예제 #1
  * Show the given message in a dialog box or independent window, depending on whether the source
  * component is contained in a Frame or not.
  * @param c The Controller that calls this method, or null if it is not called by a Controller.
  *     (The Controller, if any, will be notified when the error message is cleared.)
  * @param message The message to display.
 public void setErrorMessage(Controller c, String message) {
   if (popup != null) clearErrorMessage();
   if (message == null) return;
   errorSource = c;
   errorMessage = message;
   Component parent = source;
   while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof Frame)) parent = parent.getParent();
   if (parent != null) popup = new Dialog((Frame) parent, "Error Message", true); // modal dialog
   else popup = new Frame("Error Message"); // independent window
   popup.add(new MC(message), BorderLayout.CENTER);
   Panel buttonBar = new Panel();
   buttonBar.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT, 10, 10));
   Button OK = new Button("    OK    ");
   popup.add(buttonBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
   if (parent == null) popup.setLocation(100, 80);
   else popup.setLocation(parent.getLocation().x + 50, parent.getLocation().y + 30);
       new WindowAdapter() {
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
   popup.show(); // make the dialog visible.
 public Insets getBorderInsets(final Component c) {
   if (myProject == null) return new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
   ToolWindowManager toolWindowManager = ToolWindowManager.getInstance(myProject);
   if (!(toolWindowManager instanceof ToolWindowManagerImpl)
       || !((ToolWindowManagerImpl) toolWindowManager).isToolWindowRegistered(myInfo.getId())
       || myWindow.getType() == ToolWindowType.FLOATING) {
     return new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
   ToolWindowAnchor anchor = myWindow.getAnchor();
   Component component = myWindow.getComponent();
   Container parent = component.getParent();
   while (parent != null) {
     if (parent instanceof Splitter) {
       Splitter splitter = (Splitter) parent;
       boolean isFirst = splitter.getFirstComponent() == component;
       boolean isVertical = splitter.isVertical();
       return new Insets(
           anchor == ToolWindowAnchor.RIGHT || (!isVertical && !isFirst) ? 1 : 0,
           (isVertical && isFirst) ? 1 : 0,
           anchor == ToolWindowAnchor.LEFT || (!isVertical && isFirst) ? 1 : 0);
     component = parent;
     parent = component.getParent();
   return new Insets(
       anchor == ToolWindowAnchor.RIGHT ? 1 : 0,
       anchor == ToolWindowAnchor.TOP ? 1 : 0,
       anchor == ToolWindowAnchor.LEFT ? 1 : 0);
예제 #3
  protected Frame getFrame(Component comp) {
    if (comp == null) {
      comp = this;

    if (comp.getParent() instanceof Frame) {
      return (Frame) comp.getParent();

    return getFrame(comp.getParent());
예제 #4
 public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height, int op) {
   super.setBounds(x, y, width, height, op);
   if (xtext != null) {
      * Fixed 6277332, 6198290:
      * the coordinates is coming (to peer): relatively to closest HW parent
      * the coordinates is setting (to textField): relatively to closest ANY parent
      * the parent of peer is target.getParent()
      * the parent of textField is the same
      * see 6277332, 6198290 for more information
     int childX = x;
     int childY = y;
     Component parent = target.getParent();
     // we up to heavyweight parent in order to be sure
     // that the coordinates of the text pane is relatively to closest parent
     while (parent.isLightweight()) {
       childX -= parent.getX();
       childY -= parent.getY();
       parent = parent.getParent();
     xtext.setBounds(childX, childY, width, height);
예제 #5
   * Creates a new AWT <tt>Container</tt> which can display a single <tt>Component</tt> at a time
   * (supposedly, one which represents video) and, in the absence of such a <tt>Component</tt>,
   * displays a predefined default <tt>Component</tt> (in accord with the previous supposition, one
   * which is the default when there is no video). The returned <tt>Container</tt> will track the
   * <tt>Components</tt>s added to and removed from it in order to make sure that
   * <tt>noVideoContainer</tt> is displayed as described.
   * @param noVideoComponent the predefined default <tt>Component</tt> to be displayed in the
   *     returned <tt>Container</tt> when there is no other <tt>Component</tt> in it
   * @return a new <tt>Container</tt> which can display a single <tt>Component</tt> at a time and,
   *     in the absence of such a <tt>Component</tt>, displays <tt>noVideoComponent</tt>
  private VideoContainer createVideoContainer(Component noVideoComponent) {
    Container oldParent = noVideoComponent.getParent();

