예제 #1
   * Retrives precincts and code-blocks coordinates in the given resolution, component and tile. It
   * terminates TagTreeEncoder initialization as well.
   * @param t Tile index.
   * @param c Component index.
   * @param r Resolution level index.
  private void fillPrecInfo(int t, int c, int r) {
    if (ppinfo[t][c][r].length == 0) return; // No precinct in this
    // resolution level

    Point tileI = infoSrc.getTile(null);
    Point nTiles = infoSrc.getNumTiles(null);

    int x0siz = infoSrc.getImgULX();
    int y0siz = infoSrc.getImgULY();
    int xsiz = x0siz + infoSrc.getImgWidth();
    int ysiz = y0siz + infoSrc.getImgHeight();
    int xt0siz = infoSrc.getTilePartULX();
    int yt0siz = infoSrc.getTilePartULY();
    int xtsiz = infoSrc.getNomTileWidth();
    int ytsiz = infoSrc.getNomTileHeight();

    int tx0 = (tileI.x == 0) ? x0siz : xt0siz + tileI.x * xtsiz;
    int ty0 = (tileI.y == 0) ? y0siz : yt0siz + tileI.y * ytsiz;
    int tx1 = (tileI.x != nTiles.x - 1) ? xt0siz + (tileI.x + 1) * xtsiz : xsiz;
    int ty1 = (tileI.y != nTiles.y - 1) ? yt0siz + (tileI.y + 1) * ytsiz : ysiz;

    int xrsiz = infoSrc.getCompSubsX(c);
    int yrsiz = infoSrc.getCompSubsY(c);

    int tcx0 = (int) Math.ceil(tx0 / (double) (xrsiz));
    int tcy0 = (int) Math.ceil(ty0 / (double) (yrsiz));
    int tcx1 = (int) Math.ceil(tx1 / (double) (xrsiz));
    int tcy1 = (int) Math.ceil(ty1 / (double) (yrsiz));

    int ndl = infoSrc.getAnSubbandTree(t, c).resLvl - r;
    int trx0 = (int) Math.ceil(tcx0 / (double) (1 << ndl));
    int try0 = (int) Math.ceil(tcy0 / (double) (1 << ndl));
    int trx1 = (int) Math.ceil(tcx1 / (double) (1 << ndl));
    int try1 = (int) Math.ceil(tcy1 / (double) (1 << ndl));

    int cb0x = infoSrc.getCbULX();
    int cb0y = infoSrc.getCbULY();

    double twoppx = (double) wp.getPrecinctPartition().getPPX(t, c, r);
    double twoppy = (double) wp.getPrecinctPartition().getPPY(t, c, r);
    int twoppx2 = (int) (twoppx / 2);
    int twoppy2 = (int) (twoppy / 2);

    // Precincts are located at (cb0x+i*twoppx,cb0y+j*twoppy)
    // Valid precincts are those which intersect with the current
    // resolution level
    int maxPrec = ppinfo[t][c][r].length;
    int nPrec = 0;

    int istart = (int) Math.floor((try0 - cb0y) / twoppy);
    int iend = (int) Math.floor((try1 - 1 - cb0y) / twoppy);
    int jstart = (int) Math.floor((trx0 - cb0x) / twoppx);
    int jend = (int) Math.floor((trx1 - 1 - cb0x) / twoppx);

    int acb0x, acb0y;

    SubbandAn root = infoSrc.getAnSubbandTree(t, c);
    SubbandAn sb = null;

    int p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y; // Precinct projection in subband
    int s0x, s0y, s1x, s1y; // Active subband portion
    int cw, ch;
    int kstart, kend, lstart, lend, k0, l0;
    int prg_ulx, prg_uly;
    int prg_w = (int) twoppx << ndl;
    int prg_h = (int) twoppy << ndl;

