public void sendBye(String localSipURL, String remoteSipURL, ChatSession chatSession) { // Send a Bye only if there were exchanged messages!!! if (chatSession.isEstablishedSession()) { try { logger.debug("Sending a BYE in progress to " + remoteSipURL); SipProvider sipProvider = imUA.getSipProvider(); javax.sip.Dialog dialog = chatSession.getDialog(); Request request = dialog.createRequest(Request.BYE); // ProxyAuthorization header if not null: ProxyAuthorizationHeader proxyAuthHeader = imUA.getProxyAuthorizationHeader(); if (proxyAuthHeader != null) request.setHeader(proxyAuthHeader); ClientTransaction clientTransaction = sipProvider.getNewClientTransaction(request); dialog.sendRequest(clientTransaction); logger.debug("BYE sent:\n" + request); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { logger.debug("BYE not sent because of no exchanged messages!!!"); } }
public void processOK(Response responseCloned, ClientTransaction clientTransaction) { DebugIM.println("Processing OK for MESSAGE in progress..."); if (clientTransaction == null) { // This could occur if this is a retransmission of the OK. DebugIM.println("ERROR, IMProcessing, processOK(), the transaction is null"); return; } InstantMessagingGUI instantMessagingGUI = imUA.getInstantMessagingGUI(); ListenerInstantMessaging listenerInstantMessaging = instantMessagingGUI.getListenerInstantMessaging(); ChatSessionManager chatSessionManager = listenerInstantMessaging.getChatSessionManager(); ChatSession chatSession = null; Dialog dialog = clientTransaction.getDialog(); if (dialog == null) { DebugIM.println("ERROR, IMProcessing, processOK(), the dialog is null"); return; } String fromURL = IMUtilities.getKey(responseCloned, "To"); if (chatSessionManager.hasAlreadyChatSession(fromURL)) { chatSession = chatSessionManager.getChatSession(fromURL); chatSession.displayLocalText(); // WE remove the text typed: chatSession.removeSentText(); if (chatSession.isEstablishedSession()) { } else { DebugIM.println("DEBUG, IMMessageProcessing, we mark the " + " session established"); chatSession.setDialog(dialog); chatSession.setEstablishedSession(true); } } else { // This is a bug!!! DebugIM.println("Error: IMMessageProcessing, processOK(), the chatSession is null"); } DebugIM.println("Processing OK for MESSAGE completed..."); }
public void processMessage(Request request, ServerTransaction serverTransaction) { try { SipProvider sipProvider = imUA.getSipProvider(); MessageFactory messageFactory = imUA.getMessageFactory(); HeaderFactory headerFactory = imUA.getHeaderFactory(); AddressFactory addressFactory = imUA.getAddressFactory(); InstantMessagingGUI instantMessagingGUI = imUA.getInstantMessagingGUI(); ListenerInstantMessaging listenerInstantMessaging = instantMessagingGUI.getListenerInstantMessaging(); ChatSessionManager chatSessionManager = listenerInstantMessaging.getChatSessionManager(); ChatSession chatSession = null; String fromURL = IMUtilities.getKey(request, "From"); if (chatSessionManager.hasAlreadyChatSession(fromURL)) chatSession = chatSessionManager.getChatSession(fromURL); else chatSession = chatSessionManager.createChatSession(fromURL); DebugIM.println("IMMessageProcessing, processMEssage(), ChatSession:" + chatSession); DebugIM.println("Processing MESSAGE in progress..."); // Send an OK Response response = messageFactory.createResponse(Response.OK, request); // Contact header: SipURI sipURI = addressFactory.createSipURI(null, imUA.getIMAddress()); sipURI.setPort(imUA.getIMPort()); sipURI.setTransportParam(imUA.getIMProtocol()); Address contactAddress = addressFactory.createAddress(sipURI); ContactHeader contactHeader = headerFactory.createContactHeader(contactAddress); response.setHeader(contactHeader); ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) response.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME); if (toHeader.getTag() == null) { // It is the first message without a TO tag toHeader.setTag(new Integer((int) (Math.random() * 10000)).toString()); } if (chatSession.isEstablishedSession()) { DebugIM.println("The Session already exists"); serverTransaction.sendResponse(response); DebugIM.println("OK replied to the MESSAGE:\n" + response.toString()); } else { DebugIM.println("The Session does not exists yet. "); serverTransaction.sendResponse(response); DebugIM.println("OK replied to the MESSAGE:\n" + response.toString()); Dialog dialog = serverTransaction.getDialog(); if (dialog == null) { DebugIM.println("ERROR, IMProcessing, processMessage(), the dialog is null"); return; } // We need to store the dialog: