public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { if (enlarge && gd.wasOKed()) synchronized (this) { if (!isEnlarged) { enlargeCanvas(); isEnlarged = true; } } if (isEnlarged) { // enlarging may have made the ImageProcessor invalid, also for the parallel // threads int slice = pfr.getSliceNumber(); if (imp.getStackSize() == 1) ip = imp.getProcessor(); else ip = imp.getStack().getProcessor(slice); } ip.setInterpolationMethod(interpolationMethod); if (fillWithBackground) { Color bgc = Toolbar.getBackgroundColor(); if (bitDepth == 8) ip.setBackgroundValue(ip.getBestIndex(bgc)); else if (bitDepth == 24) ip.setBackgroundValue(bgc.getRGB()); } else ip.setBackgroundValue(0); ip.rotate(angle); if (!gd.wasOKed()) drawGridLines(gridLines); if (isEnlarged && imp.getStackSize() == 1) { imp.changes = true; imp.updateAndDraw(); Undo.setup(Undo.COMPOUND_FILTER_DONE, imp); } }
/** * Resizes the current array to the given dimensions. * * @param input the array to resize * @param lenX the desired length in x-direction (with, horizontal length) * @param lenY the desired length in y-direction (height, vertical length) * @return a new 2d float array with the specified dimensions, and values interpolated from the * input array. */ public static float[][] resize(float[][] input, int lenX, int lenY) { float[] linearized = linearize2DArray(input); ImageStack is = ImageStack.create(input.length, input[0].length, 1, 32); is.setPixels(linearized, 1); ImageProcessor ip = new ImagePlus("", is).getProcessor(); ip.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BICUBIC); float[] resized = (float[]) ip.resize(lenX, lenY).getPixels(); return linearizedArrayTo2D(resized, lenX, lenY); }
public void run(String arg) { imp = IJ.getImage(); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi != null && !roi.isArea()) imp.deleteRoi(); // ignore any line selection ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); if (!showDialog(ip)) return; if (newDepth > 0 && newDepth != oldDepth) { newWindow = true; processStack = true; } if ((ip.getWidth() > 1 && ip.getHeight() > 1) || newWindow) ip.setInterpolationMethod(interpolationMethod); else ip.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.NONE); ip.setBackgroundValue(bgValue); imp.startTiming(); try { if (newWindow && imp.getStackSize() > 1 && processStack) createNewStack(imp, ip); else scale(ip); } catch (OutOfMemoryError o) { IJ.outOfMemory("Scale"); } IJ.showProgress(1.0); }
/** * Combination of {@link ImageJInterpolation#crop(float[][], float, float, float, float)} and * {@link ImageJInterpolation#resize(float[][], int, int)}. Crops and resizes the input array into * a new output array. * * @param input the array to work on * @param lenX the desired length in x-direction (with, horizontal length) * @param lenY the desired length in y-direction (height, vertical length) * @param minX the lower index in x-direction * @param minY the lower index in y-direction * @param maxX the higher index in x-direction * @param maxY the higher index in y-direction * @return a new cropped and resized version of the input array */ public static float[][] cropAndResize( float[][] input, int lenX, int lenY, float minX, float minY, float maxX, float maxY) { float[] linearized = linearize2DArray(input); ImageStack is = ImageStack.create(input[0].length, input.length, 1, 32); is.setPixels(linearized, 1); ImageProcessor ip = new ImagePlus("", is).getProcessor(); ip.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BICUBIC); ip.setRoi((int) minX, (int) minY, (int) Math.ceil(maxX - minX), (int) Math.ceil(maxY - minY)); float[] resized = (float[]) ip.crop().resize(lenX, lenY).getPixels(); return linearizedArrayTo2D(resized, lenX, lenY); }
void createNewStack(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) { int nSlices = imp.getStackSize(); int w = imp.getWidth(), h = imp.getHeight(); ImagePlus imp2 = imp.createImagePlus(); Rectangle r = ip.getRoi(); boolean crop = r.width != imp.getWidth() || r.height != imp.getHeight(); ImageStack stack1 = imp.getStack(); ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(newWidth, newHeight); ImageProcessor ip1, ip2; int method = interpolationMethod; if (w == 1 || h == 1) method = ImageProcessor.NONE; for (int i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) { IJ.showStatus("Scale: " + i + "/" + nSlices); ip1 = stack1.getProcessor(i); String label = stack1.getSliceLabel(i); if (crop) { ip1.setRoi(r); ip1 = ip1.crop(); } ip1.setInterpolationMethod(method); ip2 = ip1.resize(newWidth, newHeight, averageWhenDownsizing); if (ip2 != null) stack2.addSlice(label, ip2); IJ.showProgress(i, nSlices); } imp2.setStack(title, stack2); Calibration cal = imp2.getCalibration(); if (cal.scaled()) { cal.pixelWidth *= 1.0 / xscale; cal.pixelHeight *= 1.0 / yscale; } IJ.showProgress(1.0); int[] dim = imp.getDimensions(); imp2.setDimensions(dim[2], dim[3], dim[4]); if (imp.isComposite()) { imp2 = new CompositeImage(imp2, ((CompositeImage) imp).getMode()); ((CompositeImage) imp2).copyLuts(imp); } if (imp.isHyperStack()) imp2.setOpenAsHyperStack(true); if (newDepth > 0 && newDepth != oldDepth) imp2 = (new Resizer()).zScale(imp2, newDepth, interpolationMethod); if (imp2 != null) {; imp2.changes = true; } }