    CBlkCoordInfo cb;

    for (int i = istart; i <= iend; i++) { // Vertical precincts
      for (int j = jstart; j <= jend; j++, nPrec++) { // Horizontal precincts
        if (j == jstart && (trx0 - cb0x) % (xrsiz * ((int) twoppx)) != 0) {
          prg_ulx = tx0;
        } else {
          prg_ulx = cb0x + j * xrsiz * ((int) twoppx << ndl);
        if (i == istart && (try0 - cb0y) % (yrsiz * ((int) twoppy)) != 0) {
          prg_uly = ty0;
        } else {
          prg_uly = cb0y + i * yrsiz * ((int) twoppy << ndl);

        ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec] =
            new PrecInfo(
                (int) (cb0x + j * twoppx),
                (int) (cb0y + i * twoppy),
                (int) twoppx,
                (int) twoppy,

        if (r == 0) { // LL subband
          acb0x = cb0x;
          acb0y = cb0y;

          p0x = acb0x + j * (int) twoppx;
          p1x = p0x + (int) twoppx;
          p0y = acb0y + i * (int) twoppy;
          p1y = p0y + (int) twoppy;

          sb = (SubbandAn) root.getSubbandByIdx(0, 0);
          s0x = (p0x < sb.ulcx) ? sb.ulcx : p0x;
          s1x = (p1x > sb.ulcx + sb.w) ? sb.ulcx + sb.w : p1x;
          s0y = (p0y < sb.ulcy) ? sb.ulcy : p0y;
          s1y = (p1y > sb.ulcy + sb.h) ? sb.ulcy + sb.h : p1y;

          // Code-blocks are located at (acb0x+k*cw,acb0y+l*ch)
          cw = sb.nomCBlkW;
          ch = sb.nomCBlkH;
          k0 = (int) Math.floor((sb.ulcy - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          kstart = (int) Math.floor((s0y - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          kend = (int) Math.floor((s1y - 1 - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          l0 = (int) Math.floor((sb.ulcx - acb0x) / (double) cw);
          lstart = (int) Math.floor((s0x - acb0x) / (double) cw);
          lend = (int) Math.floor((s1x - 1 - acb0x) / (double) cw);

          if (s1x - s0x <= 0 || s1y - s0y <= 0) {
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].nblk[0] = 0;
            ttIncl[t][c][r][nPrec][0] = new TagTreeEncoder(0, 0);
            ttMaxBP[t][c][r][nPrec][0] = new TagTreeEncoder(0, 0);
          } else {
            ttIncl[t][c][r][nPrec][0] = new TagTreeEncoder(kend - kstart + 1, lend - lstart + 1);
            ttMaxBP[t][c][r][nPrec][0] = new TagTreeEncoder(kend - kstart + 1, lend - lstart + 1);
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].cblk[0] =
                new CBlkCoordInfo[kend - kstart + 1][lend - lstart + 1];
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].nblk[0] = (kend - kstart + 1) * (lend - lstart + 1);

            for (int k = kstart; k <= kend; k++) { // Vertical cblks
              for (int l = lstart; l <= lend; l++) { // Horiz. cblks

                cb = new CBlkCoordInfo(k - k0, l - l0);
                ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].cblk[0][k - kstart][l - lstart] = cb;
              } // Horizontal code-blocks
            } // Vertical code-blocks
        } else { // HL, LH and HH subbands
          // HL subband
          acb0x = 0;
          acb0y = cb0y;

          p0x = acb0x + j * twoppx2;
          p1x = p0x + twoppx2;
          p0y = acb0y + i * twoppy2;
          p1y = p0y + twoppy2;

          sb = (SubbandAn) root.getSubbandByIdx(r, 1);
          s0x = (p0x < sb.ulcx) ? sb.ulcx : p0x;
          s1x = (p1x > sb.ulcx + sb.w) ? sb.ulcx + sb.w : p1x;
          s0y = (p0y < sb.ulcy) ? sb.ulcy : p0y;
          s1y = (p1y > sb.ulcy + sb.h) ? sb.ulcy + sb.h : p1y;