chatSession.setDialog(dialog); chatSession.setEstablishedSession(true); DebugIM.println("The DIALOG object has been stored in the ChatSession"); } Object content = request.getContent(); String text = null; if (content instanceof String) text = (String) content; else if (content instanceof byte[]) { text = new String((byte[]) content); } else { } if (text != null) { chatSession.displayRemoteText(text); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public void sendMessage( String localSipURL, String remoteSipURL, String text, ChatSession chatSession) { try { DebugIM.println("IMMessageProcessing, ChatSession:" + chatSession); DebugIM.println("Sending a MESSAGE in progress to " + remoteSipURL); SipProvider sipProvider = imUA.getSipProvider(); MessageFactory messageFactory = imUA.getMessageFactory(); HeaderFactory headerFactory = imUA.getHeaderFactory(); AddressFactory addressFactory = imUA.getAddressFactory(); String proxyAddress = imUA.getProxyAddress(); SipURI requestURI = null; if (proxyAddress != null) { requestURI = addressFactory.createSipURI(null, proxyAddress); requestURI.setPort(imUA.getProxyPort()); requestURI.setTransportParam(imUA.getIMProtocol()); } else { requestURI = (SipURI) addressFactory.createURI(remoteSipURL); requestURI.setTransportParam(imUA.getIMProtocol()); } // Call-Id: CallIdHeader callIdHeader = null; // CSeq: CSeqHeader cseqHeader = null; // To header: ToHeader toHeader = null; // From Header: FromHeader fromHeader = null; // Via header String branchId = Utils.generateBranchId(); ViaHeader viaHeader = headerFactory.createViaHeader( imUA.getIMAddress(), imUA.getIMPort(), imUA.getIMProtocol(), branchId); Vector viaList = new Vector(); viaList.addElement(viaHeader); // MaxForwards header: MaxForwardsHeader maxForwardsHeader = headerFactory.createMaxForwardsHeader(70); Dialog dialog = chatSession.getDialog(); if (chatSession.isEstablishedSession()) { DebugIM.println( "DEBUG, IMMessageProcessing, sendMessage(), we get" + " the DIALOG from the ChatSession"); Address localAddress = dialog.getLocalParty(); Address remoteAddress = dialog.getRemoteParty(); // if (dialog.isServer()) { // We received the first MESSAGE fromHeader = headerFactory.createFromHeader(localAddress, dialog.getLocalTag()); toHeader = headerFactory.createToHeader(remoteAddress, dialog.getRemoteTag()); // } // else { // } int cseq = dialog.getLocalSequenceNumber(); DebugIM.println("the cseq number got from the dialog:" + cseq); cseqHeader = headerFactory.createCSeqHeader(cseq, "MESSAGE"); callIdHeader = dialog.getCallId(); } else { DebugIM.println( "DEBUG, IMMessageProcessing, sendMessage(), the " + " session has not been established yet! We create the first message"); // To header: Address toAddress = addressFactory.createAddress(remoteSipURL); // From Header: Address fromAddress = addressFactory.createAddress(localSipURL); // We have to initiate the dialog: means to create the From tag String localTag = Utils.generateTag(); fromHeader = headerFactory.createFromHeader(fromAddress, localTag); toHeader = headerFactory.createToHeader(toAddress, null); // CSeq: cseqHeader = headerFactory.createCSeqHeader(1, "MESSAGE"); // Call-ID: callIdCounter++; callIdHeader = (CallIdHeader) headerFactory.createCallIdHeader("nist-sip-im-message-callId" + callIdCounter); } // Content-Type: ContentTypeHeader contentTypeHeader = headerFactory.createContentTypeHeader("text", "plain"); contentTypeHeader.setParameter("charset", "UTF-8"); Request request = messageFactory.createRequest( requestURI, "MESSAGE", callIdHeader, cseqHeader, fromHeader, toHeader, viaList, maxForwardsHeader, contentTypeHeader, text); // Contact header: SipURI sipURI = addressFactory.createSipURI(null, imUA.getIMAddress()); sipURI.setPort(imUA.getIMPort()); sipURI.setTransportParam(imUA.getIMProtocol()); Address contactAddress = addressFactory.createAddress(sipURI); ContactHeader contactHeader = headerFactory.createContactHeader(contactAddress); request.setHeader(contactHeader); // ProxyAuthorization header if not null: ProxyAuthorizationHeader proxyAuthHeader = imUA.getProxyAuthorizationHeader(); if (proxyAuthHeader != null) request.setHeader(proxyAuthHeader); ClientTransaction clientTransaction = sipProvider.getNewClientTransaction(request); if (chatSession.isEstablishedSession()) { dialog.sendRequest(clientTransaction); DebugIM.println( "IMessageProcessing, sendMessage(), MESSAGE sent" + " using the dialog:\n" + request); } else { clientTransaction.sendRequest(); DebugIM.println( "IMessageProcessing, sendMessage(), MESSAGE sent" + " using a new client transaction:\n" + request); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }