// Called for each page load of administration
  public void load() {

    /* In case plugin is uncheck */
    // List all jobs
    List<String> allJobsName = new ArrayList<String>();

    // List all the jobs that use the plugin (with at least one resource)
    List<String> allExclusionJobs = new ArrayList<String>();

    // Check all projects
    for (Project<?, ?> p : Hudson.getInstance().getProjects()) {

      // Add all jobs names to the list
      // We want to retrieve all components BuildWrappers
      Map<Descriptor<BuildWrapper>, BuildWrapper> buildWrappers = p.getBuildWrappers();
      // For each of them
      for (Iterator i = buildWrappers.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Descriptor<BuildWrapper> key = (Descriptor<BuildWrapper>) i.next();

        // We check if the descriptor is "org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.exclusion.IdAllocator $
        // DescriptorImpl"
        if (buildWrappers
            .equals("org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.exclusion.IdAllocator$DescriptorImpl")) {
          // No duplicates
          if (!allExclusionJobs.contains(p.getName())) {

    // We delete each job that is in the global list and not in the list of exclusions
    for (String jobName : allJobsName) {
      if (!allExclusionJobs.contains(jobName)) {

    // Set all builds to false (build = currently used)
    for (RessourcesMonitor rm : listRessources) {

    // For each resource Job, set build to true if a resource is used
    for (Iterator i = IdAllocationManager.ids.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      String resource = (String) i.next();
          IdAllocationManager.ids.get(resource).getProject().getName(), resource, true);

    list = new ArrayList<RessourcesMonitor>();
    // Local copy of the list
    for (RessourcesMonitor rm : listRessources) {
      list.add(new RessourcesMonitor(rm.getJobName(), rm.getRessource(), rm.getBuild()));