public void checkDrag() { Land land = (Land) getWorld(); if (Greenfoot.mouseDragged(this)) { MouseInfo mouse = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo(); if (cost <= land.getMoneyAmount()) { if (hasTurret == false) { land.removeObjects(land.getObjects(Radius.class)); machineGun = new MachineGun_Turret(); getWorld().addObject(machineGun, mouse.getX(), mouse.getY()); hasTurret = true; land.setMoneyCounter(-cost); } } if (hasTurret == true) machineGun.setLocation(mouse.getX(), mouse.getY()); } if ((Greenfoot.mouseDragEnded(null)) && (machineGun != null)) { grid(); if (machineGun.checkLocation()) { machineGun.placed = true; hasTurret = false; machineGun = null; } else { land.removeObject(machineGun); machineGun = null; land.setMoneyCounter(cost); hasTurret = false; } } }
@Override public void act() { if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("enter")) { Greenfoot.setWorld(new SkyscraperWorld()); return; } }
/** * Herado de la clase abstracta Boton si se presiono el objecto con el cursor cambia el mundo * donde se encuentra * * @param m musica actual * @param w mundo actual */ public void cambiaMundo(GreenfootSound m, World w) { if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) { Greenfoot.playSound("Click.mp3"); w = new AyudaFondo(m); Greenfoot.setWorld(w); } }
public void act() // sean { if (!played) { burningSteppes.playLoop(); played = !played; } // makeSmokeFireball(); counterDelay++; if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("h") && delay > 10) {; Menu menu = new Menu(getThisWorld()); Greenfoot.setWorld(menu); delay = 0; } if (getObjects(Ninja.class).size() != 0 && counterDelay >= 10) { healthCounter.setValue(ninja.getNINJAHP()); shurikenCounter.setValue(ninja.getSHURIKENNUMBER()); powerCounter.setValue(ninja.getPOWERBAR()); checkDoor(); counterDelay -= 10; /**/ // TEMPORAY FUNCTIONS FOR HAYDEN TO CHANGE LEVELS TO MAKE THEM /**/ /**/ // TEMPORAY FUNCTIONS FOR HAYDEN TO CHANGE LEVELS TO MAKE THEM /**/ } delay++; fireballDelay++; }
public void salir() { if (Greenfoot.mousePressed(this)) /** Cuando se hace click en la imagen aparece una imagen con los Creditose */ { Greenfoot.setWorld(new Creditos()); } }
/** * heredado de la clase abstracta Boton indica si el cursor est sobre el y manda una respuesta * visual * * @param w mundo actual */ public void mouseSobreObjecto(World w) { if (Greenfoot.mouseMoved(this)) { setImage("ICO4.2.png"); } else if (Greenfoot.mouseMoved(w)) { setImage("ICO4.png"); } }
private void movement() { int x = getX(), y = getY(), dir = getRotation(); if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") && x > 10) { setLocation(x - 7, y); setRotation(Math.max(dir - 2, 247)); starsDir(); } else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") && x < 794) { setLocation(x + 7, y); setRotation(Math.min(dir + 2, 293)); starsDir(); } else { setRotation((int) Math.round(-(dir - 270) / 1.8) + dir); starsDir(); } x = getX(); if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up") && y > 70) { setLocation(x, y - 7); } else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down") && y < 660) { setLocation(x, y + 7); } }
public void chanceToBackground() { if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(50) < 1) { add(new Background(), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(150), 0); } if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(50) < 1) { add(new Background(), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(150) + 450, 0); } }
public void Mover() { if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right")) { move(1); } if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left")) { move(-1); } }
public void act() { // if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left")) if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(null)) { Greenfoot.setWorld(new Q3()); } }
/** Checks for mouse movement and changes the background colour of the button accordingly */ public void act() { Color buttonFill = new Color(242, 206, 27); // yellow fill colour if (Greenfoot.mouseMoved(this)) { update(Color.RED); } if (Greenfoot.mouseMoved(getWorld())) { update(buttonFill); } }
public void fireMissle() { if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(1000) < 30) { getWorld() .addObject( new Missile(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(1000), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(150) + 390), getX(), getY()); } }
public void act() { int mouseX, mouseY; if (Greenfoot.mouseDragged(this)) { MouseInfo mouse = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo(); mouseX = mouse.getX(); mouseY = mouse.getY(); setLocation(mouseX, mouseY); } }
