/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.bedework.synch.cnctrs.ConnectorInstance#fetchItem(java.lang.String) */ @Override public FetchItemResponseType fetchItem(final String uid) throws SynchException { getIcal(); if (sub.changed()) { cnctr.getSyncher().updateSubscription(sub); } MapEntry me = uidMap.get(uid); FetchItemResponseType fir = new FetchItemResponseType(); if (me == null) { fir.setStatus(StatusType.NOT_FOUND); return fir; } fir.setHref(info.getUri() + "#" + uid); fir.setChangeToken(info.getChangeToken()); IcalendarType ical = new IcalendarType(); VcalendarType vcal = new VcalendarType(); ical.getVcalendar().add(vcal); vcal.setProperties(new ArrayOfProperties()); List<JAXBElement<? extends BasePropertyType>> pl = vcal.getProperties().getBasePropertyOrTzid(); ProdidPropType prod = new ProdidPropType(); prod.setText(prodid); pl.add(of.createProdid(prod)); VersionPropType vers = new VersionPropType(); vers.setText("2.0"); pl.add(of.createVersion(vers)); ArrayOfComponents aoc = new ArrayOfComponents(); vcal.setComponents(aoc); aoc.getBaseComponent().addAll(me.comps); fir.setIcalendar(ical); return fir; }
/* Fetch the iCalendar for the subscription. If it fails set the status and * return null. Unchanged data will return null with no status change. */ private void getIcal() throws SynchException { try { if (fetchedIcal != null) { return; } getClient(); Header[] hdrs = null; if ((uidMap != null) && (info.getChangeToken() != null) && (fetchedIcal != null)) { hdrs = new Header[] {new BasicHeader("If-None-Match", info.getChangeToken())}; } int rc = client.sendRequest("GET", info.getUri(), hdrs); info.setLastRefreshStatus(String.valueOf(rc)); if (rc == HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) { // Data unchanged. if (debug) { trace("data unchanged"); } return; } if (rc != HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) { info.setLastRefreshStatus(String.valueOf(rc)); if (debug) { trace("Unsuccessful response from server was " + rc); } info.setChangeToken(null); // Force refresh next time return; } CalendarBuilder builder = new CalendarBuilder(); InputStream is = client.getResponse().getContentStream(); Calendar ical = builder.build(is); /* Convert each entity to XML */ fetchedIcal = IcalToXcal.fromIcal(ical, null); uidMap = new HashMap<String, MapEntry>(); prodid = null; for (VcalendarType vcal : fetchedIcal.getVcalendar()) { /* Extract the prodid from the converted calendar - we use it when we * generate a new icalendar for each entity. */ if ((prodid == null) && (vcal.getProperties() != null)) { for (JAXBElement<? extends BasePropertyType> pel : vcal.getProperties().getBasePropertyOrTzid()) { if (pel.getValue() instanceof ProdidPropType) { prodid = ((ProdidPropType) pel.getValue()).getText(); break; } } } for (JAXBElement<? extends BaseComponentType> comp : vcal.getComponents().getBaseComponent()) { UidPropType uidProp = (UidPropType) XcalUtil.findProperty(comp.getValue(), XcalTags.uid); if (uidProp == null) { // Should flag as an error continue; } String uid = uidProp.getText(); MapEntry me = uidMap.get(uid); if (me == null) { me = new MapEntry(); me.uid = uid; uidMap.put(uidProp.getText(), me); } LastModifiedPropType lm = (LastModifiedPropType) XcalUtil.findProperty(comp.getValue(), XcalTags.lastModified); String lastmod = null; if (lm != null) { lastmod = lm.getUtcDateTime().toXMLFormat(); } if (Util.cmpObjval(me.lastMod, lastmod) < 0) { me.lastMod = lastmod; } me.comps.add(comp); } } /* Looks like we translated ok. Save any etag and delete everything in the * calendar. */ String etag = client.getResponse().getResponseHeaderValue("Etag"); if (etag != null) { info.setChangeToken(etag); } } catch (SynchException se) { throw se; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new SynchException(t); } finally { try { client.release(); } catch (Throwable t) { } } }