/** * Component initialization. * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ private void jbInit() throws Exception { image1 = new ImageIcon(pt.inescporto.siasoft.MenuFrame.class.getResource("about.png")); imageLabel.setIcon(image1); setTitle("About"); panel1.setLayout(borderLayout1); panel2.setLayout(borderLayout2); insetsPanel1.setLayout(flowLayout1); insetsPanel2.setLayout(flowLayout1); insetsPanel2.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); gridLayout1.setRows(4); gridLayout1.setColumns(1); label1.setText(product); label2.setText(version); label3.setText(copyright); label4.setText(comments); insetsPanel3.setLayout(gridLayout1); insetsPanel3.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 60, 10, 10)); button1.setText("OK"); button1.addActionListener(this); insetsPanel2.add(imageLabel, null); panel2.add(insetsPanel2, BorderLayout.WEST); getContentPane().add(panel1, null); insetsPanel3.add(label1, null); insetsPanel3.add(label2, null); insetsPanel3.add(label3, null); insetsPanel3.add(label4, null); panel2.add(insetsPanel3, BorderLayout.CENTER); insetsPanel1.add(button1, null); panel1.add(insetsPanel1, BorderLayout.SOUTH); panel1.add(panel2, BorderLayout.NORTH); setResizable(true); }
/** * This function takes the given customer or waiter object and changes the information panel to * hold that person's info. * * @param person customer or waiter object */ public void updateInfoPanel(Object person) { stateCB.setVisible(true); changeOrder.setVisible(false); currentPerson = person; if (person instanceof CustomerAgent) { CustomerAgent customer = (CustomerAgent) person; stateCB.setText("Hungry?"); changeOrder.setVisible(true); // changeOrder.setText("Change Order?"); // changeOrder.setSelected(customer.waiter.requestingChange(customer)); // changeOrder.setEnabled(!customer.waiter.requestingChange(customer)); stateCB.setSelected(customer.isHungry()); stateCB.setEnabled(!customer.isHungry()); infoLabel.setText("<html><pre> Name: " + customer.getName() + " </pre></html>"); } else if (person instanceof WaiterAgent) { WaiterAgent waiter = (WaiterAgent) person; // stateCB.setText("On Break?"); // stateCB.setSelected(waiter.isOnBreak()); // stateCB.setEnabled(true); requestBreak.setVisible(true); stateCB.setVisible(false); changeOrder.setVisible(false); infoLabel.setText("<html><pre> Name: " + waiter.getName() + " </html>"); } infoPanel.validate(); }
private void sendRequest(BlockPdu pdu) { setButton.setEnabled(false); getButton.setEnabled(false); getNextButton.setEnabled(false); lmessage.setText("Sending request .."); lmessage.setBackground(Color.white); try { varbind var = pdu.getResponseVariableBinding(); AsnObjectId oid = var.getOid(); AsnObject res = var.getValue(); if (res != null) { toid.setText(oid.toString()); tvalue.setText(res.toString()); lmessage.setText("Received aswer "); lmessage.setBackground(Color.white); } else { lmessage.setText("Received no aswer "); lmessage.setBackground(Color.red); } } catch (PduException exc) { lmessage.setText("PduException: " + exc.getMessage()); lmessage.setBackground(Color.red); exc.printStackTrace(); } catch (java.io.IOException exc) { lmessage.setText("IOException: " + exc.getMessage()); lmessage.setBackground(Color.red); exc.printStackTrace(); } setButton.setEnabled(true); getButton.setEnabled(true); getNextButton.setEnabled(true); }
/** * Show the current status of the field. * * @param step Which iteration step it is. * @param field Which field to display */ public void showStatus(int step, Field field) { if (!isVisible()) setVisible(true); stepLabel.setText(STEP_PREFIX + step); stats.reset(); fieldView.preparePaint(); for (int row = 0; row < field.getDepth(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < field.getWidth(); col++) { Object creature; creature = field.getObjectAt(row, col); if (creature != null) { stats.incrementCount(creature.getClass()); fieldView.drawMark(col, row, getColor(creature.getClass())); } else { fieldView.drawMark(col, row, EMPTY_COLOR); } } } stats.countFinished(); population.setText(POPULATION_PREFIX + stats.getPopulationDetails(field)); fieldView.repaint(); }
