public void Print() { // If they didn't provide a mech exit if (Mechs.size() == 0) { return; } job.setJobName(jobName.trim()); // Here is where we will show the print dialog, determine if it's a single mech or multiples if (useDialog) { if (Mechs.size() == 1) { if (!PrintDialog((PrintMech) Mechs.get(0))) return; } else { if (!BatchDialog()) return; } } // start building the print objects necessary GeneratePrints(); job.setPageable(pages); boolean DoPrint = job.printDialog(); if (DoPrint) { try { job.print(); } catch (PrinterException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println(e.getStackTrace()); } Mechs.clear(); } }
public void pageableJob(Pageable pageable) throws PrintException { try { synchronized (this) { if (job != null) { // shouldn't happen throw new PrintException("already printing"); } else { job = new; } } PrintService svc = getPrintService(); job.setPrintService(svc); if (copies == 0) { Copies c = (Copies) svc.getDefaultAttributeValue(Copies.class); copies = c.getValue(); } job.setCopies(copies); job.setJobName(jobName); job.setPageable(pageable); job.print(reqAttrSet); notifyEvent(PrintJobEvent.DATA_TRANSFER_COMPLETE); return; } catch (PrinterException pe) { notifyEvent(PrintJobEvent.JOB_FAILED); throw new PrintException(pe); } finally { printReturned = true; notifyEvent(PrintJobEvent.NO_MORE_EVENTS); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (SHEET_COMMAND.equals(e.getActionCommand())) { new PreviewLoader((URI) sheetBox.getSelectedItem()).execute(); } else if (PAGE_COMMAND.equals(e.getActionCommand())) { previewPanel.setPage(pageBox.getSelectedIndex()); } else if (ZOOM_COMMAND.equals(e.getActionCommand())) { Double zoom = (Double) zoomBox.getSelectedItem(); previewPanel.setScaleFactor(zoom); } else if (ZOOM_IN_COMMAND.equals(e.getActionCommand())) { Double zoom = (Double) zoomBox.getSelectedItem(); zoomBox.setSelectedItem(zoom * ZOOM_MULTIPLIER); } else if (ZOOM_OUT_COMMAND.equals(e.getActionCommand())) { Double zoom = (Double) zoomBox.getSelectedItem(); zoomBox.setSelectedItem(zoom / ZOOM_MULTIPLIER); } else if (PRINT_COMMAND.equals(e.getActionCommand())) { PrinterJob printerJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); printerJob.setPageable(pageable); if (printerJob.printDialog()) { try { printerJob.print(); dispose(); } catch (PrinterException ex) { String message = "Could not print " + character.getNameRef().get(); Logging.errorPrint(message, ex); frame.showErrorMessage(Constants.APPLICATION_NAME, message); } } } else if (CANCEL_COMMAND.equals(e.getActionCommand())) { dispose(); } }
public void PrintBattleforce() { if (battleforces.size() == 0) { return; } pages = new Book(); page.setPaper(paper); if (jobName.isEmpty()) { jobName = "BattleForce"; } if (battleforces.size() == 1) { BattleForce bf = ((BattleforcePrinter) battleforces.get(0)).getBattleforce(); if (!bf.ForceName.isEmpty()) { jobName = bf.ForceName.trim(); } } job.setJobName(jobName); if (useDialog) { for (int i = 0; i < battleforces.size(); i++) { BattleforcePrinter bf = (BattleforcePrinter) battleforces.get(i); dlgPrintBattleforce pForce = new dlgPrintBattleforce((javax.swing.JFrame) Parent, true, bf.getBattleforce()); pForce.setLocationRelativeTo((javax.swing.JFrame) Parent); pForce.setVisible(true); if (!pForce.Result) { return; } bf.setType(pForce.Sheet); } } for (int i = 0; i < battleforces.size(); i++) { pages.append((BattleforcePrinter) battleforces.get(i), page); } job.setPageable(pages); boolean DoPrint = job.printDialog(); if (DoPrint) { try { job.print(); } catch (PrinterException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println(e.getStackTrace()); } } }
// 从预览中点击打印按钮时执行此函数打印 public void printBinaryPicture() { int formatIndex = jComboBox_deviceName.getSelectedIndex(); int number = Integer.parseInt(getBinaryPrintNum()); int index = jComboBox_deviceName.getSelectedIndex(); String deviceName = getDeviceName(); String deviceType = getDeviceModel(); String deviceID = getDeviceID(); // MAC String manageIP = getManageIP(); String deviceSN = getDeviceSN(); // String deviceVresion = getDeviceVersion(); String power = getPower(); String officialWebsite = getOfficialWebsite(); Book book = new Book(); PageFormat pf = new MyPaperFormat(mainUi); // 生成二维码 productPowerLineQRCode(head, deviceID, deviceSN, manageIP); printInfo printinfo = printInfo(); printinfo.setdeviceID(deviceID); printinfo.setManageIP(manageIP); printinfo.setDeviceSN(deviceSN); printinfo.setdeviceName(deviceName); printinfo.setdeviceType(deviceType); // printinfo.setDeviceVresion(deviceVresion); printinfo.setPower(power); printinfo.setOfficialWebsite(officialWebsite); printinfo.setCompany(companyInit); printinfo.setPowerLineIndex(index); myPrint = new MyPrint(printinfo); book.append(myPrint, pf); PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); job.setPageable(book); try { if (true) { job.print(); mainUi.appendTextareaText(mainUi.jTextArea_status, "\n执行打印"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