          // Code-blocks are located at (acb0x+k*cw,acb0y+l*ch)
          cw = sb.nomCBlkW;
          ch = sb.nomCBlkH;
          k0 = (int) Math.floor((sb.ulcy - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          kstart = (int) Math.floor((s0y - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          kend = (int) Math.floor((s1y - 1 - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          l0 = (int) Math.floor((sb.ulcx - acb0x) / (double) cw);
          lstart = (int) Math.floor((s0x - acb0x) / (double) cw);
          lend = (int) Math.floor((s1x - 1 - acb0x) / (double) cw);

          if (s1x - s0x <= 0 || s1y - s0y <= 0) {
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].nblk[1] = 0;
            ttIncl[t][c][r][nPrec][1] = new TagTreeEncoder(0, 0);
            ttMaxBP[t][c][r][nPrec][1] = new TagTreeEncoder(0, 0);
          } else {
            ttIncl[t][c][r][nPrec][1] = new TagTreeEncoder(kend - kstart + 1, lend - lstart + 1);
            ttMaxBP[t][c][r][nPrec][1] = new TagTreeEncoder(kend - kstart + 1, lend - lstart + 1);
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].cblk[1] =
                new CBlkCoordInfo[kend - kstart + 1][lend - lstart + 1];
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].nblk[1] = (kend - kstart + 1) * (lend - lstart + 1);

            for (int k = kstart; k <= kend; k++) { // Vertical cblks
              for (int l = lstart; l <= lend; l++) { // Horiz. cblks
                cb = new CBlkCoordInfo(k - k0, l - l0);
                ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].cblk[1][k - kstart][l - lstart] = cb;
              } // Horizontal code-blocks
            } // Vertical code-blocks

          // LH subband
          acb0x = cb0x;
          acb0y = 0;

          p0x = acb0x + j * twoppx2;
          p1x = p0x + twoppx2;
          p0y = acb0y + i * twoppy2;
          p1y = p0y + twoppy2;

          sb = (SubbandAn) root.getSubbandByIdx(r, 2);
          s0x = (p0x < sb.ulcx) ? sb.ulcx : p0x;
          s1x = (p1x > sb.ulcx + sb.w) ? sb.ulcx + sb.w : p1x;
          s0y = (p0y < sb.ulcy) ? sb.ulcy : p0y;
          s1y = (p1y > sb.ulcy + sb.h) ? sb.ulcy + sb.h : p1y;

          // Code-blocks are located at (acb0x+k*cw,acb0y+l*ch)
          cw = sb.nomCBlkW;
          ch = sb.nomCBlkH;
          k0 = (int) Math.floor((sb.ulcy - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          kstart = (int) Math.floor((s0y - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          kend = (int) Math.floor((s1y - 1 - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          l0 = (int) Math.floor((sb.ulcx - acb0x) / (double) cw);
          lstart = (int) Math.floor((s0x - acb0x) / (double) cw);
          lend = (int) Math.floor((s1x - 1 - acb0x) / (double) cw);

          if (s1x - s0x <= 0 || s1y - s0y <= 0) {
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].nblk[2] = 0;
            ttIncl[t][c][r][nPrec][2] = new TagTreeEncoder(0, 0);
            ttMaxBP[t][c][r][nPrec][2] = new TagTreeEncoder(0, 0);
          } else {
            ttIncl[t][c][r][nPrec][2] = new TagTreeEncoder(kend - kstart + 1, lend - lstart + 1);
            ttMaxBP[t][c][r][nPrec][2] = new TagTreeEncoder(kend - kstart + 1, lend - lstart + 1);
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].cblk[2] =
                new CBlkCoordInfo[kend - kstart + 1][lend - lstart + 1];
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].nblk[2] = (kend - kstart + 1) * (lend - lstart + 1);

            for (int k = kstart; k <= kend; k++) { // Vertical cblks
              for (int l = lstart; l <= lend; l++) { // Horiz cblks
                cb = new CBlkCoordInfo(k - k0, l - l0);
                ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].cblk[2][k - kstart][l - lstart] = cb;
              } // Horizontal code-blocks
            } // Vertical code-blocks

