public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { String pa_name = null, pa_pass = null; if (args.length == 4 && "-proxy_auth".startsWith(args[0])) { pa_name = args[1]; pa_pass = args[2]; String[] tmp = {args[3]}; args = tmp; } if (args.length != 1 || args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("-help")) { System.err.println("Usage: java GetAuthInfo [-proxy_auth <username> <password>] <url>"); System.exit(1); } URI url = new URI(args[0]); DefaultAuthHandler.setAuthorizationPrompter(new MyAuthPrompter(pa_name, pa_pass)); HTTPConnection con = new HTTPConnection(url); HTTPResponse rsp = con.Head(url.getPathAndQuery()); int sts = rsp.getStatusCode(); if (sts < 300) System.out.println("No authorization required to access " + url); else if (sts >= 400 && sts != 401 && sts != 407) System.out.println("Error trying to access " + url + ":\n" + rsp); }
/** * Add DIGEST credentials to all requests * * @param realm the realm that the username and password are in * @param user username * @param password password */ public void setCredentials(String realm, String user, String password) throws HoneycombTestException { try { String host = conn.getHost(); int port = conn.getPort(); AuthorizationInfo.addDigestAuthorization(host, port, realm, user, password); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HoneycombTestException( "Couldn't add credential " + realm + ":" + user + " -- " + e); } }
public long getServerTime() throws HoneycombTestException { try { return conn.Get("/").getHeaderAsDate("Date").getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HoneycombTestException(e); } }
public InputStream getFileStream(String url, Map headers) throws HoneycombTestException, IOException { Log.DEBUG("getFileStream: " + url); CmdResult cr = new CmdResult(); byte[] readBuf = new byte[BUFSIZE]; try { cr.filename = url; HTTPResponse rsp = conn.Get(url); if (rsp.getStatusCode() >= 300) throw makeTestException("getFile", url, rsp); if (headers != null) for (Enumeration hdrs = rsp.listHeaders(); hdrs.hasMoreElements(); ) { String name = (String) hdrs.nextElement(); String value = rsp.getHeader(name); headers.put(name.toLowerCase(), value); } cr.filesize = 0; return rsp.getInputStream(); } catch (ModuleException e) { e.printStackTrace(); cr.pass = false; cr.addException(e); } return null; }
/** Close the connection to the server */ public void close() throws HoneycombTestException { try { conn.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HoneycombTestException("Closing HTTP connection", e); } }
/** * A low-level method that connects to the "ExtensionMethod" function of HTTPConnection. * * @param method method to use (PROPFIND or PROPPATCH, case-insensitive) * @param path the path * @param body the XML request to send * @param extraHeaders any extra headers (e.g. Depth = 1) * @return the XML reply from the server is passed back in CmdResult.string */ public CmdResult doMethodWithXML(String method, String path, String body, Map extraHeaders) throws HoneycombTestException { CmdResult retval = new CmdResult(); byte[] xml = getUTF8Bytes(body); // We add 3 headers ourselves int nHeaders = 3; if (extraHeaders != null) nHeaders += extraHeaders.size(); NVPair[] headers = new NVPair[nHeaders]; int j = 0; headers[j++] = CLIENT; headers[j++] = new NVPair("Content-type", "text/xml"); headers[j++] = new NVPair("Content-length", xml.length + ""); if (extraHeaders != null) for (Iterator i = extraHeaders.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); String value = (String) extraHeaders.get(key); headers[j++] = new NVPair(key, value); } HTTPResponse response = null; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { response = conn.ExtensionMethod(method, path, xml, headers); if (response.getStatusCode() >= 300) throw makeTestException(method, path, response); retval.time = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; retval.string = new String(response.getData()); retval.pass = true; } catch (HoneycombTestException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); retval.pass = false; retval.addException(e); } return retval; }
public CmdResult getFile(String url, boolean calcHash) throws HoneycombTestException { Log.DEBUG("getFile: " + url); CmdResult cr = new CmdResult(); byte[] readBuf = new byte[BUFSIZE]; try { MessageDigest sha = null; // for hash if (calcHash) sha = MessageDigest.getInstance(HC_HASH); cr.filename = url; long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); HTTPResponse rsp = conn.Get(url); if (rsp.getStatusCode() >= 300) throw makeTestException("getFile", url, rsp); cr.filesize = 0; InputStream is = rsp.getInputStream(); while (true) { int ct =; if (ct == -1) break; cr.filesize += ct; if (calcHash) sha.update(readBuf, 0, ct); } cr.time = System.currentTimeMillis() - t1; cr.pass = true; if (calcHash) cr.datasha1 = HCUtil.convertHashBytesToString(sha.digest()); } catch (HoneycombTestException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); cr.pass = false; cr.addException(e); } return cr; }