PrintRenderer(final PrinterJob printerJob, final int copies) { super(); this.printerJob = printerJob; this.copies = copies; startNumber = 0; endNumber = -1; printerJob.setPageable(this); printerJob.setCopies(this.copies); mode = PrintRenderer.EVEN_AND_ALL; String str = null; if (str != null) { try { mode = Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue() ? PrintRenderer.EVEN : PrintRenderer.ODD; } catch (Exception e) { } } }
@Override public void print() { try { File input = new File(absoluteFilePath); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(input); FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel(); ByteBuffer bb =, 0, fc.size()); PDFFile curFile = null; PDFPrintPage pages = null; curFile = new PDFFile(bb); // Create PDF Print Page pages = new PDFPrintPage(curFile); PrinterJob pjob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); PrintService[] services = PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices(); for (PrintService ps : services) { String pName = ps.getName(); if (pName.equals(Profile.getInstance().getDefaultPrinterName())) { pjob.setPrintService(ps); logger.debug("Printing on : " + pName); break; } } pjob.setJobName(absoluteFilePath); Book book = new Book(); PageFormat pformat = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob().defaultPage(); book.append(pages, pformat, curFile.getNumPages()); pjob.setPageable(book); // print PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); // Print it pjob.print(aset); fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot print pdf", e); Dialog.showThrowable("Erreur", "Impossible d'imprimer le fichier", e); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { switch (e.getActionCommand()) { case "CHANGE": pf = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob().pageDialog(pf); setMediaSizeInfo(); pages.setPageFormat(pf); break; case "PRINT": PrinterJob pjob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); pjob.setPageable(new MyPageable(pages.getNumberOfPages(), pf, p)); if (pjob.printDialog() == false) return; try { pjob.print(); } catch (PrinterException e1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Druckfehler: " + e1.getMessage(), "Fehler", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } break; case "CANCEL": setVisible(false); break; } }
public static void startPrinting( IApplication application, Pageable pageable, PrinterJob a_printerJob, String a_preferredPrinterName, boolean showPrinterSelectDialog, boolean avoidDialogs) { RepaintManager currentManager = RepaintManager.currentManager(application.getPrintingRendererParent().getParent()); boolean isDoubleBufferingEnabled = false; try { if (currentManager != null) { isDoubleBufferingEnabled = currentManager.isDoubleBufferingEnabled(); } if (a_printerJob != null) { // for plugin printing a_printerJob.setPageable(pageable); a_printerJob.setJobName("Servoy Print"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (showPrinterSelectDialog) { if (!a_printerJob.printDialog()) { return; } SwingHelper.dispatchEvents(100); // hide dialog } if (currentManager != null) { currentManager.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(false); } a_printerJob.print(); } else { // by default we use old system for mac, new is not always working boolean useSystemPrintDialog = Utils.getAsBoolean( application .getSettings() .getProperty( "useSystemPrintDialog", "" + Utils.isAppleMacOS())); // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE; PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); if (capablePrintServices == null) { capablePrintServices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, pras); } PrintService service = null; if (capablePrintServices == null || capablePrintServices.length == 0) { if (avoidDialogs) { Debug.warn("Cannot