          // HH subband
          acb0x = 0;
          acb0y = 0;

          p0x = acb0x + j * twoppx2;
          p1x = p0x + twoppx2;
          p0y = acb0y + i * twoppy2;
          p1y = p0y + twoppy2;

          sb = (SubbandAn) root.getSubbandByIdx(r, 3);
          s0x = (p0x < sb.ulcx) ? sb.ulcx : p0x;
          s1x = (p1x > sb.ulcx + sb.w) ? sb.ulcx + sb.w : p1x;
          s0y = (p0y < sb.ulcy) ? sb.ulcy : p0y;
          s1y = (p1y > sb.ulcy + sb.h) ? sb.ulcy + sb.h : p1y;

          // Code-blocks are located at (acb0x+k*cw,acb0y+l*ch)
          cw = sb.nomCBlkW;
          ch = sb.nomCBlkH;
          k0 = (int) Math.floor((sb.ulcy - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          kstart = (int) Math.floor((s0y - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          kend = (int) Math.floor((s1y - 1 - acb0y) / (double) ch);
          l0 = (int) Math.floor((sb.ulcx - acb0x) / (double) cw);
          lstart = (int) Math.floor((s0x - acb0x) / (double) cw);
          lend = (int) Math.floor((s1x - 1 - acb0x) / (double) cw);

          if (s1x - s0x <= 0 || s1y - s0y <= 0) {
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].nblk[3] = 0;
            ttIncl[t][c][r][nPrec][3] = new TagTreeEncoder(0, 0);
            ttMaxBP[t][c][r][nPrec][3] = new TagTreeEncoder(0, 0);
          } else {
            ttIncl[t][c][r][nPrec][3] = new TagTreeEncoder(kend - kstart + 1, lend - lstart + 1);
            ttMaxBP[t][c][r][nPrec][3] = new TagTreeEncoder(kend - kstart + 1, lend - lstart + 1);
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].cblk[3] =
                new CBlkCoordInfo[kend - kstart + 1][lend - lstart + 1];
            ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].nblk[3] = (kend - kstart + 1) * (lend - lstart + 1);

