private void makePartialDiskTerrainConformant( DrawContext dc, int numCoords, float[] verts, double altitude, boolean terrainConformant, Vec4 referenceCenter) { Globe globe = dc.getGlobe(); Matrix transform = this.computeTransform(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); for (int i = 0; i < numCoords; i += 3) { Vec4 vec = new Vec4(verts[i], verts[i + 1], verts[i + 2]); vec = vec.transformBy4(transform); Position p = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); double elevation = altitude; if (terrainConformant) elevation += this.computeElevationAt(dc, p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude()); vec = globe.computePointFromPosition(p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude(), elevation); verts[i] = (float) (vec.x - referenceCenter.x); verts[i + 1] = (float) (vec.y - referenceCenter.y); verts[i + 2] = (float) (vec.z - referenceCenter.z); } }
private void makeRadialWallTerrainConformant( DrawContext dc, int pillars, int stacks, float[] verts, double[] altitudes, boolean[] terrainConformant, Vec4 referenceCenter) { Globe globe = dc.getGlobe(); Matrix transform = this.computeTransform(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); for (int p = 0; p <= pillars; p++) { int index = p; index = 3 * index; Vec4 vec = new Vec4(verts[index], verts[index + 1], verts[index + 2]); vec = vec.transformBy4(transform); Position pos = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); for (int s = 0; s <= stacks; s++) { double elevation = altitudes[s]; if (terrainConformant[s]) elevation += this.computeElevationAt(dc, pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude()); vec = globe.computePointFromPosition(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), elevation); index = p + s * (pillars + 1); index = 3 * index; verts[index] = (float) (vec.x - referenceCenter.x); verts[index + 1] = (float) (vec.y - referenceCenter.y); verts[index + 2] = (float) (vec.z - referenceCenter.z); } } }
private void makePartialCylinderTerrainConformant( DrawContext dc, int slices, int stacks, float[] verts, double[] altitudes, boolean[] terrainConformant, Vec4 referenceCenter) { Globe globe = dc.getGlobe(); Matrix transform = this.computeTransform(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); for (int i = 0; i <= slices; i++) { int index = i * (stacks + 1); index = 3 * index; Vec4 vec = new Vec4(verts[index], verts[index + 1], verts[index + 2]); vec = vec.transformBy4(transform); Position p = globe.computePositionFromPoint(vec); for (int j = 0; j <= stacks; j++) { double elevation = altitudes[j]; if (terrainConformant[j]) elevation += this.computeElevationAt(dc, p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude()); vec = globe.computePointFromPosition(p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude(), elevation); index = j + i * (stacks + 1); index = 3 * index; verts[index] = (float) (vec.x - referenceCenter.x); verts[index + 1] = (float) (vec.y - referenceCenter.y); verts[index + 2] = (float) (vec.z - referenceCenter.z); } } }
@SuppressWarnings({"RedundantIfStatement"}) public boolean isInView(DrawContext dc) { if (!viewFrustum.intersects(this.getExtent(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration()))) return false; // Check apparent size if (getSizeInPixels(dc) <= MIN_CELL_SIZE_PIXELS) return false; return true; }
@Override protected void doRender(DrawContext dc) { if (!loaded) { loaded = true; loadAttempts++; downloadData(); } if (lastVerticalExaggeration != dc.getVerticalExaggeration() || lastGlobe != dc.getGlobe()) { lastVerticalExaggeration = dc.getVerticalExaggeration(); lastGlobe = dc.getGlobe(); recalculateVertices(lastGlobe, lastVerticalExaggeration); recalculateColors(); } GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); int push = GL2.GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT; if (colors != null) { push |= GL2.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; } if (getOpacity() < 1.0) { push |= GL2.GL_CURRENT_BIT; } gl.glPushClientAttrib(push); if (colors != null) { gl.glEnableClientState(GL2.GL_COLOR_ARRAY); gl.glColorPointer(4, GL2.GL_DOUBLE, 0, colors.rewind()); } if (getOpacity() < 1.0) { setBlendingFunction(dc); } gl.glEnableClientState(GL2.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL2.GL_DOUBLE, 0, vertices.rewind()); gl.glDrawElements( GL2.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, indices.limit(), GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indices.rewind()); gl.glColor4d(1, 1, 1, 1); gl.glPopClientAttrib(); }
