/** This function renders in viewport view corresponding to given start and end times */ void changeExTime(double start, double end) { double diff = end - start; if (diff <= 0.0) return; // int pos = getW (0, start); int pos = getW(FrameBegTime, start); parent.hbar.setValue(pos); // Position the scrollbar at the start time parent.setPosition(pos); // render the view with this start time // Now zoom in/out so that the end time corresponds with the given one. zoomH((endTime - begTime) / diff); parent.zoomH(); }
/** This function renders in viewport view corresponding to given start and current end times */ void changeFromTime(double start) { if (start >= endTime || start < 0) { new ErrorDiag(null, "value must be >= 0 and < " + Double.toString(endTime)); return; } double diff = endTime - start; // int pos = getW (0, start); int pos = getW(FrameBegTime, start); parent.hbar.setValue(pos); // Position the scrollbar at the start time parent.setPosition(pos); // render the view with this start time // Now zoom in/out so that the end time corresponds with the given one. zoomH((endTime - begTime) / diff); parent.zoomH(); }
void removeDisplay(int index) { waitCursor(); dtypeV.removeElementAt(index); setupImg(); // sbPos = getEvtXCord (begTime); // sbPos = getW( currImg.begT, begTime ); sbPos = getEvtXCord(begTime - FrameBegTime); currImg = img[0]; adjustZoomImg(sbPos); panePosX = _xPix + getW(currImg.begT, begTime); parent.zoomH(); normalCursor(); }
void addDisplay(int dtype) { waitCursor(); dtypeV.addElement(new Integer(dtype)); setupImg(); // sbPos = getEvtXCord (begTime); // sbPos = getW( currImg.begT, begTime ); sbPos = getEvtXCord(begTime - FrameBegTime); currImg = img[0]; adjustZoomImg(sbPos); panePosX = _xPix + getW(currImg.begT, begTime); parent.zoomH(); normalCursor(); }
/** Method called whenver the canvas has to be resized */ void Resize() { waitCursor(); Dimension dimVP = parent.vport.getExtentSize(); widthCan = dimVP.width; heightCan = dimVP.height; _xPix = 3 * widthCan; _yPix = heightCan; if (_yPix < 1) _yPix = 1; if (_xPix < 1) _xPix = 1; // Calling both methods may not be needed // setPreferredSize( getPreferredSize() ); setSize(getPreferredSize()); maxT = tMaxT; xDensity = (widthCan / maxT) * zoomH; maxT += (endGap / xDensity); xDensity = (widthCan / maxT) * zoomH; // setupImg() HAS to be called in every call of Resize(), // So window redraws can be done correctly. Resize() is called // by componentResized() which is called when window is resized updateH(); setupImg(); if (setupComplete) { // sbPos = getEvtXCord (begTime); // sbPos = getW(currImg.begT, begTime); sbPos = getEvtXCord(begTime - FrameBegTime); currImg = img[0]; adjustZoomImg(sbPos); } else drawInitImg(); panePosX = _xPix + getW(currImg.begT, begTime); parent.zoomH(); normalCursor(); }
// private void adjustPosition() public void adjustPosition() { StateGroup group; StateInterval state; double duration; double max_duration = 0; Enumeration groups = all_states.visible.elements(); while (groups.hasMoreElements()) { group = (StateGroup) groups.nextElement(); if (group.size() > 0) { state = (StateInterval) group.lastElement(); duration = state.info.endT - FrameBegTime; if (duration > max_duration) max_duration = duration; } } boolean end = false; if (max_duration < tMaxT || max_duration > tMaxT) { if (max_duration < tMaxT) end = true; double diff = tMaxT - max_duration; tMaxT = max_duration; maxT -= diff; updateH(); parent.setHoriz(); centralizeH(); } if (end) { if ((parent.hbar.getValue() + parent.hbar.getVisibleAmount()) >= parent.hbar.getMaximum()) { parent.hbar.setValue(maxH - widthCan); adjustImgH(parent.hbar.getValue()); parent.vport.setViewPosition(new Point(panePosX, 0)); debug.println("adjustPosition() : "); debug.println("\t" + "parent.hbar.setValue(" + (maxH - widthCan) + ")"); debug.println("\t" + "parent.vport.setViewPosition(" + panePosX + ", 0)"); } } }
/** Handle the event when JViewport is resized */ public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { debug.println("*******" + "___componentResized()___ : start!"); parent.waitCursor(); if (parent.setupComplete) Resize(); parent.normalCursor(); }
void adjustElTimeField() { parent.adjustElTimeField(currTime - elapsedPoint); }
/** Adjust field values */ void adjustTimeField(int x) { cursorPos = (x - _xPix); parent.adjustTimeField(currTime = currImg.begT + getTime(cursorPos)); }