    if (oldParent != null) oldParent.remove(noVideoComponent);

    return new VideoContainer(noVideoComponent, false);
  * Internal MDI frames have offsets where a popup menu should be shown (in JDK 1.2). This method
  * sums up iteratively all x and y offsets of all parent compontents until the top parent
  * component is reached.
 private void adjustOffsets(Component comp, Point offsetPoint) {
   if (comp != null) {
     Point compLocation = comp.getLocation();
     offsetPoint.translate(compLocation.x, compLocation.y);
     adjustOffsets(comp.getParent(), offsetPoint);
예제 #7
    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt) {
      if (evt.isConsumed()) return;
      Component comp = getFocusOwner();
      if (evt.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER && enterEnabled) {
        while (comp != null) {
          if (comp instanceof JComboBox) {
            JComboBox<?> combo = (JComboBox<?>) comp;
            if (combo.isEditable()) {
              Object selected = combo.getEditor().getItem();
              if (selected != null) combo.setSelectedItem(selected);

            if (combo.isPopupVisible()) {
          // TODO: add other classes that need custom key handling here.
          comp = comp.getParent();
      } else if (evt.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE || isCloseBufferShortcut(evt)) {
        if (comp instanceof JComboBox) {
          JComboBox<?> combo = (JComboBox<?>) comp;
          if (combo.isPopupVisible()) combo.setPopupVisible(false);
          else cancel();
        } else cancel();
예제 #8
  private static Frame getFrame(Component c) {
    Component w = c;

    while (!(w instanceof Frame) && (w != null)) {
      w = w.getParent();
    return (Frame) w;
예제 #9
 /** Return the JComboBox for the given event, or null if none. */
 private JComboBox getComboBox(AWTEvent event) {
   Component comp = (Component) event.getSource();
   // Depends somewhat on LAF; sometimes the combo box is itself the
   // button, sometimes a panel containing the button.
   if (comp instanceof javax.swing.JButton) comp = comp.getParent();
   if (comp instanceof JComboBox) return (JComboBox) comp;
   return null;
예제 #10
  public static JFrame getFrame(Component c) {
    if (c instanceof JFrame) return (JFrame) c;

    while ((c = c.getParent()) != null) {
      if (c instanceof JFrame) return (JFrame) c;
    return null;
예제 #11
   * Overridden to enforce the position of the glass component as the zero child.
   * @param comp the component to be enhanced
   * @param constraints the constraints to be respected
   * @param index the index
  protected void addImpl(Component comp, Object constraints, int index) {
    super.addImpl(comp, constraints, index);

    /// We are making sure the glassPane is on top.
    if (glassPane != null && glassPane.getParent() == this && getComponent(0) != glassPane) {
      add(glassPane, 0);
예제 #12
파일: JSheet.java 프로젝트: karlvr/Quaqua
  * Returns the specified component's toplevel {@code Frame} or {@code Dialog}.
  * @param parentComponent the {@code Component} to check for a {@code Frame} or {@code Dialog}
  * @return the {@code Frame} or {@code Dialog} that contains the component, or the default frame
  *     if the component is {@code null}, or does not have a valid {@code Frame} or {@code Dialog}
  *     parent
 static Window getWindowForComponent(Component parentComponent) {
   if (parentComponent == null) {
     return JOptionPane.getRootFrame();
   if (parentComponent instanceof Frame || parentComponent instanceof Dialog) {
     return (Window) parentComponent;
   return getWindowForComponent(parentComponent.getParent());
  *  Keep the size of the component within the bounds of its parent.
 private Dimension getBoundingSize(Component source) {
   if (source instanceof Window) {
     GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
     Rectangle bounds = env.getMaximumWindowBounds();
     return new Dimension(bounds.width, bounds.height);
   } else {
     return source.getParent().getSize();
예제 #14
   * Returns the native container object of the specified component. This method is necessary
   * because the parent component might be a lightweight component.
   * @param component The component to fetch the native container for.
   * @return The native container object for this component.
  protected static Container getNativeContainer(Component component) {
    component = component.getParent();

    for (; ; ) {
      if (component == null) return (null);

      if (!(component instanceof Container)) {
        component = component.getParent();

      if (component.getPeer() instanceof LightweightPeer) {
        component = component.getParent();

