/** * @param stackOffset offset of the depth of stack of calling subroutines, to controll what * subroutine name to be printed */ public static void errWithOffset(int stackOffset) { if (errEnabled) { if (printErrorPrefix) { printCurrentStack(err, stackOffset); // added err.print(errPrefix); } err.println(); } }
public static void debug(int level) { if (debugEnabled && (debugLevel < 0 || level <= debugLevel)) { if (printDebugPrefix) { printCurrentStack(debug); debug.print(debugPrefix); } debug.println(); } }
/** error output only with prefix nor new line */ public static void err() { if (errEnabled) { if (printErrorPrefix) { printCurrentStack(err); // added err.print(errPrefix); } err.println(); } }
/** * @param stackOffset offset of the depth of stack of calling subroutines, to controll what * subroutine name to be printed */ public static void errWithOffset(Object str, int stackOffset) { if (errEnabled) { if (printErrorPrefix) { printCurrentStack(err, stackOffset); err.print(errPrefix); } err.println(str); } }
/** error output with prefix nor new line */ public static void err(Object str) { if (errEnabled) { if (printErrorPrefix) { printCurrentStack(err); err.print(errPrefix); } err.println(str); } }
/** * @param stackOffset offset of the depth of stack of calling subroutines, to controll what * subroutine name to be printed */ public static void printlnWithOffset(int stackOffset) { if (enabled) { if (printPrefix) printCurrentStack(ps, stackOffset); // added ps.println(); } }
/** * @param stackOffset offset of the depth of stack of calling subroutines, to controll what * subroutine name to be printed */ public static void printlnWithOffset(Object str, int stackOffset) { if (enabled) { if (printPrefix) printCurrentStack(ps, stackOffset); ps.println(str); } }
public static void p() { if (enabled) { if (printPrefix) printCurrentStack(ps); // added ps.println(); } }
public static void p(Object str) { if (enabled) { if (printPrefix) printCurrentStack(ps); ps.println(str); } }