            for (int k = kstart; k <= kend; k++) { // Vertical cblks
              for (int l = lstart; l <= lend; l++) { // Horiz cblks
                cb = new CBlkCoordInfo(k - k0, l - l0);
                ppinfo[t][c][r][nPrec].cblk[3][k - kstart][l - lstart] = cb;
              } // Horizontal code-blocks
            } // Vertical code-blocks
      } // Horizontal precincts
    } // Vertical precincts
예제 #2
   * Encodes a packet and returns the buffer containing the encoded packet header. The code-blocks
   * appear in a 3D array of CBlkRateDistStats, 'cbs'. The first index is the tile index in
   * lexicographical order, the second index is the subband index (as defined in the Subband class),
   * and the third index is the code-block index (whithin the subband tile) in lexicographical order
   * as well. The indexes of the new truncation points for each code-block are specified by the 3D
   * array of int 'tIndx'. The indices of this array are the same as for cbs. The truncation point
   * indices in 'tIndx' are the indices of the elements of the 'truncIdxs' array, of the
   * CBlkRateDistStats class, that give the real truncation points. If a truncation point index is
   * negative it means that the code-block has not been included in any layer yet. If the truncation
   * point is less than or equal to the highest truncation point used in previous layers then the
   * code-block is not included in the packet. Otherwise, if larger, the code-block is included in
   * the packet. The body of the packet can be obtained with the getLastBodyBuf() and
   * getLastBodyLen() methods.
   * <p>Layers must be coded in increasing order, in consecutive manner, for each tile, component
   * and resolution level (e.g., layer 1, then layer 2, etc.). For different tile, component and/or
   * resolution level no particular order must be followed.
   * @param ly The layer index (starts at 1).
   * @param c The component index.
   * @param r The resolution level
   * @param t Index of the current tile
   * @param cbs The 3D array of coded code-blocks.
   * @param tIndx The truncation point indices for each code-block.
   * @param hbuf The header buffer. If null a new BitOutputBuffer is created and returned. This
   *     buffer is reset before anything is written to it.
   * @param bbuf The body buffer. If null a new one is created. If not large enough a new one is
   *     created.
   * @param pIdx The precinct index.
   * @return The buffer containing the packet header.
  public BitOutputBuffer encodePacket(
      int ly,
      int c,
      int r,
      int t,
      CBlkRateDistStats cbs[][],
      int tIndx[][],
      BitOutputBuffer hbuf,
      byte bbuf[],
      int pIdx) {
    int b, i, maxi;
    int ncb;
    int thmax;
    int newtp;
    int cblen;
    int prednbits, nbits, deltabits;
    TagTreeEncoder cur_ttIncl, cur_ttMaxBP; // inclusion and bit-depth tag
    // trees
    int cur_prevtIdxs[]; // last encoded truncation points
    CBlkRateDistStats cur_cbs[];
    int cur_tIndx[]; // truncation points to encode
    int minsb = (r == 0) ? 0 : 1;
    int maxsb = (r == 0) ? 1 : 4;
    Point cbCoord = null;
    SubbandAn root = infoSrc.getAnSubbandTree(t, c);
    SubbandAn sb;
    roiInPkt = false;
    roiLen = 0;
    int mend, nend;

    // Checks if a precinct with such an index exists in this resolution
    // level
    if (pIdx >= ppinfo[t][c][r].length) {
      packetWritable = false;
      return hbuf;
    PrecInfo prec = ppinfo[t][c][r][pIdx];

    // First, we check if packet is empty (i.e precinct 'pIdx' has no
    // code-block in any of the subbands)
    boolean isPrecVoid = true;

    for (int s = minsb; s < maxsb; s++) {
      if (prec.nblk[s] == 0) {
        // The precinct has no code-block in this subband.
      } else {
        // The precinct is not empty in at least one subband ->
        // stop
        isPrecVoid = false;

    if (isPrecVoid) {
      packetWritable = true;

      if (hbuf == null) {
        hbuf = new BitOutputBuffer();
      } else {
      if (bbuf == null) {
        lbbuf = bbuf = new byte[1];
      lblen = 0;

      return hbuf;

    if (hbuf == null) {
      hbuf = new BitOutputBuffer();
    } else {

    // Invalidate last body buffer
    lbbuf = null;
    lblen = 0;

    // Signal that packet is present

    for (int s = minsb; s < maxsb; s++) { // Loop on subbands
      sb = (SubbandAn) root.getSubbandByIdx(r, s);

      // Go directly to next subband if the precinct has no code-block
      // in the current one.
      if (prec.nblk[s] == 0) {

      cur_ttIncl = ttIncl[t][c][r][pIdx][s];
      cur_ttMaxBP = ttMaxBP[t][c][r][pIdx][s];
      cur_prevtIdxs = prevtIdxs[t][c][r][s];
      cur_cbs = cbs[s];
      cur_tIndx = tIndx[s];

      // Set tag tree values for code-blocks in this precinct
      mend = (prec.cblk[s] == null) ? 0 : prec.cblk[s].length;
      for (int m = 0; m < mend; m++) {
        nend = (prec.cblk[s][m] == null) ? 0 : prec.cblk[s][m].length;
        for (int n = 0; n < nend; n++) {
          cbCoord = prec.cblk[s][m][n].idx;
          b = cbCoord.x + cbCoord.y * sb.numCb.x;

          if (cur_tIndx[b] > cur_prevtIdxs[b] && cur_prevtIdxs[b] < 0) {
            // First inclusion
            cur_ttIncl.setValue(m, n, ly - 1);
          if (ly == 1) { // First layer, need to set the skip of MSBP
            cur_ttMaxBP.setValue(m, n, cur_cbs[b].skipMSBP);

