private List<Object> getParentIdList(int batchSize) { ArrayList<Object> idList = new ArrayList<>(batchSize); BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many = getMany(); for (BeanCollection<?> bc : batch) { idList.add(many.getParentId(bc.getOwnerBean())); } int extraIds = batchSize - batch.size(); if (extraIds > 0) { Object firstId = idList.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < extraIds; i++) { idList.add(firstId); } } return idList; }
public SpiQuery<?> createQuery(EbeanServer server, int batchSize) { BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many = getMany(); SpiQuery<?> query = (SpiQuery<?>) server.createQuery(many.getTargetType()); String orderBy = many.getLazyFetchOrderBy(); if (orderBy != null) { query.orderBy(orderBy); } String extraWhere = many.getExtraWhere(); if (extraWhere != null) { // replace special ${ta} placeholder with the base table alias // which is always t0 and add the extra where clause String ew = StringHelper.replaceString(extraWhere, "${ta}", "t0"); query.where().raw(ew); } query.setLazyLoadForParents(many); List<Object> idList = getParentIdList(batchSize); many.addWhereParentIdIn(query, idList, loadContext.isUseDocStore()); query.setPersistenceContext(loadContext.getPersistenceContext()); String mode = isLazy() ? "+lazy" : "+query"; query.setLoadDescription(mode, getDescription()); if (isLazy()) { // cascade the batch size (if set) for further lazy loading query.setLazyLoadBatchSize(getBatchSize()); } // potentially changes the joins and selected properties loadContext.configureQuery(query); if (isOnlyIds()) { // override to just select the Id values; } return query; }