   * API to save a new UtilityAttribute Usage : /UtilityAttribute/create
   * @param
   * @return name of jsp file to which control is to be returned
  @RequestMapping(value = "/utilityattribute/create/{uid}/{slno}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
  protected String createUtilityAttribute(
      @ModelAttribute("utilityarrtibute") UtilityAttributes utlyattribute,
      @PathVariable("uid") int utilityid,
      @PathVariable("slno") int slno) {
    int stat = 0;
    try {

      logger.info(" in utility create POST. utility=  " + utlyattribute.getUtilityid());

      int primarykey = mastersservice.insertUtilityAttr(utlyattribute);
      if (primarykey != -1) {
        stat = 1;

    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.info("Exception in create UtilityAttribute " + e.getMessage());
    //  Redirect control to list page via main page
    String saveoper = "/API/utilityattribute/create/" + utilityid + "/-1?savestat=" + stat;
    SecurityContext sec = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
    AbstractAuthenticationToken auth = (AbstractAuthenticationToken) sec.getAuthentication();
    Map<String, Object> info = (Map<String, Object>) auth.getDetails();

    info.put("saveoper", saveoper);
    return "redirect:/start.htm";