abs(vY)); // Change y direction return true; } } else // Otherwise test to see if the ball hits a corner of the paddle { if (ball.distance(pX1, pY1) <= bRad && ball.distance(pX1, pY1) <= ball.distance(pX2, pY1)) { // top-left corner collision if (Math.abs(pX1 - bX) >= Math.abs(pY1 - bY)) if (vX > 0) ball.setXVector(-vX); if (Math.abs(pX1 - bX) <= Math.abs(pY1 - bY)) if (vY > 0) ball.setYVector(-vY); return true; } else if (ball.distance(pX2, pY1) <= bRad) { // top-right corner collision if (Math.abs(pX2 - bX) >= Math.abs(pY1 - bY)) if (vX < 0) ball.setXVector(-vX); if (Math.abs(pX2 - bX) <= Math.abs(pY1 - bY)) if (vY > 0) ball.setYVector(-vY); return true; } else if (ball.distance(pX2, pY2) <= bRad && ball.distance(pX2, pY2) <= ball.distance(pX1, pY2)) { // bottom-right corner collision if (Math.abs(pX2 - bX) >= Math.abs(pY2 - bY)) if (vX < 0) ball.setXVector(-vX); if (Math.abs(pX2 - bX) <= Math.abs(pY2 - bY)) if (vY < 0) ball.setYVector(-vY); return true; } else if (ball.distance(pX1, pY2) <= bRad) { // bottom-left corner collision if (Math.abs(pX1 - bX) >= Math.abs(pY2 - bY)) if (vX > 0) ball.setXVector(-vX); if (Math.abs(pX1 - bX) <= Math.abs(pY2 - bY)) if (vY < 0) ball.setYVector(-vY); return true; } } return false; }