public boolean beadCalibration3d() { imp = IJ.getImage(); if (imp == null) { IJ.noImage(); return false; } else if (imp.getStackSize() == 1) { IJ.error("Stack required"); return false; } else if (imp.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY8 && imp.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY16) { // In order to support 32bit images, pict[] must be changed to float[], and getPixel(x, y); // requires a Float.intBitsToFloat() conversion IJ.error("8 or 16 bit greyscale image required"); return false; } width = imp.getWidth(); height = imp.getHeight(); nslices = imp.getStackSize(); imtitle = imp.getTitle(); models[0] = "*None*"; models[1] = "line"; models[2] = "2nd degree polynomial"; models[3] = "3rd degree polynomial"; models[4] = "4th degree polynomial"; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("3D PALM calibration"); gd.addNumericField("Maximum FWHM (in px)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.3Dcal_fwhm", 20), 0); gd.addNumericField( "Particle local threshold (% maximum intensity)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.pthrsh", 20), 0); gd.addNumericField("Z-spacing (nm)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.z-step", 10), 2); gd.addNumericField("Calibration Z-smoothing (radius)", prefs.get("QuickPALM.window", 1), 0); gd.addChoice("Model", models, prefs.get("QuickPALM.model", models[3])); gd.addCheckbox( "Show divergence of bead positions against model", prefs.get("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showDivergence", false)); gd.addCheckbox("Show extra particle info", prefs.get("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showExtraInfo", false)); gd.addMessage("\n\nDon't forget to save the table in the end..."); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; fwhm = gd.getNextNumber(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.QuickPALM.3Dcal_fwhm", fwhm); pthrsh = gd.getNextNumber() / 100; prefs.set("QuickPALM.pthrsh", pthrsh * 100); cal_z = gd.getNextNumber(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.z-step", cal_z); window = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.window", window); model = gd.getNextChoice(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.model", model); part_divergence = gd.getNextBoolean(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showDivergence", part_divergence); part_extrainfo = gd.getNextBoolean(); prefs.set("QuickPALM.3Dcal_showExtraInfo", part_extrainfo); return true; }
ImageProcessor setup(ImagePlus imp) { ImageProcessor ip; int type = imp.getType(); if (type != ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) return null; ip = imp.getProcessor(); int id = imp.getID(); int slice = imp.getCurrentSlice(); if ((id != previousImageID) | (slice != previousSlice) | (flag)) { flag = false; // if true, flags a change from HSB to RGB or viceversa numSlices = imp.getStackSize(); stack = imp.getStack(); width = stack.getWidth(); height = stack.getHeight(); numPixels = width * height; hSource = new byte[numPixels]; sSource = new byte[numPixels]; bSource = new byte[numPixels]; // restore = (int[])ip.getPixelsCopy(); //This runs into trouble sometimes, so do it the // long way: int[] temp = (int[]) ip.getPixels(); restore = new int[numPixels]; for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) restore[i] = temp[i]; fillMask = new int[numPixels]; // Get hsb or rgb from image. ColorProcessor cp = (ColorProcessor) ip; IJ.showStatus("Gathering data"); if (isRGB) cp.getRGB(hSource, sSource, bSource); else cp.getHSB(hSource, sSource, bSource); IJ.showStatus("done"); // Create a spectrum ColorModel for the Hue histogram plot. Color c; byte[] reds = new byte[256]; byte[] greens = new byte[256]; byte[] blues = new byte[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { c = Color.getHSBColor(i / 255f, 1f, 1f); reds[i] = (byte) c.getRed(); greens[i] = (byte) c.getGreen(); blues[i] = (byte) c.getBlue(); } ColorModel cm = new IndexColorModel(8, 256, reds, greens, blues); // Make an image with just the hue from the RGB image and the spectrum LUT. // This is just for a hue histogram for the plot. Do not show it. // ByteProcessor bpHue = new ByteProcessor(width,height,h,cm); ByteProcessor bpHue = new ByteProcessor(width, height, hSource, cm); ImagePlus impHue = new ImagePlus("Hue", bpHue); //; ByteProcessor bpSat = new ByteProcessor(width, height, sSource, cm); ImagePlus impSat = new ImagePlus("Sat", bpSat); //; ByteProcessor bpBri = new ByteProcessor(width, height, bSource, cm); ImagePlus impBri = new ImagePlus("Bri", bpBri); //; plot.setHistogram(impHue, 0); splot.setHistogram(impSat, 1); bplot.setHistogram(impBri, 2); updateLabels(); updatePlot(); updateScrollBars(); imp.updateAndDraw(); } previousImageID = id; previousSlice = slice; return ip; }