public void updateHealth() { if (GamePanel.healthPlayer > 0) lblPlayerHealth.setText( "<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthPlayer + "</font></html>"); else lblPlayerHealth.setText( "<html><font color='red'>" + GamePanel.healthPlayer + "</font></html>"); if (GamePanel.healthMrSawyer > 0) lblMrSawyerHealth.setText( "<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthMrSawyer + "</font></html>"); else lblMrSawyerHealth.setText( "<html><font color='red'>" + GamePanel.healthMrSawyer + "</font></html>"); if (GamePanel.healthVikrant > 0) lblVikrantHealth.setText( "<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthVikrant + "</font></html>"); else lblVikrantHealth.setText( "<html><font color='red'>" + GamePanel.healthVikrant + "</font></html>"); if (GamePanel.healthVarun > 0) lblVarunHealth.setText( "<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthVarun + "</font></html>"); else lblVarunHealth.setText("<html><font color='red'>" + GamePanel.healthVarun + "</font></html>"); if (GamePanel.healthBrian > 0) lblBrianHealth.setText( "<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthBrian + "</font></html>"); else lblBrianHealth.setText("<html><font color='red'>" + GamePanel.healthBrian + "</font></html>"); }
void setData(boolean equal, Trace newTrace, Trace oldTrace) { boolean equalComments = newTrace.getComment().equals(oldTrace.getComment()); if (equal) { if (equalComments) { messageLabel.setText("Passed"); saveButton.setEnabled(false); replaceButton.setEnabled(false); } else { messageLabel.setText("Passed, but comments differ"); } } else { messageLabel.setText("Discrepency found"); } if (equalComments) { addText(newTrace.getComment(), "regular", commentPane); } else { System.out.println("Old Comment: " + oldTrace.getComment()); System.out.println("New Comment: " + newTrace.getComment()); Object[] v = stringToArray(oldTrace.getComment()); Object[] h = stringToArray(newTrace.getComment()); displayDifferencesToPane(v, h, commentPane); } if (equal) { copyTraceToPane(newTrace); } else { Object[] v = traceToArray(oldTrace); Object[] h = traceToArray(newTrace); displayDifferencesToPane(v, h, jTextPane); } }
@Override public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { if (arg instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) arg; int points = player.getPoints(); System.out.println("Spieler" + player.getNum() + "an der Reihe"); if (player.getNum() == 1) { System.out.println("Spieler1 punkte++"); points1Num.setText("" + points); } else if (player.getNum() == 2) { System.out.println("Spieler2 punkte++"); points2Num.setText("" + points); } } else { GameController controller = (GameController) arg; if (controller.getPlayer().getNum() == 1) { ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("../gfx/spieler1_play.png"); l1.setIcon(image); ImageIcon imageOld = new ImageIcon("../gfx/spieler2.png"); l2.setIcon(imageOld); System.out.println("spieler gewechselt"); } else { ImageIcon imageI = new ImageIcon("../gfx/spieler2_play.png"); l2.setIcon(imageI); ImageIcon imageOldI = new ImageIcon("../gfx/spieler1.png"); l1.setIcon(imageOldI); } } }
public void evaluate() { try { // clear problems and console messages problemsView.setText(""); consoleView.setText(""); // update status view statusView.setText(" Parsing ..."); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); LispExpr root = Parser.parse(textView.getText()); statusView.setText(" Running ..."); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(1); // update run button runButton.setIcon(stopImage); runButton.setActionCommand("Stop"); // start run thread runThread = new RunThread(root); runThread.start(); } catch (SyntaxError e) { tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); System.err.println( "Syntax Error at " + e.getLine() + ", " + e.getColumn() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Error e) { // parsing error System.err.println(e.getMessage()); statusView.setText(" Errors."); } }
