public static void main(String[] args) { Console c; c = new Console(30, 70); Book b[] = new Book[5]; b[0] = new Book("From Russia With Love", "Greg Hines"); b[1] = new Book("Living Smart", "Rita Langill"); b[2] = new Book("Singing in the Rain", "Harry Conner"); b[3] = new Book("Good Housekeeping", "Pat Burns"); b[4] = new Book("To Be A Model", "Lisa Lahey"); c.println("Available books:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { c.println("Book " + (i + 1) + ": " + b[i]); } Patron p = new Patron("Kick Neenan"); c.println("Lending 4 books to " + p.getName()); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (p.borrow(b[i])) { c.println(b[i].getTitle() + " successfully borrowed."); } else { c.println(b[i].getTitle() + " could not be borrowed."); } } // return books c.println("-------\nAtempting to return the first book:\n--------------"); if (p.returnBook(b[0])) c.println("" + b[0].getTitle() + " successfully returned."); else c.println("" + b[0].getTitle() + " was not borrowed"); c.println("-------\nHere are a list of books currently lent to " + p.getName() + ".\n----"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (p.hasBook(b[i])) c.println("" + b[i]); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { Console c = new Console(); Format f = new Format(); double salaryold = 0, salarynew = 40000, raise = 40000; c.print(Format.justify('r', "Year", 6)); c.print(Format.justify('r', "Old Salary", 15)); c.print(Format.justify('r', "Raise", 11)); c.print(Format.justify('r', "New Salary\n", 17)); c.print(Format.justify('r', "----", 6)); c.print(Format.justify('r', "--- ------", 15)); c.print(Format.justify('r', "-----", 11)); c.print(Format.justify('r', "--- ------\n", 17)); for (int x = 0; x <= 9; x++) { c.print(Format.justify('r', x + 1, 6)); c.print(Format.justify('r', salaryold, 15, 2)); c.print(Format.justify('r', raise, 12, 2)); c.println(Format.justify('r', salarynew, 14, 2)); raise = (salarynew * .03); salaryold = salarynew; salarynew = raise + salaryold; } }