public void Calc_5Fr(ImagePlus imp1, ImagePlus imp2) { if (imp1.getType() != imp2.getType()) { error(); return; } if (imp1.getType() == 0) { // getType returns 0 for 8-bit, 1 for 16-bit bitDepth = "8-bit"; Prefs.set("ps.bitDepth", bitDepth); } else { bitDepth = "16-bit"; Prefs.set("ps.bitDepth", bitDepth); } int width = imp1.getWidth(); int height = imp1.getHeight(); if (width != imp2.getWidth() || height != imp2.getHeight()) { error(); return; } ImageStack stack1 = imp1.getStack(); // if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") ImageStack stack2 = imp2.getStack(); ImageStack stack2 = imp2.getStack(); ImageProcessor ip = imp1.getProcessor(); int dimension = width * height; byte[] pixB; short[] pixS; float[][] pixF = new float[5][dimension]; float[][] pixFBg = new float[5][dimension]; float a; float b; float den; float aSmp; float bSmp; float denSmp; float aBg; float bBg; float denBg; float retF; float azimF; byte[] retB = new byte[dimension]; short[] retS = new short[dimension]; byte[] azimB = new byte[dimension]; short[] azimS = new short[dimension]; // Derived Variables: float swingAngle = 2f * (float) Math.PI * swing; float tanSwingAngleDiv2 = (float) Math.tan(swingAngle / 2.f); float tanSwingAngleDiv2DivSqrt2 = (float) (Math.tan(swingAngle / 2.f) / Math.sqrt(2)); float wavelengthDiv2Pi = wavelength / (2f * (float) Math.PI); // get the pixels of each slice in the stack and convert to float for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (bitDepth == "8-bit") { pixB = (byte[]) stack1.getPixels(i + 3); for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) pixF[i][j] = 0xff & pixB[j]; if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") { pixB = (byte[]) stack2.getPixels(i + 3); for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) pixFBg[i][j] = 0xff & pixB[j]; } } else { pixS = (short[]) stack1.getPixels(i + 3); for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) pixF[i][j] = (float) pixS[j]; if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") { pixS = (short[]) stack2.getPixels(i + 3); for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) pixFBg[i][j] = (float) pixS[j]; } } } // Algorithm // terms a and b for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { denSmp = (pixF[1][j] + pixF[2][j] + pixF[3][j] + pixF[4][j] - 4 * pixF[0][j]) / 2; denBg = denSmp; a = (pixF[4][j] - pixF[1][j]); aSmp = a; aBg = a; b = (pixF[2][j] - pixF[3][j]); bSmp = b; bBg = b; if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") { denBg = (pixFBg[1][j] + pixFBg[2][j] + pixFBg[3][j] + pixFBg[4][j] - 4 * pixFBg[0][j]) / 2; aBg = pixFBg[4][j] - pixFBg[1][j]; bBg = pixFBg[2][j] - pixFBg[3][j]; } // Special case of sample retardance half wave, denSmp = 0 if (denSmp == 0) { retF = (float) wavelength / 4; azimF = (float) (a == 0 & b == 0 ? 0 : (azimRef + 90 + 90 * Math.atan2(a, b) / Math.PI) % 180); } else { // Retardance, the background correction can be improved by separately considering sample // retardance values larger than a quarter wave if (bgStackTitle != "NoBg") { a = aSmp / denSmp - aBg / denBg; b = bSmp / denSmp - bBg / denBg; } else { a = aSmp / denSmp; b = bSmp / denSmp; } retF = (float) Math.atan(tanSwingAngleDiv2 * Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)); if (denSmp < 0) retF = (float) Math.PI - retF; retF = retF * wavelengthDiv2Pi; // convert to nm if (retF > retCeiling) retF = retCeiling; // Orientation if ((bgStackTitle == "NoBg") || ((bgStackTitle != "NoBg") && (Math.abs(denSmp) < 1))) { a = aSmp; b = bSmp; } azimF = (float) (a == 0 & b == 0 ? 0 : (azimRef + 90 + 90 * Math.atan2(a, b) / Math.PI) % 180); } if (bitDepth == "8-bit") retB[j] = (byte) (((int) (255 * retF / retCeiling)) & 0xff); else retS[j] = (short) (4095 * retF / retCeiling); if (mirror == "Yes") azimF = 180 - azimF; if (bitDepth == "8-bit") azimB[j] = (byte) (((int) azimF) & 0xff); else azimS[j] = (short) (azimF * 10f); } // show the resulting images in slice 1 and 2 imp1.setSlice(3); if (bitDepth == "8-bit") { stack1.setPixels(retB, 1); stack1.setPixels(azimB, 2); } else { stack1.setPixels(retS, 1); stack1.setPixels(azimS, 2); } imp1.setSlice(1); IJ.selectWindow(imp1.getTitle()); Prefs.set("ps.sampleStackTitle", sampleStackTitle); Prefs.set("ps.bgStackTitle", bgStackTitle); Prefs.set("ps.mirror", mirror); Prefs.set("ps.wavelength", wavelength); Prefs.set("ps.swing", swing); Prefs.set("ps.retCeiling", retCeiling); Prefs.set("ps.azimRef", azimRef); Prefs.savePreferences(); }