public OpenKeystoreJPanel() { super(); labelKeystoreName = new JLabel(); labelKeystoreName.setText("Keystore File"); textKeystoreName = new CFJStringEditor(); textKeystoreName.setEditable(false); textKeystoreName.setEnabled(false); textKeystoreName.setMaxLen(4096); CFBamClientConfigurationFile configFile = swingSchema.getClientConfigurationFile(); String keystoreFileName = configFile.getKeyStore(); textKeystoreName.setText(keystoreFileName); labelKeystorePassword = new JLabel(); labelKeystorePassword.setText("Keystore Password"); textKeystorePassword = new JPasswordField(); actionOk = new ActionOk(); actionCancel = new ActionCancel(); buttonOk = new JButton(actionOk); buttonCancel = new JButton(actionCancel); add(labelKeystoreName); add(textKeystoreName); add(labelKeystorePassword); add(textKeystorePassword); add(buttonOk); add(buttonCancel); Dimension sz = new Dimension(800, 480); setSize(sz); int height = doLayoutRetHeight(); Dimension newSz = new Dimension(800, height); setSize(newSz); }
public void updateHelper() { if (model.GuessORHint == 0) { label1.setText("Entered:"); } if (model.GuessORHint == 1) { label1.setText("Hints:"); } DefaultListModel<String> listTemp = new DefaultListModel<String>(); if (model.GuessORHint == 0) { for (String str : model.haveEntered) { listTemp.addElement(str); } } else { if (model.hintWords != null) { for (String MM : model.hintWords) { if (MM == null) { listTemp.addElement("APPLE"); } else { listTemp.addElement(MM); } } } } list.setModel(listTemp); scroll.setViewportView(list); }
private void createHealthPanel() { remove(healthPanel); remove(statsPanel); lblPlayerHealth.setText( "<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthPlayer + "</font></html>"); lblMrSawyerHealth.setText( "<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthMrSawyer + "</font></html>"); lblVikrantHealth.setText( "<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthVikrant + "</font></html>"); lblVarunHealth.setText("<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthVarun + "</font></html>"); lblBrianHealth.setText("<html><font color='green'>" + GamePanel.healthBrian + "</font></html>"); healthPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 2)); healthPanel.setBackground(new Color(0xd2b48c)); healthPanel.add(lblPlayerName); healthPanel.add(lblPlayerHealth); healthPanel.add(lblMrSawyerName); healthPanel.add(lblMrSawyerHealth); healthPanel.add(lblVikrantName); healthPanel.add(lblVikrantHealth); healthPanel.add(lblVarunName); healthPanel.add(lblVarunHealth); healthPanel.add(lblBrianName); healthPanel.add(lblBrianHealth); add(healthPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); revalidate(); repaint(); }
public void Update(String event) { if (event.equals("time")) { MODEL.time = "<html>Elapsed Time: <font color =\"GREEN\">" + MODEL.watch.getElapsedTimeSecs() + "</font> Seconds</html>"; timeLab.setText(MODEL.time); } else if (event.equals("invalid")) { MODEL.answerInvalid(); msg.setText(MODEL.msg); } else if (event.equals("correct")) { MODEL.answerCorrect(); score.setText(MODEL.str); msg.setText(MODEL.msg); problem.setText(MODEL.prb); entry.setText(""); entry.requestFocus(); } else if (event.equals("wrong")) { MODEL.answerWrong(); msg.setText(MODEL.msg); } else if (event.equals("replay")) { MODEL.gameReplay(); problem.setText(MODEL.prb); score.setText(MODEL.str); msg.setText(MODEL.msg); timeLab.setText(MODEL.time); } else System.out.println("Invalid Update Command"); }
// Implementation of valueChanged public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == table.getSelectionModel()) { ListSelectionModel ls = table.getSelectionModel(); int index = ls.getMinSelectionIndex(); long id = (long) table.getValueAt(index, 0); updateFeesData(id); } else { ListSelectionModel ls = feestable.getSelectionModel(); int index = ls.getMinSelectionIndex(); float feespayed = (float) feestable.getValueAt(index, 1); float totalfees = (float) feestable.getValueAt(index, 2); feespayedlabel.setText("Fees Payed: " + feespayed); totalfeeslabel.setText("Total Fees: " + totalfees); if (totalfees - feespayed > 0) { feesduelabel.setText("Fees Due: " + (totalfees - feespayed)); } panel_6.revalidate(); } }