/** * Delete a file. * * @param url the file to delete */ public CmdResult deleteFile(String url) throws HoneycombTestException { Log.DEBUG("deleteFile: " + url); CmdResult retval = new CmdResult(); try { retval.filename = url; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); HTTPResponse response = conn.Delete(url); retval.time = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (response.getStatusCode() >= 300) throw makeTestException("deleteFile", url, response); retval.pass = true; retval.string = new String(response.getData()); } catch (HoneycombTestException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); retval.pass = false; retval.addException(e); } return retval; }
public CmdResult list(String path, int depth, boolean detailed) throws HoneycombTestException { CmdResult cr = new CmdResult(); LinkedList files = new java.util.LinkedList(); // set up query StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>"); sb.append("<D:propfind XMLNS:D=\"DAV:\">"); if (detailed) sb.append("<D:allprop/>"); // names & values else sb.append("<D:propname/>"); // names only sb.append("</D:propfind>"); byte[] qbuf = getUTF8Bytes(sb.toString()); NVPair[] headers = new NVPair[4]; headers[0] = CLIENT; if (depth < 0) headers[1] = new NVPair("depth", "infinity"); else headers[1] = new NVPair("depth", Integer.toString(depth)); headers[2] = new NVPair("Content-type", "text/xml"); headers[3] = new NVPair("Content-length", Integer.toString(qbuf.length)); try { // // query // long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); HTTPResponse rsp = conn.ExtensionMethod("PROPFIND", path, qbuf, headers); cr.time = System.currentTimeMillis() - t1; if (rsp.getStatusCode() >= 300) throw makeTestException("list", path, rsp); cr.pass = true; // // parse response // cr.string = new String(rsp.getData()); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc = StringReader(cr.string)); List l = doc.getContent(); Iterator it = l.iterator(); Element root = null; int ct = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { ct++; root = (Element); } if (ct != 1) throw new HoneycombTestException("Expected 1 content element, got " + ct); if (!root.getName().equals("multistatus")) throw new HoneycombTestException("Expected multistatus, got " + root.getName()); l = root.getAttributes(); if (l.size() != 0) throw new HoneycombTestException("Unexpected: root elt has attributes"); cr.count = 0; cr.list = new java.util.LinkedList(); l = root.getChildren(); it = l.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { cr.count++; Element e = (Element); if (!e.getName().equals("response")) throw new HoneycombTestException("Unexpected: child: " + e.getName()); // // parse this response element // // response.href Element href = e.getChild("href", XMLNS); if (href == null) throw new HoneycombTestException("No href: " + e); String epath = href.getValue(); if (epath == null) throw new HoneycombTestException("empty href: " + e); int ix = epath.indexOf("/webdav"); if (ix == -1) throw new HoneycombTestException("href missing '/webdav': " + e); epath = epath.substring(ix); // Log.INFO("href.path: " + epath); // response.propstat Element propstat = e.getChild("propstat", XMLNS); if (propstat == null) throw new HoneycombTestException("No propstat (" + epath + "): " + e); // response.propstat.status Element status = propstat.getChild("status", XMLNS); if (status == null) throw new HoneycombTestException("No status (" + epath + "): " + e); String estatus = status.getValue(); if (!estatus.equals("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")) throw new HoneycombTestException("Bad status (" + estatus + "): " + e); // response.propstat.prop Element prop = propstat.getChild("prop", XMLNS); if (prop == null) throw new HoneycombTestException("No prop (" + epath + "): " + e); boolean isCollection = false; Element rtype = prop.getChild("resourcetype", XMLNS); if (rtype != null) { Element coll = rtype.getChild("collection", XMLNS); if (coll == null) throw new HoneycombTestException("Resourcetype != collection: " + rtype); isCollection = true; } String ecttype = null; Element cttype = prop.getChild("getcontenttype", XMLNS); if (cttype == null) Log.WARN("No getcontenttype: " + epath); else ecttype = cttype.getValue(); String emode = null; Element mode = prop.getChild("mode", null); if (mode != null) emode = mode.getValue(); Element displayname = prop.getChild("displayname", XMLNS); if (displayname == null) throw new HoneycombTestException("displayname is null (" + epath + "): " + e); String edisplayname = displayname.getValue(); Element create = prop.getChild("creationdate", XMLNS); if (create == null) throw new HoneycombTestException("creationdate is null (" + epath + "): " + e); String ecreate = create.getValue(); Element length = prop.getChild("getcontentlength", XMLNS); if (length == null) throw new HoneycombTestException("getcontentlength is null (" + epath + "): " + e); long llength = Long.parseLong(length.getValue()); // different for dir vs. node String eoid = null; String lastmod = null; int uid = -1; int gid = -1; if (!isCollection) { Element el = prop.getChild("hc-oid", XMLNS); if (el != null) eoid = el.getValue(); el = prop.getChild("getlastmodified", XMLNS); if (el == null) throw new HoneycombTestException( "Not collection but no getlastmodified (" + epath + "): " + e); lastmod = el.getValue(); el = prop.getChild("uid", null); if (el != null) uid = Integer.parseInt(el.getValue()); el = prop.getChild("gid", null); if (el != null) gid = Integer.parseInt(el.getValue()); } // // consistency checks // if (isCollection && (ecttype == null || !ecttype.equals("httpd/unix-directory"))) throw new HoneycombTestException( "Collection but getcontenttype is " + ecttype + " (" + epath + "): " + e); // // add to list // ListResponse lr = new ListResponse( epath, isCollection, ecttype, edisplayname, emode, ecreate, llength, eoid, lastmod, uid, gid); if (isCollection) cr.list.add(lr); else files.add(lr); } } catch (HoneycombTestException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { // Log.ERROR("ex: " + e); // e.printStackTrace(); cr.pass = false; cr.addException(e); } // // sort files into directories => note that // directories are not nested // Iterator it = files.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ListResponse lr = (ListResponse); // // '/' is escaped in attributes, so lastIndexOf('/') // is really the end of the dirs and not e.g. a mimetime // '/' as in "app/xxx". // String dirPath = lr.path.substring(0, lr.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); Iterator it2 = cr.list.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { ListResponse lr2 = (ListResponse); if (lr2.path.equals(dirPath)) { it.remove(); lr2.addFile(lr); break; } } } // shouldn't be any files left over, but just in case if (files.size() > 0) { if (cr.list.size() > 0) { it = files.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ListResponse lr = (ListResponse); Log.INFO("orphan: " + lr.path); } } cr.list.addAll(files); } return cr; }
/** The real "store file" method. */ private CmdResult putFile( String url, // Only one of these two should be given: int nBytes, ReadableByteChannel contents, boolean calcHash, NVPair[] extraHeaders) throws HoneycombTestException, IOException, ModuleException { NVPair[] headers = null; MessageDigest sha = null; if (calcHash) try { sha = MessageDigest.getInstance(HC_HASH); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } CmdResult cr = new CmdResult(); cr.filename = url; byte[] byte_buffer = new byte[BUFSIZE]; ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.wrap(byte_buffer); int toWrite, written = 0; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (contents != null) // If we're not writing from our buffer, don't set Content-type headers = extraHeaders; else if (extraHeaders == null) headers = putHeaders; else { // Need to combine the two arrays NVPair[] newHeaders = new NVPair[putHeaders.length + extraHeaders.length]; int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < putHeaders.length; j++) newHeaders[i++] = putHeaders[j]; for (int j = 0; j < extraHeaders.length; j++) newHeaders[i++] = extraHeaders[j]; headers = newHeaders; } HttpOutputStream out = new HttpOutputStream(); HTTPResponse response = conn.Put(url, out, headers); // Write into the HTTP stream for (; ; ) { if (contents != null) { // Read from the "contents" channel and write it out if ((toWrite = < 0) break; byte[] data = buff.array(); if (sha != null) sha.update(data); out.write(data, 0, toWrite); buff.clear(); } else { // Write from the buffer writeBuf if (written >= nBytes) break; toWrite = nBytes - written; if (toWrite > BUFSIZE) { out.write(writeBuf); written += BUFSIZE; if (sha != null) sha.update(writeBuf); } else { out.write(writeBuf, 0, toWrite); if (sha != null) sha.update(writeBuf, 0, toWrite); break; } } } out.close(); if (response.getStatusCode() >= 300) throw makeTestException("putFile", url, response); cr.mdoid = response.getHeader("ETag"); cr.time = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; cr.pass = true; if (sha != null) cr.datasha1 = HCUtil.convertHashBytesToString(sha.digest()); return cr; }