find capable print services. Print aborted."); return; } else { JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( ((ISmartClientApplication) application).getMainApplicationFrame(), application.getI18NMessage("servoy.print.msg.noPrintersFound"), application.getI18NMessage( "servoy.print.printing.title"), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ JOptionPane.OK_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); capablePrintServices = new PrintService[0]; showPrinterSelectDialog = true; // must show select printer and if none found show this useSystemPrintDialog = true; // we leave to system to show no printers are found, important for apple mac } } else { service = capablePrintServices[0]; // default select } PrintService systemDefaultPrinter = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); if (systemDefaultPrinter != null) { // check if system default printer is in capable list for (PrintService ps : capablePrintServices) { if (ps.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(systemDefaultPrinter.getName())) { service = systemDefaultPrinter; break; } } } boolean didFindPrinter = true; // want custom preferred printer if (a_preferredPrinterName != null) { didFindPrinter = false; for (PrintService ps : capablePrintServices) { if (ps.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(a_preferredPrinterName)) { didFindPrinter = true; service = ps; break; } } } if (!didFindPrinter) { if (avoidDialogs) { Debug.warn( "Cannot find capable printer for preferred form printer name '" + a_preferredPrinterName + "'. Trying to use default/any capable printer."); } else { showPrinterSelectDialog = true; // did not found the prefered , do show } } if (!useSystemPrintDialog) { if (showPrinterSelectDialog) { JFrame frame = ((ISmartClientApplication) application).getMainApplicationFrame(); GraphicsConfiguration gc = frame.getGraphicsConfiguration(); Point loc = frame.getLocation(); service = ServiceUI.printDialog( gc, loc.x + 50, loc.y + 50, capablePrintServices, service, flavor, pras); } if (service != null) { if (currentManager != null) { currentManager.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(false); } DocPrintJob job = service.createPrintJob(); DocAttributeSet das = new HashDocAttributeSet(); Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(pageable, flavor, das); if (job != null) { job.print(doc, pras); } else { // for example if the print service cancels (e.g. print to pdf and then user cancel // when choosing save location) application.reportWarning( application.getI18NMessage( "servoy.print.error.cannotPrintDocument")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } else { a_printerJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); a_printerJob.setPageable(pageable); a_printerJob.setJobName("Servoy Print"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (service != null) { a_printerJob.setPrintService(service); } if (showPrinterSelectDialog) { if (!a_printerJob.printDialog()) { return; } SwingHelper.dispatchEvents(100); // hide dialog } if (currentManager != null) { currentManager.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(false); } a_printerJob.print(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { application.reportError( application.getI18NMessage("servoy.print.error.cannotPrintDocument"), ex); // $NON-NLS-1$ } finally { if (currentManager != null) { currentManager.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(isDoubleBufferingEnabled); } } }
private boolean printPages(int firstPageIndex, int lastPageIndex, boolean withPrintDialog) throws JRException { boolean isOK = true; if (firstPageIndex < 0 || firstPageIndex > lastPageIndex || lastPageIndex >= jasperPrint.getPages().size()) { throw new JRException( "Invalid page index range : " + firstPageIndex + " - " + lastPageIndex + " of " + jasperPrint.getPages().size()); } pageOffset = firstPageIndex; PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); // fix for bug ID 6255588 from Sun bug database initPrinterJobFields(printJob); PageFormat pageFormat = printJob.defaultPage(); Paper paper = pageFormat.getPaper(); printJob.setJobName("JasperReports - " + jasperPrint.getName()); switch (jasperPrint.getOrientation()) { case JRReport.