ConnectorWindow(Bot client, WindowListener listener) { super("Texas Hold'em - connecting to server"); this.client = client; addWindowListener(listener); setFont(new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 20)); setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 2)); imie = new JTextField(20); adres = new JTextField("localhost"); port = new JTextField("65025"); Limie = new JLabel(); Ladres = new JLabel(); Lport = new JLabel(); wyslij = new JButton("wyslij"); wyslij.setActionCommand("connect"); Lport.setText(" port:"); Ladres.setText(" adres:"); Limie.setText(" imię:"); add(Limie); add(imie); add(Ladres); add(adres); add(Lport); add(port); add(wyslij); wyslij.addActionListener(client.listener); pack(); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setVisible(true); }
public IGEgui() { start = new JPanel(); randomizer = new JPanel(); randomButton = new JButton("Randomize"); locationButton = new JButton("Randomize"); locationField = new JTextField(10); welcomeL = new JLabel(); instructL = new JLabel(); restaurantL = new JLabel(); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setTitle("Random Restaurant Generator"); setSize(300, 150); locationButton.addActionListener(this); randomButton.addActionListener(this); welcomeL.setText("Welcome to the Random Restaurant Generator!"); instructL.setText("Please enter your location (Zip code/City, State)"); restaurantL.setText(""); start.add(welcomeL); start.add(instructL); start.add(locationField); start.add(locationButton); randomizer.add(restaurantL); randomizer.add(randomButton); setContentPane(start); }
/** * Method to display pixel information for the passed x and y * * @param pictureX the x value in the picture * @param pictureY the y value in the picture */ private void displayPixelInformation(int pictureX, int pictureY) { // check that this x and y are in range if (isLocationInPicture(pictureX, pictureY)) { // save the current x and y index colIndex = pictureX; rowIndex = pictureY; // get the pixel at the x and y Pixel pixel = new Pixel(picture, colIndex, rowIndex); // set the values based on the pixel colValue.setText(Integer.toString(colIndex + numberBase)); rowValue.setText(Integer.toString(rowIndex + numberBase)); rValue.setText("R: " + pixel.getRed()); gValue.setText("G: " + pixel.getGreen()); bValue.setText("B: " + pixel.getBlue()); colorPanel.setBackground(new Color(pixel.getRed(), pixel.getGreen(), pixel.getBlue())); } else { clearInformation(); } // notify the image display of the current x and y imageDisplay.setCurrentX((int) (colIndex * zoomFactor)); imageDisplay.setCurrentY((int) (rowIndex * zoomFactor)); }
// Fees update method private void updateFeesData(long id) { String columns[] = {"Course", "Fees Payed", "Total fees", "Installments"}; try { Database db = new Database(); panel_7.removeAll(); feestablemodel = new MyTableModel(db.getFeeData(id), columns); feestable = new JTable(feestablemodel); feestable.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); feestable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(this); feesscrollpane = new JScrollPane(feestable); panel_7.add(feesscrollpane); // change fees payed label feespayedlabel.setText("Fees Payed"); feesduelabel.setText("Fees Due"); totalfeeslabel.setText("Total Fees"); panel_7.revalidate(); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage(), null, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
private void pageChanged() { switch (currentPage) { case 0: caption.setText("Specify where " + appName + " is to be installed"); nextButton.setText("Next"); prevButton.setEnabled(true); break; case 1: caption.setText("Installing " + appName); nextButton.setText("Finish"); prevButton.setEnabled(false); nextButton.setEnabled(false); install(); break; case 2: caption.setText("Installation complete"); nextButton.setText("Finish"); prevButton.setEnabled(false); nextButton.setEnabled(true); cancelButton.setEnabled(false); break; } getRootPane().invalidate(); getRootPane().validate(); }
