예제 #1
  @Ignore // timeout no longer works for the primary viewdef for now
  public void testTimeout() throws Exception {
    // should take 1s to render this
    ViewDef view = new TestViewDef();
    view.addQuery(new DataGeneratorQuery("id", "1st", 10, 5).setDelay(1000));

    // set the renderer to timeout in 500ms
    assertEquals(500, runner.getTimeoutMS());

    try {
      fail("Expected timeout");
    } catch (FrameExecException ex) {
      // timeout exception should be thrown (wrapped by a RenderException)
      assertEquals(TimeoutException.class, ex.getCause().getClass());
예제 #2
  public void testUINotifyAppender() throws Exception {
    DummyFrameAction act = DummyFrameAction.INSTANCE;

    // setup JMS topic/connection/session
    String brokerURL =
    ConnectionFactory fact = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(brokerURL);
    Connection conn = fact.createConnection();
    Session sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

    // setup a JMS template
    JmsTemplate tpl = new JmsTemplate(fact);
    Topic dest = sess.createTopic("ui.notify");
    MessageConsumer consumer = sess.createConsumer(dest);

    // configure the runner
    runner.setTimeoutMS(60000); // 1m

    // create a viewdef with a nested UINotifier viewdef that should be done in 100ms
    // the rest of the time (10x100ms) should run in parallel and be done in 200ms;
    ((DataGeneratorQuery) vd.getPrimaryQuery()).setDelay(100);
    ViewDef view = new TestViewDef();
    DataGeneratorQuery q1 = view.addQuery(new DataGeneratorQuery("id", "1st", 10, 5).setDelay(150));
    UINotifyQueryMapper q2 = view.addQuery(new UINotifyQueryMapper("subview", vd));

    // query should be done in ~150ms, rest will take another 200ms
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    FrameTask task = runner.exec(view);
    RenderTask q = task.getAction(ViewRenderAction.class).getResults();
    assertTrue(task.getTotalTimeMS() <= 200); // generous fudge factor
    assertEquals(task.getTotalTimeMS(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - start), 50);

    // should return 10 placeholder values
    assertEquals(10, q.size());
    assertEquals(1, q1.execCount);
    List<String> uuids = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < q.size(); i++) {
      Object subview = q.getCellIdx(i, "subview");
      assertTrue(subview instanceof String);

    // expecting the main task to have a single subtask (RenderTask)
    assertEquals(1, task.getSubTasks().size());
    assertTrue(task.getSubTasks().get(0) instanceof RenderTask);
    assertSame(q, task.getSubTasks().get(0));
    assertEquals(1, q.getSubTasks().size());

    // main render task has one empty subtask for the UINotifyQueryMapper
    RenderTask task2 = (RenderTask) q.getSubTasks().get(0);
    assertSame(q2, task2.getQuery());
    assertEquals(0, task2.getSubTasks().size());

    // check that the JMS topic has 10 items on it, with the corresponding UUIDs
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      Message msg = consumer.receive(500);
      String uuid = msg.getStringProperty("uid");
    assertNull(consumer.receiveNoWait()); // nothing left

    // vd should have been executed 10x and found all UUIDs
    DataGeneratorQuery q3 = (DataGeneratorQuery) vd.getPrimaryQuery();
    assertEquals(10, q3.execCount);
    assertEquals(0, uuids.size());