// This behavior differs between Jersey and WPS.  Jersey will  automatically insert the default
  // value for empty numeric and boolean params.  This would be a 400 with WPS.
  // TODO: unify the behavior of the two tests??
  public void testGetEmptyReviewScoreMinParam() throws Exception {

    // effectively, reviewScoreMinThreshold = 0.0
    final ReviewableItemsStatistics response = execGet(String.valueOf(mapId), "", null);

    Assert.assertEquals(mapId, response.getMapId());
    Assert.assertEquals(54, response.getNumTotalItems());
    Assert.assertEquals(16, response.getNumReviewableItems());
    Assert.assertEquals(0, response.getNumReviewedItems());
  public void testGetWithScoreMin() throws Exception {

    final ReviewableItemsStatistics response = execGet(String.valueOf(mapId), "0.928", null);

    Assert.assertEquals(mapId, response.getMapId());
    Assert.assertEquals(54, response.getNumTotalItems());
    Assert.assertEquals(5, response.getNumReviewableItems());
    Assert.assertEquals(3, response.getNumReviewedItems());
  public void testGetByBounds() throws Exception {
    final BoundingBox queryBounds = ReviewTestUtils.createTestQueryBounds();

    final ReviewableItemsStatistics response =
        execGet(String.valueOf(mapId), null, queryBounds.toServicesString());

    Assert.assertEquals(mapId, response.getMapId());
    Assert.assertEquals(54, response.getNumTotalItems());
    // TODO: fix - this should be returning 7 instead; I believe its ignoring way -44, whose review
    // against item is a relation with a node inside the query bounds; oddly enough the review get
    // resource test performs this query correctly, and they use nearly the same query code
    Assert.assertEquals(6, response.getNumReviewableItems());
    Assert.assertEquals(3, response.getNumReviewedItems());