      return ((Container) component);
예제 #15
  * Checks whether the specified component or one of its ancestors has the specified client
  * property set to {@link Boolean#TRUE}.
  * @param c Component.
  * @param clientPropName Client property name.
  * @return <code>true</code> if the specified component or one of its ancestors has the
  *     specified client property set to {@link Boolean#TRUE}, <code>false</code> otherwise.
 private boolean hasClientPropertySetToTrue(Component c, String clientPropName) {
   while (c != null) {
     if (c instanceof JComponent) {
       JComponent jc = (JComponent) c;
       if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(jc.getClientProperty(clientPropName))) return true;
     c = c.getParent();
   return false;
예제 #16
  public static JTableRenderer getVertex(Component component) {
    while (component != null) {
      if (component instanceof JTableRenderer) {
        return (JTableRenderer) component;
      component = component.getParent();

    return null;
 public void internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent e) {
   Component cont = getParent();
   while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) {
     cont = cont.getParent();
   if (cont != null) {
     if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) {
예제 #18
  * Checks if the component is in an EmbeddedFrame. If so, returns the applet found in the
  * hierarchy or null if not found.
  * @return the parent applet or {@ null}
  * @since 1.6
 public static Applet getAppletIfAncestorOf(Component comp) {
   Container parent = comp.getParent();
   Applet applet = null;
   while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof EmbeddedFrame)) {
     if (parent instanceof Applet) {
       applet = (Applet) parent;
     parent = parent.getParent();
   return parent == null ? null : applet;
    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
      if (!isEditing() || getClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost") != Boolean.TRUE) { // NOI18N

      Component c = focusManager.getPermanentFocusOwner();
      while (c != null) {
        if (c == JListMutable.this) {
          // focus remains inside the table
        } else if ((c instanceof Window) || (c instanceof Applet && c.getParent() == null)) {
          if (c == SwingUtilities.getRoot(JListMutable.this)) {
            if (!getListCellEditor().stopCellEditing()) {
        c = c.getParent();
예제 #20
 // Overridden for performance reasons. ---->
 public boolean isOpaque() {
   Color back = getBackground();
   Component p = getParent();
   if (Objects.nonNull(p)) {
     p = p.getParent();
   } // p should now be the JTable.
   boolean colorMatch =
           && Objects.nonNull(p)
           && back.equals(p.getBackground())
           && p.isOpaque();
   return !colorMatch && super.isOpaque();
  * This method displays a popup menu, if there is one registered with the Figure (the Figure's
  * attributes are queried for Figure.POPUP_MENU which is used to indicate an association of a
  * popup menu with the Figure).
  * @param figure Figure for which a popup menu should be displayed
  * @param x x coordinate where the popup menu should be displayed
  * @param y y coordinate where the popup menu should be displayed
  * @param component Component which invoked the popup menu
 protected void showPopupMenu(Figure figure, int x, int y, Component comp) {
   final Object attribute = figure.getAttribute(Figure.POPUP_MENU);
   if ((attribute != null) && (attribute instanceof JPopupMenu)) {
     JPopupMenu popup = (JPopupMenu) attribute;
     if (popup instanceof PopupMenuFigureSelection) {
       ((PopupMenuFigureSelection) popup).setSelectedFigure(figure);
     // calculate offsets for internal MDI frames
     Point newLocation = new Point(x, y);
     adjustOffsets(comp.getParent(), newLocation);
예제 #22
  // java.awt.Toolkit#getNativeContainer() is not available
  //  from this package
  private WComponentPeer getNearestNativePeer(Component comp) {
    if (comp == null) return null;

    ComponentPeer peer = comp.getPeer();
    if (peer == null) return null;

    while (peer instanceof java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer) {
      comp = comp.getParent();
      if (comp == null) return null;
      peer = comp.getPeer();
      if (peer == null) return null;

