public List_adp Load(
      Xomp_mgr_db mgr_db, String machine_name, List_adp list, int list_idx, int list_len) {
    List_adp rv = List_adp_.New();

    // add remaining pages from old pool to new_pool;
    for (int i = list_idx; i < list_len; ++i) {
      rv.Add((Xomp_page_itm) list.Get_at(i));

    // load pages into new pool
    Xomp_lock_mgr lock_mgr = mgr_db.Lock_mgr();
    int uid_db = lock_mgr.Uid_prv__get(machine_name);
    if (uid_db == Xomp_lock_mgr__fsys.Uid__eos)
      return rv; // assert that uids must be incrementally larger; handle one machine reaching end,
                 // and putting -1 in queue;
    int uid_new = 0;
    try {
      uid_new = this.Load_from_db(rv, uid_db);
    } finally {
      lock_mgr.Uid_prv__rls(machine_name, uid_new);
    if (show_msg__fetched_pool)
          "", "", "fetched new pool: old=~{0} new=~{1}", uid_db, uid_new);
    return rv;