public void moveAndTurn() { move(3); if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("a")) { turn(-5); } if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d")) { turn(5); } }
/** * Method which allows for the Reset button on the Death Screen to be clicked. When the button is * clicked the game will restart with a new Flappy Bird. */ public void act() { FlappyWorld startWorld = new FlappyWorld(); // This creates a new FlappyWorld object with a new FlappyBird and all // parts involved in FlappyWorld class. if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this) == true) { // This makes it so when the OK reset button is pressed the world will restart, // and be set to a new FlappyWorld. Greenfoot.setWorld(startWorld); } }
public void createPlatforms(int n) { int random = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (random < 85) addObject( new SimplePlatform(), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(WORLD_WIDTH), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(40) - 20); else if (random < 90) addObject( new SpringPlatform(), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(WORLD_WIDTH), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(40) - 20); else if (random < 95) addObject( new BrittlePlatform(), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(WORLD_WIDTH), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(40) - 20); else addObject( new MovingPlatform(), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(WORLD_WIDTH), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(40) - 20); } }
/** Do the action for this key. */ public void act() { if (!isDown && Greenfoot.isKeyDown(key)) { setImage("white-key-down.png"); isDown = true; play(); } if (isDown && !Greenfoot.isKeyDown(key)) { setImage("white-key.png"); isDown = false; } }
/* * espera que se precione un boton, controla el juego; las barras objetos, dificultado y * el game over */ public void act() { if (opcion == 0) { leeboton(); } if (opcion == 1) { tiempo(); agregaBarra(); agregaObjetos(); cambioDific(); muestraColor.cambia(orbPj.getColAct()); if (orbPj.getGameOver() == 1) { opcion = 2; sound.stop(); record = tiempoActual; eliminaObjetos(); setBackground("gameover.png"); addObject(new Mensaje("ATRAS"), 710, 27); bot5 = new boton(); addObject(bot5, 716, 31); addObject(new Mensaje("PUNTUACION"), 400, 458); total = new Counter(); addObject(total, 401, 502); total.setValue(record); actualizaRecord(); } // System.out.println(orbPj.getGameOver()); } if (opcion == 2) { if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(bot5)) { eliminaObjetos(); opcion = 0; sound2.playLoop(); menu(); } } if (opcion == 3) { if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(bot5)) { opcion = 2; // menu(); } } }
public void act() { // System.out.print("Score:" + score); setImage(new GreenfootImage("Health: 3, Score: " + score, 20, Color.GREEN, Color.BLACK)); // creating next level if (score == level2) { setImage(new GreenfootImage("Level 2 Complete", 18, Color.YELLOW, Color.BLACK)); Greenfoot.delay(200); // timer tampilan // getWorld().removeObject(this); Greenfoot.setWorld(new Level3()); // masuk ke Level3(); } }
private void equipment() { if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("q") && amIntv > 20) { ammoChange(playerAmmunition.get(nextIndex(playerAmmunition, playerAmmo, -1))); amIntv = 0; } else if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("e") && amIntv > 20) { ammoChange(playerAmmunition.get(nextIndex(playerAmmunition, playerAmmo, 1))); amIntv = 0; } amIntv++; }
protected void animateMario() { SWorld sWorld = (SWorld) getWorld(); mLeft = sWorld.minionL; if (mLeft == true && Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left")) { if (getImage() == imageL && imageDelayCount >= imageTime) { setImage(imageML); imageDelayCount = 0; } if (getImage() == imageML && imageDelayCount >= imageTime) { setImage(imageL); imageDelayCount = 0; } if (getImage() == imageR) { setImage(imageL); imageDelayCount = 0; } if (getImage() == imageMR) { setImage(imageL); imageDelayCount = 0; } } if (mLeft == true && Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") == false) { setImage(imageL); } if (mLeft == false && Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right")) { if (getImage() == imageR && imageDelayCount >= imageTime) { setImage(imageMR); imageDelayCount = 0; } if (getImage() == imageMR && imageDelayCount >= imageTime) { setImage(imageR); imageDelayCount = 0; } if (getImage() == imageL) { setImage(imageR); imageDelayCount = 0; } if (getImage() == imageML) { setImage(imageR); imageDelayCount = 0; } } if (mLeft == false && Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") == false) { setImage(imageR); } }
