protected GroovyClassLoader buildClassLoaderFor() { // GROOVY-5044 if (!fork && !getIncludeantruntime()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The includeAntRuntime=false option is not compatible with fork=false"); } ClassLoader parent = getIncludeantruntime() ? getClass().getClassLoader() : new AntClassLoader( new RootLoader(EMPTY_URL_ARRAY, null), getProject(), getClasspath()); if (parent instanceof AntClassLoader) { AntClassLoader antLoader = (AntClassLoader) parent; String[] pathElm = antLoader.getClasspath().split(File.pathSeparator); List<String> classpath = configuration.getClasspath(); /* * Iterate over the classpath provided to groovyc, and add any missing path * entries to the AntClassLoader. This is a workaround, since for some reason * 'directory' classpath entries were not added to the AntClassLoader' classpath. */ for (String cpEntry : classpath) { boolean found = false; for (String path : pathElm) { if (cpEntry.equals(path)) { found = true; break; } } /* * fix for GROOVY-2284 * seems like AntClassLoader doesn't check if the file * may not exist in the classpath yet */ if (!found && new File(cpEntry).exists()) { try { antLoader.addPathElement(cpEntry); } catch (BuildException e) { log.warn("The classpath entry " + cpEntry + " is not a valid Java resource"); } } } } GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent, configuration); if (!forceLookupUnnamedFiles) { // in normal case we don't need to do script lookups loader.setResourceLoader( new GroovyResourceLoader() { public URL loadGroovySource(String filename) throws MalformedURLException { return null; } }); } return loader; }
@Override protected ClassLoader getClassLoader() throws ServletException { if (cl == null) { final CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = new CompilerConfiguration(); compilerConfiguration.setRecompileGroovySource(true); cl = new GroovyClassLoader(super.getClassLoader(), compilerConfiguration); String scriptsPath = getServletConfig().getInitParameter("scriptsPath"); if (scriptsPath != null) { // Zemian Deng 2012/11/22 - Allow scriptsPath to set in relative to /WEB-INF folder. if (scriptsPath.startsWith("/WEB-INF")) { scriptsPath = getServletContext().getRealPath(scriptsPath); } final String scriptsPathFinal = scriptsPath; cl.setResourceLoader( new GroovyResourceLoader() { public URL loadGroovySource(final String name) throws MalformedURLException { return (URL) AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { String filename = name.replace('.', '/') + compilerConfiguration.getDefaultScriptExtension(); try { final File file = new File(scriptsPathFinal + "/" + filename); if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile()) { return null; } return new URL("file:///" + scriptsPathFinal + "/" + filename); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } }); } }); } } return cl; }
public void setResourceLoader(GroovyResourceLoader resourceLoader) { delegate.setResourceLoader(resourceLoader); }
private void compileScript( final ScriptSource source, ClassLoader classLoader, CompilerConfiguration configuration, File classesDir, File metadataDir, final CompileOperation<?> extractingTransformer, final Action<? super ClassNode> customVerifier) { final Transformer transformer = extractingTransformer != null ? extractingTransformer.getTransformer() : null; "Compiling {} using {}.", source.getDisplayName(), transformer != null ? transformer.getClass().getSimpleName() : "no transformer"); final EmptyScriptDetector emptyScriptDetector = new EmptyScriptDetector(); final PackageStatementDetector packageDetector = new PackageStatementDetector(); GroovyClassLoader groovyClassLoader = new GroovyClassLoader(classLoader, configuration, false) { @Override protected CompilationUnit createCompilationUnit( CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration, CodeSource codeSource) { ImportCustomizer customizer = new ImportCustomizer(); customizer.addStarImports(defaultImportPackages); compilerConfiguration.addCompilationCustomizers(customizer); CompilationUnit compilationUnit = new CustomCompilationUnit( compilerConfiguration, codeSource, customVerifier, source, this); if (transformer != null) { transformer.register(compilationUnit); } compilationUnit.addPhaseOperation(packageDetector, Phases.CANONICALIZATION); compilationUnit.addPhaseOperation(emptyScriptDetector, Phases.CANONICALIZATION); return compilationUnit; } }; groovyClassLoader.setResourceLoader(NO_OP_GROOVY_RESOURCE_LOADER); String scriptText = source.getResource().getText(); String scriptName = source.getClassName(); GroovyCodeSource codeSource = new GroovyCodeSource(scriptText == null ? "" : scriptText, scriptName, "/groovy/script"); try { groovyClassLoader.parseClass(codeSource, false); } catch (MultipleCompilationErrorsException e) { wrapCompilationFailure(source, e); } catch (CompilationFailedException e) { throw new GradleException(String.format("Could not compile %s.", source.getDisplayName()), e); } if (packageDetector.hasPackageStatement) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( String.format( "%s should not contain a package statement.", StringUtils.capitalize(source.getDisplayName()))); } serializeMetadata( source, extractingTransformer, metadataDir, emptyScriptDetector.isEmptyScript(), emptyScriptDetector.getHasMethods()); }