예제 #1
  private void processBoardNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    // Required
    String boardVendor = node.getProperty("vendor");
    String boardName = node.getProperty("name");

    // Optional
    String boardRevision = node.getProperty("revision");

    Node vendorNode = Node.addUniqueChild(parent, Type.VENDOR, boardVendor);

    Node boardNode = Node.addNewChild(vendorNode, Type.BOARD);


    boardNode.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.BOARD_REVISION, boardRevision);
    boardNode.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.VENDOR_NAME, boardVendor);

    // Store all details to identify the pack where the board
    // was defined.
    boardNode.putProperty(Property.PACK_VENDOR, fVendorName);
    boardNode.putProperty(Property.PACK_NAME, fPackName);
    boardNode.putProperty(Property.PACK_VERSION, fVersion);

    // Count the encountered boards

    if (node.hasChildren()) {
      for (Leaf child : ((Node) node).getChildren()) {
        if (child.isType("mountedDevice")) {
          // Required
          String Dvendor = child.getProperty("Dvendor");

          // Optional
          String Dname = child.getProperty("Dname");

          if (Dname.length() > 0) {
            Node deviceNode = Node.addNewChild(boardNode, Type.DEVICE);

            String va[] = Dvendor.split(":");
            deviceNode.putProperty(Property.VENDOR_NAME, va[0]);
            deviceNode.putProperty(Property.VENDOR_ID, va[1]);
        } else if (child.isType("feature")) {
          processFeatureNode(child, boardNode);
        } else if (child.isType("book")) {
          processBookNode(child, boardNode);

    // Clock can be set by processFeatureNode()
    String clock = boardNode.getProperty(Property.CLOCK);
    if (clock.length() > 0) {
      // Also add a property with the clcock value
      boardNode.putProperty(Property.CLOCK, clock);
예제 #2
  private void processDevicePropertiesGroup(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    if (node.isType("processor")) {
      processProcessorNode(node, parent);
    } else if (node.isType("memory")) {
      processMemoryNode(node, parent);
    } else if (node.isType("compile")) {
      processCompileNode(node, parent);
    } else if (node.isType("book")) {
      processBookNode(node, parent);
    } else if (node.isType("debug")) {
      processDebugNode(node, parent);
예제 #3
  private void processFeatureNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    // Required
    String featureType = node.getProperty("type");

    // Optional
    String featureN = node.getProperty("n");

    // String featureM = el.getAttribute("m").trim();
    // String name = el.getAttribute("name").trim();
    // String Pname = el.getAttribute("Pname").trim();

    if ("XTAL".equals(featureType)) {
      parent.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.CLOCK, featureN);
예제 #4
  private void processCompileNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    // Required
    String define = node.getProperty("define");

    parent.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.DEFINE, define);
예제 #5
  private void processSubFamilyNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    String subFamilyName = node.getProperty("DsubFamily");

    Node subFamilyNode = Node.addUniqueChild(parent, Type.SUBFAMILY, subFamilyName);

    if (node.hasChildren()) {
      for (Leaf child : ((Node) node).getChildren()) {
        if (child.isType("device")) {
          processDeviceNode(child, subFamilyNode);
        } else {
          processDevicePropertiesGroup(child, subFamilyNode);
예제 #6
  private void processProcessorNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    // Required
    String Dcore = node.getProperty("Dcore");
    String DcoreVersion = node.getProperty("DcoreVersion");
    String Dfpu = node.getProperty("Dfpu");
    String Dmpu = node.getProperty("Dmpu");
    String Dendian = node.getProperty("Dendian");
    String Dclock = node.getProperty("Dclock");

    parent.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.CORE, Dcore);
    parent.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.CORE_VERSION, DcoreVersion);
    parent.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.FPU, Dfpu);
    parent.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.MPU, Dmpu);
    parent.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.ENDIAN, Dendian);
    parent.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.CLOCK, Dclock);
예제 #7
  private void processDebugNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    // Required
    String svd = node.getProperty("svd");

    String posixSvd = PdscUtils.updatePosixSeparators(svd);

    parent.putProperty(Property.SVD_FILE, posixSvd);
예제 #8
  private void processDeviceNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    // Required
    String deviceName = node.getProperty("Dname");