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE: { pageFormat.setOrientation(PageFormat.LANDSCAPE); paper.setSize(jasperPrint.getPageHeight(), jasperPrint.getPageWidth()); paper.setImageableArea(0, 0, jasperPrint.getPageHeight(), jasperPrint.getPageWidth()); break; } case JRReport.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT: default: { pageFormat.setOrientation(PageFormat.PORTRAIT); paper.setSize(jasperPrint.getPageWidth(), jasperPrint.getPageHeight()); paper.setImageableArea(0, 0, jasperPrint.getPageWidth(), jasperPrint.getPageHeight()); } } pageFormat.setPaper(paper); Book book = new Book(); book.append(this, pageFormat, lastPageIndex - firstPageIndex + 1); printJob.setPageable(book); try { if (withPrintDialog) { if (printJob.printDialog()) { printJob.print(); } else { isOK = false; } } else { printJob.print(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new JRException("Error printing report.", ex); } return isOK; }
public void printPage(String size) { double width = 0.0; double height = 0.0; double margin = 0.0; PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); try { PrinterJob pj = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); if (pj.printDialog()) { PageFormat pf = pj.defaultPage(); Paper paper = pf.getPaper(); if (size.equals("3r")) { width = 5d * 72d; height = 3.5d * 72d; margin = 0d * 72d; aset.add(MediaSizeName.JIS_B7); } else if (size.equals("4r")) { width = 6d * 72d; height = 4d * 72d; margin = 0d * 72d; aset.add(MediaSizeName.JAPANESE_POSTCARD); } else if (size.equals("5r")) { width = 7d * 72d; height = 5d * 72d; margin = 0d * 72d; aset.add(MediaSizeName.NA_5X7); } else if (size.equals("6r")) { width = 8d * 72d; height = 6d * 72d; margin = 0d * 72d; aset.add(MediaSizeName.JAPANESE_DOUBLE_POSTCARD); } else if (size.equals("8r")) { width = 10d * 72d; height = 8d * 72d; margin = 0d * 72d; aset.add(MediaSizeName.NA_8X10); } paper.setSize(width, height); paper.setImageableArea(margin, margin, width - (margin * 2), height - (margin * 2)); System.out.println("Before- " + dump(paper)); pf.setOrientation(PageFormat.LANDSCAPE); pf.setPaper(paper); System.out.println("After- " + dump(paper)); System.out.println("After- " + dump(pf)); dump(pf); PageFormat validatePage = pj.validatePage(pf); System.out.println("Valid- " + dump(validatePage)); Book pBook = new Book(); pBook.append(this, pf); pj.setPageable(pBook); aset.add(OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE); try { pj.setPrintable(this); pj.print(aset); } catch (PrinterException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception exp) { exp.printStackTrace(); } }
private void printDocument(InvoicePagePrint pageprintdocumnet) { PrintService[] service = PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices(); // list // of // printers int count = service.length; PrintService printSvc = null; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { System.out.println("Service name: " + service[i].getName()); if (service[i].getName().indexOf("PDFcamp") != -1) { printSvc = service[i]; i = count; } } // --- Create a new PrinterJob object and set predefined print service. try { PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); printJob.setPrintService(printSvc); PageFormat pf = printJob.defaultPage(); // Paper paper = pf.getPaper(); // paper.setSize(8.5 * 72, 11 * 72); // paper.setSize(79, 78); // paper.setImageableArea(0.5 * 72, 0.0 * 72, 7.5 * 72, 11.5 * 72); // paper.setImageableArea(0.5 , 0.0 , 79, 78); // pf.setPaper(paper); // --- Create a new book to add pages to Book book = new Book(); // --- Add the cover page using the default page format for this // print // job // book.append(pageprintdocumnet, printJob.defaultPage()); book.append(pageprintdocumnet, pf); // Paper pg = new Paper(); // pg.setSize(1000, 900); // book.append(pageprintdocumnet, printJob..defaultPage(); // --- Add the document page using a landscape page format /* * PageFormat documentPageFormat = new PageFormat(); * documentPageFormat.setOrientation(PageFormat.LANDSCAPE); book.append(new Document(), * documentPageFormat); */ // --- Add a third page using the same painter // --- Tell the printJob to use the book as the pageable object printJob.setPageable(book); // --- Show the print dialog box. If the user click the // --- print button we then proceed to print else we cancel // --- the process. // if (printJob.printDialog()) { printJob.print(); } catch (Exception PrintException) { PrintException.