public FileImportJPanel() { super(); labelFileName = new JLabel(); labelFileName.setText("Server URL"); labelFileName = new JLabel(); labelFileName.setText("File Name"); textFileName = new CFJStringEditor(); textFileName.setMaxLen(4096); labelLogContents = new JLabel(); labelLogContents.setText("Import Log Contents"); textLogContents = new CFJTextEditor(); textLogContents.setMaxLen(1000000); actionChooseFile = new ActionChooseFile(); actionImportFile = new ActionImportFile(); actionClose = new ActionClose(); buttonChooseFile = new JButton(actionChooseFile); buttonImportFile = new JButton(actionImportFile); buttonClose = new JButton(actionClose); add(labelFileName); add(textFileName); add(labelLogContents); add(textLogContents); add(buttonChooseFile); add(buttonImportFile); add(buttonClose); Dimension sz = new Dimension(800, 480); setSize(sz); int height = doLayoutRetHeight(); Dimension newSz = new Dimension(800, height); setSize(newSz); }
private void jbInit() throws Exception { box1 = Box.createVerticalBox(); this.getContentPane().setLayout(borderLayout1); close.setText("Close"); close.addActionListener(new CellHelpWindow_close_actionAdapter(this)); jLabel1.setText("Recommendation"); jLabel2.setText("Description"); jPanel1.setLayout(borderLayout2); jPanel2.setLayout(borderLayout3); description.setText("jTextPane1"); description.setContentType("text/html"); scp1.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); scp1.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); scp1.setToolTipText(""); recom.setText(""); recom.setContentType("text/html"); this.getContentPane().add(box1, BorderLayout.CENTER); box1.add(jPanel1, null); box1.add(jPanel2, null); this.getContentPane().add(jPanel3, BorderLayout.SOUTH); jPanel3.add(close, null); jPanel2.add(jLabel1, BorderLayout.NORTH); jPanel2.add(scp2, BorderLayout.CENTER); scp2.getViewport().add(recom, null); jPanel2.add(scp2, BorderLayout.CENTER); jPanel1.add(jLabel2, BorderLayout.NORTH); jPanel1.add(scp1, BorderLayout.CENTER); scp1.getViewport().add(description, null); }
private void updateLabels(JSONObject tags) { // Z position label String zPosition = ""; try { zPosition = NumberUtils.doubleStringCoreToDisplay(tags.getString("ZPositionUm")); } catch (Exception e) { try { zPosition = NumberUtils.doubleStringCoreToDisplay(tags.getString("Z-um")); } catch (Exception e1) { // Do nothing... } } zPosLabel_.setText("Z Position: " + zPosition + " um "); // time label try { int ms = (int) tags.getDouble("ElapsedTime-ms"); int s = ms / 1000; int min = s / 60; int h = min / 60; String time = twoDigitFormat(h) + ":" + twoDigitFormat(min % 60) + ":" + twoDigitFormat(s % 60) + "." + threeDigitFormat(ms % 1000); timeStampLabel_.setText("Elapsed time: " + time + " "); } catch (JSONException ex) { ReportingUtils.logError("MetaData did not contain ElapsedTime-ms field"); } }
/** * Validates that inputted info is correct, resets password info in database resets textfields to * empty string "" * * @throws SQLException throws exception if connection could not be made */ public void Validator() throws SQLException { update.setText(""); setUser(UsersConnection.getInfo(username.getText(), emailf.getText(), 5)); boolean validInfo = true; String emailinfo = new String(emailf.getText()); if (emailinfo.equals("")) { emailWrong.setText("<html>*You must enter email to<br>update your password<html/>"); validInfo = false; } else if (!emailinfo.equals(u.getEmail())) { System.out.println("here!"); emailWrong.setText("*Wrong email"); validInfo = false; } else emailWrong.setText(""); String passinfo1 = new String(password1.getPassword()); if (!passinfo1.equals("") && passinfo1.length() < 4) { pass1Wrong.setText("Password must at least 4 charactor"); validInfo = false; } else pass1Wrong.setText(""); String passinfo2 = new String(password2.getPassword()); if (passinfo2.equals(passinfo1)) pass2Wrong.setText(""); else { pass2Wrong.setText("*Password does not match"); validInfo = false; } if (validInfo) { if (!passinfo1.equals("")) u.setPassword(passinfo1); init(); update.setText("Your information is up-dated"); emailWrong.setText(""); } }