/* public void makeSmokeFireball() { if (delay > 100) { int randomNumber = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(1000); if (randomNumber < 50) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 500, 475); delay = 0; } if (randomNumber >= 50 && randomNumber < 100) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 95, 661); delay = 0; } if (randomNumber >= 100 && randomNumber < 150) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 160, 493); delay = 0; } if (randomNumber >= 150 && randomNumber < 200) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 637, 423); delay = 0; } if (randomNumber >= 200 && randomNumber < 250) { SmokeFireball smokeFireball = new SmokeFireball(); addObject(smokeFireball, 422, 285); delay = 0; } } } */ public void checkDoor() // sean { if (ninja.checkInfernoDoor() == true) { burningSteppes.stop(); Greenfoot.setWorld(new Inferno2(ninja)); } }
public Flame(boolean s, boolean o, boolean z) { initialiseImages(); small = s; burnOil = o; burnZombie = z; lastImage = (60 - Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(10)); }
public void updateScoreForTankKill() { score.changeScore(+1); if (score.getScore() == 5) { for (int b = 0; b < 10; b++) { int x = 100; addObject(new Enemy(), x, y); y = y + 50; } } else if (score.getScore() == 15) { addObject(new Plane(), getWidth() / 8, getHeight() / 2); } else if (score.getScore() == 16) { for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) { int x = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(100); addObject(new Plane(), x, y); y = y + 300; } } else if (score.getScore() == 18) { addObject(new Plane(), getWidth() / 8, getHeight() / 2 - 100); addObject(new Plane(), getWidth() / 8, getHeight() / 2 + 200); for (int b = 0; b < 5; b++) { int x = 100; addObject(new Enemy(), x, y); y = y + 150; } } else if (score.getScore() == 25) { } }
public void act() { Mover(); darPosicao(); if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space")) { Atirar(); } }
/** * entfernt die Mine und erzeugt 8 Splitter die in alle Richtungen fliegen soll später zusätzlich * sound abspielen und explosion darstellen */ public void detonate() { int shrapnelnumber = 0; // erstellt 8 Splitter die nach der Detonation in alle Richtungen fliegen; while (shrapnelnumber != 8) { int shrapnelarc = shrapnelnumber * 45; Shrapnel name = new Shrapnel(shrapnelarc, shrapnelspeed); getWorld().addObject(name, this.getX(), this.getY()); shrapnelnumber++; } this.setImage("explosion.gif"); Greenfoot.playSound("explosion.wav"); Greenfoot.delay(3); getWorld().removeObject(this); }
private void Special() { if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("r") && specialShotInt > 120 && Spammo > 0) { addObjectAtOffset(new ChargeBeam(this), getX(), getY(), 80, getRotation()); w.addObject(new CoolDown(ACT2SEC(120)), 845, 640); Greenfoot.playSound("Laser_Cannon.mp3"); // !--------------!\\ specialShotInt = 0; shotInterval = -78; Spammo--; SpammoUI.addPoints(-1); } specialShotInt++; }
public void checkTPress() // this method whether T key is being pressed o not and move the object // according do following. { if (alive) // check if the ship alive { DeepSpace myDeepSpace = (DeepSpace) getWorld(); // get referance to the DeepSpace class FuelTank myFuelTank = myDeepSpace .myFuelTank(); // use myFuelTank method that return reference of FuelTank class. So // you can call method of Fueltank class. if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("t") && !myFuelTank .empty()) // if "t" key is being pressed by user and if i have enough fuel, do // following. { move(3); // move forward direction of object setImage("rocket.png"); // set the image rocket that seems like burning fuel. myFuelTank .burn(); // call the Fueltank class method in order to decrese level of fuel on screen } else setImage("rocket_noThrust.png"); // if no key is being press than set the regular picture. } }
/** * Act - do whatever the Desicion wants to do. This method is called whenever the 'Act' or 'Run' * button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { MouseInfo mouse = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo(); if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) { if (mouse.getButton() == 3) // right-click { construyeDialogo(); } else { if (((WActividades) getWorld()).mousePresionado) { ((WActividades) getWorld()).agregaPunto(getX(), getY(), true); ((WActividades) getWorld()).mousePresionado = false; } } } else if (Greenfoot.mousePressed(this)) { ((WActividades) getWorld()).agregaPunto(getX(), getY(), false); ((WActividades) getWorld()).mousePresionado = true; } }
public Flame(int r, int d, boolean s, boolean o) { initialiseImages(); small = s; burnOil = o; setRotation(r); addForce(new Vector(r, d)); lastImage = (60 - Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(10)); }