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * This is the master print call. All other print calls in this class pass through to here after * setting the appropriate parameters. Note that the scale type parameter take precedent over the * horizontal and vertical scaling percentages. Therefore, if the scale type was "SCALE_TO_FIT_Y", * then the values of horizontal and vertical scaling percentages would not be used. * * @param scene The Scene to be printed. * @param format format used for printing Scene. If null then a new default PageFormat is created. * @param scaleStrategy value representing the how to scale the printing. * @param scaleX Directly set the horizontal scale percentage. This parameter is only used when * the scale strategy is ScaleStrategy.SCALE_PERCENT. Otherwise it is ignored. * @param scaleY Directly set the vertical scale percentage. This parameter is only used when the * scale strategy is ScaleStrategy.SCALE_PERCENT. Otherwise it is ignored. * @param selectedOnly Print only the objects from the Scene that have been selected. Note that in * this case the Scene must be an instnace of an ObjectScene since this is required to * determine the selected objects. * @param visibleOnly Print only the object in the visible window. * @param region The rectangle representing the are of the Scene to be printed. * @param hiddenLayerWidgets Layer that are not to be printed. Might be used to hide the * background while printing. */ public static void print( Scene scene, PageFormat format, ScaleStrategy scaleStrategy, double scaleX, double scaleY, boolean selectedOnly, boolean visibleOnly, Rectangle region, List<LayerWidget> hiddenLayers) { // quick return if the scene is null if (scene == null) return; if (scaleStrategy == null) scaleStrategy = ScaleStrategy.NO_SCALING; PageableScene ps = new PageableScene( scene, format, scaleStrategy, scaleX, scaleY, selectedOnly, visibleOnly, region); PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); printJob.setPageable(ps); if (printJob.printDialog()) { try { // this can not go here because it hides all the widgets everytime. ArrayList<Widget> hiddenWidgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); if (hiddenLayers != null && hiddenLayers.size() > 0) { for (Widget widget : hiddenLayers) { widget.setVisible(false); hiddenWidgets.add(widget); } } // if selectedOnly is true then we need to hide all the non-selected // widgets. Note that if the widgets were already hidden due to hiding // a layer, they are not hidden again. if (selectedOnly) { // in order to use getSelectedObject the scene must be an ObjectScene if (scene instanceof ObjectScene) { ObjectScene gScene = (ObjectScene) scene; // hide unselected widget HashSet<Object> invisible = new HashSet<Object>(); invisible.addAll(gScene.getObjects()); Set selectedObjects = gScene.getSelectedObjects(); invisible.removeAll(selectedObjects); for (Object o : invisible) { Widget widget = gScene.findWidget(o); if (widget != null && widget.isVisible()) { widget.setVisible(false); hiddenWidgets.add(widget); } } } } // Similar to the selectedOnly, if visibleOnly is true we have to // hide the widgets not in the visible window. The reason for this // is because setting the size alone does not hide the widgets. Any // page that is printed will include all its contained widgets if // they are not hidden. Note also that this must work with any // Scene, not just the ObjectScene. Therefore, we have to gather // all the widgets. if (visibleOnly || region != null) { // if the region is null, then the user is not trying to print a // region. The other way into this condition is if we need to // to print the visibleArea. So we set the region to be the // visible area. if (region == null) region = scene.getView().getVisibleRect(); List<Widget> allWidgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); for (Widget widget : scene.getChildren()) { allWidgets.addAll(getAllNodeWidgets(widget, null)); } for (Widget widget : allWidgets) { Rectangle widgetInSceneCoordinates = widget.convertLocalToScene(widget.getBounds()); boolean included = region.contains(widgetInSceneCoordinates); if (!included && widget.isVisible()) { widget.setVisible(false); hiddenWidgets.add(widget); } } } printJob.print(); // restore widget visibility for (Widget w : hiddenWidgets) { w.setVisible(true); } scene.validate(); } catch (PrinterException pe) { System.out.println("Error printing: " + pe); } } }