protected static boolean isNameVisible( DrawContext dc, PlaceNameService service, Position namePosition) { double elevation = dc.getVerticalExaggeration() * namePosition.getElevation(); Vec4 namePoint = dc.getGlobe() .computePointFromPosition( namePosition.getLatitude(), namePosition.getLongitude(), elevation); Vec4 eyeVec = dc.getView().getEyePoint(); double dist = eyeVec.distanceTo3(namePoint); return dist >= service.getMinDisplayDistance() && dist <= service.getMaxDisplayDistance(); }
private boolean needToSplit(DrawContext dc, Sector sector) { Vec4[] corners = sector.computeCornerPoints(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); Vec4 centerPoint = sector.computeCenterPoint(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); View view = dc.getView(); double d1 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo3(corners[0]); double d2 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo3(corners[1]); double d3 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo3(corners[2]); double d4 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo3(corners[3]); double d5 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo3(centerPoint); double minDistance = d1; if (d2 < minDistance) minDistance = d2; if (d3 < minDistance) minDistance = d3; if (d4 < minDistance) minDistance = d4; if (d5 < minDistance) minDistance = d5; double cellSize = (Math.PI * sector.getDeltaLatRadians() * dc.getGlobe().getRadius()) / 20; // TODO return !(Math.log10(cellSize) <= (Math.log10(minDistance) - this.splitScale)); }
/** * Compute the lat/lon position of the view center * * @param dc the current DrawContext * @param view the current View * @return the ground position of the view center or null */ protected Position computeGroundPosition(DrawContext dc, View view) { if (view == null) return null; Position groundPos = view.computePositionFromScreenPoint( view.getViewport().getWidth() / 2, view.getViewport().getHeight() / 2); if (groundPos == null) return null; double elevation = dc.getGlobe().getElevation(groundPos.getLatitude(), groundPos.getLongitude()); return new Position( groundPos.getLatitude(), groundPos.getLongitude(), elevation * dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); }
private void drawBoundingVolumes(DrawContext dc, ArrayList<MercatorTextureTile> tiles) { float[] previousColor = new float[4]; dc.getGL().glGetFloatv(GL.GL_CURRENT_COLOR, previousColor, 0); dc.getGL().glColor3d(0, 1, 0); for (MercatorTextureTile tile : tiles) { ((Cylinder) tile.getExtent(dc)).render(dc); } Cylinder c = dc.getGlobe() .computeBoundingCylinder(dc.getVerticalExaggeration(), this.levels.getSector()); dc.getGL().glColor3d(1, 1, 0); c.render(dc); dc.getGL().glColor4fv(previousColor, 0); }
protected void doRenderGeometry(DrawContext dc, String drawStyle) { if (dc == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (dc.getGL() == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawingContextGLIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } double[] angles = this.computeAngles(); // Angles are equal, fallback to drawing a closed cylinder. if (angles == null) { super.doRenderGeometry(dc, drawStyle); return; } double[] altitudes = this.getAltitudes(dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); boolean[] terrainConformant = this.isTerrainConforming(); double[] radii = this.getRadii(); int slices = this.getSlices(); int stacks = this.getStacks(); int loops = this.getLoops(); if (this.isEnableLevelOfDetail()) { DetailLevel level = this.computeDetailLevel(dc); Object o = level.getValue(SLICES); if (o != null && o instanceof Integer) slices = (Integer) o; o = level.getValue(STACKS); if (o != null && o instanceof Integer) stacks = (Integer) o; o = level.getValue(LOOPS); if (o != null && o instanceof Integer) loops = (Integer) o; o = level.getValue(DISABLE_TERRAIN_CONFORMANCE); if (o != null && o instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean) o)) terrainConformant[0] = terrainConformant[1] = false; } Vec4 referenceCenter = this.computeReferenceCenter(dc); this.setExpiryTime(this.nextExpiryTime(dc, terrainConformant)); this.clearElevationMap(); GL gl = dc.getGL(); OGLStackHandler ogsh = new OGLStackHandler(); try { dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, referenceCenter); if (Airspace.DRAW_STYLE_OUTLINE.equals(drawStyle)) { this.drawRadialWallOutline( dc, radii, angles[0], altitudes, terrainConformant, loops, stacks, GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, referenceCenter); this.drawRadialWallOutline( dc, radii, angles[1], altitudes, terrainConformant, loops, stacks, GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, referenceCenter); // Outer cylinder isn't rendered if outer radius is zero. if (radii[1] != 0.0) { this.drawPartialCylinderOutline( dc, radii[1], altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks, GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter); } // Inner cylinder isn't rendered if inner radius is zero. if (radii[0] != 0.0) { this.drawPartialCylinderOutline( dc, radii[0], altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks, GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter); } } else if (Airspace.DRAW_STYLE_FILL.equals(drawStyle)) { if (this.isEnableCaps()) { ogsh.pushAttrib(gl, GL.GL_POLYGON_BIT); gl.glEnable(GL.GL_CULL_FACE); gl.glFrontFace(GL.GL_CCW); } if (this.isEnableCaps()) { // Caps aren't rendered if radii are equal. if (radii[0] != radii[1]) { this.drawPartialDisk( dc, radii, altitudes[1], terrainConformant[1], slices, loops, GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter); // Bottom cap isn't rendered if airspace is collapsed. if (!this.isAirspaceCollapsed()) { this.drawPartialDisk( dc, radii, altitudes[0], terrainConformant[0], slices, loops, GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter); } } } // Cylinders aren't rendered if airspace is collapsed. if (!this.isAirspaceCollapsed()) { this.drawRadialWall( dc, radii, angles[0], altitudes, terrainConformant, loops, stacks, GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, referenceCenter); this.drawRadialWall( dc, radii, angles[1], altitudes, terrainConformant, loops, stacks, GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, referenceCenter); // Outer cylinder isn't rendered if outer radius is zero. if (radii[1] != 0.0) { this.drawPartialCylinder( dc, radii[1], altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks, GeometryBuilder.OUTSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter); } // Inner cylinder isn't rendered if inner radius is zero. if (radii[0] != 0.0) { this.drawPartialCylinder( dc, radii[0], altitudes, terrainConformant, slices, stacks, GeometryBuilder.INSIDE, angles[0], angles[2], referenceCenter); } } } } finally { dc.getView().popReferenceCenter(dc); ogsh.pop(gl); } }
protected void doRenderGeometry( DrawContext dc, String drawStyle, List<LatLon> locations, List<Boolean> edgeFlags) { if (dc == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (dc.getGL() == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawingContextGLIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (locations == null) { String message = "nullValue.LocationsIsNull"; Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } if (locations.size() == 0) return; double[] altitudes = this.getAltitudes(dc.getVerticalExaggeration()); boolean[] terrainConformant = this.isTerrainConforming(); boolean enableCaps = this.isEnableCaps(); int subdivisions = this.subdivisions; if (this.getAltitudeDatum()[0].equals(AVKey.ABOVE_GROUND_REFERENCE) || this.getAltitudeDatum()[1].equals(AVKey.ABOVE_GROUND_REFERENCE)) { this.adjustForGroundReference(dc, terrainConformant, altitudes); } if (this.isEnableLevelOfDetail()) { DetailLevel level = this.computeDetailLevel(dc); Object o = level.getValue(SUBDIVISIONS); if (o != null && o instanceof Integer) subdivisions = (Integer) o; o = level.getValue(DISABLE_TERRAIN_CONFORMANCE); if (o != null && o instanceof Boolean && (Boolean) o) terrainConformant[0] = terrainConformant[1] = false; } Vec4 referenceCenter = this.computeReferenceCenter(dc); this.setExpiryTime(this.nextExpiryTime(dc, terrainConformant)); this.clearElevationMap(); GL gl = dc.getGL(); OGLStackHandler ogsh = new OGLStackHandler(); try { dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, referenceCenter); if (Airspace.DRAW_STYLE_FILL.equals(drawStyle)) { if (enableCaps && !this.isAirspaceCollapsed()) { ogsh.pushAttrib(gl, GL.GL_POLYGON_BIT); gl.glEnable(GL.GL_CULL_FACE); gl.glFrontFace(GL.GL_CCW); } this.drawPolygonFill( dc, locations, edgeFlags, altitudes, terrainConformant, enableCaps, subdivisions, referenceCenter); } else if (Airspace.DRAW_STYLE_OUTLINE.equals(drawStyle)) { this.drawPolygonOutline( dc, locations, edgeFlags, altitudes, terrainConformant, enableCaps, subdivisions, referenceCenter); } } finally { dc.getView().popReferenceCenter(dc); ogsh.pop(gl); } }