      // Now encode the information
      for (int m = 0; m < prec.cblk[s].length; m++) { // Vertical code-blocks
        for (int n = 0; n < prec.cblk[s][m].length; n++) { // Horiz. cblks
          cbCoord = prec.cblk[s][m][n].idx;
          b = cbCoord.x + cbCoord.y * sb.numCb.x;

          // 1) Inclusion information
          if (cur_tIndx[b] > cur_prevtIdxs[b]) {
            // Code-block included in this layer
            if (cur_prevtIdxs[b] < 0) { // First inclusion
              // Encode layer info
              cur_ttIncl.encode(m, n, ly, hbuf);

              // 2) Max bitdepth info. Encode value
              thmax = cur_cbs[b].skipMSBP + 1;
              for (i = 1; i <= thmax; i++) {
                cur_ttMaxBP.encode(m, n, i, hbuf);

              // Count body size for packet
              lblen += cur_cbs[b].truncRates[cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_tIndx[b]]];
            } else { // Already in previous layer
              // Send "1" bit
              // Count body size for packet
              lblen +=
                      - cur_cbs[b].truncRates[cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_prevtIdxs[b]]];

            // 3) Truncation point information
            if (cur_prevtIdxs[b] < 0) {
              newtp = cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_tIndx[b]];
            } else {
              newtp =
                  cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_tIndx[b]] - cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_prevtIdxs[b]] - 1;

            // Mix of switch and if is faster
            switch (newtp) {
              case 0:
                hbuf.writeBit(0); // Send one "0" bit
              case 1:
                hbuf.writeBits(2, 2); // Send one "1" and one "0"
              case 2:
              case 3:
              case 4:
                // Send two "1" bits followed by 2 bits
                // representation of newtp-2
                hbuf.writeBits((3 << 2) | (newtp - 2), 4);
                if (newtp <= 35) {
                  // Send four "1" bits followed by a five bits
                  // representation of newtp-5
                  hbuf.writeBits((15 << 5) | (newtp - 5), 9);
                } else if (newtp <= 163) {
                  // Send nine "1" bits followed by a seven bits
                  // representation of newtp-36
                  hbuf.writeBits((511 << 7) | (newtp - 36), 16);
                } else {
                  throw new ArithmeticException(
                      "Maximum number " + "of truncation " + "points exceeded");
          } else { // Block not included in this layer
            if (cur_prevtIdxs[b] >= 0) {
              // Already in previous layer. Send "0" bit
            } else { // Not in any previous layers
              cur_ttIncl.encode(m, n, ly, hbuf);
            // Go to the next one.

          // Code-block length

          // We need to compute the maximum number of bits needed to
          // signal the length of each terminated segment and the
          // final truncation point.
          newtp = 1;
          maxi = cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_tIndx[b]];
          cblen =
              (cur_prevtIdxs[b] < 0)
                  ? 0
                  : cur_cbs[b].truncRates[cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_prevtIdxs[b]]];

          // Loop on truncation points
          i = (cur_prevtIdxs[b] < 0) ? 0 : cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_prevtIdxs[b]] + 1;
          int minbits = 0;
          for (; i < maxi; i++, newtp++) {
            // If terminated truncation point calculate length
            if (cur_cbs[b].isTermPass != null && cur_cbs[b].isTermPass[i]) {

              // Calculate length
              cblen = cur_cbs[b].truncRates[i] - cblen;

              // Calculate number of needed bits
              prednbits = lblock[t][c][r][s][b] + MathUtil.log2(newtp);
              minbits = ((cblen > 0) ? MathUtil.log2(cblen) : 0) + 1;

