public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Button b = (Button) e.getSource(); if (b == null) return; boolean imageThere = checkImage(); if (imageThere) { if (b == originalB) { reset(imp, ip); filteredB.setEnabled(true); } else if (b == filteredB) { apply(imp, ip); } else if (b == sampleB) { reset(imp, ip); sample(); apply(imp, ip); } else if (b == stackB) { applyStack(); } else if (b == helpB) { IJ.showMessage( "Help", "Threshold Colour v1.0\n \n" + "Modification of Bob Dougherty's BandPass2 plugin by G.Landini to\n" + "threshold 24 bit RGB images based on Hue, Saturation and Brightness\n" + "or Red, Green and Blue components.\n \n" + "Pass: Band-pass filter (anything within range is displayed).\n \n" + "Stop: Band-reject filter (anything within range is NOT displayed).\n \n" + "Original: Shows the original image and updates the buffer when\n" + " switching to another image.\n \n" + "Filtered: Shows the filtered image.\n \n" + "Stack: Processes the rest of the slices in the stack (if any)\n" + " using the current settings.\n \n" + "Threshold: Shows the object/background in the foreground and\n" + " background colours selected in the ImageJ toolbar.\n \n" + "Invert: Swaps the fore/background colours.\n \n" + "Sample: (experimental) Sets the ranges of the filters based on the\n" + " pixel value componentd in a rectangular, user-defined, ROI.\n \n" + "HSB RGB: Selects HSB or RGB space and resets all the filters.\n \n" + "Note that the \'thresholded\' image is RGB, not 8 bit grey."); } updatePlot(); updateLabels(); imp.updateAndDraw(); } else { IJ.beep(); IJ.showStatus("No Image"); } notify(); }
void sample() { byte[] hsSource, ssSource, bsSource; // ImageProcessor ip2; // ip2 = imp.getProcessor(); Rectangle myroi = ip.getRoi(); int swidth = myroi.width; int sheight = myroi.height; int sy = myroi.y; int sx = myroi.x; if (swidth == width && sheight == height) { IJ.showMessage("Select a rectangular ROI"); IJ.beep(); return; }"Select None"); int snumPixels = swidth * sheight; hsSource = new byte[snumPixels]; ssSource = new byte[snumPixels]; bsSource = new byte[snumPixels]; int[] pixs = new int[snumPixels]; int[] bin = new int[256]; int counter = 0, pi = 0, rangePassH = 0, rangeStopH = 0, rangePassL = 0, rangeStopL = 0, i, j; for (i = sy; i < sy + sheight; i++) { for (j = sx; j < sx + swidth; j++) { pixs[counter++] = ip.getPixel(j, i); } } // Get hsb or rgb from roi. ColorProcessor cp2 = new ColorProcessor(swidth, sheight, pixs); int iminhue = 256, imaxhue = -1, iminsat = 256, imaxsat = -1, iminbri = 256, imaxbri = -1; int iminred = 256, imaxred = -1, imingre = 256, imaxgre = -1, iminblu = 256, imaxblu = -1; if (isRGB) cp2.getRGB(hsSource, ssSource, bsSource); else cp2.getHSB(hsSource, ssSource, bsSource); for (i = 0; i < snumPixels; i++) { bin[hsSource[i] & 255] = 1; if ((hsSource[i] & 255) > imaxhue) imaxhue = (hsSource[i] & 255); if ((hsSource[i] & 255) < iminhue) iminhue = (hsSource[i] & 255); if ((ssSource[i] & 255) > imaxsat) imaxsat = (ssSource[i] & 255); if ((ssSource[i] & 255) < iminsat) iminsat = (ssSource[i] & 255); if ((bsSource[i] & 255) > imaxbri) imaxbri = (bsSource[i] & 255); if ((bsSource[i] & 255) < iminbri) iminbri = (bsSource[i] & 255); // IJ.showMessage("h:"+minhue+"H:"+maxhue+"s:"+minsat+"S:"+maxsat+"b:"+minbri+"B:"+maxbri); } if (!isRGB) { // get pass or stop filter whichever has a narrower range for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (bin[i] > 0) { rangePassL = i; break; } } for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--) { if (bin[i] > 0) { rangePassH = i; break; } } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (bin[i] == 0) { rangeStopL = i; break; } } for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--) { if (bin[i] == 0) { rangeStopH = i; break; } } if ((rangePassH - rangePassL) < (rangeStopH - rangeStopL)) { bandPassH.setState(true); bandStopH.setState(false); iminhue = rangePassL; imaxhue = rangePassH; } else { bandPassH.setState(false); bandStopH.setState(true); iminhue = rangeStopL; imaxhue = rangeStopH; } } else { bandPassH.setState(true); bandStopH.setState(false); } adjustMinHue(iminhue); minSlider.setValue(iminhue); adjustMaxHue(imaxhue); maxSlider.setValue(imaxhue); adjustMinSat(iminsat); minSlider2.setValue(iminsat); adjustMaxSat(imaxsat); maxSlider2.setValue(imaxsat); adjustMinBri(iminbri); minSlider3.setValue(iminbri); adjustMaxBri(imaxbri); maxSlider3.setValue(imaxbri); originalB.setEnabled(true); // IJ.showStatus("done"); }