    Node deviceNode = Node.addUniqueChild(parent, Type.DEVICE, deviceName);
    int saveCount = fCount;

    if (node.hasChildren()) {
      for (Leaf child : ((Node) node).getChildren()) {
        processDevicePropertiesGroup(child, deviceNode);

    if (fCount == saveCount) {
      fCount++; // If there were no variants, count this device
예제 #9
  private void processFamilyNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    // Required
    String familyName = node.getProperty("Dfamily");
    String familyVendor = node.getProperty("Dvendor");

    String va[] = familyVendor.split("[:]");

    Node vendorNode = addUniqueVendor(parent, va[0], va[1]);

    Node familyNode = Node.addUniqueChild(vendorNode, Type.FAMILY, familyName);

    // The last encountered value one will be preserved
    // TODO: update vendor name from vendor id based on a conversion table
    familyNode.putProperty(Property.VENDOR_NAME, va[0]);
    familyNode.putProperty(Property.VENDOR_ID, va[1]);

    // Store all details to identify the pack where the device family
    // was defined.
    familyNode.putProperty(Property.PACK_VENDOR, fVendorName);
    familyNode.putProperty(Property.PACK_NAME, fPackName);
    familyNode.putProperty(Property.PACK_VERSION, fVersion);

    if (node.hasChildren()) {
      for (Leaf child : ((Node) node).getChildren()) {
        if (child.isType("subFamily")) {
          processSubFamilyNode(child, familyNode);
        } else if (child.isType("device")) {
          processDeviceNode(child, familyNode);
        } else {
          processDevicePropertiesGroup(child, familyNode);
예제 #10
  private void processBookNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    // Required
    String bookName = node.getProperty("name");
    String title = node.getProperty("title");

    // Optional
    String category = node.getProperty("category");

    Leaf bookNode = Leaf.addNewChild(parent, Type.BOOK);

    String posixName = updatePosixSeparators(bookName);
    if (bookName.startsWith("http://")
        || bookName.startsWith("https://")
        || bookName.startsWith("ftp://")) {
      bookNode.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.URL, bookName);
    } else {
      bookNode.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.FILE, posixName);

    bookNode.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.CATEGORY, category);
예제 #11
  // Parse for boards, add them to parent node
  public int parseBoards(Node node, Node parent) {

    if (!checkValid(node)) {
      return 0;

    fCount = 0;

    fVendorName = "";
    fPackName = "";
    fVersion = "";

    Leaf packageNode = node.getFirstChild();

    if (!packageNode.isType("package")) {
      return 0;

    fVendorName = packageNode.getProperty("vendor");
    fPackName = packageNode.getProperty("name");

    if (packageNode.hasChildren()) {
      for (Leaf child : ((Node) packageNode).getChildren()) {

        if (child.isType("boards") && child.hasChildren()) {
          for (Leaf grandchild : ((Node) child).getChildren()) {
            if (grandchild.isType("board")) {
              processBoardNode(grandchild, parent);
        } else if (child.isType("releases") && child.hasChildren()) {

          Leaf versionNode = ((Node) child).getFirstChild();
          fVersion = versionNode.getProperty("version");

    return fCount;
예제 #12
  private void processMemoryNode(Leaf node, Node parent) {

    // Deprecated in 1.4
    String id = node.getProperty("id");

    // Added to 1.4
    String nm = node.getProperty("name", id);
    String access = node.getProperty("access");
    String alias = node.getProperty("alias");

    // Either name or id required

    String start = node.getProperty("start");
    String size = node.getProperty("size");

    // -
    String Pname = node.getProperty("Pname");

    // Optional
    String startup = node.getProperty("startup");

    Leaf memoryNode = Leaf.addUniqueChild(parent, Type.MEMORY, nm);

    // memoryNode.putProperty(Property.ID, id);
    memoryNode.putProperty(Property.START, start);
    memoryNode.putProperty(Property.SIZE, size);

    memoryNode.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.PNAME, Pname);
    memoryNode.putNonEmptyProperty(Property.STARTUP, startup);

    memoryNode.putProperty(Property.ACCESS, access);
    memoryNode.putProperty(Property.ALIAS, alias);