              // Update Lblock increment if needed
              for (int j = prednbits; j < minbits; j++) {
              // Initialize for next length
              newtp = 0;
              cblen = cur_cbs[b].truncRates[i];
          // Last truncation point length always sent

          // Calculate length
          cblen = cur_cbs[b].truncRates[i] - cblen;

          // Calculate number of bits
          prednbits = lblock[t][c][r][s][b] + MathUtil.log2(newtp);
          minbits = ((cblen > 0) ? MathUtil.log2(cblen) : 0) + 1;
          // Update Lblock increment if needed
          for (int j = prednbits; j < minbits; j++) {

          // End of comma-code increment

          // There can be terminated several segments, send length
          // info for all terminated truncation points in addition
          // to final one
          newtp = 1;
          maxi = cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_tIndx[b]];
          cblen =
              (cur_prevtIdxs[b] < 0)
                  ? 0
                  : cur_cbs[b].truncRates[cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_prevtIdxs[b]]];
          // Loop on truncation points and count the groups
          i = (cur_prevtIdxs[b] < 0) ? 0 : cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_prevtIdxs[b]] + 1;
          for (; i < maxi; i++, newtp++) {
            // If terminated truncation point, send length
            if (cur_cbs[b].isTermPass != null && cur_cbs[b].isTermPass[i]) {

              cblen = cur_cbs[b].truncRates[i] - cblen;
              nbits = MathUtil.log2(newtp) + lblock[t][c][r][s][b];
              hbuf.writeBits(cblen, nbits);

              // Initialize for next length
              newtp = 0;
              cblen = cur_cbs[b].truncRates[i];
          // Last truncation point length is always signalled
          // First calculate number of bits needed to signal
          // Calculate length
          cblen = cur_cbs[b].truncRates[i] - cblen;
          nbits = MathUtil.log2(newtp) + lblock[t][c][r][s][b];
          hbuf.writeBits(cblen, nbits);
        } // End loop on horizontal code-blocks
      } // End loop on vertical code-blocks
    } // End loop on subband

    // -> Copy the data to the body buffer

    // Ensure size for body data
    if (bbuf == null || bbuf.length < lblen) {
      bbuf = new byte[lblen];
    lbbuf = bbuf;
    lblen = 0;

    for (int s = minsb; s < maxsb; s++) { // Loop on subbands
      sb = (SubbandAn) root.getSubbandByIdx(r, s);

      cur_prevtIdxs = prevtIdxs[t][c][r][s];
      cur_cbs = cbs[s];
      cur_tIndx = tIndx[s];
      ncb = cur_prevtIdxs.length;

      mend = (prec.cblk[s] == null) ? 0 : prec.cblk[s].length;
      for (int m = 0; m < mend; m++) { // Vertical code-blocks
        nend = (prec.cblk[s][m] == null) ? 0 : prec.cblk[s][m].length;
        for (int n = 0; n < nend; n++) { // Horiz. cblks
          cbCoord = prec.cblk[s][m][n].idx;
          b = cbCoord.x + cbCoord.y * sb.numCb.x;

          if (cur_tIndx[b] > cur_prevtIdxs[b]) {

            // Block included in this precinct -> Copy data to
            // body buffer and get code-size
            if (cur_prevtIdxs[b] < 0) {
              cblen = cur_cbs[b].truncRates[cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_tIndx[b]]];
              System.arraycopy(cur_cbs[b].data, 0, lbbuf, lblen, cblen);
            } else {
              cblen =
                      - cur_cbs[b].truncRates[cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_prevtIdxs[b]]];
            lblen += cblen;

            // Verifies if this code-block contains new ROI
            // information
            if (cur_cbs[b].nROIcoeff != 0
                && (cur_prevtIdxs[b] == -1
                    || cur_cbs[b].truncIdxs[cur_prevtIdxs[b]] <= cur_cbs[b].nROIcp - 1)) {
              roiInPkt = true;
              roiLen = lblen;