/** Update the information. */ private void updateInfo() { if (_info == null) return; if (_matchList.getModel().getSize() > 0) { T item = _matchList.getSelectedValue(); _infoLabel.setText("Path: " + _info.value(item)); _infoLabel.setToolTipText(_info.value(item)); } else _infoLabel.setText("No file selected"); }
public void ShowChessNumber() // 显示黑子白子数目 { white = 0; black = 0; Count(); blackNumberLabel.setText("黑子数:" + black + " "); whiteNumberLabel.setText("白子数:" + white + " "); }
private void setupLanguage() { jLabel1.setText(SanBootView.res.getString("ProfileChooser.label.name")); jLabel2.setText(SanBootView.res.getString("ProfileChooser.label.type")); if (mode == MODE_OPEN) openButton.setText(SanBootView.res.getString("ProfileChooser.button.open")); else openButton.setText(SanBootView.res.getString("ProfileChooser.button.save")); cancelButton.setText(SanBootView.res.getString("common.button.cancel")); }
/** * Ovedrride the method so we can set the highlight label * * @param g Highlighted glyph */ public void setHighlight(Glyph g) { super.setHighlight(g); if ((g == null) || !(g instanceof MetSymbol)) { highlightLabel.setText(" "); return; } highlightLabel.setText(" " + ((MetSymbol) g).getLabel()); }
/** PaintComponent to draw everything. */ @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); setBackground(Color.WHITE); // If using images, use cool dragon background if (useImages) g.drawImage(background, 0, 0, 310, 300, null); // Use light gray to not overpower the background image g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); for (int y = 1; y < ROWS; ++y) g.fillRoundRect(0, cellSize * y - 4, (cellSize * COLS) - 1, 8, 8, 8); for (int x = 1; x < COLS; ++x) g.fillRoundRect(cellSize * x - 4, 0, 8, (cellSize * ROWS) - 1, 8, 8); // Use graphics2d for when not using the images Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(4, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)); for (int y = 0; y < ROWS; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < COLS; ++x) { int x1 = x * cellSize + 16; int y1 = y * cellSize + 16; if (board[y][x] == Symbol.X) { // use image if set to true, otherwise use g2d // for thicker, better looking X's and O's if (useImages) g.drawImage(imageX, x1, y1, 75, 75, null); else { g2d.setColor(PURPLE); int x2 = (x + 1) * cellSize - 16; int y2 = (y + 1) * cellSize - 16; g2d.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); g2d.drawLine(x2, y1, x1, y2); } } else if (board[y][x] == Symbol.O) { if (useImages) g.drawImage(imageO, x1, y1, 75, 75, null); else { g2d.setColor(Color.BLUE); g2d.drawOval(x1, y1, 70, 70); } } } // end for } // Set status bar based on gamestate. If CONTINUE, show whose turn it is if (gameStatus == GameStatus.CONTINUE) { statusBar.setForeground(Color.BLACK); if (currentPlayer == Symbol.X) statusBar.setText("X's Turn"); else statusBar.setText("O's Turn"); } else if (gameStatus == GameStatus.DRAW) { statusBar.setForeground(Color.RED); statusBar.setText("Draw! Click to play again!"); } else if (gameStatus == GameStatus.X_WIN) { statusBar.setForeground(Color.RED); statusBar.setText("X has won! Click to play again!"); } else if (gameStatus == GameStatus.O_WIN) { statusBar.setForeground(Color.RED); statusBar.setText("O has won! Click to play again!"); } }
public void modelChanged(Event event, Object value) { switch (event) { case StrategyUpdate: MarketDepth marketDepth = strategy.getMarketBook().getMarketDepth(); cumBidAskSizesLabel.setText(marketDepth.getSizes()); bidAskLabel.setText(marketDepth.getTop()); break; } }
// Game Logic public void phase1() { System.out.println("Phase 1"); lblStatus1.setText("S+ Phase"); lblStatus2.setText("Advancing slow actions..."); lblStatus3.setText(""); ListIterator iList = listAT.listIterator(); while (iList.hasNext()) ((GameAction) iList.next()).tick(); phase2(); }
// Renders the selected image protected void updateLabel(String name) { ImageIcon icon = createImageIcon("images/" + name + ".gif"); picture.setIcon(icon); if (icon != null) { picture.setText(null); } else { picture.setText("Image not found"); } }