    if (peer instanceof WComponentPeer) return (WComponentPeer) peer;
    else return null;
예제 #23
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
   Component parent = extensionButton.getParent();
   while ((parent != null) && !(parent instanceof Frame)) parent = parent.getParent();
   String newExtensions =
           "Edit the extension list.\nSeparate extensions by commas.\n\n",
   if ((newExtensions != null) && !newExtensions.trim().equals("")) {
     newExtensions = newExtensions.replaceAll("\\s", "");
     properties.setProperty("extensions", filter.getExtensionString());
 public void refreshMe() {
   Component cont = getParent();
   while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) {
     cont = cont.getParent();
   if (cont != null) {
     if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) {
       Collection<ICFBamTableColObj> dataCollection;
       ICFBamTextTypeObj focus = (ICFBamTextTypeObj) getSwingFocusAsTextType();
       if (focus != null) {
         dataCollection = focus.getOptionalChildrenRef(swingIsInitializing);
       } else {
         dataCollection = null;
       JPanel panel = getTabViewChildrenRefListJPanel();
       ICFBamSwingTableColJPanelList jpList = (ICFBamSwingTableColJPanelList) panel;
 public void refreshMe() {
   Component cont = getParent();
   while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) {
     cont = cont.getParent();
   if (cont != null) {
     if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) {
       Collection<ICFBamClearSubDep1Obj> dataCollection;
       ICFBamClearTopDepObj focus = (ICFBamClearTopDepObj) getSwingFocusAsClearTopDep();
       if (focus != null) {
         dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsClearDep(swingIsInitializing);
       } else {
         dataCollection = null;
       JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsClearDepListJPanel();
       ICFBamSwingClearSubDep1JPanelList jpList = (ICFBamSwingClearSubDep1JPanelList) panel;
예제 #26
   * Sets a specified <code>Component</code> to be the glass pane for this root pane. The glass pane
   * should normally be a lightweight, transparent component, because it will be made visible when
   * ever the root pane needs to grab input events.
   * <p>The new glass pane's visibility is changed to match that of the current glass pane. An
   * implication of this is that care must be taken when you want to replace the glass pane and make
   * it visible. Either of the following will work:
   * <pre>
   *   root.setGlassPane(newGlassPane);
   *   newGlassPane.setVisible(true);
   * </pre>
   * or:
   * <pre>
   *   root.getGlassPane().setVisible(true);
   *   root.setGlassPane(newGlassPane);
   * </pre>
   * @param glass the <code>Component</code> to use as the glass pane for this <code>JRootPane
   *     </code>
   * @exception NullPointerException if the <code>glass</code> parameter is <code>null</code>
  public void setGlassPane(Component glass) {
    if (glass == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("glassPane cannot be set to null.");

    AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().setMixingCutoutShape(glass, new Rectangle());

    boolean visible = false;
    if (glassPane != null && glassPane.getParent() == this) {
      visible = glassPane.isVisible();

    glassPane = glass;
    this.add(glassPane, 0);
    if (visible) {
 public void refreshMe() {
   Component cont = getParent();
   while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) {
     cont = cont.getParent();
   if (cont != null) {
     if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) {
       Collection<ICFBamParamObj> dataCollection;
       ICFBamServerListFuncObj focus = getSwingFocusAsServerListFunc();
       if (focus != null) {
         dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsParams(swingIsInitializing);
       } else {
         dataCollection = null;
       JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsParamsListJPanel();
       ICFBamSwingParamJPanelList jpList = (ICFBamSwingParamJPanelList) panel;
 public void refreshMe() {
   Component cont = getParent();
   while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) {
     cont = cont.getParent();
   if (cont != null) {
     if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) {
       Collection<ICFInternetMinorVersionObj> dataCollection;
       ICFAccMajorVersionObj focus = (ICFAccMajorVersionObj) getSwingFocusAsMajorVersion();
       if (focus != null) {
         dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsMinorVersion(swingIsInitializing);
       } else {
         dataCollection = null;
       JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsMinorVersionListJPanel();
       ICFAccSwingMinorVersionJPanelList jpList = (ICFAccSwingMinorVersionJPanelList) panel;
 public void choseTenant(ICFSecurityTenantObj value) {
   Component cont = getParent();
   while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) {
     cont = cont.getParent();
   if (cont != null) {
     if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) {
       if (swingReferenceOwnerTenant != null) {
         ICFInternetDomainBaseObj cur = getSwingFocusAsDomainBase();
         if (cur != null) {
           ICFInternetDomainBaseEditObj editObj = (ICFBamDomainBaseEditObj) cur.getEdit();
           if (null != editObj) {
             CFJPanel.PanelMode curMode = getPanelMode();
             if ((curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Add) || (curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Edit)) {
 public void choseSecUser(ICFSecuritySecUserObj value) {
   Component cont = getParent();
   while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) {
     cont = cont.getParent();
   if (cont != null) {
     if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) {
       if (swingReferenceContainerSecUser != null) {
         ICFSecuritySecSessionObj cur = getSwingFocusAsSecSession();
         if (cur != null) {
           ICFSecuritySecSessionEditObj editObj = (ICFDbTestSecSessionEditObj) cur.getEdit();
           if (null != editObj) {
             CFJPanel.PanelMode curMode = getPanelMode();
             if ((curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Add) || (curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Edit)) {