            // Update truncation point
            cur_prevtIdxs[b] = cur_tIndx[b];
        } // End loop on horizontal code-blocks
      } // End loop on vertical code-blocks
    } // End loop on subbands

    packetWritable = true;

    // Must never happen
    if (hbuf.getLength() == 0) {
      throw new Error("You have found a bug in PktEncoder, method:" + " encodePacket");

    return hbuf;
예제 #3
   * Creates a new packet header encoder, using the information from the 'infoSrc' object. The
   * information used is the number of components, number of tiles, subband decomposition, etc.
   * <p>Note that this constructor visits all the tiles in the 'infoSrc' object. The 'infoSrc'
   * object is left at the original tile (i.e. the current tile before calling this constructor),
   * but any side effects of visiting the tiles is not reverted.
   * @param infoSrc The source of information to construct the object.
   * @param encSpec The parameters for the encoding
   * @param maxNumPrec Maximum number of precinct in each tile, component and resolution level.
   * @param pl ParameterList instance that holds command line options
  public PktEncoder(CodedCBlkDataSrcEnc infoSrc, J2KImageWriteParamJava wp, Point[][][] numPrec) {
    this.infoSrc = infoSrc;
    this.wp = wp;
    //        this.numPrec = numPrec;

    // Get number of components and tiles
    int nc = infoSrc.getNumComps();
    int nt = infoSrc.getNumTiles();

    // Do initial allocation
    ttIncl = new TagTreeEncoder[nt][nc][][][];
    ttMaxBP = new TagTreeEncoder[nt][nc][][][];
    lblock = new int[nt][nc][][][];
    prevtIdxs = new int[nt][nc][][][];
    ppinfo = new PrecInfo[nt][nc][][];

    // Finish allocation
    SubbandAn root, sb;
    int maxs, mins;
    int mrl;
    Point tmpCoord = null;
    int numcb; // Number of code-blocks
    Vector cblks = null;
    infoSrc.setTile(0, 0);
    for (int t = 0; t < nt; t++) { // Loop on tiles
      for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++) { // Loop on components
        // Get number of resolution levels
        root = infoSrc.getAnSubbandTree(t, c);
        mrl = root.resLvl;

        lblock[t][c] = new int[mrl + 1][][];
        ttIncl[t][c] = new TagTreeEncoder[mrl + 1][][];
        ttMaxBP[t][c] = new TagTreeEncoder[mrl + 1][][];
        prevtIdxs[t][c] = new int[mrl + 1][][];
        ppinfo[t][c] = new PrecInfo[mrl + 1][];

        for (int r = 0; r <= mrl; r++) { // Loop on resolution levels
          mins = (r == 0) ? 0 : 1;
          maxs = (r == 0) ? 1 : 4;

          int maxPrec = numPrec[t][c][r].x * numPrec[t][c][r].y;

          ttIncl[t][c][r] = new TagTreeEncoder[maxPrec][maxs];
          ttMaxBP[t][c][r] = new TagTreeEncoder[maxPrec][maxs];
          prevtIdxs[t][c][r] = new int[maxs][];
          lblock[t][c][r] = new int[maxs][];

          // Precincts and code-blocks
          ppinfo[t][c][r] = new PrecInfo[maxPrec];
          fillPrecInfo(t, c, r);

          for (int s = mins; s < maxs; s++) {
            // Loop on subbands
            sb = (SubbandAn) root.getSubbandByIdx(r, s);
            numcb = sb.numCb.x * sb.numCb.y;

            lblock[t][c][r][s] = new int[numcb];
            ArrayUtil.intArraySet(lblock[t][c][r][s], INIT_LBLOCK);

            prevtIdxs[t][c][r][s] = new int[numcb];
            ArrayUtil.intArraySet(prevtIdxs[t][c][r][s], -1);
      if (t != nt - 1) infoSrc.nextTile();