private boolean ignoreArrowKeys(ImagePlus imp) { Frame frame = WindowManager.getFrontWindow(); String title = frame.getTitle(); if (title != null && title.equals("ROI Manager")) return true; // Control Panel? if (frame != null && frame instanceof javax.swing.JFrame) return true; ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); // LOCI Data Browser window? if (imp.getStackSize() > 1 && win != null && win.getClass().getName().startsWith("loci")) return true; return false; }
public void run(String arg) { String[] labels = { "Masked_Chromosomes", "Unmixed_Image", "Spectral_Image(optional)", "Spectra(optional)" }; ImagePlus[] imps = jutils.selectImages(true, 4, labels); if (imps == null) { return; } if (imps[0] == null) { return; } float[] mask = (float[]) imps[0].getStack().getPixels(2); findblobs3 fb = new findblobs3(imps[0].getWidth(), imps[0].getHeight()); float[] objects = fb.dofindblobs(mask, 0.5f); WaitForUserDialog dg = new WaitForUserDialog( "Optional Input", "Place RoiManager Points on Chromosome Segments (if desired)");; if (!dg.escPressed()) { RoiManager rman = RoiManager.getInstance(); while (rman != null && rman.getCount() > 1) { Roi[] rois = rman.getRoisAsArray(); int[] ids = new int[rois.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rois.length; i++) { Rectangle r = rois[i].getBounds(); ids[i] = (int) objects[r.x + fb.width * r.y]; } objects = fb.link_objects(objects, ids); rman.reset(); dg = new WaitForUserDialog( "Optional Input", "Place More RoiManager Points on Chromosome Segments (if desired)");; if (dg.escPressed()) break; } } int[] areas = fb.get_areas(objects); int[] temprank = jsort.get_javasort_order(areas); int[] arearank = jsort.get_javasort_order(temprank); for (int i = 0; i < fb.nobjects; i++) { arearank[i] = fb.nobjects - arearank[i] - 1; } // if the spectra are available, get them float[][][] spectra = null; Object[] data = null; if (imps[1] != null && imps[2] != null && imps[3] != null) { ImageWindow iw = imps[3].getWindow(); if (iw.getClass().getName().equals("jguis.PlotWindow4")) { float[][] yvals = (float[][]) jutils.runPW4VoidMethod(iw, "getYValues"); data = jutils.stack2array(imps[2].getStack()); Object[] coef = jutils.stack2array(imps[1].getStack()); spectra = new float[fb.nobjects][2][]; for (int i = 0; i < fb.nobjects; i++) { spectra[i][0] = fb.get_object_spectrum(objects, (i + 1), data, "Sum"); spectra[i][1] = new float[yvals[0].length]; float[] tempcoef = fb.get_object_spectrum(objects, (i + 1), coef, "Sum"); for (int j = 0; j < yvals[0].length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { spectra[i][1][j] += tempcoef[k] * yvals[k][j]; } } } } } CompositeImage imp = (CompositeImage) imps[0]; imp.setPosition(1, 1, 1); LUT graylut = jutils.get_lut_for_color(Color.white); imp.setChannelColorModel(graylut); imp.setPosition(2, 1, 1); LUT redlut = jutils.get_lut_for_color(; imp.setChannelColorModel(redlut); imp.setPosition(1, 1, 1); imp.updateAndRepaintWindow(); SkyPanel_v3 sp = new SkyPanel_v3(); int skychan = 6; if (imps[1] != null) skychan = imps[1].getNChannels(); // assume that the sky image has 6 channels and that the second is the unknown green // shift the unknown green to the end ImagePlus skyimp = null; if (imps[1] != null) { Object[] skystack = jutils.stack2array(imps[1].getStack()); // Object[] // skystack2={skystack[0],skystack[2],skystack[3],skystack[4],skystack[5],skystack[1]}; Object[] skystack2 = null; if (skychan == 6) skystack2 = new Object[] {skystack[0], skystack[2], skystack[3], skystack[4], skystack[5]}; else skystack2 = new Object[] {skystack[0], skystack[1], skystack[2], skystack[3], skystack[4]}; skyimp = new ImagePlus( "rearranged", jutils.array2stack(skystack2, imps[1].getWidth(), imps[1].getHeight())); } int nch = 5; if (skyimp != null) nch = skyimp.getStack().getSize(); GenericDialog gd2 = new GenericDialog("Options"); gd2.addNumericField("Area Accuracy (percent)", 30, 0); for (int i = 0; i < nch; i++) { gd2.addNumericField("Ch_" + (i + 1) + "_Contr_Thresh", 0.35, 5, 15, null); } // gd2.addNumericField("Contribution Threshold",0.35,5,15,null); gd2.addCheckbox("Mouse?", false); gd2.addNumericField("Box_Width", 150, 0); gd2.addNumericField("Box_Height", 100, 0); gd2.showDialog(); if (gd2.wasCanceled()) { return; } sp.areathresh = (float) gd2.getNextNumber(); sp.objthresh2 = new float[nch]; for (int i = 0; i < nch; i++) sp.objthresh2[i] = (float) gd2.getNextNumber(); // sp.objthresh=(float)gd2.getNextNumber(); boolean mouse = gd2.getNextBoolean(); int bwidth = (int) gd2.getNextNumber(); int bheight = (int) gd2.getNextNumber(); int[] colorindices = {4, 1, 2, 6, 3}; GenericDialog gd3 = new GenericDialog("Color Options"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) gd3.addChoice( "Ch" + (i + 1) + " Color", SkyPanel_v3.colornames, SkyPanel_v3.colornames[colorindices[i]]); gd3.showDialog(); if (gd3.wasCanceled()) return; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) colorindices[i] = gd3.getNextChoiceIndex(); sp.colorindices = colorindices; sp.nch = 5; sp.dapilast = false; sp.cellwidth = bwidth; sp.cellheight = bheight; sp.init(imps[0], skyimp, objects, areas, arearank, fb, true, spectra, data, mouse); SkyPanel_v3.launch_frame(sp); }